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My sister has always found a way to sleep in my bed since we were little. Tonight she came in crying about her boyfriend bitching about her insta story and other stupid shit. She feels like my second gf at this point and I really want to fuck her but I don’t wanna fuck up my family and our relationship. How do I know if she secretly wants to fuck?
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ask her if she can leave for a bit so you can jack off, if she tells you she doesnt care and to just do it while she's there, it's on
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Guys I wanna fuck my sister tell me how I do that right way to convince her
drugs and booze

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do you guys play video games?
I bought persona 5 because it was on sale. thing is like a fucking dating sim

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Wincest is Incest
Lets talk about your special someone, posting of green text is encourage and archives of interesting past stories. There is several anon's not in incest relationships but they have interesting stories and need advice so please don't give them a hard time.

Naming is allowed, so no hating. Cousins are fine but see below!

Remember this group likes loving relationships not rape, if you want to talk about raping someone make your own thread. this includes pedo's
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Your buddy here.
I’m writing stuff on Literotica. Big website, read some there and enjoy your own
My fav (bonus for twins): literotica.com/s/service
it autistic larp dont expect much!
I don't think I'd go "dirty." I thought about it long and hard and thought maybe journal entries from both the brother and sister would be a good way to compare/contrast perspectives. Not sure what other format would work, but I do know I'd want it more aimed at the emotional/psychological road we travelled with the sex just being "part of it."
I just don't think it would sell, seems like wasted effort to me. Still, might be something to do when I hang it up and retire, so we'll see.

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aislop :(
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best slop
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Anyone have any stories of being feminized or of feminizing someone else?
Also general feminization/sissification thread
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We could do discord
What's your disc?

Genuinely sad if true, essentially means that she is a vegetable. What's sadder is that she's an otherwise healthy individual in her 20s which means that she has a WHOLE life ahead of her. Can you imagine the horror of being trapped in your own body and never being able to use it? Just literally watching as life goes by in front of you. At least she had fun for several years. What awaits her is pressure ulcers complications, and I bet a stepdad and stepbro that will undoubtedly take advantage of the situation. Personally, I'd rather die than to be left in that torment.

Btw, post your hottest Emily Willis pics and webms.
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>Her face reminds me of the Count on Sesame Street
First time I've laughed today
no answer just cope. Just following blindly and doing whatever you're told eh
Why don't they ever say what drug she took? Was it fentanyl?

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I deserve what I want.
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Why? Did this guy go postal? What's his story?
deserving is a myth
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Um, bros? This is a Trump rally tonight at Nassau Coliseum on LONG IS.
Fucking NEW YORK.

20,000 people were turned away outside as part of the overflow crowd.

If New York flips fucking red, Kamala is DONE.
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so where are the packed arenas for this fake cunt
Lmao I hope the 80 year old got a few crushed bones out of the deal
Why are you lying, Boris?

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what is your opinion on anime butt?
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mommy braps
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I love it
i like it

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Would be soooo much fun fucking a shota's brains out
Just got back from a nap. I didn't really "jump out" of the closet. I kind of got betrayed out of it. I told a friend in confidence that I had a crush on him after he promised he'd never tell anyone, he let me suck his dick when I told him that, then the very next day at school everyone knew, he told everyone I asked to suck his dick, he just left out the part where he let me suck his dick. I was pretty mad at him and obviously no longer had a crush on him, but decided to just say "yeah, I like guys, what are you gonna do about it?" I just rolled with it, and it worked really well, when I didn't give them a reaction to them making fun of me, it wasn't fun for them so they just didn't do it anymore.
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Sexy coworkers you want to fuck in the mouth and blow cum all over their face
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I get Elvira vibes.
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I would ruin my genes for this beurette bitch
Any more?

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Post blacked models, bbc porn and anything related to huge juicy mouth watering black cocks
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hi~ weak faggy pussyfree ytboi loser here <3 dreaming about superior black men breeding cuties~~



blacked, bbc, sissy, trans, loli, shota, sph, incest...

After years of jerking off to lolis on 4chan, Pedo Pete decides to go an extra step and sends an illicit picture to his 12 y/o cousin on Facebook. Fortunately, his cousin’s mom sees everything her son does online. Unfortunately (for him), she called the police immediately, and now Pedo Pete us under arrest for Crimes Against Children!

(cont below)
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>Billy (as hes beating Pete): Get! The fuck! Out! Of my! Cell


Billy: *keeps beating him while the other cellmates join in*


Jailer: *sees them beating up Pete, looks the other way cuz Petes a fuckin pedophile*

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>feel bad for pedo pete
why are you so obsessed with us pedo folks you chud?

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hey guys I'm thinking of changing my diet to just copius amounts of milk from my bottle and sippy cup along with water so I can flood my diapie a lot more and feel more age appropriate

thoughts? how long can I keep this up that it's safe for?
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post proof
i dont post pics of myself on /b/ anymore sorry anon
proof dont have to be your face

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Perfect body shape?
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No body is perfect =)
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Flat belly nice ass always works for me
>inb4 Jordyn Jones isn't a real person

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