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The /vm/ Ruins & Riches server has returned, this time on the Adventurers of Akalabeth fork. Unlike other forks, AoA is mostly bug fixes and QOL tweaks. Of particular note is being able to craft in bulk and get skill increases from each item crafted. You can check out all the updates and download the client (link in the discussion tab if you don't have a servuo account) here: https://www.servuo.com/archive/adventurers-of-akalabeth.2014/
I did revert the strange portal change. Having a return portal is gay and misses the point.

I've also made some other changes to keep the content from getting too easy too quickly. First is magic damage against monsters is reduced from 200% to 125%. Second is removing the 20% drop chance for messages in a bottle that all sea creatures get. This made it far too easy to sail around or go to sea dungeons and hoard treasure maps for artifacts. Now just like base UO you can only get them from fishing, krakens and leviathans.

Changes from default settings:
>stat gain every 10m instead of 15
>vendors always buy rare items
>need line of sight to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>all creature races start as evil
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources

To connect, change the IP in settings.json to The server is in Virginia and it was fine for eurofags last time.
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Do all apples cure poison?
apples do WHAT?
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Nevermind, it's just that eating food heals you apparently.
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Risk of Rain
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it maybe works for niggas like engi but anyone who has to actually turn their camera and play the game is nonfunctional on controller
imagine playing merc on a fucking controller lmao
With gyro aiming it's probably pretty decent but besides that a resounding nay
I know I'm late but I got multiple.
>Faulty Controller (White)
"Chance to do an additional ranged attack."
4% (+2% per stack) to attack an additional time for hitscan and projectile skills.
>Bag of Dice (Green)
"'Critical Strikes' increase damage. Stacks 2 times."
Gain 5% critical chance. Critical strikes increase damage by 1.5. Maximum cap of 3 (+1.5 per stack) damage.
>Bundled Crystals (Green, Void)
"Your 'Critical Strike' chance and effects now benefit from non-boss instant kill chance. Corrupts all Bags of Dice."
Gain 5% critical chance. Divide critical strike chance into non-boss instant kill chance by 20. Critical strike effects now affect non-boss instant kills. Corrupts all Bags of Dice.
>Ragged Blanket (Green)
"Gain attack speed for every debuff."
For every debuff, gain 15% (+7.5% per stack) attack speed.
>Screen-Burnt Handheld (Red)

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>Your 'Critical Strike' chance and effects now benefit from non-boss instant kill chance.
I fucked it up. It's "Your 'Critical Strike' chance and effects now become non-boss instant kill chance and effects." I didn't sleep enough.
I like it desu

Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.

password: shaw

Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time

cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes

You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:

You can use this site to get stats from recordings:

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a smile might be good...
Thinking I might just continue it
Yo se que en el fondo they feel me but they dont wanna show me love
La tipa es bandida y en la noche me llama caliente said she wanna fuck
Ella una mala quiere un chico malo con plata yeah she wanna a thug
Le digo a bro que funda en sport pisale que queme el motor
Yo se que en el fondo they feel me but they dont wanna show me love
Entro en la tienda y compro lo que quiero sin importarme what it cost
Ella una mala quiere un chico malo con plata yeah she wanna a thug
Tengo una de henny y un poco de smoke
Asi que no hace falta que vayamos al club
La tipa es bandida y en la noche me llama caliente said she wanna fuck
Bro sigue presente le doy otro calo aun no ha sanado el dolor
Ahora todo el mundo nos quiere como buena merca aumentamos el valor
Le digo a bro que funda en sport pisale que queme el motor
No me hables de drill español si onions como el autor
Ustedes ninguno me llegan

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didn't read

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Interaction Speed edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid (releasing soon)

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (one of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:

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not an argument, just admit you're retarded
the game turned to dog anus the moment they introduced solos/multiple maps, but got progressively worse as they added things like AP and free HR and other gay baby shit. you are all truly retarded for continuing to play it. take me back to alpha 5 where everyone got dumped into the same mode and had to dealwithit. simplicity and chaos > gay faggot treadmill meta horsecock discord-monster features for babies.
The AP system was a mistake

holy shit fuck this gay ass game like actually fuck this game into a grave

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Get it here

Over 650 unlockable playable characters from series' entire lifespan, along with some Konami guests
Over 70 stages, totaling around 500 variants to play on
6 different Battle Mode rules - Survival Battle, Reversi Battle, Dodge Battle, Hyper Bomber, King Battle, Battle Royale
Plethora of different items, many of which you already know and love, some never seen before (if you're not into it though, worry not - you can turn them off)
Frantic gameplay up to 12 players

To enter the server go: Battle Mode > Online > Enter the one server that appears > Select room.

If you're bad/new, feel free to ask for a handicap.

Pass is: read the filename
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MMO beta in 11 days, If you know, you know.
enjoy the crypto miner launcher
shut up butt-rice
Is there any other pages on the site?
Only ones I've seen are /begin.html /hope.html /faq.html and /wander.html
Any proof this is real? and not >>1288870

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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.moe/
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>vtumors discovered ss13
Trannies killed this game and now vtumor fans will mutilate its corpse.
vtrannies found the game in 2016 when mandalore did a vid and then again in 2018 when sseth did a vid
Same thing happened with Bay, IIRC. I think there was nobody from Bay 12 by the end.
>the old community will never return to the game

"The old community" are the trannies that have ruined the game. Everyone that didn't go crazy from being terminally online got a life.
SS14 is releasing from play test in a couple months and consistently has maxed out servers. It's unironically saving the game by bringing in young blood that aren't middle aged adults corrupted by 15 years of chatroom mental illness immersion.

Halo has fallen , Microsoft killed it , 343 killed it , their greed , they where blind , no one will ever buy a halo game again thanks for their bad decision making destroyed the franchise , they gotta pay for their sins , they took from us one of the greatest games ever now gave us shitty Micro transactions

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MMC Halo 3 is just annoying sometimes. I dont know if people are just better now but BR starts are utter cancer. The only playable mode is Auto Slayer.

Even then it just feels like...halos sandbox is vastly overrated a majority of the guns are kinda ass outside of power picks.
Non-power weapons post Halo CE have been basically useless all the way up until Reach with some minor exceptions (notice how the Bruteshot and Grenade Launcher both aren't necessarily power weapons but are really solid if you can get good with them?), and even CE had a useless needler. But man, quick camo with plasma rifle + it could headshot + rotation and movement stun, that weapon was a monster. AR shredded people up close, Fuel Rod was never on original Xbox but it's probably the best iteration of the Fuel Rod Gun.
I’m with you. Halo went from great (1&2) to terribad.
I've never played another game where the ranked/competitive mode wasn't just the regular game but with MMR. Is this not normal in COD? I can't even find a ranked match in halo infinite there's not enough players, who is it that wants this?
this is retarded. in actual competitive games no one would use any of the other weapons anyway. It might be fun to blow someone up withe the needler but its just not something you'd pick up in a serious match. I also don't fucking want to use an AR basically ever as it's boring and takes exactly 0 skill to use with matchups being decided on who shot/meleed first.

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Why are sandbox PvP MMOs always such a failure and will Ashes of Creation follow suit /vm/?
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Ashes looks like a huge fucking joke to me.
I don't think it's a scam but jesus christ there are clearly red flags here about the game's development, and whether it will actually be a "good" MMO.
This video https://youtu.be/eOdU6gJ07rQ?si=w2VFSXNZLiMyQlKL
7 years ago
Mentions it "has a caravan system".
3-6 months ago? The caravan system is ACTUALLY done. Promises? The actual content? Huge time disconnect.
But to me the thing that stands out most is how "shallow" the game looks. What's the actual combat, enemies, bosses, dungeons look like? Everything I've seen of this looks incredibly lame, basic and following in the footsteps of every past MMORPG.
For god's sake they went all in on the MMORPG trinity with generic fantasy classes as basically DPS, then "Tank", then Cleric for Healer. They might as well call all DPS classes "Damager".
Sounds like you're a scurred widdle PvEbabby.
>developer used console commands to trigger an event in a Livestream
How shit can you get
>MMORPG trinity with generic fantasy classes as basically DPS, then "Tank", then Cleric for Healer
Why would you want to avoid trinity class design? It's just a classic strong party composition, and when you have to potentially contend with other players in open world PVP it's nice to know your predefined roles.
new waifu in skimpy dress :)

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Any of yall play this game? And what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
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Its the only game that i consider an actual waste of time.
wait you cant change that? yikes I was just thinking about changing my character after a few days playing.
at least im not some nigger though

I used to play then streamers turned the game into a cesspool of sociopaths making any interactions with other players as toxic as possible.

Now the meta is KOS or get fucked because the guy will inevitably build his base right next to yours and try to take all your shit or grief you the minute he can.

Then people figured out that they can avoid pvp altogether just by waiting for you to log off and offline raid your base and take everything from you.

If they introduced safe zones where raiding was not possible and increased rewards for exploring monuments and zones outside the safe area it would encourage people to come back and try to pvp.

Make a crafting mat only available at certain monuments so people who want to craft an assault rifle for example absolutely have to go there and that would force people to fight head on for resources instead of avoiding each other like faggots.
Ya gotta be amicable with your neighbors and unite under something in common like being hill people or revering a grand tree, etc.
If they're russian then you're SOL.
>what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
Pretty fucking grim desu.
>AI touted as genius in previews is still retarded.
>HDRP having literally no notable changes after its release, every map is the same and no natural cover exists.
>Safezones did absolutely nothing to solve monument camping.
>Every piece of armor has radiation resistance instead of just having Radsuit be the required armor in monuments, which was also the original intention but silently dropped because fuck you for wanting interesting combat instead of a numbers game.
>Upkeep changes made to artificially inflate player numbers. You don't want that shiny base to decay do you?
>Still 0 anti-roofcamping measures or weapons exist since launch.
>Obvious, but blatant pay2win features such as Arctic suit or whatever full camo shit they decide to add next.
>Removing more and more default blueprints so you can't counter someone ahead of you ever.
>Removing armor having specific hitboxes protecting you so each had its niche.
>Specifically nerfing prim or solo players weapons because join a clan loser.
>External spam has been a problem for ~9 years and just now is it be addressed.
>Melee combat being garbage since introduction.

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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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Not too late to learn and play at all. It's still one of the biggest esports scene with over 30m in prize pools.

The only thing though is that most of the player base is in asia as Valve is mostly focusing on that market for Dota 2. Europe is good too but NA is totally neglected because

1. The esports scene is piss poor and a huge risk financially .
2. MOBAs just aren't as big as in asia.

But there's definitely ways to circumvent this, like playing in EU servers for example or having a team of friends and playing together.
yeah stomps in low MMR but once you get to higher Herald/Lower Guardian people start wising up to the "Blink Ulti Invis" trick.
as you get higher MMR you'll have to get better at farming, pulling camps, setting up kills etc as well as watching your positioning as one fuck-up will get you killed.
by Crusader you'll want to do cheeky shit like ulting from inside trees near a team-fight and building a BKB/shard
you can also see up the pillars if you move right up next to them and know where to stand, but shit's risky. dont do it if some of the enemies are missing on the minimap.
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or just picrel and every match just turns into a botmatch with somehow even more retarded AI
Heres the Actual 2 ways to use manta
>1, Bait out initiators
Use manta in trees and control one illusion to attack the creep wave, works better if your tower is already getting pressured
>2, purge silences
This is mostly why manta is bought, dispell roots, silence, fight-changing debuffs like meld, etc. so you can get your abilities off and sustain fights

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Why are Steam jannies such massive cheato dust covered humorless reddit faggots? I swear, you can't even make a light-hearted, benign joke on that shithole of a site without getting banned for a few days.
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That comment won't get you banned in Epic because its not even racist or derogatory
Because they are the predditors see Steam moderation employeee from linkedin you will see
Steam defence in full force >>1250508 >>1251389 >>1251465 >>1258344 >>1258384 >>1265689 >>1277221 >>1279994 definitely not from wehatepic steam group lol its so obvious with the language
Same in dota 2 and steam forum
I stopped doing business with Steam and went with Epic saved plenty as indie dev they don't do these sort of nonsense in Epic
Don't use a trannyjak as a reaction image like it's a normal thing to do you subhuman freak
>Just gape your ass for the Chinks bro!
Lol. At this point why not just pirate games
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I shit on your eyes.
Commit suicide, nigger.
I was also permanently banned in the same thread. Wonder if we'll ever "learn respect and decency" if we're exiled.

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Why didn't this genre take off?
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This looked really cool from the other guy's perspective, but this looked janky as fuck from this end. Almost like an exploit. This is attempting to simulate actual combat, but it's looking very video gamey as dudes spin their mouse to misdirect their opponent from seeing where the light yet lethal tap of the murder stick pokes the other guy to death.
As someone who has only played Warband and Bannerlord, this looks like shit in how it is animated. This doesn't look impressive so much as it encapsulates what is wrong with this genre and why it isn't in more mainstream games.
You fucks are what's wrong with this genre. I know your own farts smell great, your shit is the sweetest dessert you've ever had, and you love sucking your own dicks. But pull your dicks out of your own asses. Take a friendly compliment or go outside.
Pretty much.
Because people are morons. Also, in many cases, you should have enough situational awareness to fall back if you only have a handful of mates and the enemy team shows up outnumbering you 3 to 1.
cuz im too good

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Designated /vm/ fightan thread.
Come talk, compete, vent and shitpost about your favorite fighting games here. Post your coolest webms, maybe convince some anons to play with you on fightcade, pull of some sick wall combos on Tekken, get slime rushed on Street Fighter, get infinited with incomplete characters in Them's Fightin' Herds, or do obscure things in obscure games only a total of 5 people have ever even heard about!

Previous thread: >>1010381
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I don't think TFH can really ever make a comeback, as at this point the best it'd get is some form of community install and caster similar to how MBAACC is set up, but I'd hope that M6 can move forward onto a new project, even if it means having to set up a new studio. Hell, Mike Z would probably give them the Lab Zero name out of spite or at least use the Z-Engine again, and a new cartoonish fighting game that isn't so tied to The Forbidden Show would probably do numbers.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, because Texas and Stronghoof were kinda ehhhhh, but the original 6 were paragons of their archetypes, and Shanty was pretty good, so maybe they'd still be able to pull off a great new entry.
How do I stop getting tilted? 1 dropped combo or one retarded decision spirals me into even more drops and retarded decisions. Even if I end up winning the set I'm not enjoying myself for fucking up things I shouldn't be fucking up.
Remind yourself that mistakes happen and you'll do better next time.
But I don't do better next time.
Even if you don't, it's better to tell yourself that you will.

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Papaya Play bought the rights and launched its own Global server. It runs parallel to IMC's self published version on Steam, but with different monetization and only 1~2 weeks behind on updates.

>Papaya's ToS(new)

>IMC's ToS(old)
It's on Steam.

>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:
>/tosg/ FAQ:
>Addon Manager

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Does anyone have the image of the falconer trying to whistle
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would this do?
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but but but senpai posted that pic 1st
and and and senpai is into butt stuff
am just telling the truth
n-no booly
why so small?

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