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Be kind, please rewind.
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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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failed theead with zero replie
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A Jiracken version of Detroit's old Cass Corridor.
Instead of broken and bruised hookers flashing their legs, you get gloomy doomed groomed femboy slaves who will fugg you over when they decide to misbehave.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Catfish can you explain me how 2 get lizard gf?
No I gotta smoke this clip before the bus comes. You cannot consume reefer on le bus
lol the classic catfish flip from hostility to sexual harassment lmao
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I really like this image.

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u r so freakin evil...

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
are you a kike or sandnigger?
bro we need to get you laid

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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this you

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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I love rhythm game music
beat banger.
i only play donkey konga (2003)

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This is a silly board.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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how did that thing even evolve
predators would surely decimate populations of these creatures seeing as they are a significant source of edible meats while being unable to quickly flee (only 2 very stubby limbs, high center of mass), can't defend themselves, and can't hide seeing as they are large and very bright pink. From a biological perspective, I just don't get it

Your fortune: Average Luck
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i love mousse
same as the dodo. they had no predators on their island, you see, so they evolved to be nice.
h*ck yeah! FRONK IT!
praying 4 da best

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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>who are you quoting?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
literally nobody like you lmao

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Only true s4s poster have le fortune in there posts.
missed the joke two times in a row

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Good thing you got the fortune in there
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i finally understood that i hate stimulants
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take mine
i told you dog
dissociatives >>>>>
I would if I could
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You fail to mention that you love them too.

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Oh no! What happened?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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>>11765555 (quads)
you got quads is what happened
Soccer ball in buttehole lol.
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Oh no! Hajime-kun (Utamura-kun?) broke something!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

>be at school
>enter classroom through crowded hallway
>nowhere to sit, everyone is in their place
>oh shit I gotta sit with this gal
>teacher enters
>it's exam day apparently
>I haven't been in school in months so my grades are terrible
>also I gotta go to work in the morning
>wake up
I fucking hate dreaming about school. I really prefer aliens chasing my ass or getting my hand crushed by a mallet
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the self insert is so fucking cringe
gtfo please faggot :^)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Who said anything about self insert, nigger tranny?
you ruined a perfect comfy gumbo thread

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
It's been a while since I've had shrimp broth.
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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welcome home~
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I don't have a home...
what are you doing in my fucking house

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Is Tama-chan for sexual?

Can Tama-chan be safely penetrated? I wouldn't want to make her suffer and cry, and I would like for her to enjoy it too.
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good morning. I'm Japanese.
she is so small!
Are these Tama-chan's maids? Is she a rich girl?
This is common knowledge, is it not?
Ah, so you are a local terrorist of the youth.

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Beauty is evil.
so's yer mum
Don't care, I wanna put my dick in her mouth.
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in other words~ evil is beauty ^__^
It is OKAY to be white

jack ruselel
great meme it deserves 300 replies but i'm literally about to sit down and watch end of evangelion for the first time in maybe 15-20 years, not honestly sure
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jack ruselel hd
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Crickey looks like someone forgot to sub too pewdiepie
its very interesting when someone who has only ever heard about 4chan(nel) through secondhand sources tries posting for the first time. you can tell they weren't sure where to post this until they found the board titled "shit 4chan says" and figured this was the right place without even bothering to look at any other threads.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
grow up

install fedora gnu/linux
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I've been using nvidia and I had no issues lately with any of games I play
There's literally no point in using windows nowadays especially considering how much of a broken mess it is nowadays
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I don't use antidepressants i just lost my soul and I can't explain it :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i hope you choke and die
Install gentoo
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Listen, I have Linux Mint but is not working. I am not the average person who just uses Windows as a bootloader for Chrome.

I have a lot of projects that I have to do in a certain order and in a short amount of time, and I will continue to use these programs for it, but they are not working on Linux.

If I get a chance to figure it out I will but I can't waste anymore time running into brick walls than I already have. You guys told me this would be easy.

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