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The fifth chapter of Fortnite will be the last chapter where battle royale will be the main mode. It is expected that from chapter 6 it will focus more on the metaverse and not on battle royale, thus making the game similar to Roblox. This can also be understood from the announcement in which Epic Games states that from 2025 the battle royale seasons will be developed in UEFN, to reassure people they say that the UEFN tools will be on par with Epic Games' official tools for developing the seasons. So enjoy this last chapter <3
i hate metaverse shit. sorry to fortnite bros even if i never played it.

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>Trying to use crossover to play CS:2 on mac and the cunt crashes pretty much instantly.
>I have never seen my Mac brick this hard and I have a /decent/ spec
>What do?
>he paid for crossover instead of $ brew install wine-crossover
I am (((((borrowing it)))))) nom’ saying
>Please elaborate though.
This isn't your personal tech support board. /g/ isn't either, so please don't bother.

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>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.

>How do I play?

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also still dealing with no engles brownskins, and literally a retarded midget
Shimoda Run got fixed by Enai in case you guys haven't heard, one of my favorite tracks.
the enai updates are on the list for the next pack update, think im just gonna leave it until 1.4 releases though since pushing updates too often is kinda gay and will likely lead to a bunch of racists getting desync memed if they dont have the updated files n shit
Works for me
gimmick raceday this week bros
sorry for the late poll, i forgor

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Do we still have people playing?
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a lot of aram
A diminished playerbase with very little knowledge on how to actually play the game, a long storm league queue and the most cancerous that has ever existed. Still you can have some with the heroes that have since been released, particularly Chadperius
Most cancerous Samuro*
Eh, nothing new there, but as in people glueing thmeselves to one lane, or as in the literal ARAM mode?
>Very little knowledge
Fucking how after this time?
>Long SL queues
I mostly played QM anyhow...
What'd they do to Samuro?
Statistics say I usually played Xul, Leoric, and Arthas, but I only really remember playing Leoric/Arthas/Johanna
Too many people play ARAM near exclusively so they literally don't know what heroes to play on what maps, and/or how to actually play the maps outside of just sit in the middle lane and feed over objs.
They fixed his hearth health regen bug, but compensated by significantly boosting his health regen from using stealth and how he's much much easier to use making way more common and way more oppressive. He's been the highest winrate hero since they made the change a couple months ago.

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better than adventure (BTA) is a minecraft mod that adds onto minecraft beta 1.7.3
you can find an install guide here: https://bta.miraheze.org/wiki/Installing_Better_than_Adventure!

/vm/ used to have its own comfy little server, which has since been burned down by hackers. That server has now been updated to the latest version, no auth mod = no cracked clients.
IP: gutter.host

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is there a 4chan server for enshrouded

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ITT: Random browser games you and maybe 15 other people know about
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Towns survive for about 5 - 10. People die when you don't have enough defenses or get stuck outside. So overtime everyone dies.
You can be offline for 3 days before you die of thirst. If you want to play with a friend you just have to join the same town. It usually takes two or three days before towns are full.
BGO was huge on /v/ in the early 2010s.
This would have been long before your newfag ass came here, of course.
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All out hell. This is actually like urban dead, lots of items and skills. More action points per day.
nigger I played that shit in like 2012 and donated eat my fucking ass

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Any cool bloody online FPS for a low end laptop? I like DOOM, COD, CS and some other games. If you can, post free games or games which are actually dead and there's a good private server for it (like COD's Plutonium).
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cs 1,8

honorable mention battlefield 2142 there is a good private server for it called bf2142hub or something
it's called bf2142 reclamation
Assault cube.
pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--pampam-pa-datam-pampam-pa-datam--trompete: tüüüüüüüüüü-düü-düü-tüüüüüüüüü-tidudü-tididi-tidudä-tidudmpttm

You can try palying Shrapnel, it's on Epic Games store and you can also find it in their site or the superverse main site too

you now remember rift mmo
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Dude, me and my buddy played this game on release, both of us were Bhami chads. We once scaled the mountain behind meridian city using the racial jump, ALL the way to the fucking top of that shit while playing "your love keeps lifting me higher" by jackie wilson. I still laugh to this day about that shit. Our friends told us there was no way, but we did it.
Used to work in their customer support center as a gm.(kitchener ontario, we handled the "hard cases" the poos always fucked up). Was balls, but came with a free subscription and we were expected to play at work (obviously prioritizing customers, but just keeping an eye on known trolls n shiet for communirty enhancement).

I actually found it fun, but ultimately, it was just WoW clone with some quirks. Too similar, not enough innovation to peel off all the wowautists.
Id love to see it come back and do everything wow should have but good luck with that.
loved the classes there
especially dominator aka the most annoying shit in pvp
>find cleric
>mana drain and cc him for the entire match
I played a Chloromancer. I remember very little about the game, I mostly remember people getting mad at eachother in Ventrilo for using their kicks for damage (interrupts were damaging abilities).
I came back to it a couple of years later and it had become pay2win garbage? Lootboxes and everything? And despite it now being free-to-play, I got nothing for my $60 collectors edition that I had bought in with.

8/10 the group content was great
I liked it, shame it's apparently impossible to make a private server for.

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This game hasn't recieved any content besides whale reskins and cosmetics since they added Battle Sprites.
I want Thetya already.
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>EU servers
Work fine lately.
That's odd. I stopped playing after i 100%-ed the game and during that time EU servers were shitting themselves.
Wasn't there like a sleep status update and the scarab armors?
Then I will patiently wait, as I will for PSO2 private servers
Wait, I thought it shut down like over a year ago

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Just dont make it ugly
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Height 90%, width 70%, head 95%, proportions 0%, body type 0%

I have more shame then you and I created this >>1218320
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Based. Saving this as a reaction pic.
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This is the outfit I use to larp as a girl on Roblox. I think it's pretty cute and it makes my dick super hard. I gotta say I've rubbed one off to this avatar probably around 40 times this month. Anyone else?

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Am I in all over my head? I’m trying to make a MMO-lite, on a small scale. How feasible is 10 concurrent players if I were to use a cloud service for a dedicated server? Is making a MMO-lite a bad idea?
What if it's relatively simple? I.e. Not that complex.
I'm using Unity. I just want to continue the world I made in RPGM, Mongol and The Great Conclovince of Mithrithnogg and turn them into an MMO.

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Any idea what kind of game I can play a rogue like in ol' Shadowbane?

Had a blast stealing items from parties, getting stalked by Scouts while I was on the run, breaking into cities with my bird thief, and backstabbing clothies. The full looting mechanics of dead players and being able to steal specific items from players was a mechanic I've never seen in another game. Had great late nights as a teen where I got a rush stealing Godlike runes and competing with rune hunters in the wild. Getting DMs cursing me out was based as fuck.

The closest game I've seen so far in todays world is Dark and Darker that has these rogue features. Is there any other game where I can play a complete piece of shit?

I played a WoW classic rogue to 60 a few years ago but it wasn't the same. Can't stand the grind. Thats one thing sahdowbane got right was the fast grind and gear acquisition.

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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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what are the tokens for exactly? All I see different in this update are a couple new arcana
There's a map-thing where you spend the tokens to progress, getting rewards like coins (which act as a discount for the shop), candy (to exchange for old sets/treasures) and style unlocks. Apparently there is going to be three more "acts"
Just played a couple games and it looks like there isnt shit to unlock. The most you get from "tokens" is a shitty little discount in the shop
You have to play unlock a few map spaces to actually get the stuff. I would say the biggest thing is the candy caravan, as that can potentially stock arcanas.
*play to unlock

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