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Does anyone still play this?
I found out it's still alive a few months ago, but I don't know a single other person who plays it. Is there a guild I can join or something? I haven't touched it in like, 10+ years, so I may as well be a brand new player. I did claim that free quests coupon thing before it went away at least.
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I've been playing a bit on and off. Grabbed the big freebie pack earlier in the year and the free Year of the Dragon gifts all year. I would play more but the content feels like you need a minimum of two people usually.
I play on Khyber, but idk anyone else that does.
>one free expansion
nice, glad I never bothered picking up Isle of Dread so I can get it free now
Feywild is also a great pick for an account that doesn't already have it
Not anymore, since I don't have much time for vidya these days, even less so for mmos, but I would say it's one of the more interesting and better mmos.
So if you have some time, and since you have the quests and expansions for free, give it a try.
One of few games in Eberron setting too.
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I think my account might be a decade old too, probably created it when they went F2P.
Got some free packs. Was hoping for some more but they suspended the event due to bugs. There's a thread on their forums, seems like a few people are making fun of the devs since bugs get introduced after every maintenance.


I got invited to this guild on the default server, seems like the guy is just inviting every newbie that logs on.

Did you get it before the suspension?

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So Gigantic re-releases today with more stuff.

For people that played Gigantic before, is it worth getting into?
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I've been playing a fair amount of margrave, so I'll just toss in my own thoughts.
https://rentry co/tw2wrgbk
These are really detailed, especially >>1276437 thanks for the help guys. I will try to put it into practice and see if I can improve.

Also new patch planned for this week. Ranked planned for later this month. Still no mention on if there will be fixes for the PS5 version.
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Margrave is overall pretty fun, sure you'll get the hang of him.
I did manage to get a Gigantic badge out of him recently, granted the match was a stomp. Still, it's funny how fast the "tank" can delete people when left unchecked.
I just really wish they'd fix the leap.

Dunno how ranked will play out. I'm not sure we really have the numbers to be splitting queues, but otherwise playing solo into stacks on comms is going to kill people's interest in ranked really quick.
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Honestly the best advice for any character is learning how not to die as them without a Vadasi/Aisling/Sven sucking you off. The kills will come as you learn them and try different builds.

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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6


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I remember they tried to doomposting fucking Red Dead Redemption 2 and Doom Eternal of all things.
>teammates sxore a goal the exact moment i am about to ippon someone.
>This happened 3 times in a single battle.
I hate teams...
Same. Striker is like Team Battle only with more ways that your team of randoms can let you down.
Congrats on freedom!

Everyone I know in real life (same age as me) is eather a drug addict or a complete wanker.

Thus I have no other option then to find """"friends"""" through multiplayer games.

Tips? Anything helps.
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Go outside
It is simple, be funny (or try) without offenses
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Judging by the posts in this thread, you first priority is should be to stop being an insufferable edgy faggot. Best of luck.
It's not that hard to get friends online, unless you are an unfunny misarable cunt. Find some niche game and tell jokes and have fun with people there, easiest way to get into a community.

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Anybody still play it?
Rarely. I beat it years ago and feel no need to try and grind it again like I used to.
>but it's a multiplayer only game
Don't care, still beat it. No I will not elaborate.
On and off. Not much lately though because honestly even with the new weapons it's feeling stale. I can play tabletop BattleTech for hours at a time, but MWO just gets old when I realize it's one third FotM metabuilds, one third clueless new players and one third players who play straight default builds, with a joystick and throttle.
I played it until a few months ago. I've got too many hours in it now, just got tired of it at some point.
I recently returned, currently playing phoenix hawk and IS urbie.
Dude you almost make me want to make another smurf and terrorize the steering wheel underhive again.

>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches DLC)
Download and install the track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Information on how to install the track pack is here:
Newest Trackpack (last updated: 2022/12/02):
Newest Minipack, get this if you're just updating your track pack:

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the guy who does the BNGL stuff, sad that he got dicksword'd but as long as it doesnt impede the progress of his ports its whatever
by the way i took it upon myself to just make a new bread now since we're very close to the bump limit and i dont want us 404ing mid raceday or something, hopefully the vm jannies dont mind
NTA but it could be cause for concern considering how close he is to snake. The reason why he is able to do the bngl stuff is because snake gave him access to the internal track files ships and other assets as well as permission to port older versions of that stuff to the newer versions of the game
I dont know about you but a literal cabal of discord trannies being close to any games developer doesnt exactly sit well with me
the real big brained opinion is that a dev letting any community member of any flavor anywhere the fuck near the game is bad. don't even make a bug report queue, let alone a discord or forum. Doom 2, Halo 2 and 3 are the only times in the history of gaming that forming a "community" and "listening to them" had any sort of positive outcome.
fly high bng thread. had a lot of fun together, gonna miss you


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Why did valve let something like picrel die :(
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I heard it's very different but I've only played the source version.
is this bait, or are you this gay
Did they ever put real effort into it after porting to the source engine?
No, lol. It sucked in 2007 and still does.
>or insult the decisions admins make like a CHILD
> or you were playing too sweaty when you know you shouldn't be.
>If you can't handle playing like an adult, with adults, then you shouldn't be playing video games online in the first place. You should be playing something like Barbie or something more your speed.
The cognitive dissonance to make this post... It has to be real.

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Next best mmo? When release?
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>ames like Eve online would benefit from this sort of tech, but they have made some clever compromises
works fine in albion desu
Eve 2.0, never
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I just wish there was a good warhammer old world mmo
>Monsters & Memories will enter Early Access in January 2026.
>been in development since 2020
Nice, maybe my grandchildren will have something to play by the time it's out.
Still waiting on that new private server. I'm pretty sure it'll never actually release.

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Anyone play out of action? heard about this game forever ago I had no clue its had a demo out for awhile and is now running multiplayer servers atm. it's all made by a single dev too. population is pretty low the dev is playing in the NAE server
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>73 ccu peak today on steamcharts
that's pretty not bad. hope people are still playing when i get time on the weekends
It is pretty fun and reminds me of Blacklight Retribution. Needs more armor customization though, I want to pick out different legs, arms, torsos, helmets, etc. with different stats for them all.
so i tried it and it's pretty fun so far just running around shooting guns in deathmatch. got to talk about neat stuff and builds we found with the other players in the match too so bless there being a chat system
movement's pretty interesting. instead of a sprint you can roll or slide and you can also walljump when facing a wall to climb some shorter walls
excited to see how the game ends up closer to release
oh yeah the character customization in blr was really good. seeing its kind of weapon customization would be cool too. although i remember it playing a closer to call of duty in terms of movement and gunplay
not sure it'll have different stats on armor pieces though since there's the class system with different stats. still cool having a cyberpunk fps with toggleable wallhacks again when this releases
I'd definitely be down for more weapon customization, I hate how Tarkov (and to a lesser extent Ground Branch) has a monopoly on decent weapon customization nowadays, its not my style of game. Right now I feel like the game is missing a 3 round burst rifle and a semi auto rifle, both weapons I liked to use in BLR perhaps not so coincidentally.

bros can't we just one day fill an empty rising storm servers and have some fun? i've never experienced a rising storm server, only ro2
Not enough bros on vm. Join a milsim discord and try to convince them.
>convince them
it's joever
red orchestra 2 is significantly better than rising storm

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how fucking new are you that you don't know the uncopylock trick
Do you have Armored Patrol 9.3?
cant do that since 2012 THOUGH

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starving alone

The knight
>ESL doesn't know about /fng/

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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

News and Events

List of all patches chronologically

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply by mentioning you're from /vm/.

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]

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learn english
kill yourself partyfag
don't like it? don't care kill yourself fag
why is it only 100% on me in this game but not other mmos?
in other games you make a typo, delete your character and just make a new one
why does korea need to be the retarded exception here? they get the basics wrong and then the playerbase wonders why no one is playing

First off, I am v. bad and this game is uh, the devs doubt it's playable yet. Be warned.
Here's what I'm hosting:

Dying Light: Definitive Ed. GoG 1.49 (KoatIK repack)
I Am Legion 1.29
on OpenVPN
Daytime/evenings CEST (GMT+1)

Looking for 3 more players. For chat/coordination we can use Discord or Mumble, and ig TeamSpeak could work too.
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what a bump!
can't stop bumping dis bread

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