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Everyone I know in real life (same age as me) is eather a drug addict or a complete wanker.

Thus I have no other option then to find """"friends"""" through multiplayer games.

Tips? Anything helps.
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Go outside
It is simple, be funny (or try) without offenses
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Judging by the posts in this thread, you first priority is should be to stop being an insufferable edgy faggot. Best of luck.
It's not that hard to get friends online, unless you are an unfunny misarable cunt. Find some niche game and tell jokes and have fun with people there, easiest way to get into a community.

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Anybody still play it?
Rarely. I beat it years ago and feel no need to try and grind it again like I used to.
>but it's a multiplayer only game
Don't care, still beat it. No I will not elaborate.
On and off. Not much lately though because honestly even with the new weapons it's feeling stale. I can play tabletop BattleTech for hours at a time, but MWO just gets old when I realize it's one third FotM metabuilds, one third clueless new players and one third players who play straight default builds, with a joystick and throttle.
I played it until a few months ago. I've got too many hours in it now, just got tired of it at some point.
I recently returned, currently playing phoenix hawk and IS urbie.
Dude you almost make me want to make another smurf and terrorize the steering wheel underhive again.

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It was nice while it lasted
why not explain yourself instead of being a passive aggressive fag.
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you live in california...
this was someones real grave and theres a site dedicated to desecrating it
metadata alert?

>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches DLC)
Download and install the track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Information on how to install the track pack is here:
Newest Trackpack (last updated: 2022/12/02):
Newest Minipack, get this if you're just updating your track pack:

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Who and please provide one well articulated reason why us racists should care.
the guy who does the BNGL stuff, sad that he got dicksword'd but as long as it doesnt impede the progress of his ports its whatever
by the way i took it upon myself to just make a new bread now since we're very close to the bump limit and i dont want us 404ing mid raceday or something, hopefully the vm jannies dont mind
NTA but it could be cause for concern considering how close he is to snake. The reason why he is able to do the bngl stuff is because snake gave him access to the internal track files ships and other assets as well as permission to port older versions of that stuff to the newer versions of the game
I dont know about you but a literal cabal of discord trannies being close to any games developer doesnt exactly sit well with me
the real big brained opinion is that a dev letting any community member of any flavor anywhere the fuck near the game is bad. don't even make a bug report queue, let alone a discord or forum. Doom 2, Halo 2 and 3 are the only times in the history of gaming that forming a "community" and "listening to them" had any sort of positive outcome.

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Why did valve let something like picrel die :(
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I heard it's very different but I've only played the source version.
is this bait, or are you this gay
Did they ever put real effort into it after porting to the source engine?
No, lol. It sucked in 2007 and still does.
>or insult the decisions admins make like a CHILD
> or you were playing too sweaty when you know you shouldn't be.
>If you can't handle playing like an adult, with adults, then you shouldn't be playing video games online in the first place. You should be playing something like Barbie or something more your speed.
The cognitive dissonance to make this post... It has to be real.

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):

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I've always wanted to play Outbreak but I've balked at the idea of digging into the private server scene as-is because I figure it's all hardcore fans optimizing their play with each other. Does anyone here want to play it?
does anyone wanna play call of duty DS
also how much sooner until ctww ctgp nitro
>StreetPass is about to return
streetpass never went away, it's just hard to randomly find others with a 3ds now

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Want to get into mmorpgs for the first time since I was like, 13 (which is 11 years ago, god damn)
Basically, my background is I had only played one MMORPG until it shut down and I haven't really played an mmorpg since then. Hell, I didn't even REALLY get into that game as a kid and especially got bored by fan remakes of it.
Redpill me on some FREE mmorpgs, preferably /vr/ kino, i.e has vga-ish 2D graphics or 3d graphics that look like it was on the n64 or earlier/weaker
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>can think of like 3
>out of dozens
>Mabinogi Except Auranogi, which seems to be an emulation, therefore an attempt to reverse engineer Mabi
>Rusty Hearts
>Dragon Nest
And those are the ones I can instantly recall
Cyber$tep was so sloppy that they not only packed the source code on the client installation, but also had easily available websites with all their documentation, sadly people only realized when they were just cleaning that place up and were already replacing their old installations for cleaner ones
>Anarchy Online
>City of Heroes
Anarchy Online is in an odd state. Game is on maintenance mode and rife with dupers and cheaters. Multiboxing is fairly common and content that used to be filled with players is like to see more than a handful an hour.
Despite that I still go back every once in a while, never really played a game with twinking like that.
it really is a shame how funcom simply stopped trying to fight the duping problem, and now they absolutely don't care about multiboxes. they openly flaunt it too, you'll go to an area and see like 8 identical MPs standing in a row. however i DO appreciate the industrious person who set up the buff bots in OA, that must have required a decent bit of scripting.

its also a shame that there are like a thousand different weapons in AO and only about 5% are actually useful.

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Next best mmo? When release?
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>ames like Eve online would benefit from this sort of tech, but they have made some clever compromises
works fine in albion desu
Eve 2.0, never
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I just wish there was a good warhammer old world mmo
>Monsters & Memories will enter Early Access in January 2026.
>been in development since 2020
Nice, maybe my grandchildren will have something to play by the time it's out.
Still waiting on that new private server. I'm pretty sure it'll never actually release.

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/mmcg/ is hosting another modded Minecraft server, see
This time, it's based on TerraFirmaCraft, a mod all about primitive technology.

From the modpack's ATLauncher page:

This pack aims at providing a complete, believable and smooth experience from stone age to interstellar travel, with heavy engineering content in mind and guided with quests and manuals.

Survive, mine, craft, design your base and your automations, manage your power generation and consumption, shape the world with your hands and in the end create the massive factory you have dreamed of.

This pack provides many unique challenges in automation, as there are no magic block which can solve every problem. You will need to use all available tools, transport belts, trains, servos, redstone gates, or even computers to control them all

The gameplay can be identified with a few “ages”:
- Stone age to Bronze age provided by vanilla TFC.

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>no offline mode
Not playing
>he wants to snoop on my precious m$ account
rest in piss /mmcg/
are you guys up for dawmcraft or atm 9?

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Anyone play out of action? heard about this game forever ago I had no clue its had a demo out for awhile and is now running multiplayer servers atm. it's all made by a single dev too. population is pretty low the dev is playing in the NAE server
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>73 ccu peak today on steamcharts
that's pretty not bad. hope people are still playing when i get time on the weekends
It is pretty fun and reminds me of Blacklight Retribution. Needs more armor customization though, I want to pick out different legs, arms, torsos, helmets, etc. with different stats for them all.
so i tried it and it's pretty fun so far just running around shooting guns in deathmatch. got to talk about neat stuff and builds we found with the other players in the match too so bless there being a chat system
movement's pretty interesting. instead of a sprint you can roll or slide and you can also walljump when facing a wall to climb some shorter walls
excited to see how the game ends up closer to release
oh yeah the character customization in blr was really good. seeing its kind of weapon customization would be cool too. although i remember it playing a closer to call of duty in terms of movement and gunplay
not sure it'll have different stats on armor pieces though since there's the class system with different stats. still cool having a cyberpunk fps with toggleable wallhacks again when this releases
I'd definitely be down for more weapon customization, I hate how Tarkov (and to a lesser extent Ground Branch) has a monopoly on decent weapon customization nowadays, its not my style of game. Right now I feel like the game is missing a 3 round burst rifle and a semi auto rifle, both weapons I liked to use in BLR perhaps not so coincidentally.

bros can't we just one day fill an empty rising storm servers and have some fun? i've never experienced a rising storm server, only ro2
Not enough bros on vm. Join a milsim discord and try to convince them.
>convince them
it's joever
red orchestra 2 is significantly better than rising storm

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how fucking new are you that you don't know the uncopylock trick
Do you have Armored Patrol 9.3?
cant do that since 2012 THOUGH

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starving alone

The knight
>ESL doesn't know about /fng/

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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
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I don't even think it's console only or "consol preferred."

Theres PS only, (Crossplay off)
Same control scheme only (Aka controller only)
Full crossplay.

Same control scheme is also availible on Xbox currently and thats what I use, game is usually very chill in controller only.
does anyone wanna play together? i've played before but never bothered with the quests so it would be nice if its someone who hasnt done quests either
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No open crew until next season. There's going to be a ton of sloops out there. Pic rel me waiting for my ship to load in the options menu so I can select to sail with it.
>It never loads.
I've never even used open crew

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