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going to tim hortons

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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Him Tortons

i only know wish wants to die sometimes.
makes me get the feels.
i want to tell her "don't die" grab my hand and let's get into the studio and work on epic project.

too much death talk around here sometimes.


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
we dubbed this one ...flop flop flop...flat flat flat
why don't you knock it off with them negative waves. k?



Your fortune: Average Luck
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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

The countertransference to autistic states of mind has been described as either boredom or disconnectedness (Boschan, 1987; Nissen, 2008; Ribas, 1998; Strauss, 2012). Boschan distinguishes it from a characteristically irritated, exasperated countertransference to narcissistic states of mind, while Nissen and Strauss underline the missing unconscious communicative element (again, a ‘something missing’.) Gomberoff et al. (1990) recommend alertness to the countertransference for detecting the establishment between analyst and patient of a mutual autistic object that arrests the analytic process, analyst and patient having become partially fused without the analyst noticing. Apparently in marked contrast, other authors write of a pressure to expel, get rid of or ‘abort’ the patient (Polmear, 2008; Strauss, 2012). Baranger et al. (1983), albeit without reference to autistic states, attribute certain violent ruptures of the analytic situation to parasitism, an extreme form of unnoticed ‘bastion’ whereby the analyst feels ‘inhabited’ by the patient.
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Katja opened the next session immediately, telling me she had just been watching the birds in the park. It is spring, the mating season; one of the birds was driving off coots. She mused that they may all end up getting killed, because of bird flu. She supposed it will have to be done, but [she paused] – it still seems a shame.
I interpreted that Katja sees life and dominance, but then disease and death. The birds which are so beautiful and vibrantly alive also represent aspects of herself which she finds it necessary to kill off, though she thinks it is a shame.
Katja, silent, then replied that that is just the way things are. I agreed. Katja muttered that I see only bad things about her. I replied that I see in the birds so very much that is valuable in her: she protests, however, that I am not supposed to notice the killing off. Katja answered that I must be bored with her, that people get frustrated and grow to hate her, and she knows I will not tell her what I really think of her. I interposed, quietly, that I just had. She stopped suddenly, and I added that she had mentioned the birds being in the mating season, and that the boredom she refers to is the sterility that happens when she kills off any productive, generative discourse between the two of us here.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
these people think of themselves as intellectual jejeje
Katja didn't change the meaning of his words. she merely extracted the intentions of his attempts to influence her and returned them back to him without bullshit. him being unawre of it implies that he's either menlely deficient or that he's intentionally mispresenting his own intentions to subvert the results of his findings
The revelation of the perverse twist Katja had given to my original attempt to talk to her about her daily recourse to sensation- based practices did shock me, when I saw that she exploited what I had said to justify the continuation of her use of autistic objects and shapes and to justify her jettisoning of her psychiatrist’s prescription. No doubt some sharpness in my voice and diction will have betrayed the sharpness of my reaction to discovering this.
The shocked outrage I experienced did eventually allow me to register and recognize the experience as a communication, by way of projective identification, of shocked outrage in Katja.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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>>11767233 (very nice dubs)
he should stop tormenting people smarter than him and start using autistic shapes on his rectum

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Freeze, tree!

Your fortune: Good Luck

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anybody even look at this? i just use a 4chan archive like 4pleb

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
it doesn't go very far back, but it loads faster than the archive

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
unchecked doubles on the last page!
i look at the original if it's available, because 4plebs will sometimes say i searched too much and puts my benis in chastity for a while

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my body feels funny
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ok i found out what to twke but it might not work
its not rly that bothersome it just feels like um
u know wen ur laughing and ur body goes :3
yes thwt
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sounds like you have soft bnuuny syndrome
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thats actualy a really good diagnosis for this scenario
whats the next step of your master plan?
my father keeps breaking into my apartment building in the middle of the night then he spends forever knocking at my door and if i open he grabs me and asks me "are you thinking of killing yourself??"

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

her personality
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anon means this gif
S4ses cum bucket

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Yes GIF of her shaking ass
>cute slippers

she dance.

moving her feet to the boogity beat.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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this is imagination

isn't it strange


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waddabout orin

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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Watashi no fuku wa doko da? Chen!?

Souzetsuna... Oiroke...

Chen to ofuro de.... Ahhahaha Ah HAHAA!!!
Dare yori daisuki na kawaii Chen

Yoru mo osoishi, tomarinasai
Kon'ya issho ni ofuro hairu yo!
This is cursed but I like it

Your fortune: Outlook good
Chen is the worst. Big boobanner Touhous are the best.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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happy morning [s4s]!
the sun is coming up
happy morning cute passposter!
Good morning. Thursday morning.

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this is literally what i'm showing my're therapist for our appointment today


I have a feeling he's going to be in for a really good time.
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come on man

can i get at least one reply from some other Yuji Sakai or an anon or even taco kid
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i dont like undertale, it made me rage and when i rage at other games i think of undertale and get more mad

Your fortune: Outlook good
for some reason i never got around to playing this game because there was always something else i was nolifing, like lol or dota 2 or some insane skyrim mod load order that basically works like a turn based game because i have to very paranoidly quicksave every 2 seconds to make sure i don't get instagibbed, or every single decent super metroid romhack conceivable, or quake live, the list just goes on and on and on
unchecked doubles on the last page!
Yuji Sakai is literally insane LOLE

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hmm *shoots myself
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finished drinking tenshi's semen
"Ooh yellow moon yellow moon yellow moon
Have you seen that creole woman?"
–The Neville Brothers

there it is again.
coming right up over the
eastern horizon.

Your fortune: Outlook good
wear high heels
unchecked doubles on the last page!
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who else remember this one from back in the day lole

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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You’re Doktorspiele
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here's the original at the best quality i could find
Very nice anone thanks
thanx for all you're hard work :]
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there's also this angle which i couldn't find without the watermark. the guy's name is eric booker aka badlandschugs

Uhm how many times have you allowed conventions of a "hipster" or rather
>not a hipster convention
take control of who you are?
Besides your bottle of pills??? Who else makes the (You) that is (you) the one it should be? I get a question that says "Stop hitting yourself???" alot.
IDK what do you think?... What else??
(I'm okay...)
You are who you are today, ass well tonight,, lol.
Txt messages I noticed when I had an iPhone,, the little speech bubbles looked funny.
Like cheap art at bars or new coffee shops.
>which I've never been to. I'm serious!
*clap* *clap*
But no, something inside you did stop you from pursuing that?? ((WhAt iZs iTTDDd, HuH!?>? TeLL mE!!*whine* cmon!!!1 tE3333ll Meee!!1! y1EaH! UuYyw0U CAndTtdT~!~!1)
Idk! who is there to trust here on this dumb, dead planet besides yourself? Could one of you tell me?
>inb4 probly not(watch workout videos)

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oops I typed this message earlier and forgot to send it sorry xD

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
trips confirm, goober really did type it earlier we swear
Weird schizo faggot
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you lack the capacity to appreciate humanity in its true and absurd state because you refuse to accept death as the end

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Flabben bullen
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Your cousin sounds gorgeous.
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>the cousin
she italian
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rare footage ob ASIAN GORL taking backshots

Your fortune: Outlook good
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I'd be sweaty too if I were ASIAN GORL posting on 4CHAN and hiding from the MODS

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I've never heard of anyone getting skin cancer irl, even from relatives living in hot, sunny places.
I'm bisexual, so this makes me cum.
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You can get sunburned pretty badly, and if left untreated, you'll develop skin cancer.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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ASIAN GORL thread bumpo

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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well not all of em but I did do like a lot of threads like A LOT not only Monday
im a meme master

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
What the fuck is this thread

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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