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Latina thread
52 replies and 38 images omitted. Click here to view.
Oh boy guess I gotta put some protection on. Fuck her yet?
Nah, she changed her name and found success being more of a tease than an outright whore. I've posted her shit with her name a few times and it gets taken down in a heartbeat.
So enthusiastic. Post everything new.

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>Be American
>Work hard for the man
>Mom dies
>Take 2 days off for funeral and recovery
>Boss calls day 1
>"Need your fat ass in today we have a big client coming"
>"Sorry Boss, at mah Mom's funeral"
>"Come in today or don't come in at all"
>"I am 800 miles away"
>"Get an Uber"

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7 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
Canadian here, you won’t go bankrupt because of medical bills but you’ll simply die while waiting for care lmao.
>be british
>think of typing nigger in internet
>get jailed for years

>be yuropean
>all the evidents points that holohoax never happened
>get jailed for saying it
Exactly. During Boris Johnson the NHS wasn't treating anyone with cancer unless it was stage 4. The result was people dropping like flies

Why do people tip pizza delivery but not Amazon delivery drivers
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Why do people tip at starbucks but not their land lords?
the pizza guy was white
Servers of all kinds, including food delivery drivers, used to be waitstaff and earned less than minimum wage, tips were used as a way to boost the pay of these people, but only if they were white.
Nowadays people who make minimum wage or higher demand tips for their 'service quality'

ITT: Post normal/average looking girls you've fucked, and preferably creampied

Pic related
129 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
I’d love to unload to her

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does size matter?

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Femdom socials. Post superior women you worship.
I would gladly kneel at her feet because she is the best
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I want to be the big, jacked dude who wraps his body around his when going to bed to make him feel extra small, but I also want to do a really good job blowing him every night before hopping into bed with him, with his flavor still my my mouth as I'm embracing him and making him feel small.
42 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
doesn't look like
yes penis means male therefore he
Remember you have to suck, tickle and lick those full balls before draining them. Also it goes without way of the anus and gooch need to be eaten while stroking the cock!

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Celebrities thread
39 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
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oof Thought you had a filter? How do you even notice when he spams? I hope this bald fucking cunt does this every waking hour of his vacation. Why don't you help her &amp;amp;amp;amp; cyber sex her with your massive cock earls.sleek goddess ari fag AND a hag Beady is the Queen of cocks ^^ I love her. I want her to be my gf. HOLY FUCK YES ANON. POST THAT CUNT AND YOUR CRINGE LEWD FAGGOTRY FOR US ALL. mmm i'd do anything for tay It feels so good bd is too old, depressed, and impotent to spam this thread. That last thread really took it out of him. 10/10 guarantee he won't spam this one. oof goddess ari I hope this bald fucking cunt does this every waking hour of his vacation. HOLY FUCK YES ANON. POST THAT CUNT AND YOUR CRINGE LEWD FAGGOTRY FOR US ALL. Bitch pls. He's changed his account twice since then, having gone back to the one he used when he worked.. somewhere else. Run along now boi. It feels so good I love her. I want her to be my gf. mmmm olivia <3 Why don't you help her &amp;amp;amp;amp; cyber sex her with your massive cock earls.sleek I hope this bald fucking cunt does this every waking hour of his vacation. goddess ari bd is too old, depressed, and impotent to spam this thread. That last thread really took it out of him. 10/10 guarantee he won't spam this one. oof HOLY FUCK YES ANON. POST THAT CUNT AND YOUR CRINGE LEWD FAGGOTRY FOR US ALL. HELLO CRAKKAS Beady is the Queen of cocks ^^ mmmm olivia <3 I love her. I want her to be my gf. Beady is the Queen of cocks ^^ mmm i'd do anything for tay Why don't you help her &amp;amp;amp;amp; cyber sex her with your massive cock earls.sleek Bitch pls. He's changed his account twice since then, having gone back to the one he used when he worked.. somewhere else. Run along now boi. goddess ari Bitch pls. He's changed his account twice since then, having gone back to bd is too old, depressed, and impotent to spam this t

Thought you had a filte
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Beady is the Queen of cocks ^^

Thought you had a filter? How do you even notice when he spams? I hope this bald fucking cunt does this every waking hour of his vacation. Why don't you help her &amp;amp; cyber sex her with your massive cock earls.sleek goddess ari fag AND a hag Beady is the Queen of cocks ^^ I love her. I want her to be my gf. HOLY FUCK YES ANON. POST THAT CUNT AND YOUR CRINGE LEWD FAGGOTRY FOR US ALL. mmm i'd do anything for tay It feels so good

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Jordyn Jones thread

She cant stop making men cum edition
guess it's a bad time to jerk to her

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Feet Thread Time
147 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
You're not discovering any secret info. Her name is well known and her feet content all over the web. She has a Wikifeet too.
I hate you people who get off on finding girls' personal profiles.
If you're so sure of this, then 1) how old is she in the pics, and 2) how do you know that?
love to cover them

Bbw thread
164 replies and 118 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yea she's hot af

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How can you say you like Asian women when your average Asian woman looks like this?
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They aren't.
I have trouble seeing asians as humans. Mostly view them as highly evolved pets.

To be fair, its mostly the blacks that fuck the women that look like that and 40% of american women don't have sex in any given year.
I like what I like and I don’t feel like I need to justify it.

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Post on entry
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Hey Anon.
I'm looking for hot OC fapmaterial.
I want to see some pictures of your wife or gf. I want to enjoy, tell you what I like about her and make some tributes of the pictures I like the most.
Id love to see asses, feet, legs and pretty faces. Add me if you like to share.

My Kik: Jonkreska

Picture for attention.
tribbing on kik: mbv1275

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Share your wifes, girlfriends or Family members nudes with us. We are also looking for Guys who do cumtributes and cocktributes :)
Join the group >>> https://t.me/+-K88BdklnFE3N2Qy

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Jennifer Lawrence thread?
14 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.

Yeah, it really came across as hypocritical.

And the other big rumor I heard was that the iCloud account that got leaked was Harvey Weinstein's
>And the other big rumor I heard was that the iCloud account that got leaked was Harvey Weinstein's
Yeah that was not true lol

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