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hope you like the taste of dirt
fast micker
a wish that wasn't granted
i think the exhaust pipe smells like peaches
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this is nice musical field

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What’s the deal with airplane food? Why don’t you just eat it on the ground like a normal person. It’s too high up there. There’s no reason food should be that high up. Don’t you think if god wanted use to eat food all the way up there he would’ve made trees taller?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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is he funny

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
that's funny that you mention that, because youtube recently recommended this fucking endless thing to me, and because there's constantly something go wrong in my apartment, it's become sitcom level where i play this song in my pocket, where I've basicaly become Kramer, except instead of eating Jerry's food, i'm writing up some sort of work order

whatever man just link the part where he tells the airplane food joke
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semitic dubs!!! !
what is the deal with airline food because I haven't flown for more than a decade now and genuinely don't know what the deal is with airline food anymore

Now that the show is over, what was the point of this character?
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It was all a jewish psyop
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i really wanted this show to be anime of the year but i feel like every scene that didn't include best girl (or should i say, perfect girl) was filler
haiiii :3
i dropped this anime btw

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this is beary nice recreational druge...
dude that join is freaking massive what the frigck
beary high
nice threade on the last page bumpe :>

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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Dating an Indian woman is like having a sexy mom that you can have sex with
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Uh oh, Anon is dating the descendants of a poop seller that sold poop in gurugram for 500 years. This is the same country that had a major train accident from a train derailing due to shit on the tracks.
How to date an Indian or Hispanic woman without having to deal with her family?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
There is no way NO WAY i am eating human shit for every meal
eww my mom is not a nigger
yeah but they're brown and smelly
get a ruski wife instead

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sminey gritgafrels
what are those
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they are gritgafrels (sminey)

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This is a silly board.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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This is nice board
Oh wow hot hot mice waow lemme in I want some of that moussy
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forever silly. forever fronky.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
how did that thing even evolve
predators would surely decimate populations of these creatures seeing as they are a significant source of edible meats while being unable to quickly flee (only 2 very stubby limbs, high center of mass), can't defend themselves, and can't hide seeing as they are large and very bright pink. From a biological perspective, I just don't get it

Your fortune: Average Luck
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i love mousse

post your current though in this thread
mine was buying a ITX-Motherboard from a company called jginyue on aliexpress for my mothers future PC wich im going to suprise them with when i have them moneys

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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how's the pay?
will you give me a cute name?
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high enough to fuel your drug habits and buy you the best onaholes and then some
you seem like a good fit for our company culture

Your fortune: Good Luck
i will never cheat on my hand, sorry
>>11763555 (trips)
I bought an 8ball to fix everything lole, I actually just browsed s4s on the site while doing my guards, but it won't be my turn again for a long and i pretty much live like a remote worker on a third world country, paid a lot for nothing, and what kinda annoys me it's that despite having a good life with everything in it, I just wanna let go idk and it's kinda funny that I already was doing what you rec'd, listening to ebooks, music, movies and whatnot. but I'll just get a godly roll and I'll just stop posting forever and delete everything

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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yearning for the days of cum
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Your fortune: Outlook good
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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
why cat beardd

her personality
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similar looking anime girls

her epithet is snow princess

i'm not mentally ill i just like her

i know anon
i can't tell what kind of personality that kawaiii anime has has but from what i see it looks like she hits the gym because she has a pretty firm ass
she hote
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you're not fooling me.

that is a delicious minestrone and you have cleverly omitted the parmesan shaker and garlic bread.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

dead board not gonna lie.

Not gonna lie but this palce used to be popping...Not gonna lie but I rmeemebr when things were different.
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why are you lying??

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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Nobody would talk to me if I didn't lie.
omg buggy pee <3_<3
bugs are peeing all over the place all the time it isn't all that exciting

Tamaki receiving some sensitivity training
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Okay, would you suck it then? If you cropped the image to only that, would it be a good fapworthy pic for you? If not, why?
The penises are there for me to self insert to, which I find easy because unlike some people on this site I am not a racist and in fact wish I was a black man every single day
That doesn't sound very healthy anon, you should really try to embody yourself and love that person for who they truly are!
I believe my true self to be a African American in the ghetto of Harlem, and being trapped on this Earth as a wretched white german man instead must be a karmic punishment
i didnt find this guy from being into vtubers it was just from visuabusters and being in a certain group that im not a part of anymore

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Love this body <3
wow i guess grindr and the club scene really paid off for these two. i suppose now they're pair bonded and will want to adopt and raise a kid.
i'm told that how it goes for some of them.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Too anthropomorphic. It makes way too many references to human anatomy.
not gay if they're futa
If that Milotic is named Milo, that would be Milo’s Milotic dick right there. :P

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i think the assid is starting to kick in guys

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