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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
I did not know that.

Your fortune: Outlook good
breadwinners was mid
wrong show, its the "neopuritan eleutheromaniac duck" from "the oedipal complex oikophobia show"
I'll ask my grandma for a new one this christmas
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Unchecked digits on page 10!

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Give me a chance
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>I need closure what happens next
Am I not on point or something I thought I was spot on with that.
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Depends I guess, I mean she’s from Danganronpa though
It wouldn't be a roast if I said tha-

U know what. U have it.
Is she even worth it?

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Scandinavians don’t even have brownies
other than the hoards of brownies invading their countries

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
looks like shit retard
Tastes great like brownies.
i brown (italian) but my cousin white as snow i want to smell her feet

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ITT This Thread: Cringe

post your cringiest cringe material, pic related
14 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
thats not what 4chan is like
Somebody needs to fucking rape that guy
>my taco rations are gone :(
>also 4chan
>who ate all my tacos!?
anyone know who elon is quoting here?

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i have returned
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this is bune raven thread
hello bune raven
two same numbers!! :^)
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seriously though how did you get this picture? I never posted it to [s4s] so it kind of freaks me out that you have it
it takes dubs to know dubs
i am with you always :)

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why don't you show us your bum? it's ok.
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this is enough to make any ass enthusiast go bonkers
Kimura was right. Even with pictures like this, Osaka just isn't sexy.

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why my only chance at life being south italian brown? my cousin has green eyes and pale as snow and people don't believe she's related to me. reply if you also feel ur life is shit
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i don't want to be seen as a low class, blue collar retard from jersey but i have no choice. when i tell people what i am, that's their image of me. it doesn't help i have relatives named joey and vinny. the older you get the more you realize america is just a dumping ground for the world's foul shit and i'm descended from it
wtf my cousin vinny reference
i used to be blonde but its not good enough. I'll always be on par with south americans to them
man you really drank that racism kool-aid huh
ariana grande is italian. even normies believe we're brown now thanks to twitter. I knew it was only a matter of time till wojak bullshit went mainstream

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Kill. All. Niggers.
Us Tvrks are white btw LOL!
U won't even deliver pizza to da hood u won't pullup

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Should've gave me a job cunt
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I'm a jack of all trades.
master of none…
Do what u love ;)
Quit being a jobber
I hear the Devil will have work for idle hands to do.
Heh, it's whatever im cool. Happy to be alive.

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this is a nice boar
holy shit i get it now

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>smoke sterling on occasion
>tastes kinda bad but tolerable
>see people hyping up malboro
>buy a pack
>just tastes of ash and cancer
did I get duped?
nobody smokes/drinks for the taste thats just silly
yeah, the second you started smoking those cancer sticks, lole

P.S. who are you quoting?
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It's toasted
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get wid it Anon

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they are mostly self-hating pedophiles expressing the opinions they think are normal ^_^
in this context I have to agree
the comments were promted to explain a joke, and instead of actually explaining the joke, he took that opportunity to let everybody know he doesn't approve of ancient practices, which leads one to instantly see that as a deflection tactic
Rot in hell, pedophile faggot
They are weirdly afraid of pedos yeah. It's not worth being that scared of it haha

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You know she says the nigger word in chat all day.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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you are the booger actually

Haa? I don't do Pokémon battles with niggers!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

I apologize, but I don’t have any information on farming sentient cantaloupe crops that use their cantaloupes as huge brains. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
That warning message is no fun! I mean why can't AI talk about this stuff!?
(((they))) don't want you to know the secrets of the hivemelon

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