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You guys you know any good free MMORPG?
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For a "good" free MMO, with the understanding that good doesn't mean #1 in player count, your only real choices are OSRS or Guild Wars 2.

If those aren't appealing, then you probably care more about graphics/combat/etc. than anything else.
gw2 filled to the brim with trannies good luck finding anyone to play with
also its not really f2p since you need the expansions to play 90% of the content
FF14's free trial is more generous than OSRS's.
I like haven and hearth, fun for a month

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
>end of the month vote a new game
Feel free to suggest more games be added to the list and suggest rule changes.
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Nothing turbosperg like that, no

I was just spitballing ideas so we don't go completely generic
Only Boomers
[Geriatric Tour Guide]
Wet Rat Society

Are basements and sewers really gonna be a game changer?
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Not the place for it, dipshit. Enjoy your ban.
lemmy pls go
Bros I'm so sad. All those hours exercising my character, grinding skills, building a base, gone. Level 9 aiming, level 9 long blunt, crates and crates of ammo. I had cleared out so many places in LV only to get insta killed while on an easy run. Bit straight through all my armour AND my thick skin perk and took 100% of my health. Literally just checked that room and shouted and I'm normally always so careful

That's always how they get you, when you're least expecting it.
skill issue

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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
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>something that's years down the line
Or, just pay a third world fag to do it for you. Fuck you and your years down the line.
Ok, well do it if you suck so much, and have no resolve. What are you crying about then? Also,
>giving a third worlder your login info
I'm good. What a stupid move. Why are you so upset about not having something? If you're not good enough to earn something, then you don't deserve it. Simple as that.
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>then you don't deserve it
I'd care about your opinion if rare didn't make grinding a fucking mode that's a halfbaked mess not take a fucking year almost
And I'd care about your opinion if you weren't garbage at the game.
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Then agree to disagree, personally I wouldn't plan to go for the golden bones or verdant at the very least I will respect my place on that skill level of being average and better at the more casual adventure pvp.

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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.
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Not him, I like starbound and terreria a lot, but the anon is right. There is no world where building or exploration is better in terreria. I love terreria for the combat/boss loop. Both have some strengths.
I'm not gonna go through the same song and dance again. I'm sorry you have shit taste and are wrong, lad, let's just move on and talk a out hosting or playing or something productive instead of this inane dogshit argument.
NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.
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>NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
>Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.

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NEW Survival mcmmo server up. come build and chat with us, we got a discord and a dynamic map just ask for the map or join the discord, about 6 of us play everyday and we aren't fags or trannies but we will probably threaten to rape you regardless of gender
ip: minecraft.klungo.com

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Hey frens, Im hosting a modded Terraria server
Rules: 0 griefing/stealing tolerance
Difficulty: Master Death

ip is
and the port is

the mods Ive installed (they should auto install once you join) are:
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Music
Calamity's Vanities
GIFs in Chat

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another nightly goon sesh
up again. We're still pre-skeletron so if anyone wants to join, there's still time.
Server's running but skele's down.
up again
IDK how long I'll run the server tonight, at least until 2AM GMT, but it's up right now. If everyone's on and ready enough, we could do the rest of the pre-wall bosses.

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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

News and Events

List of all patches chronologically

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply by mentioning you're from /vm/.

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]

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>early maint
fuck you too nexon
i hate the new early maints
Do you want to play Phantasy Star Universe with me during maint?
same I just got off work and didnt even get to log in

Goodbye Russians

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tell me i hear everything.
5v5 was a good change and don't let anyone blinded with nostalgia tell you otherwise. Nobody played tank and everyone knew it
It could be better to have a 4 vs 4
just sayin
Locking the heroes behind a timesink and a Battle Pass.

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So, is Guild Wars 2 worth playing? The only MMO I've ever put significant time into is SWTOR and I've always been interested in trying it out. Any other MMOs worth trying out, like say Elder Scrolls Online?
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>"It has good combat but it's completely wasted on a dev team uninterested in making mid/hardcore endgame content."
>tfw the hardest content in the game was made that way accidentally
>Reminder that Taimi has been dying for 12 years
Haven't we all??
Also reminder ANet completely memory holed Magdaer.
Man I really tried getting into GW2, but I just did not like the combat. I found it very surface level and repetitive. It's a shame because I really like everything else about the game. Great music, fluid movement, fun exploration, and it just feels like an actual MMO with a ton of shit to do.

And one of the factors that eventually got me stayed alongside the game was community. Ask anything on /map, let that be your most petty problem you have encountered, there will always be people coming to aid. Also all big group events (METAs) are filled with life and interactions. The somehow still living optimism I have been seeking all along after going for WoW raids on the nine millionth private server already kek

Besides that, I think the most of endgame time is filled with mastery grind, collections grind (including Legendaries here), and finally some harder combat in raids and higher fractals.

But as a player preferring solo content... you must stick to open world pve then, and there aren't enough events to keep you hyped in the long run. Unless you are a story and atmosphere sucker like me - but then it might be better to look for other alternatives. (I am currently trying out SWTOR and its stories, for instance.) At this point I have done most shit in the game and I only log in once for stacking up Wizard's Vault rewards in every season and giving help to folks I know and currently playing the game. Sometimes I go back on alts re-experiencing the adventure in core Tyria maps but I will never be able to discover the world as I have done it for the very first time.

GW2 is literally the MMO for social butterflies hah

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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>Honest users are a minority. The median user now is low IQ, in poverty, and comes from a culture where cheating is not looked down upon as it is in the West
Good post. This is 100% the problem. There are no technical solutions. It's not a technical problem, it's a cultural problem.
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didnt know you could shoot through this glass
Why does that look like some Chink mobile game lmao
Wait is cheating also a problem on console multiplayer?
Yeah, we had devices for year that can intercept the controller signal.

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vita and flamu edition
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>i semi bricked my account to deter me from coming back

you can...
thats fucking schizo, even more schizo that you even hang around here while not playing anymore
>you can...
in the premium shop, but not in the armory
So EU is the best server? Is there any downside?

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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Punching an execution hungry Ronig to death never gets old.
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barker is pretty cool but i still enjoy blisk more "that was lekker!" is unbeatable, dude had energy. the only faction who could beat blisk for me would've been davis&droz last resort, but they're not available for mp
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I really should pay more attention to the banners in the top right corner
Very nice
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>be me, in overwatch 2 game
>hardstuck gold support player with 1300 hours on mercy gets on mic to shit talk teammates
>dps gets on mic yelling slurs talking about "i am retired with 600k in the bank faggot"
>they go back and forth for half the match about finances and other irrelevant shit
>dps unironically gives his uncle's name and says "look up my uncle pussy he's one of the richest men alive"
>we fucking lose a 2-0 lead as they begin to throw the game
>2-3 defeat
i wish i was making this shit up, why are my teammates always so retarded?
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thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard, no shot the female playerbase of overwatch makes up more than 10% of the total, and the majority of them are probably in bronze if they even play ranked at all.
I think you'll find it's the F2P third worlders, and not the female first worlders. Retard ledditpsacing incel, work on your racism.
Crazy thing is, I've seen women wear the Overwatch logo in public. Only once, and they were as fat and pink haired as you could imagine but I've never seen that with any other game franchise that wasn't pokemon.
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>Plays Overfag 2
>calls other retarded
skill issue

being a team leader is part of team games. you knew it could happen, and you didnt try to stop it

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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religion/avatar revamp?
The map looks nice and the environment is comfier, but indeed.
yeah, seems likely. The current chapter being god themed and how we were supposed to fight gods in purges
farting build
RIP tsw

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