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I miss it. Nothing else comes close. Don't say private trackers. Privatefags will burn in Hell for betraying the sanctity of p2p file sharing.
I literally have no idea what the fuck this is.
fuck off then
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>Nothing else comes close
Rlsbb.to always works but is mostly brand new shit or old films in 4k
It was honestly shit.
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>I miss it. Nothing else comes close.
*blocks your path
Maybe you would rather use rlsbb.in

Or .cc .ru .com
>deletes problematic episodes of your favorite shows and renumbers episodes to cover it up
cheggit was incredible
>Not free
>No say over what is available
>No control over quality
>Owned and ran by Jews
Buy a gun and have it block you wind pipe
>pic not related
What? It was what RARBG wanted to be be never quite got there.
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Sorry OP. My tastes are a bit more refined.
There will be another eventually.
kat was ok for a time when tpb kept getting nuked, preferred rarbg though
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>install Jackett
>open qbitorrent
>search "kino"
>50 kazillion results within a minute
Why are you hating from outside teh club. you can't even get in!
but rarbg still exists?
unless it's a shit copy. but i've not had trouble using it
anon... time to throw out that pc
have i been pwned?
it's over for me
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>Privatefags will burn in Hell for betraying the sanctity of p2p file sharing.
are there ANY private trackers that aren't like that? I swear to god it's like joining a fucking cult. It was literally easier to finance a house than it is to join a private tracker.

I rent a seedbox. I already seed 10:1. No I will not be answering stupid fucking questions. No I'm not a glowie. Just give me access.
Who do you have to suck off to get into private trackers? is the upload speed relevant? I have shit speed because I live in a third world shithole.
I got in just by asking nicely on 4chan
Secret is you have to do it in a comfy thread
I have no invites though
If you have shit speed why use torrent and waste your upload? Just use direct download sites instead.
what movie
I miss it too OP. I keep meaning to get back into torrenting but it's effort. They won.
Nah not going to share it Carlos move along.
I just use 1337x for television/film (which means not at all really as I don't watch television and film in 2024, I haven't in like 2+ years, why would you ever watch anything currently airing or being made, everything western fucking sucks) and filesites/repackers for game torrents and nyaa for anime.
It sucks. Movies are the biggest media I consoom and i never managed to get into a private tracker. Meanwhile I never download music or books and easily got into trackers for both
>everything western fucking sucks
Bonanza's pretty good
1337 is still based .You gotta go further back in time to when sitcoms were good though
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>>try to install Jackett
>>take hours setting it up
>>still doesnt work
>>0 kazillion results within a minute
>why would you ever watch anything currently airing or being made, everything western fucking sucks
There's still good stuff around. You should watch "How To with John Wilson"
skill issue
i'll always remember btjunkie was my first.
the search bar on 1337x hasn't worked for me for some time
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thanks YIFY!
>loud action scenes
>quiet dialogue scenes
yeah... my one qualm about it even when mixed down to stereo
must it all be 5.1?
He got a laugh of me. I'll check it out.
Pirate bay still is up I use it with a VPN and have never gotten a letter from my isp
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Fucking newfags
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Does anyone have an invite code?
better times
20 years ago
>It was honestly shit.
it was the best public tracker idiot

>teh club
private trackers enforce seeding which just keeps bad content alive. good content is always seeded. private trackers are a mistake
Why should I torrent instead of going to internet archive, youtube, or freemoviestreamonlineweb.to? I can get any flim in under 2 minutes already
Pretty much this
>filtered this hard
Zoomers are retarded
>private trackers enforce seeding which just keeps bad content alive. good content is always seeded. private trackers are a mistake
Awful argument
Can you get me some Alien Romulus?
Privatefags are the only ones who DO respect the sanctity of p2p file sharing. Public trackers are nothing but niggers and pajeets. I imagine you are one too. Post your ratios, leechnigger.
bruh I haven't torented anything for years after free streaming sites proliferated.
Hmm, that's a bit suspicious. I'll have to check this in a VM. Thanks anyway.
Compared to other anon's, i'm not very tech-savvy. If I have an adblocker, and don't click any exe's, what's the worst that can happen?
Why was his comment deleted?
Stop crying.
dunno. he said he was looking for a movie.
>If I have an adblocker, and don't click any exe's, what's the worst that can happen?
You can click a file that was renamed to another file, such as a pdf, and nothing will happen. You'll assume the link was broken and continue on. Little did you know that you just let a program take a snapshot of your temporary browser cookies. One of these cookies could be a login token for an account you have open, like steam, youtube, reddit, or even a bank account if you're dumb enough to be logged in to one all the time, etc. The token can be used by a malicious party to access these accounts until the token expires, which could be anytime between 10 minutes and a couple days.
>just deaf my shit up senpai
You faggots dont even watch anything obscure anyways. you just want to torrent breaking bad, always sunny and american psycho for the thousandth time. go to the google search bar, type in [insert your gay favorite show here] and then "torrent" right next to it
Oh noooo, not my reddit account!!!1!1
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> One of these cookies could be a login token for an account you have open, like steam, youtube, reddit, or even a bank account if you're dumb enough to be logged in to one all the time
Don't have a bank account. Never trusted the money changer's.
Don't have steam. Waste of time
Use reddit for porn only
Use youtube account for music playlist only
Looks like i'm safe :)
>50 kazillion results within a minute
>0 seeds, every result stalls indefinitely
RARBG had pretty awesome file size vs quality. A lot of the torrents are still active if you can find the magnet link, there were GitHubs at one point.
The last time I actually seeded was on Demonoid
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>can't into subdomains for load balancing
>can't navigate play buttons on
You're just a doublenigger. Stick to buying DVDs from the bargain bin at Walmart
rutracker is the only .ru i will trust

my whole damn music collection comes from there
they don't have everything, though
>btjunkie was my first.
Zoomie detected. But I also miss BTJunkie. It just worked, and the comment section was fun, too.
zoomie? i'm 30, i used btjunkie when i was like 14.
Yeah, demonoid, mininova, bt junkie are classic. PureT&A and Empornium for porn were good too. But rarbg is the GOAT.
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>Nothing else comes close
Except private trackers, which have much better organisation, requests systems (of which many get filled), a far larger content library and higher retention rate. Public shits literally have a 98-99% hit and run rate (downloading and not seeding) according to their own stats lmao.
Public shitters don't care about seeding or preserving.
I don't respect copyright laws or Hollywood jews, so why should I respect piracy "ethics" and waste data uploading what I've leeched?
If seeding makes you feel so good, you should pick up my share for me.
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For me? It's Tigole, QxR and afm72.
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make way nerds
Of course you know what it is. You're just a lying poser trying to pretend like you above the public tracker apes. Guess what nigger, I'm been on better private trackers for 15 years than you'll ever be in your lifetime.
Anyone got a link to the Notepad
snahp mogs
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TorrentGalaxy is just about as good. maybe better
Do people not use qbitorrent because they are retards? Why ever go to any of these sites?
>no daily-mp3/daily-FLAC uploads
Dogshit compared to rarbg
I was trying to find ken burns baseball in hd the other day and resorted to a large freeleech torrent on a private tracker I'm on because i couldn't find one on any public trackers. With few exceptions, rarbg always had whatever I was looking for.
The search function sucks + you don't see newest releases.
I missed how easy it was to see new releases. TGX helps with this, though so it's not too bad.

Nah. They're a good replacement but no way better. Their inhouse encodes are BAD.
>the sanctity of p2p file sharing
private is still p2p, it's still free, only difference being torrents survive longer due to rules/incentives.
not even hard to get in the big general trackers like TL or just go to the perma open signup ones like torrenting or milkie
>Their inhouse encodes are BAD.
yeah thats true. not as good ar RARBGs. but their site is better. lots of uploads, dark mode, hover over thumbnails.
why hasn't anything come close to recreating this yet?
>random shit over quality content
zoom zoom detected
How did this get taken down but the pirate bay remains untouched for literal decades?
for me, its the private snahp forum
because they actually cared to deliver the best quality product which was in part shaped by the competition at the time of sites like ETTV.
there's not really any good public ones out there so no real reason to improve anything.

it's mostly just sad that their encoding group which i believe was called Legion just disappeared instead of going elsewhere with their encodes, they had by far the best 265 encodes on the net for file size to quality.
gib passthepopcorn invite plox
Just download stremio
It does. Not an archive, but a proper fork. Meaning new torrents.

those file sizes... THANK YIFY SIRS
I'm more pissed about Subscene being taken down. It was by far the best place to get subtitles.
>It was by far the best place to get subtitles.
opensubtitles works on my machine
VCDquality needs a replacement. It's a pain in the ass to know what is even released now that trash tv shows get mixed in searches.
Fags crying in here
stop dilating
>Noooooooo, you can't just complain about things that make your life less convenient
rutracker is fine
>it was the best public tracker idiot
except it wasn't you inbred troglodyte.
>except it wasn't
it was, by far. best size:quality 1080p, fast and consistent uploads, largest selection, and best retention of seeders. even all this time after it has officially shutdown almost every h.265 1080p movie torrent is still seeded, magnet links aren't hard to find.
plus they had every major porn studio uploading too.
You can, but, for what? Do something about it instead of being a pussy and crying.
Said the anon who is complaining about other anons' complaining without doing anything about it~
There's increasingly little to watch that I don't end up missing it.
for older stuff, the only thing on there with any seeds are the shitty 480p reencodes
my first private tracker, I barely download shit on there. It was just cool when my friend gave me an invite
>:quality 1080p, fast and consistent uploads, largest selection, and best retention of seeders.
why are you pretending rarbg was the 'best' at this?? I can name you 10 other sites that do just that.
pointing out sobering isn't the same as crying. Sorry, fallout. We are not the same.
What exactly can I do about it? Reopen RARBG myself?
>I can name you 10 other sites that do just that.
then do it
So name them. And don't say 1337x because I've opened torrents that said they had 100+ seeders, then jack shit happens.
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what can you do about shit you willfully and voluntarily subscribe to that you allow to affect you? Hmm idk. I have no idea.
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no problem heres a few that you've never heard of, feel free to reply to my post
Skill issue. I can say the same thing about rarbg torrents.

pirate bay
Torrent galaxy
All of Fitgirl stuff

>literally who sites

I await your crybaby replies. Thank you and GOODnight.
Yeah, I thought so.
anyone else remember mininova?
What skill do I need to make the seeders that are clearly not there connect? It would be very helpful to learn that skill.
what a fucking moron lmao
sorry but I use private trackers
Torrentleech is the most comfy right now.
UI looks like piratebay/rarbg too.
>not using private trackers
>not using private DDL
>not using private Usenet indexers
I can't go back to public torrents
>So name them.
I watch torrentgalaxy 900MB rip exclusively.
>I watch torrentgalaxy 900MB rip exclusively.
at the very least, use QxR encodes
My 12 years old laptop can't handle them.
>My 12 years old laptop can't handle them.
buy a new laptop or get a used laptop from ebay. My friend got a brand new MiniPC for $200 and it plays everything on a monitor he got from a goodwill store. Literally blew his laptop out of the water for everything. The new PCs are so fast and cheap compared to 12 years ago.
Make sure you're not using 1377 by accident
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I'm still mad.

I have been in private trackers since RARGB went down, so no long ago.
BLU was the best one I joined. Good quality control, LOTS of remuxes, few dead torrents, good selection, from mainstream to rare, and from all the countries. The UI was the best. Everything beautiful.

But all of the sudden it was gone. Fuck. And r/trackers is now filled with leddit drama about BLU.
>I have been in private trackers since RARGB went down, so no long ago.
>BLU was the best one I joined.
BLU sucks. It's run by scammers and all the good private trackers are laughing at it for having somebody who literally robbed their funding. We told you not to join that shithole.
All the rarbg torrents are still out there anon, they didn't disappear just because the site did. Use search plugins for your torrent client
Jackett is outstanding, combines many into a single console
dear oh dear oh dear...
Yeah, it kinda is, you sooky little faggot. Cry about it elsewhere.
Private trackers are my jam these days.
Public is full of 3rd worlders
Nah mega is still king
I still miss isohunt
I am sure he did cry, as that's all he's capable of doing
also this
>t. selfish non-seeder leeching NEET shitskin
When RARBG went down I got into several private trackers. Their supply is usually fine, but what irks me is their seed requirement times. I don't mind sharing with other piratefags and kino-lovers, but quite often I need to have my torrents running for 2 weeks or whatever while nobody leeches, what's the fucking point?

>captcha: MARKX
Fucking commie scum site
Our thoughts on PSArips???
Two more weeks, chud.
So whats the best option now? I've been using 1337x but their selection is absolute trash compared to the old greats
subscene was much better.
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usenet is best
So that's why that happens
Use normalize or whatever it's called
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>qbittorrent search
>qxr torrents
you ''need'' more?
What's the point of torrents anymore

Just stream that shit on some sketchy website lmao
The best "public" (ok, semi-private) tracker is rutracker. They have decent retention. For anime it's nyaa. The rarbg admin simply had a collusion deal with private tracker admins to do what he did.
Upload speed is irrelevant because you can use seedtime instead, and most private trackers reward you more for long term seeding low seeded content.

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