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I don't understand people.
42 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
I don't understand people either, especially those who gaslight disabled people, those who do that should kill themselves
choose a trip and post on esforce
what about enabled people?
they should be liquiddarked

Uhm how many times have you allowed conventions of a "hipster" or rather
>not a hipster convention
take control of who you are?
Besides your bottle of pills??? Who else makes the (You) that is (you) the one it should be? I get a question that says "Stop hitting yourself???" alot.
IDK what do you think?... What else??
(I'm okay...)
You are who you are today, ass well tonight,, lol.
Txt messages I noticed when I had an iPhone,, the little speech bubbles looked funny.
Like cheap art at bars or new coffee shops.
>which I've never been to. I'm serious!
*clap* *clap*
But no, something inside you did stop you from pursuing that?? ((WhAt iZs iTTDDd, HuH!?>? TeLL mE!!*whine* cmon!!!1 tE3333ll Meee!!1! y1EaH! UuYyw0U CAndTtdT~!~!1)
Idk! who is there to trust here on this dumb, dead planet besides yourself? Could one of you tell me?
>inb4 probly not(watch workout videos)

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oops I typed this message earlier and forgot to send it sorry xD

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
trips confirm, goober really did type it earlier we swear
Weird schizo faggot
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you lack the capacity to appreciate humanity in its true and absurd state because you refuse to accept death as the end

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Flabben bullen
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Your cousin sounds gorgeous.
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>the cousin
she italian
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do you choose the boye or girle
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Your fortune: Average Luck
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sexy anime grils and boys
Idk brisket w/ big bepnis doesn’t feel right at all…
How do you tell the difference?

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raymoo hackery
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bumping b4 going offline

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
thank yu for all your hard work!
raymoo hackery (NEC version)
a-aron i require assistance immediately.png

rare footage ob ASIAN GORL taking backshots

Your fortune: Outlook good
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I'd be sweaty too if I were ASIAN GORL posting on 4CHAN and hiding from the MODS

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I've never heard of anyone getting skin cancer irl, even from relatives living in hot, sunny places.
I'm bisexual, so this makes me cum.
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You can get sunburned pretty badly, and if left untreated, you'll develop skin cancer.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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ASIAN GORL thread bumpo

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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oh one more thing I’m done here. Do you honestly think in your delusional mind that you’re actually making somebody feel bad about themselves???? it’s actually laughable especially considering my life is clearly better than yours and there’s plenty proof of that I didn’t actually really need to Say anything to you to prove that as you already prove your miserable existence every single day. And that doesn’t have anything to do with nothing but the truth…. You were just oh so fortunately lucky enough to catch me at a board moment so you’re welcome for the attention that you so desperately needed :)
I have room to be cocky trust me haha!
The facts are: Julie is fat
And retarded!

Fact checked by independent official truth-seers
julie please show more of your titty
Batshit crazy delusional bitch lol
Go back to tiktok. Pretend to be hot on there

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well not all of em but I did do like a lot of threads like A LOT not only Monday
im a meme master

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
What the fuck is this thread

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

i dreamt i had a small sail boat i was in a harbor and got off the boat to eat something then some other dude came up and flexed on me that he had a kitchen on his boat then i woke up
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do you think you can handle the gado
yes :>
But he only has cans of Ravioli because he's a prepper
Eat shit faggot
His boat is ultra light weight and fuel efficient, it has a huge fuel tank, It's bullet proof and impossible to break into, he has everything that he would need to survive for a year on a remote island in case of an apocalypse.

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>browse s4s
>no anime girls with sweaty armpits
what happened bros....
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official armpit thread
Sweaty anines must remember to rehydrate.

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You are destroying my life.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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go to bed early tonight and come back tomorrow with a better attitude sweets
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I've been up all night
What now
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bed, of course. Go to bed on time, if you'd please. If you cannot go to bed on time, then drink sugar free Red Bull and stay up until your sleeping schedule is fixed
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i promise im not

install fedora gnu/linux
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i hope you choke and die
Install gentoo
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Listen, I have Linux Mint but is not working. I am not the average person who just uses Windows as a bootloader for Chrome.

I have a lot of projects that I have to do in a certain order and in a short amount of time, and I will continue to use these programs for it, but they are not working on Linux.

If I get a chance to figure it out I will but I can't waste anymore time running into brick walls than I already have. You guys told me this would be easy.
why would that be a negative
Nep is not for lewd but this image is giving me indecent thoughts.

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i would get a huge erection and a boner on her and start dry humping her

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Masturbation to porn is an extremely enjoyable way to spend an evening... especially if it can be done with friends ^-^
that's why she should wear clothes
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>anxiety and depression
>constant migraines
>see doctor
>they're caused by stress and anxiety
It is medically advisable that I jerk off and play video games so I don't feel physical pain.
clothes like these

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Hug kemono. Befriend kemono. Invite kemono into your home. Pet kemono on their fluffy heads. Cuddle kemono under a soft blanket while watching anime. Cook nice food for kemono. Give kemono upsies. Have a little wrestling contest with kemono. Take a sunbath with kemono.Help kemono do their taxes. Show off your cool karate skills to kemono. Offer your bus seat to a kemono who's expecting. Practice trash seperation with kemono. Make fresh lemonade together with kemono. Help kemono with their bi-yearly shedding. Go to an onsen with kemono. Play outside in the rain with kemono. Blow-dry kemono after a shower. Pet kemono to the point of overstimulation. Celebrate kemono's birthday. Make hamburgers for kemono. Take swimming lessons with kemono. Go to the doctor to take xrays with kemono. Help old kemono climb the stairs. Feed ducks together with kemono. Gift a cheap mall ninja katana to kemono.
sorry dude you're 11 days late for hug day, can't hug the kemono now
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