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Hopefully Julie
Kavner next. Her Marge voice is awful now
Is milhouse a meme?
Half of the VAs still sound like shit. Obviously some stuff have it, but most (mainly marge) just sound old and busted.
They just need to train ai voices on the seasons from 5-20 or whatever, and use that instead. And re-train every season or two to keep up with advancing ai voice technology.
Milhouse was never a meme
What happened to voice actors having to be the gender or race of their character? Representation matters.
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Harry Shearer is so old that he can't do Mr. Burns anymore. It's Yeardley Smith, Nancy Cartwright, and Hank Azaria holding it down now. Everyone else is ready to be put out to pasture.
Billy West ain't sounding too good now either, which really makes me sad.
Nick Mullen does a better Homer Simpson than Dan Castellaneta does now.
They should fire the whole cast and use AI trained on their voices from the late 90's.
Is Mr. Burns just not in eps anymore or does it sound like shit like Marge?
Sexy Ronald Reagan
It's the only way, really.
If I've learned anything from The Simpsons it's that voicing cartoon characters destroys your vocal cords harder than screamo. Kavner sounds like she's had a tracheostomy.
Or just end the fucking show
Yeah that's a better idea
So what happens? Milhouse, Jimbo and Rod and Todd just die?
The latter. Watch a clip of the Oppenheimer episode on YT. It's not just bad, it's almost upsetting.
That would be an interesting way of doing it.
They keep going, never introducing any new characters, when a VA dies in real life all their characters die too.
As the years go by we'll see fewer and fewer people in Springfield.
Holy fuck both voices are grim.
use AI to write the episodes while you are at it. Just train it with the earlier seasons and the comcis
Imagine her in bed doing the voice.
doesn't even sound remotely like Mr Burns
maybe it is time for AI to replace all these old people
AI can probably write, voice and animate it at this point. Disney could pump out 1000 episodes a year.
why would you care? are you actually admitting to watching modern simpsons?
They sound so fucking old
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I love The Simpsons. Fuck off
It's kinda crazy how many jobs would be lost if simpsons ended. It's one big retirement fund at this point
How old are you? I haven't watched a new episode since probably '06, I was in my 20s and had grown up on the Simpsons. The movie that came out a year later was dumb too
Who does Skinner? God that sounds so bad.
I still watch zombsimps. I too love the Simpsons.
Fuck AI. It's not like anyone should still be watching the show anyway. Just end the damn thing.
Simpsons is basically Looney Tunes or Mickey Mouse and Friends now. They'll still be doing it when you're an old man.
Shearer. He's 80 years old and doesn't sound a day younger.
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>Mr. Burn's voice actor Harry Shearer is now as old as Burns himself 80
these people are in their mid 40s or 50s bro no joke
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Just download all the actors voices onto a hard drive and let AI write the episodes
So do I, that's why I hate this disgusting retarded corpse they keep pushing out because dipshits overseas want more of it.
>we'll pay you the same if you just let us use AI for your voice instead
yjk this is on the table
really? is it big in china
of course that's not sustainable and they'll cut their pay eventually
what are they gonna do drag it out in court in their 80s
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The executors of their estate might.
Who the fuck overseas is watching this?
>Nozawa's screams aren't good anymore
feels bad man
Homer voice and Mr. Burns voices sound rough these days too
Just get Nick Mullen to replace them all he does the voices better than the original actors now.
it'll be intrestringly boring the coming years of aging actors and ai litigation
marge sound like she been chewing on glass and smoking 12 packs a day
Holy shit is this real? Fuck me, why do they even keep this corpse of a show alive anymore?
Julie Kavner makes the Church of Scientology too much money to allow her to stop
>Cartwright is the Scientology, not Kavner
You don't know she isn't
baskin roberts
I haven’t watched The Simpsons since the mid 90’s. I remember when I was a little kid and it came out at the same time as Cops and me and my friend Shawn would watch those shows religiously on his satellite TV and a few years later when Doom came out followed by Super Nintendo I only watched the show sporadically. Is it still good?
>Is it still good?
Not really unless its a Treehouse of Horror episode.
The whole thing was lame, but the die "joke" was the nail in the coffin. Please put it to rest already.
At this point they should just use AI, because it has just about as much soul
Jesus Christ, this is awful though somehow still less objectionable than the replacements for Carl, Dr Hibbert and anyone black.
I’m the same as Bart should be, 45. I remember when it first came out than moved to Thursdays for some stupid reason before going back to Sunday. I had a Simpsons shirt which school made me wear inside out because was “offensive.” Now got trannies at school.
>everything's comin' in millhouse
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Simpsons has always had a big Australian following for being on at 6pm every night on FTA TV for like 2 decades
it's bad, but not as bad as marge
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What the fuck. There's literally no reason not to just recast them when they sound this different from the characters. It doesn't even pass as a good impression if themselves.
The actress who plays Marge always had a natural speaking voice that sounded like an old lady with emphysema since the beginning anyway so it’s not like she sounds that much different now
They should cancel the show now, it's had it's day and has earned its place in history. Get as much of the original cast back as possible for one final season then lights out.
I noticed Trey Parker and Seth McFarlane are kinda sounding hoarse lately and like they can’t do some of the characters properly suddenly, I’m starting to think keeping cartoons on the air for 30-40 decades with the same actor was a mistake. Do popular cartoon shows just not end anymore? Why does south park, family guy and the simpsons need to air until the end of time?
Well wuh-well wewewewewell well wuh-well
The Simpsons was never good.
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Heh, he did say "well" a lot.
>Harry Shearer is so old that he can't do Mr. Burns anymore.
I hope you realise how that doesn’t make sense.
Yes, it doesn't make sense, but if you listen to it, you'll hear what I mean. It's not even the same voice anymore.
> Why does south park, family guy and the simpsons need to air until the end of time?

No different than comic books. The characters don’t age out like live actors do. Add on you only record voices for maybe a couple of months. Easy paycheck for the most part.
>Do popular cartoon shows just not end anymore?

Before the 90s there wasn't really the notion of a cartoon that was popular enough that it could just go on and on indefinitely. You have franchises like Looney Tunes and Mickey Mouse that are basically on and off, but nobody thinks twice about replacing the VAs. To his credit Mel Blanc was even voicing Looney Tunes right up to his death, but nobody though he was irreplaceable like they feel about Simpsons and the others.
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Why is there a clip of some random unrelated game attached to it, I thought people only did that shit ironically
Look at what they have done to my boy
I bet Miilhouse was formerly hot.
No, because Shlomo needs an endless supply of money, preferably by destroying your childhood, one-franchise-at-a-time.
That's how capitalism works. Try get this entertainment in communism.
>muh capitalism
>muh communism
Don't care about either, but the Simpsons is still shit now, and it should have ended decades ago.
sounds like a 50yo chainsmoking crossdresser
Simpsons needs to break Sazae-san's Guinness record for longest-running cartoon series
Smithers sounds terrible as well. Much deeper and weaker than his voice used to be. They really should have replaced the VAs with sound-alikes years ago if they insist on keeping the show alive. It's just sad watching that.
Wait i thought kavner died years ago
Does the Simpsons even make bank anymore? Like the TV show I mean. Their ratings seem to be cratering and I always assumed the merchandising and syndication would make a lot of money but the Simpsons VAs are on such high wages that they've had to skimp on the animation budget. I can't imagine advertisers clamouring for ad space on a cringe show that gets 1-1.3m viewers when there's shows out there getting 3-4m
Jesus Christ that's bad, they both sound like different characters.
Will they get a small boy to voice Sneedhouse now, since Dr. Chuckard is voiced accurately by a jiggaboo?
It's still one of their more popular shows, really just older people who can't stop watching. Maybe a few hipsters who think that it's on a more intellectual level than Family Guy is.
What they need is a new marge voice, cause it could breathe some life into the character
This is what's wild to me. I'm sure merch still sells off the legacy alone, but I don't think new episodes have anything to do with that. They could just as easily save some money and just coast by on nothing but the legacy and maybe the occasional game or butterfingers commercial. It's truly crazy to me that such a cultural titan still continues to produce content yet anything made in the past two decades is COMPLETELY irrelevant. Like that anime episode a few years back is the only time I recall anyone in my life so much as mentioning a modern episode or gag. I don't think at any point in the last two decades I've ever heard anyone have a conversation about the latest Simpsons episode.
>breathe some life into the character
Sorry. They attempted rescue-breaths and chest-pumps on the corpse of the Simpsons for 30 minutes, and unfortunately had to declare a time of death after seeing no signs of life.

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