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It's time all the NIGGERS fucked off back to Africa

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>be me
>married to the love of my life
>we’d known each other since we were kids
>met through her sister, who I’d been friends with for years
>she introduced us, and I fell for her hard
>we started dating in high school, married after college
>we were going to have it all: house, kids, grow old together
>she got pregnant, and it felt like everything was perfect
>we couldn’t wait to be parents

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These posts are really enough to tell the whole story. I don't think you need to post any of the other stuff. Your wife was the love of your life and you had a good time together. But life is all just a bunch of losses. All of us have to deal with that. I lost my woman too while I was in jail for 2 years over something that I did not even do. So my story is pretty similar. They just barely let me out two three months ago because they dismissed the charges. But when I was finally able to talk to my girl on the phone, she told me that she had moved on and was dating somebody else. Even though while I was in jail, she paid to store my car and held on to all of my stuff, and she sent me money to the jail every week. I'm so heartbroken. It's hard just trying to stay friends with her. But that's what I have to do. I do have to pay her back also. Life is just a bunch of losses. The best part is that your wife is no longer in pain. It seems like you are still though. You should find someone to love and move on.

You didn't kill your wife, the rain did.
man. that last part hit me like a truck.
i really needed to hear that..
i dont think ill ever be able to move on from my wife.. but i hope i can still find some kind of love someday, not romantic.. maybe ill adopt a cat, she did always love cats..
You should go to a church anon. Sorry about everything

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pet the puppy or drink the diarrhea?
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Pet the diarrhea

Or maybe drink the puppy
Lonely fucks who need attention slaves own dogs
Respectable humans have outdoor cats that come inside at night
Don't (You) me, faggots
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Lonely fucks who need attention slaves own dogs.
Respectable humans drink buckets of diarrhea.

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I have something for you.
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You know what this means E.
Come on. Open your throat.

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I asked some guy on kik to AI my fiance's pics. That's the results..
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great color contrast and I like how her ass reflects light, sexy. Thank you for your work and time
I'll do more in a bit. Massaging my wife
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Hello friends. I am the generator autist, and I coded a generator that will turn you into a girl when you roll, and give you a new:


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Weight: 135
Gamble: Yes

Bridgeport, CT

Oh God! That's a fate worse than taking nigger dick
Nationality: German
Gamble: Yes

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Suck his steam.

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They banned me from /pol/ for questioning what goes on in Saturn, I think they're trying to stop the truth from getting out
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Okay. So what's going on in Saturn then?
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Let me show you.
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Straight shota
gangbang edition
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I edited a gooning compilations for her. Pretty sure that specific scene is from Kangoku Senkan
She was already kind of introduced to it on her own, she'd browse doujin and hentai sites before we started dating, she's read kamehasutra and other dragon ball mangas that had SS, so she's seen it, just didnt know it was a whole genre.

We both are very kink and have lots of fetishes so I just used what I knew and would send her links every now and again and gauge her feedback. Lots of pampering too, remember this is all fiction so it should be enjoyed as such.
as for the roleplay read this, I posted this earlier


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What's the best option in this circumstance?
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>who did not actually sign up for carrying your lazy fucking ass the rest of their lives.

Nah, if someone has kids they accept the burden of their offspring. It's not a puppy you get to give away when you're bored, faggot. Eat shit.
dont listen to the boomer faggots here trying to gas light you. it really is that bad. the value of money has decreased; the cost of living has increased; the cost of housing has increased; the requirements for jobs are now absurd; the number of job openings has decreased.

if you get into debt from college you're probably not going to buy a house in your life time. otherwise, you'll be doing well if you pay off most of a house by the time you retire. and this isnt a time where banks will make it easy for you to get a home loan. everything is uncertain with pricing, fees, and interest rates. they could very well have such high requirements for loans now that it just isnt feasible to enter the market as a young person.

so then what are the options? renting? most of your money will go towards rent and you'll save nothing. live with your boomer parents who every day will gas light you and say its your fault like the faggots in this thread. live in a van or tent? i mean, people are already doing 'van life'. next generation of neets will be the most miserable ever.

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Order Uber eats?
Should I eat something at Deli?

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#1. Do a free search on pimeyes.com, you DONT need to setup an account

#2. post the full URL of your free search and ill post the nude results, if you are logged into pimeyes the link you provide wont work

#3. if you dont do a free search im going to call you a retard

Trial ending soon, almost 500 searches for /b/
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wut her nipples doing
appreciate your work big dog
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post your favs or O.C.
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Know her?
Need sauce on these

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For Mobians, it's the apocalypse. For humans? Nothing has really changed since Robotnik took over the world -- except males now have more dating prospects thanks to the abundance of Mobian girls; whether it's the biologically female ones or the ones recently made that way.
Again I ask, are humans that live on planet Mobius not Mobians?
Mobius is on Earth. (Maybe)

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i feel so depressed and alone and i want to give up
what do we do i feel like im doing everything right and i’ve tried everything but this feeling doesn’t and will never go away

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