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Any Roblox OGs here?
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Where were you during the Ancient Robloxian Hyperwar?
Is there any alternative for ROBLOX? I hate everything about it now.
no. you only like roblox because of the memories you made with it and the brand. every roblox "competitor" is just more metaverse slop or irrelevant old roblox clones. play something else

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>be me, in overwatch 2 game
>hardstuck gold support player with 1300 hours on mercy gets on mic to shit talk teammates
>dps gets on mic yelling slurs talking about "i am retired with 600k in the bank faggot"
>they go back and forth for half the match about finances and other irrelevant shit
>dps unironically gives his uncle's name and says "look up my uncle pussy he's one of the richest men alive"
>we fucking lose a 2-0 lead as they begin to throw the game
>2-3 defeat
i wish i was making this shit up, why are my teammates always so retarded?
skill issue

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Anyone playing on any of the private servers, Homecoming, Thunderspy, Rebirth, etc.? Made any meme characters or cool OCs you want to share?

Please no server feud autism.
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If people actually migrated, HC wouldn't be the most populated server. It's kind of a dumb catch-22. People want to be able to open up the search window and see the names of people they'll maybe interact with outside of their usual grouping circle, but someone else has to be first.
How are the Thunderspy GM spergy so I can go tell them to cut that out?
Its that loop that stops a lot of mass migration, its why everyone hates twitter but still uses it, because nobody uses the alternatives, its why everyone hates discord but still uses it, because nobody uses the alternatives. Getting people to move person by person out of HC will never work, it has to be a massive amount of people at once.
The character creator is too robust I can't even get past it I freeze up and just close the game
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More horrible hidden history of homecoming!
Paragon chat!
Not gonna lie, there's a lot about the day to day details of Paragon Chat I don't know because it didn't sound interesting to me. As I recall it was a chat program that let you RP as if you were playing CoH in chat only. It's leader Tony V, was always going on about how they were "in talks" with NCSoft. Tony V had been a respected community leader on the CoH live forums and a lot of folks appreciated even this lame attempt to keep their beloved game alive. Several years in Paragon chat suddenly acquired a full and perfect copy of the Atlas Park beginner zone, minus several game features like NPCS or enemies that could be moved around in. This copy of AP was lifted directly from the game files Leo had.
(Later on after the secret server was revealed and Paragon Chat OUSTED Tony V, Tony V did an interview with SP Jimmy where he basically said he couldn't remember anything solid about talks with NCSoft, Paragon Chat, the secret server, but he sure did hate those guys from 4chan!)
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More horrible hidden history of homecoming!
SCORE. You've heard the term and maybe you even know it's an acronym for Secret Cabal Of Reverse Engineers. What you probably don't know is how SCORE actually worked to make changes to the code. It's real simple. Leo would give a coder a section of the game code and ask them to make an alteration, then copy/paste the new code section into the game. (Leo NEVER wanted anyone else to have a full copy of the game!) This is why the secret server/hc has a very slow pace of updates compared to almost every other private server that has ever existed. Their normal excuses are either "We need to rigorously test that park bench and badge text over a 6 month time period" and then post 2 pages of bugfixes after the patch goes live, OR they claim it's "Because of the talks".

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Wakfu has a mono-account server, there's a guild on INT1, inquire within the thread.

Helpful links.


>Dofus Retro
Sub is required, soul is priceless.

Helpful links.

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Good stuff! I assume things like food, pots, and equips will be cheaper too. And since you need .75x the amount of stuff to level, I bought a bunch of mats the day before, good investment.
What is going on with waven and how to fix it?
It exists and they should kill it. It was born to be a side game, a fate worse than End of Service.
I hope not, I've yet to experience the cutesy, sexy style. Maybe we'll see it in Dofus Unity. But yeah I assume it's one of their side projects to get better with unity, I think Krosmaga was the first.
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I still believe this place only exists for erp purposes

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Is it worth it?
I've played EQ a bunch in 99, and I've always wanted to go back.
TLPs are lame and gay, with krono bots and retarded redone zones.
Project Quarm has none of those issues, plus coins have weight and other neat classic shit.
But now I have a level 10 Druid, and the reality of the difficulty is setting in, and it has occurred to me this server is full of EQ autists. The world feels less magical with all these people talking in depth about the mechanics.
Do I really want to commit my time to this?
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And you play where?
Jay and Silent Bob's Jersey server people that spend 8 hours staring at a spawn point on discord that's not ever in danger of shutting down because 'reasons'?
An emu with a dozen people?
Spending Khrono? Don't be coy we know you don't have money to spend.
Giving money to fags is par for the course and if you're not doing it others on your behalf are.
im a new player and having a lot of fun on quarm ;[ I've only gotten to level 14 but I've been role-playing an overly pompous and cynical half-elf paladin who became jaded from years of not being accept by his elf nor human relatives. He also refuses to group with trolls, because even though he's a haffu, he refuses to debase himself to that level.
>Jay and Silent Bob's Jersey server people that spend 8 hours staring at a spawn point on discord that's not ever in danger of shutting down because 'reasons'?
Nice strawman. Of course there's a possibility of any server shutting down, even officials. Comparing a server that has been around for several years and is run by relatively normal people vs a new server run by a mentally ill troon and his troon boyfriend it's clear where you're better off investing your time.
Back in 1999 the Druid was one of the best rounded classes
>Is negro racist?? that's a new one to me.
Yes the Spanish language is extremely racists. No spics allowed

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So, is Guild Wars 2 worth playing? The only MMO I've ever put significant time into is SWTOR and I've always been interested in trying it out. Any other MMOs worth trying out, like say Elder Scrolls Online?
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It has good combat but it's completely wasted on a dev team uninterested in making mid/hardcore endgame content. It's all PvE but by PvE I mean story and zergathon grinding. There's nothing that actually pushes you beyond "yea hit your buttons... sometimes.. i guess". You'll finish whatever story in a few weeks, finish gearing in a week after that, then you have nothing to do *forever* because there's no gear/power treadmill. You have some useless horizontal progression each expansion or so and that's it. It is the most casual MMO of the big few by far.

And boy oh boy don't even let me get into the story. I'm not a rightoid or someone who complains about "le woke" like a terminally online faggot, so trust me when I say GW2 is the most pozzed, twinkle fairy fart dust californian leftie shit IMAGINABLE. It's so fucking horrible. It is the worst shit I have ever experienced in an MMO, maybe even a game period, in my life.
Do you like fags? What about trannies? How about tons of stronk womyn (who are gay)? If so you'll love Guild Wars 2. Also I'm talking about ArenaNet, although it's true for the game as well.
Yeah basically. I remember being so excited for GW2 to come out back in 2012 and then it ended up turning into what it is now.. What a let down.
>uses le chud strawman
>proceeds to do the exact thing that le chud strawman is used to shut down
>no self-awareness whatsoever
Well at least not even your double digit IQ enlightened centrist ass is able to defend the garbage that is GW2.
Same, I actually liked it on release but every decision they made since then was a bad one.

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):

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does anyone wanna play call of duty DS
also how much sooner until ctww ctgp nitro
>StreetPass is about to return
streetpass never went away, it's just hard to randomly find others with a 3ds now

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Everything related to VR multiplayer games is welcome.
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Heat VR

TLDW; They have created a "bounty program". If your videos about their game get a certain amount of views, you receive a financial reward. It's done in phases and a bit more complicated, but that's the gist.
Lol imagine carrying 300 rounds of 12gauge in an accessible pouch
this is the superior rhythm game on vr

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Spcp lx T? Td estd esp dz nlwwpo 'Aczxtdpo wlyo'? Hspcp lcp esp gtwwlrpcd, esp awljpcd, esp hzxpy lyo esp nstwocpy? Td estd hsle T hld rclyepo? SPWWZ?
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Dtq αxmuz gmc фpp. Dtq αqфαxq gqbq tmdqrex dфgmbpc yq mzp yi cαqouqc. Cф pup U. U vecd gmzdqp dф qmd zфdtuzs yфbq.
>nigga has unlocked the secrets behind the pyramids and gone full fhtagn
ytnp dstqe ntaspc mcz

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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.

Previous: >>1259024


>Project Sunshine - New server; Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>But where is /ro/ playing??

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>option 1. turn-in quests and bloody branches
>option 2. mutliclienting with no npcs
>option 3. cryptomutliclienting and badly documented custom content
>option 4. sub 20 online

guess ill play official
I'm not blind I'm just a retard.
return to poring
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unironically the best server
Back to twitter tranny

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Highspell is a small but growing community.

It's gameplay is similar to and inspired by the Original Runescape Classic.

Highspell Official Website:

Highspell Discord:

Highspell Fandom Wiki:
If I wasn't too autistic to play rpg's i would, but i would probably old-school runescape not this lol

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It's good
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>check my csstats, not a single spinbotter banned

This is at 20k elo
first match today i played against a new account russian hacker who was just running around corners prefiring people like an idiot, this was in gungame.

this game is utter shit
Bans don't show up on profiles right now, which is why csstats isn't showing the bans in your match history.
had the biggest % of cheaters in todays games in the longest time

never trust reddit
I don't think anyone calls gungame (arms race) a "match"

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plz help me gather all the crown owners into a steam group. crownownersclub
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>let me paint a target on my back for scammers
btw I used my Crown sticker on an AWP Safari Mesh

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Lethal Company Thread
Other thread is past bump limit, I feel like it's worth making a new one with some useful information in the OP for newcomers
Having more than 4 people can be really fun sometimes, though can obviously put strain on the host network.
Here's a good mod preset to start with, doesn't add anything broken, lets more than 4 players join, and grants some quality of life improvements: 018cc8c1-a893-164a-a24d-a43006e55105
To use it you'll need thunderstore here: https://www.overwolf.com/oneapp/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager
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Taking mod suggestions to test with some friends.
>nothing that makes the game easier
>maybe things that make the game harder
>new enemies if they're cool
>graphical things if they're funny, but honestly don't care about suits or emotes
The emote mod is actually great because Mask mimics can use them too
MoreCompany wipes somehow (few times, 50 hours played)
Kills self/team with jetpack (twice)
Brings no items (inverse teleporter chads rise up)
Boombox (Boombox controller mod tho so I play stuff from youtube)
Putting on the mask (for shits and giggles)
I've only played with irl friends though and we aren't tryharding too much. 2k quota is still easy. That being said one of my bros has managed to piss me off quite many times by buying useless cosmetics before the fucking teleporter...
this but the opposite
Helmet camera and masked enemy overhaul.

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
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Never thought I'd go TORtanic mode on Tribes Ascend's successor but here we are. From internet cultural phenomenon and thousands playing, to this pathetic unloved runt.
I hope Erez goes bankrupt and never touches game development again.
>right after prophecy says there's no patch this month with no timeframe on the next one

It's cooked
Imagine if all the time and resources wasted on Deadzone, Raiders, Trib3s-Lite and Shitball development was spent actually making Tribes 3.
Just stopping by to say Fallen Empire: Legions was/is superior to TV/TA/T3. If you disagree you're a fucking retard that should jump off a high-rise building. Naked.
But anon, then what resources would be left to allocate toward developing Smite 2?

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