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Sheeeit, also known as Tyrone, is a meme that is used in MS Paint templates, similar to Rage Comics, that often portrays a caricatured, stereotypical African-American male saying a lengthened version of the word "shit" that is usually written as ''Sheeeit'', a pre-existing catchphrase. The image primarily appears in various webcomics on 4chan and subreddits like /r/SheeeitComics where the character is depicted in various racist stereotypes.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Let's try to get 5 same fortunes in a row!
(type fortune in the Options field)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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Your fortune: Godly Luck

Your fortune: Good Luck
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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im not in any s4s discord server or discord server in general
That's what they all say..
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literally one server i post on sometimes and the folder servers are the ones i own and used to be active but not anymore and they are there just to relish good memories i had with past friends
so if im on s4s im on s4s not on s4s discord
all of them filled to the brim with Child Porn
sigh talking to people here sometimes is like talking to a wall

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what activates your neurons?
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ok she looks like shit here.
if that "looks like shit", then what do the rest of hispanic women look like in america?
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Ok maybe I was too harsh but my point stands, she is far from ideal. Curves are necessary for reaching peak female aesthetics.
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"Hot town summer in the city...
Cool town, evening in the city
Dressed so fine and lookin' so pretty
Cool cat lookin' for a kitty–
Gonna look in every corner of the city
'Til I'm wheezing like a bus stop
Runnin' upstairs, gonna meet you on the rooftop"

–The Lovin' Spoonful

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Anime girl and cabbage #16:
Welcome to a double digit+ day old sensation, share with other cabbage anine enthusiasts if you want, or don't if you don't want.

15 (with a link chain to all prior A&C) here:

*Life is in the moment the past and the future do not exist so facts are actually a little less real than opinions, at least opinions come with a more manageable expectation of inherited inaccuracy, while facts just assume nonexistent permanence.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

there is no cure for my schizphrenia

Your fortune: Average Luck
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but he still wants to die
there is no cure it will always be shit pis aahgdgpi>FCGVKASHJBVCPSADV
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there is no cure but you would feel much better if you stopped drinking and took your pills.

Your fortune: Good Luck
but i take them every day
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yeah but mixing them with aobahol doesn't let them do their thing. i told you this before you don't realize the effect alcohol has on your mood.
I feel much worse when I do not drink aobahole, i already tried without. it is nice of you that you want to help me but nothign can help me.
i hope that one day i find the strenght to finally kill myself.

go vegan
bread and wine diet

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How does the thread watcher work?
it watches threads
you open a thread and then open a new tab and don't ever close the thread tab and then you click the [auto] new posts box.

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If she bites you, you will become jiracked?
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i wanna become a jiraiken
mind jiracked
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i think ive been bitten by a jirakula!!
durracked some image of durrfus making a durr face

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coffee is good for you
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did they
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I made coffee!!!

Your fortune: Good Luck
no way :o
yes way!!!

Your fortune: Godly Luck
xd your cute and yourectrips are pretty too

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Give up being gay/femboy/transgender/androgyny and turn to God.
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The dragons precious ghost almost made a friend so they sent in some street fighter jewsus to kamehameha their souls into another dimension and everyone he saves drops dead at the special day of reckoning.

Unbelievably wrong and the only way to make it even possible for the ghost to maintain the dragon is the legendary frankenstein hell operation for ghosts.

It was proven the jews used the bible for a curse against the lords most high for their pretender replacement king of the jews token terrorist forces.

Everything has gone all wrong.
best make you'e peace before you go in the woodchipper. ask jesus to save you
alcohol addiction is bad. being a queer isnt.
im muslim
Thank you Jesus Christ for stopping my temptation to look at the porn posted on this board. That is a very degenerate thing to do. I will only look at the s4s meme threads.

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Epic prank.
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imagine sucking that hot load out his asshole
>uncut dick
based foreskin appreciator
this kills the jewish cabal
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Grandpa's House 2007 would be a great name for a video game
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halt your'e are u.nder arrest
your life your consequences
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don't shoot.
why tho? i'm literally nice

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google sucks now omg
2 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
try searching loli on any search engine that isn't yandex
nothing happened?
they refuse to return relevant explicit results lolol
the amount of uses for nooses that got nothing to do with kys, and they still felt the need to give you the hotline
anyway, here's a proper tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJe6LLoGgR8

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