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The final episode of Star trek has been released

I don't get it. Why did nothing happen?
they are both on genesis
>Shatner was involved in he production
>The short includes a character from Discovery
Discovery is now Shatner-approved canon.
The horsie will bite you now.
why did they pencil his eyebrows on so thick in TMP
what is this?
bottom is some new short dedicated to Nimoy where Kirk's ghost(?) appears as Spock's dying in the Kelvin timeline universe. I don't know if Shatner actually showed up for this or if they deepfaked him onto doubles
few things.
1. I thought Gary Mitchell died
2. Is this meant to be also at the moment of Kirk's passing on Veridian III? There's elements of the Nexus in the imagery
3. Was Adam Nimoy providing the base for Spock here?
Lawrence Selleck as Spock
Sam Witwer and William Shatner as Kirk
>Lawrence Selleck
fucking insane that they can make him look so close to Leonard with prosthetics and some touchups in CGI
>Sam Witwer
The voice actor guy? Huh
starkiller from force unleashed. deacon from that zombie biker game. army guy that is sacrificed in the mist
oh I know who he is, I'm just surprised he was involved in an official Trek product
well, they hired actors to act i guess
this seems more like the production side wanted to inject a discovery element, which it didn't need. We already have a bunch of time-travelling characters and Yor being in there felt like Paramount needed to remind fans "hey, these works exists too!".
absolute slop

this AI shit is a nightmare express to hell
it could easily have been Prophet Sisko or like, Crewman Daniels (NOT fucking Cronenberg)
deepfakes are not AI, not that any of the slop you think is AI is AI either.
Is this when the Star Wars begin?
No, Kirk is now in the Kelvin timeline due to the Discovery character. They're on New Vulcan.
having sisko appear randomly in this would've thrown a lot of people off and avery brooks seems content with having moved on from that character a long ass time ago, he would've just been another CG caricature. Daniels might make sense but then would he be the ferryman in the trek universe now?
Daniels was already the plot ferryman by the time ENT S3 came around. I agree with you about Sisko, I was just trying to find a better option than the DIS Betelgeusian
It's STD
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Both of you are wrong. It is DISCO. Right there on the canonical shirt
My, what a charming negress
of course they are. sure, an older tech but still technically AL. hell. even the morph program I used back in the 90s is technically AI. I even found a book my dad had in the 80s about researchers laying the groundwork for this shit back then.
>if they deepfaked him onto doubles

I know that at least the young Kirk is Sam Witwer with deepfake Kirk face. He hit the manerisms 100%
>My Casio watch, technically AI! My tv remote, technically AI!
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I mean... it DOES have a calculator
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>I don't know if Shatner actually showed up for this or if they deepfaked him onto doubles
he was a producer on it and was there on set as well, but they're all deepfakes
DISCO is a cope because paramount realized the show is STD
also god i miss when michael and piggy were that cute
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he makes a realy fucking good kirk not gonna lie
yeah it's amazing how much he looks like young shatner with just a bit of makeup and a wig
crazy how he looks 10x more like kirk than paul wesley
I’ve been watching star trek tos again lately and it’s pretty crazy how the whole concept went entirely off the rails after tos with the movies all the other tv shows, etc. Tos was an episodic quirky twilight zone pseudo-spin off imo, it didn’t take itself seriously. The plots were utterly crazy, fun, and almost always unique. the chemistry between the characters was so much better, like leaps and bounds better than anything that came after it. It was like the casting, the characters and directing it was just better, the characters all had little quirks that defined them. The other shows everyone looks overly uptight or if they have a personality it’s wholly based on drama or cold and negative or annoying/dorky weird attributes. The os cast just seems more legendary or something, you really feel like it’s a bunch of bros in control in a chain of command. The other shows, I can’t figure out what it is but the vibe is just fucked. In tos the cheesy effects and sound effects are kitschy in a good way, it feels almost like a small theater, sort of a submarine. It’s almost like when kids get together and play and pretend to be in a space ship and use their imagination. imo it’s an entirely different animal than everything that came after it. tng and the films took the show off the rails..tng isn’t a bad show but it’s just not Star Trek, and the films were also shot in the wrong style. Instead of trying to be more like Star Wars it should have leaned more strongly into what it was. They should have just created a different show closely inspired by tos and then just continued with tos style in Star Trek spin off shows. The reason the USS Callister show had that original Star Trek vibe, but all twisted is precisely because black mirror is closer to the twilight zone style than tng and leaned into the kitsch. Accidentally, a show captured the spirit of tos more strongly because it initiated from a similar origin of wacky dark sci-fi.
i'll tell you exactly what happened. gene started huffing his own farts and got high on the nonsensical idea that his future society was some commie utopia (even though it wasn't) and continued with this charade in tng, but he was often checked and balanced by normal people who steered tng back in the right direction after his death, and kept the kino going with ds9, voyager and enterprise. then unironic gen x commies came along and took the reigns of the franchise after enterprise and now the franchise is in the shit condition it is due to fags and women.
he has that masculine face with a soft touch. his eyes mostly
its not an algorythm, its more like a CGI mask on top of an actor. i'm tech illiterate, but even i know as much. you can see it change to the actor when young kirk turns
>admits to being tech illiterate
>claims deepfake isn't ai
anon the whole process of deepfake relies on the computer learning, that's why deepfake takes months to actually get good. you can tell a deepfake was rushed when it looks scuffed. compare tarkin's resurrected corpse to the princess leia cameo at the end or luke in mandalorian. they took their time on tarkin and rushed the other two. the reason you see witwer's face more when kirk turns his head is because they didn't let the ai develop that part more in time before release and used the reflection as an excuse.
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what the fuck
and less molesty than vic mignogna lasagna cacio e pepe.
>then unironic gen x commies came along and took the reigns of the franchise after enterprise
say what you will this guy was absolutely right in saying TNG was like Connecticut
CGI has peaked. Now we can get another season of TOS with almost exact facsimiles of the original cast. The fact that this was done by The Rodenberry Archive, cleared through Paramount and starred or involved the estates of a lot of the original actors makes this about as official as it gets.
tarkin was complete cgi you indian moron
So what actually is it? Purely a YouTube mini-episode of...no actual show?
AI Slop
that's a deepfake though surely
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The twink they have playing the latest nu-Kirk looks, sounds, and acts NOTHING like Shatner, let alone Pine.
no dialogue = no watch
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no no no hahahahHAHAHAHA
Man, I could just not give a single shit about this crap
do they have to rape star trek's dead corpse?
Alex Kurtzman already did that countless times, this is sort of a farcical postmortem
Kelvinshit + Nu-Treck taints the intent
why is he wearing the TNG S1/2 uniform
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This. And that is why I never watched it
If the people who developed the show were so ignorant that they made,
I'm never going to watch it. The same with DUNC
also crashdown in battlestar galactica
Better than most modern Star Trek drek
this is why I don't like TNG as much. The writing and overall stories might have been better overall but everyone on the Enterprise felt more cold and inhuman than the actual aliens, literal socialist robots (barring a few episodes like I, Borg). I honestly don't want to believe Gene's future vision of utopian humanity was so cold. Data felt more like a real human more times than not.
>spock allowed kirk to grip his hand with both of his hands
What did they mean by this
TOS and early TNG fall into the “charming shitty” zone and they’re still a ton of fun. They’re not high art or anything. But those shows are iconic for a reason.
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> Data felt more like a real human more times than not.
It definitely depended on the writer that week how Human he was allowed to act.
While I love Smug Bastard Data, it didn’t always make sense in-universe for him to act that way.
I was going to say, when Nimoy was nearing his final years, and appeared on Fringe, he looked much better than wahtever the fuck this is
that is NOT Spock, the cheeks and jaw and neck are VERY off
I love the look of TOS, bright and colorful with a classic aesthetic and filmed like a play with big wide shots
It really feels like a goodbye to the franchise, eh?
It's not AI, you numbnuts. It's de-aging.
it's probably a combo of 3d model over actor's head and then deepfake with some other minor adjustments to get it looking realistic
I guarantee you the deepfakers don't fuck up bone structure. It's most likely just that they added old age sagging that looks odd on Spock.
I think the no talking was a good touch but it's also why they wouldn't be able to deepfake a whole show. Hard enough with a still face.
So is Kirk dead here or did they revive him? What happened after Spock passed? I hope this is not setting up a fat Shant cameo in the movies
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The box on the table is the one Spock sends to Quinto Spock that has the crew photo in it in Beyond, so the rest of that movie.
>that is NOT Spock
It's supposed to be a VERY old Spock, dying of old age. Similarly they aged up the woman playing Saavik.
This isn't an official production by Paramount. It's an extremely high level fan film to show off the latest deepfake technology.

The reason they don't talk, the story is incoherent, and the fact the short doesn't exceed 10 minutes is because....Paramount would sue them if they violated the official Paramount Fan Film "rules" they released years ago.

CBS/Paramount. brought legal action against several Star Trek fan productions (like Star Trek Continues). They were afraid of fans making shows that would compete against Discovery and steal viewers.
when does this episode take place canonically?
Post Picard S3 / pre-Star Trek Beyond
This is very upsetting.
It's not a real canon episode.
its a piece of kirk that's always in the nexus
The deepfake tech isn't there yet.
The captain goes down with the ship.
>call it unification
>Spock doesn't get a Moses vision of the Romulan/Vulcan unification
yes it is
One or two hand curated promotion fodder stills look right. As soon as it's 24fps the illusion breaks.
It's really fucking close
No it's not. They didn't move his face much. It's very stiff. They also didn't have him talk either.
Why has AI become a buzzword
Shatner walks weird, he looks like he has Riker's back problems.
Deep Space 9 was the final episode
This "person" and "people" like him are why shows and movies are overfilled with constant dialogue explaining everything that's happening over and over again.
He has a big belly now
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because we allowed third worlders onto the internet
its alright but not there yet. he didnt do much. it evoked emotions in me though, thats all it needed to do
That's not Star trek
This looks like a well done portfolio piece showcasing someone's skill rather than a complete product.
Its like celebrating concept art. It is good, and I enjoyed watching it, but the bar shouldn't be this low thanks to nutrek.
Its the same as when they paraded out Luke at the end of Mandalorian season 1 to get the nostalgia draw
>>Star Trek
ah yes, government in space

how fun
see it's iditols like you that made it so we're stuck with JJ's Kelvin timeline trek shit
Pretty sure Shatner and Roddenberry's kids being involved directly let this one slide no matter those rules. I think it was more a style choice. Certainly even more 2001 tha TMP was. It also fit the tone of a tribute and memorial film.
oh shut the fuck up. what?
>call it
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Unlike deepfake Kirk it's an actor in prosthetics for Spock
Kids' show faggotry for manchildren weirdos with arrested development...

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