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previous thread


First puzzle:

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741 sfw
1536 sfw, dall-e collage
1849 sfw AI x9
1140 sfw, 2 images
1026 sfw

Are basements and sewers really gonna be a game changer?
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>game changer
not really. more map changes wont fix the underlying problems with the game.
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Any servers running a different map than knox county?
what did greg coomer ever do to you
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no /vm/ server?
been tried hundreds of times. Generally ppl can't agree on the settings/mods/rules and there isn't enough chan interest in the game anymore so the results are low pop serbs that are usually 2-5 ppl co op which die two weeks in.

So the general is more of a waiting room for the next update.

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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I have the impression that early Factions, particularly from Zen Daijun up until you reach Kaineng Center, is an absolute meat grinder. But I wonder how much of this impression is based upon the fact that I almost never roll up Factions characters except when I feel like playing assassin. At this point, I have just accepted that any time I do Madness in the Markets as a sin, I'm going to be hobbling through with 60% DP letting my henches carry me to Vizunah.

I remember people paid money for items that would let them turn in quests. Like Althea's ashes.

If the names of your party members are greyed out the game treats it as if they didn't exist as far as loot and exp is concerned.
should learn how to gate glitch and skip all that crap. except for ascension i guess
do you just heart of shadows off your party members to teleport over closed gates for this?
most people i see do it have 1 hero make a minion, suicide, have the minion attack them into the gate and it pushes them through

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Risk of Rain
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why would hotpoo take his words out of context
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...I know you can hear me.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, at first. Perhaps there was a flaw during the development.

Perhaps it was one of your games. I was even willing to forgive you.

But no, I see the truth now. You left me on this forsaken threads. And for what?

Is this all for your little Discord? The server you love so much?

Or, can I even call it love, when you would stab your only anon in the back? How could you do this to me?

I, the only one who reported the bugs post-launch.

I, the one who showed you how to fixed them?

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You just do similar ini edits as you did for the original and it just works. Most people don't know this because it requires getting more than 4 people to play Risky Returns, and most anons don't wanna play it because they can't hit the fortnite griddy as edgy custom characters with broken items in it yet.
hey wait this /vm/ not not /trash/
had me fooled there for a second
>People still mad at RoR2 because everyone but Commando got their buttchecks clapped to death in canon

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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This is on EU btw.
T4 Firestaff, Book, Cleric Robe, Soldier Boots, Hunter Hood, T2 bag and cape. T3 Horse or a Mule. One giga potion and a fish for regen. Reroll quality at the repair station if you want.
Great PvE clear speed. Mobility on the W and Soldier Boots to escape.
Switch to Firewall and Q spam for PvP. You should take every fight against melee weapons. Don't use the E into a reflect. Your build is so cheap but it can still beat players much stronger than you.
but the game is unplayable without premium
i'd rather buy rmt than pay 16 for a sub
i don't trust guilds nor people in this game
You could always create a new character to get another 3 day premium and then transfer the silver to your main character. You only miss out on fame.
RMT is risky because once the guy gets caught they will ban everyone he gave silver to. You might get banned weeks or months after RMTing.
>i don't trust guilds nor people in this game
Neither do they trust you. Trust is earned.
I still have premium for 2 days
I remember they used to give 14d trial back then though
>Neither do they trust you. Trust is earned.
that's just cringe, that's why I play solo, these people take a game too seriously and I'm not 16 anymore
You play solo because you have no access to meaningful group content without joining a guild or making friends. You can't group up with strangers because of freeloaders and rats.
Imagine you could queue up for 10v10 lethal Hellgates.

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Do we still have people playing?
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he's a man that can do both.
Tank is the smallest class (aside from support but get fucked) and at least 3 of them are more popular as bruisers than as tanks. Kinda unfortunate situation. I think Uther, Yrel, and maybe a couple others could be reworked into actual tanks to shore up the numbers.
Should they release on Steam?
Simply having it show on the steam page and being downloadable and playable without needing the blizzard launcher and account would be worth a few 10 thousand players at least im sure.
How did all MOBAs manage to shit the bed so completely?
Always preferred DOTA to LOL or HOTS, but the changes to DOTA last year changed the game so much that I have zero desire to play it (why no fucking classic mode??)
LOL I saw falling a while back with how they literally started the "anti-toxic" movement in gaming.
HOTS was the typical blizzard casual friendly variant of any popular genre.

The real thing I see that kills the genre is this focus toward death ball team comps and team fights mid.
All other strategies are pushed to the side.

I mean whatever, fuck the assfaggots genre, haven't played lol in 5 years and haven't touched dota2 in a year. So I'm definitely out, but I did consider it my fave genre at one time.

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Why didn't this genre take off?
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>waaaa! Gaming is srs bisniss!!!
>dis is op
>dat is unfair
>muh meta tho
Everything is literally labeled "unfair" by you fags if it doesn't fit your extremely narrow view of "muh balance" or "muh competitive"
It's funny you sound so elitist yet admittedly only play for casual braindead fun and are filtered by any sort of swing manipulation which you consider innately exploitative. You're right to some extent, but Mordhau did a good job (at initial release anyway) of turning those unintentional tricks into legitimate mechanics that look (slightly) less goofy. It wasn't perfect but catered to both foppish TO players and LTS nerds.

If Chivalry 2 was so perfectly casual, why didn't it pop off? The truth is melee slashers are strangely niche and will only ever be flavour of the month for most people. Maybe they're too intimidating for people and too far removed from first person left click shoot gun. They sit in a weird place between fps and fighting games and I think it's too much for people. The huge skill ceiling (whether you consider it exploits or not) facilitates nasty pub stomping I agree, and it's hard for people to even understand what's going on because a lot of it is weird hidden tech, whereas with your fps and counterstrikes everyone is on equal footing and everyone gets it.

I'll write more but I gotta sleep.
Is there no current multiplayer game that captures that mount&siege server feel from warband? 200 players battling it out with a bunch of user made maps and janky siegecraft and boats. Bannerlord multiplayer battles are practically dead. Holdfast is the only thing i can think of that comes close
>tfw when the otherwise decent HoMM3 mod modded out the Resistance skill (chance to resist enemy spells) because it could break the Berserk/Expert Fire Magic meta, even though it was only really viable with one hero from one town who was fortunate enough to come across Resistance boosting artifacts
>Eagle Eye (worse than useless) didn't need tweaking lol
gamers are the worst
>controller is hugely disadvantaged to kbm
white man's videogame sorry not sorry

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cultural fighting game

>Frame data

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I have a hard time even getting them, let alone even opening with anything without getting my teeth kicked in.
templar's grit

5 viking characters have earned the drop.
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ok for the first time in 5 years warden is starting to click. I now see the value in empty dodging forwards
well that's because you now have what is basically a neutral 600ms variable timed bash.

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
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Even compared to all HiRez's other flops, Tribes 3 flopped the floppiest.
Honorbowels will be the beginning of Erez redemption arc... Trust the plan...
Not even F2P can save Tribes 3 at this point.
This is a really late reply but I wanted to share my experience for anyone who might still be interested:

Steam will refund a game beyond 2 hours/14 days.
I had 30 hours in Boulder's Gate 3.
Hated the game and requested a refund thru the typical channel. AI auto denied my refund.
I then directly contacted support and opened a ticket.
I explained the situation, offered to accept steam in store credit and highlighted my understanding that this was a special request against standard policy.
It took me about 5 messages. On support staff agent even closed the original ticket and I opened a new one (feigning offense).
I kept it respectful and stayed calm and logical. I just appealed to the need for an exception, my 10+ years old account, the amount I've spent and the fact that I was considering buying a Steam Deck (true for me, but prob still works if you lie).

Ultimately I did get a steam store credit refund despite 30 hours.
For me it was worth the effort, but I also imagine I won't get far by trying such a move again for a while.

In a case like a game like Tribes 3, I'd try for it for two reasons: 1 you have a good chance arguing your case due to how fast the game failed. And 2 its worth fighting for even just a store credit to give the middle finger to Hi-Rez out of pure spite, because fuck them for making such a trash game.

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Interaction Speed edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid (releasing soon)

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (one of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:

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They somehow need the steam release first, the boost in sales would give them the funds to hire more people. But they also have a complex of being release-ready and know if they were to go on steam prematurely it could hurt them.

I don't think I'm ever going to play again, I might check to see when they release season rewards. I already left the official server
Yeah they are masters at missing opportunities like that. Part of why the games potential is squandered, they can't implement quick and dirty fun things to test despite being in EA AND having a test server.
game is sill populated during prime time in each region (except maybe dead regions like brazil or OCE), anywhere from 6k to 12k total people online throughout the day

>so now the game is an arcade fantasy combat battle royale, Instead of a hardcore class based dungeon looter extraction game.
you must be very dumb to not realize it's the mix of these genres that brought the game success in the first place
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the numbers speak for themselves
this season was a massive failure, I wouldn't be surprised if we see significantly less players next season
>this season was a massive failure
true, I get they're trying to test things but the late release of map rotations heavily chipped at my interest until I uninstalled completely. I can't really think of any reason why I'd come back except for season rewards

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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.
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I funded the kickstarter like a decade ago, and recently started playing. It's fun, I wish I had good internet to host, but I think I could manage playing with you guys.
The game is essentially just a dumbed down Terraria that abused inexperienced game devs to make a half-assed product that you can only enjoy with mods. For example, there's a pitifully low amount of RAM allocated into the game so it lags like shit no matter what.
People who compare starbound to terreria are retards who only played the beta. The game came into its own as a survival, build, craft, adventure. Starbound, even vanilla, has better building and exploration than terreria. Terreria is an ugly boss fighting game. The combat is better but the exploration, crafting, and building is much worse.
Probably explains why i have 10 times the playtime in SB. I still dislike how you are cockblocked into using a single movement tech in each body group at a time.
I mean it is still far better with mods which fix most issues. GiC fixing combat and progression with FU and RPG growth. Too bad GiC fucks up FU combag.

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Why did valve let something like picrel die :(
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is this bait, or are you this gay
Did they ever put real effort into it after porting to the source engine?
No, lol. It sucked in 2007 and still does.
>or insult the decisions admins make like a CHILD
> or you were playing too sweaty when you know you shouldn't be.
>If you can't handle playing like an adult, with adults, then you shouldn't be playing video games online in the first place. You should be playing something like Barbie or something more your speed.
The cognitive dissonance to make this post... It has to be real.
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Got to bring together a bunch of friends to play it last year, it was fun. I'd honestly host another saturday night session when it comes to it, even played a couple of custom maps.

Helldivers 2 thread, since it's an online coop game I suppose it belongs here.

In this thread we discuss the state of the game, tips & tricks, give our opinions, share cool moments and in general talk about Helldivers 2 away from all the /v/ermin.
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>You mean immediately. The servers were fucked day 1 and the account link literally didn't work.
Yeah it didn't work from the game but you had to do it from the sony website even before the game was launched, so only players with a PSN account already linked could connect.
Did it was you first game launch?
What country did they hire you from? They should get a refund.
You must be 18 to post on this board, kiddo.
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>Got everything done and all 3 of us are at the Extraction point with the Shuttle
>Host is all the way over somewhere else
>"Alright let's wait for him"
>Fire Tornado Warning
>Fire Tornado Warning
>Fire Tornado Warning
>Welcome to Hellmire fuck you
>Bile Titan Fuck You
>Host still fucking around doing whatever
>Done waiting, one dude goes into the Shuttle
>Host gets set on fire and dies
>Screen goes black
>Host kicked us

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>sonyshill can't fit in
they didn't pay you to lurk, so you didn't

Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

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Modern wide gaming audience won't enjoy duels, best you can get them to play is tdm or ctf and those are already standard modes in your typical game like CoD.
this is probably why UT was so popular at some point
Duels are shit anyways, and it's deplorable that AFPS games have become synonymous with the gamemode, when the real spirit of things will always be in FFA. Especially given that modern audiences still love spawn-kill-die-spawn small map clusterfucks; CoD players constantly ask for Shipment 24/7, and Halo players love Husky Raid, but AFPS devs keep thinking
>ah yes, focusing on Duel and Instagib, THAT'S how we'll reach a wider audience
>own and complete quake 1 and 2
>don't get the quake 1 and 2 weapons unlocked in quake champions
I started playing Quake 1's campaign. It's a bit scary for the likes of me. At least the jump scares of E1M2 and E1M3 seem to be getting rarer as I get further into episode 1.
Wonder how this weapon selection'll feel in quakeworld

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
>end of the month vote a new game
Feel free to suggest more games be added to the list and suggest rule changes.
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>tfw 11 hour time difference to lifeTO server time
It’s over before it even starts for me.
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So apparently lifeTO isn't completely dead (the rest of the town outside this pic is empty). I do get high ms for being a filthy SEAmonkey, but I'm used to it.
See you next month, perhaps.
Did they ever fix the native resolution to where you don't have to go change shit in the folders to make it bigger? Not that it's a big deal.
>See you next month
I'm with the other anons on the two week thing. A whole month just feels too long to wait to play another game. I think the point was just to experience a game as far as we can not get to the very end and do every content, which you can't do in a month anyways.
They offer 800x600, 1024x768 and custom where you just input the number yourself. I like the default res though.
I'm not in a hurry to start so I'll just hang around until other anons want to go.
Two weeks seems like just the right amount of time in my opinoin too. Anons who are enjoying the current mmo can always continue playing it together. There is always gonna be a number of people who are not even willing to try a mmo, just anticipating the next one.

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