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wake up see this

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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well come on in! don't be shy I won't bite
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ehm hewo?
are you suwe?

Your fortune: Good Luck
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leave my thread filthy frogposters die die die!!!

Your fortune: Good Luck
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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
it'll be fine! we can hang out and watch your favorite anime!

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im board
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u are nice board
That's genuinely frightening
board on the image board
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Mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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thanks nise person

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1, shake <3
2, shake <3
3, shake <3
4, turn
5, shake <3
6, shake <3
7, bump!
8, finish!

Practice it and you'll be a star!
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How did it go?
It worked ^w^
Man, i love dis... heh, i love being a pedophile!!!
Wouldn't you be better off if you weren't one?
No...? Why would it be better to not find cute shit hot? That sounds fucking boring lmao

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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I don't have any spikedogs to leave in the offering box tho :<
what if...spikedog is reimu's pet!
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into a deep blue sleep
Sleep tight!!
I m living the rest is just a Ref

The forehead girl
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She's sssoo cute ^w^ how anyone could NOT be a pedophile after seeing this X_x
im a pedo but i dont like her that much
Oooo do u have e621
les fragrance ?

Reminder that 4chan is a nonfree platform just like Google, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok, etc.
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lole... nice job exposing youre-self'
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I pay for 4chan
No he is I literally know cause the people he talked to told me etc etc But there was probably nothing he could get the police on me but I don't trust this person and I don't consider it to be a friend anymore
I love mysteries! 4chan is les big one lole

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If it sloshes, there isn't enough.
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what exactly is "it"?
Slushies from 7/11
It's it.
7/11 is huge so is India ...kkk
I wish I had a wife like kohaku

they are poisoning our food

Your fortune: Outlook good
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how about the funny united america unites for once and stops the sillyness once and for all
If i knewn u were a girl i never respect u
>>11468288 dubs
i dont know what you mean
As long as Israel is America’s greatest ally the m*slims will keep attacking us ^___^
So where did the nose come from?
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i dont have issue with any race or whatever so i dont rly understand why people have such weird xenophobic way of thinking and the only way to resolve it is thru violence........ i sigh !!!!

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unchecked dubs on page 9!
is this Library or the real Fwewe Gussimer?

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how do you deal with mental illness or mental instability?
i.. i'm asking you because i'm trying to figure out how
i get nervous or stressed so easily and that drives me crazy
how do you maintain your insanity
if you know how to do so would you tell me how because i'm trying to figure out how?
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why do so many people on this board have BPD?
i think it's the other way around, we flock to this board
what did you get? i ended up on lamotrigine and quetiapine after initially getting risperidone for some unknown reason
moisturizing is good
meds make you more mental though

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Killing namefigs should not be legally considered murder, at most a small offence like a parking ticket.

Those people are worthless, unsalvageable, soon to be dead anyway.
They are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more worthless than the average person or highly productive, valuable humans.
They are human garbage and should be allowed to treat as such.

Superior humans should be allowed to shoot them for fun, like rats.

Human life is simply vastly different in value, and the low-life is not only not worth anything, but a burden, a cost, to others and society.

Everything else than making it legal to kill them at will is hypocrisy, because nobody really gives a damn if they die, freeze to death, or kill each other, already. Nobody cares, and the superior, more valuable humans, are happy when namefigs die and vanish.
Therefore, making it legal to kill them is only logical and rational.
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make me.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
forgot to refill the name field oops

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
We can refill a land within you

Fuck off, nigger!

Your fortune: Average Luck
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nigga nigga nigga
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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
damn girl are your tits a penis because i wanna suck em
smoothe pick up line ngl
its how i landed my current gf

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Happy birthday, [s4s]! It has been 11 amazing years, and we have so much to show for it!
and even more hilarious situations than even a professional stick shaker could shake a stick at!

But it goes deeper than that. [s4s] has also been an inspiration to many people who are otherwise confused or outcast by society. It has helped people embrace their hobbies, pursue their goals, or finally talk to that stinky amine griller in they're socio-economics class. We have broken through philosophical hierarchies and forged the path toward inspirational new epochs in human thought and emotion. We have brazenly pursued memetics to the point of losing ourselves, only to find out reflections in the bottom of a pit we thought endless. We have learned the dichotomy of niceness, the fallacy of rudeness, and in all have become more well-rounded and exceptional individuals merely due to this board's existence.

Most importantly, we are all still here :^) so while we're here, let's enjoy some MUSICE!!

First of all, today marks the release of [s4s] OC Albume 33, CHECK EM'! This albume has 103 potent tracks which are sure to get your feeties wigglin'! Expect a radio show this weekend, or download your very own copy TODAY from:

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>Anonymous - I don't know where...(nice panoo version)
wasn't that by new user?
no that was me lol
awesome dubs!
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no... also when is 34 gonna get released

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Got tea.
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don't you mean ketchup-flavoured

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
not everyone is british
there are other english speaking countries than the us and uk

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
oh i see thanks for clarifying frien
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Having more tea.

Can someone buy me monster hunter world, pretty pretty pls?
too poor to afford it and it is a good game
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what is your friend code?
We can be friends without the gaming part
why don u pirate it
here you go 1148174630
I want to play with people, I get sad when I play alone most of the time, unless the game has a good plot like nier (I play it cracked)

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