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Gaia willing, they fixed this
Just kill him off. He always sucked.
They don't have to do shit, ametitroons.
No way, he's the only genuine threat in the whole show.
Nothing is as 'problematic' as an aluminum baseball bat to the side of the head.
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When I was in middle school I joined an anime club after spending a week or so watching FLCL on adult swim. I remember walking in on the first day and the teacher who was a middle aged balding male brought out a tape of Ranma 1/2 and asked us all if we were okay if we saw some adult content. We all agreed it was fine and he put it in with no hesitation. The show started and it was some girly shit with the characters running around on a beach having fun. Suddenly one of the characters ended up topless and all the dysgenic fat girls in the club started WOOOing while the teacher sat there cackling and clapping. I immediately felt uncomfortable like something very dark and evil was happening and ran out of there as fast as possible and haven't watched any anime since. Am I missing out on an entire artform or did I dodge a bullet?
You're a retard
happosai is essential to the show, but good GOD were there way, WAY too many happosai episodes in the original anime
>Something funny and generally pretty milquetoast happens in a movie
>some people laugh at it
>run away scared
Anon, you have Autism or something.
you were raped
Did you go to special school?
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The only correct take. Removing the old lecher because it's "offensive to modern audiences" is way worse than overplaying a classic trope in the 90s.
I was 11
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I was burting off to rape scenes in anime at that age, anon.
All her assistants are female; Takahashi stated that "I don't use male assistants so that the girls will work more seriously if they aren't worried about boys."

She's sexist, cancel her now.

Also that anime turned millions of kids into tranny lovers later in life, look at porn search results.

How evil can one jappy women be?
Because Rumiko Takahashi, the woman who created and illustrated the Ranma manga, loved the character she created and had him in lots of manga chapters.

So you are trying to censor the original author.
Why is it so easy to turn americans into trannies?
she hated Ukyo, so good. Fuck Rumiko
I blame your parents
It never dawned on me that people hated Happosai. He wasn’t any more annoying than the other characters.
I tried rewatching the anime 2 years ago and the whole will they won’t they schtick got old quick. The manga is still great, though.
>filtered by Nihao My Concibine
Um yeah it's absolute kino and you should probably take a pill or something for your condition
This t.b.h. famalamadingdong
Chemicals in the water, food, vaccines, and "medications" coupled with a constant barrage of subtle and overt psychic attack in every form of media.
Go back to /a/
Animals mature sexually at a much younger age.
>youtube thread
>tranime thread
someone post a picture of a terrified wojak running out of a classroom showing Ranma 1/2. An the wojak says "Vile boobies! Something very dark and evil is happening!"
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We are all animals, my lady.
When I was 11 I was playing newgrounds porn games on the school library computers...
What kind of boy on the cusp of puberty is scared of tits?
Akane? Legitimately shit character.
Happosai? Legitimately shit character.
Ranma 1/2? Has a lot of legitimately shit parts, that people were willing to tolerate because there were also a lot of really good parts.

Series would never naturally become popular today. People would have zero tolerance for the shit parts. Shows and anime having one bad episode is grounds for people to start doomposting and saying "it's over."
I loved tits. It was probably the Jewish ritual of showing children pornography in a school setting that scared me more than anything. Anyways, any recommendations for actually good anime? Preferably not the kind pedo teachers show students in anime club
The teacher should go to jail
No nudity, No Venus Terzo, No watch
>Also that anime turned millions of kids into tranny lovers later in life, look at porn search results.
Rumiko Takahashi denounced this publicly in an interview. She said Ranma was meant to be a pure comedy. That Ranma's transformation is meant to be laughed at and mocked. Anyone who thinks deeper than that... Rumiko outright denounces and says you shouldn't think that way.
Cowboy Bebop
Berserk 1999 (although it ends on a cliffhanger)
Gurren Lagan
Kill la kill

Have tons of others, but these are old, finished and all have very good english dubs, so they're good entry-fodder
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>op is a pagan LARP nigger
kill yourself
I'm glad they're leaving Maison Ikkoku alone.
happosai is fukin based
For now. No classic anime is safe from the creatively bankrupt studios. It's no different than beloved movies and tv shows getting dug up, diversified, dumbed down and dished out for the braindead golem masses.
Disgusting faggot movie
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The teacher tried to make you into a man
isnt the premise of the show that trannys are funny? how is that salvageable?
>boy I hecking love this show from my childhood and they are remaking it!!
dumb frogposter
Imbecilic take
based kiddo with spider-sense
stupid frogposter
Yup. She's been asked several times and gets annoyed at people who try to turn Ranma into something it's not.
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>ameritard sees mild cartoon nudity
>something very dark and evil was happening
It's called erection, frognigger
Congrats for sticking to your puritan brainwash training I guess?
I blame the prices of pig meat
there it is, i knew they would eventually mention him as problematic. the old man simply collects women's underwear and some grope but never actually rapes or molest any girl
dilate tranny
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>seething christkike immediately triggered
Don't you have some juden anuses to lick clean?
Nah, bro. Nobody is advocating for censoring the original author. We just don't need nearly as many ANIME ONLY FILLER episodes about him. Stick to the manga canon and it's fine.
Unfortunately creators don't get to decide how the public views their creation. Once it's out there it becomes theirs as much as the owner's.

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