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Jordyn Jones thread

She cant stop making men cum edition
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you keep bumping the thread when it's on the last page, clearly you care about it too
yell all you want anon, it's obvious
You're welcome, I don't like gatekeeping. These threads happen and will keep happening because there is always the need. To be afraid of pruning or the threads getting deleted is inconsequential. It just means that they'll get to resurface all renewed days or weeks later. If the mods really gave a shit about stopping these threads they'd start filtering Jordyn's name, disallowing the upload of Jordyn's media or straight up deleting them as spam as soon as they pop up. Even if that day were to come, they'll eventually get tired as they always do when they get uppity in one of their "no porn on /b/ weeks.

And yeah, Jenny is hot as fuck. One of my top 5.

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BNWO: seethe edition
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Everytime I wait to black out for the brown dot. Are they even going to bring in the next brownie.
Is it working? And just curious if you know on mobile you can't really see what you post so it's easy to scroll right past anything that isn't on topic?
He's autistic

New thread

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implying I vote
shut up

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It's time all the NIGGERS fucked off back to Africa

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if it fits i sits
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Let's talk about the 90's.

What do you miss from these old days?

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>13yos already having sex
atp I should just kms
I had to explain what a condom is to a 7yo girl, was kinda awkward..
When impregnating my fiancé, should I just unload 4x in a night or spread it out to like 1x a night

The white race is dying out. And that's a good thing.
look at that wide eyed faggot
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monkey banana

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Imagine how terrible you have to be as a candidate that not even your family thinks you can handle being VP. Waltz had a large number of his family come out and say he has no business being anywhere near in charge of the country. Waltz's entire family fully supports Trump and his pick as VP!
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God look at those mongoloids. Absolute mutants. What’s wrong with them?
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Imagine how terrible it is to be related to people who are so stupid they can't even spell their own name.
Now that's super magamagamaga stupid.
>people in Trump's own family don't support him
Especially the ones with extra fingers.

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I wish I was a cute woman.

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This movie is a drama, but only people who've seen real war know how.
>real war

Pick one.
one of my fav films the attention to detail is epic like crashed choppers hanging in trees and it was such a huge effort to get everything into the jungle and build sets and the actors and crew all got sick and some went psycho
It's a great movie, and worth discussing. But you're going to get better replies if you use the right board >>>/tv/

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Post pics that cucks sent you of their girls. Share the favorites in your collections
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Thread is at max, someone make a new one
New thread:


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got a new shirt
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me too, describe it

Mods ain't even awake.
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Just a harmless bit o banter, my good sir

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303 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is your daughter sexy?
Next >>924763294

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