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Why is it that when I try to talk to little girls who claim to watch MLP, they know jack shit? I asked a girl what her favorite pony was & she just seemed so perplexed by the question. I almost don't want to watch the show anymore because of people like these.
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Toddler does not begin at 5 y, it occurs at 5 years. It could begin earlier or end later but it is currently happening at 5 years of age.

Adult's earliest start is (toddler 5y) + (3y8m minDur foals) + (1m lanky minDur) = 8y9m, or 8y10 considering that you don't become a month until the month AFTER you were lanky.

We have touched on a minimum time passed, but I don't think we can get a maximum time passed. We'll see eventually, or we won't.
Also starlight might be older than trixie/sunburst, I can't tell if she had old marks or not.

FS is the first m6 to be lanky, greatly implying she's the oldest. Pinkie is 1 year younger. AJ is quite a bit younger than FS. I'm unsure of the actual age of the other m6.

If we admit that ponies might age at different rates, all this falls apart, but fs can be younger if she just became lanky very early. I am now going to return to pretending that isn't the case.
Sunset Shimmer should be the same age as Twilight Velvet & Night Light. Assuming time flows normally on EqG world's side.
It really doesn't seem to.
EqG likes to act self-aware about questions fans would ask and then just... shrug. "How Sirens survived for 11 centuries on Earth?" "I dunno".
Anyway, her chronological age is not affected by this. She was still born when she was born.

>The flame of an campfire flickered before you, the face of a child of man. Your ancestors drawn to this Land at the early times of this new age of violence, ambition, and some might say, much needed change from its millenia long stagnation.

>Though the philosophy of it all didn't make much sense to you, there was still opportunity amd coin for you, the intrepid mercenary-adventurer, Rhode Varclese.

>Looking to your provisions, you had about enough supplies to last 5 days in the wilderness as you searched for work. Along with 100 Bits. Your sleeveless armored jacket protecting the important bits while pants and leather boots kept you safe from hard surfaces, bugs, and small puddles and injuries.

>Taking up your your Shortsword, you look to the horizon as you think of what to do, the possibilities seemingly endless.

>What do you do?

(Character Sheet)
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Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, you see an shadow leap over you and land on several ponies, an scream in the night as an monstrous roar echoes over the field, an monster having appeared in the midst of the...chaos...there among you was an dreaded beast, an incomplete Draconequus, an Harbinger of chaos, corruption, and utter annihilation.

Peasants and Guards run as Lowry tried to rally the people to stop this creature before it metamorophosed into its final form. Dangling from its neck was an silver Locket as it roars, using an Arcane sigil with its dragons Claw to Resurrect the dead as zombies.

"Holy shit, if this thing...Rhode...carries on, then everyone was going to he killed...I have to...have to..." Fear and instinct drives you to run, flee, hide, but would Jeddah overcome her fears and fight? It was do or die now...

[What did Jeddah do next?]
Tried to stop the monster only to get oneshotted.
Fuck. What were we thinking, letting ourselves grow attached to a semi-suicidal defeatist? Didn't we get abandoned often enough? Never mind. This thing is just an oversized lizard. Smash its head and rape the body.

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I like Inkie
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lots of ink
ink on my dick
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God this post is the worst form of internet brainrot yet. What is it, neo-puritan? You jordan peterson watching faggots who needs everything to be positive and uplifting are the most bluepilled people possible.
This is no different from stoner chicks who say your toxic negative energy is blocking her aura from manifesting into the universe.

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fluttershy likes you
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Me on the far right booping the lil shid.
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Blushing Rarara a cute
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lmao what? why? it was suggestive at best. That we still get such nazi moderation on a nearly dead board is wild.
>he's just to peeve trying me off

>Be me, in math class.
>Teacher gets bored, decides to do some rip off of Kahoot or something. We all get out our phones.
>I don't consider myself particularly intelligent. Class is full of nerds and all that. Imagine characters like Twilight Sparkle or Moon Dancer in the same class.
>We all put in our nicknames that appear on the projector board screen.
>Just for the sake of it, I decide to go with the nickname "Derpy Hooves" since I thought I wouldn't do that well. Might as well go with a silly nickname.
>Class finds the nickname to be amusing, I even gave it a horse emoji icon for the sake of it. None of them understood it was an MLP reference.
>Game starts, and we all start answering the questions. The goal was to get the most correct out of the whole class.
>During the game, my body felt possessed, I answered questions correctly without actually knowing how to solve them.
>What was going on.jpeg
>It was then I heard Derpy's voice whispering in my ear, telling me everything would be alright.
>Game ends, and to the whole classes shock, I end up in first place somehow.
>Moral of the story, when in doubt, believe in Derpy. Worship the Derpy.
what really happened is that the combined retardation of you and her was so immense, it caused an arithmetic underflow and gave you temporary savant status.
And then the teacher asked which student was Derpy Hooves so that they could get extra points on the next test. OP ran for the door but then slipped on the spaghetti that was falling out of his pockets. The end.

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I love this mare so much it's unreal...
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>Become close friends with the horspital
>They think you're suffering from mare abuse
>In truth, all bruises are from her body and love alone
>You don't know what to tell them if the accident culprit ever becomes her ass
>Or if you'll ever survive
>But you don't think they're believing you anymore
>A nice mare on the outside
>Only to get back home with all she hears and insults from delivery work
>And then her husband comes to horspital and so often
>If only they knew how much you try to comfort her
>How much she tries to appreciate and love you
>And how much of a mare she is to handle
>Even earth ponies feel easy in comparison
>And she's not even fat!

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Theme song for this:
No. AI wishes it could do something that clean, and especially that symmetrical in the eyes. Also
>7 years ago
>you don't even love mare
Explain you blind retard

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How rich is she?
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You've offered me all of season 1 and stated that all the authors of season 1 are not the incompetent writers you speak of. Meghan McCarthy wrote 4 episodes in season 1: dragonshy, call of the cutie, green isn't your color, party of one. Meghan McCarthy also wrote canterlot wedding, which would mean thatcanterlot wedding was not written by an incompetent writer.

Ticket master, the 3rd episode, is one in which twilight does nothing to solve her problem, and intends to give up and then celestia steps in and fixes it.

Twilight just decided there must be a 6th element of harmony and that the elements came from inside, and so the universe bent around her and the most powerful objects in the world un-broke and shapeshifted onto their necks.

So, the question was, can you name an episode where that wasn't the case and the writer was a competent writer?
>Twilight just decided there must be a 6th element of harmony and that the elements came from inside, and so the universe bent around her and the most powerful objects in the world un-broke and shapeshifted onto their necks.
>So, the question was, can you name an episode where that wasn't the case
Apparently not, because you'll just make any stretch required to say that what ACW did was just always the way things were and completely normal.
Actually I didn't argue that acw was normal or good or that anything in acw was like anything in season 1. I argued that acw marked the writer of acw as "incompetent" and that the same author wrote episodes in season 1. This means that "season 1 writers" is not an example of competent writers, though some might be.

Separately, I argued that s1e1 contains a clear instance of the universe warping around twilight to her benefit. That doesn't mean s1e1 is the same as acw, but it does mean that "season 1" is not an example of content where twilight was not favored by the world. Twilight was favored by the world at some point in season 1, though she might be less favored at some other point.
She copes to be rich
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NTA, but they were competent writers all along, just so happens that Hasbro forced all of these plotholes down their gobs to upheaval toy sales. A brand new Mary Sue pink-coated Alicorn Princess? That sells good! And she is married to a handsome Gary Stu stallion that is also the brother of our protagonist? THAT SELLS WELL!
That anon was wrong to target the writers, we need to see the bigger picture here.

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Happy Birthday to best pony and her twin WOOO!
Which one is Inkie Pie?
Pinkie's Inkie Pie. What're you, retarded?
Party of One aired on April 29.
Pinkie's birthday already passed.
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It could also be today. She says her birthday wasn't for another seventy five days in A Friend In Deed, which aired on February 18th. That would make it today, May 3rd

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Hi /mlp/, this thread is dedicated to compiling My Little PTSD, a green text story taking place after S6, as well as other greentexts relating to compiling greentexts of the same caliber.

Thanks again everypony!
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>"Twilight... I agree you might be on to something here, but... isn't this something that's best left to Princess Luna? Dreams are her domain, after all."
>You shake your head.
"I talked to Luna. She can't help, Fluttershy thinks she's Nightmare Moon and completely shuts down. It has to be somebody else."
>Next book. Advanced Mental Manipulations. This one is quite old and withered. Even in her current disarray, Rarity can't help but turn her nose up at it.
"There's a spell. It lets anypony visit a dream, just like Luna does. But it's complex and extremely dangerous. The caster becomes unconscious and is vulnerable to magic surges or the stress of entering a dream world. Even if done perfectly, there's a severe risk."
>You take a deep breath.
"Which is why the spell requires two unicorns. One to enter the dream, and the other to keep the spell stable and the unconscious pony safe. I'm really sorry, Rarity, but right now you're the only pony I can rely on for something like this. I can't wait any longer, tomorrow it could be your or Applejack sitting in a jail cell. We'll go to Fluttershy's tonight. I'll enter her nightmare, and you'll watch over me. I know it's a lot to ask but I have the utmost faith that this will work. I'll be able to see everything that happened in that cocoon, and then I'll know how to counter Chrysalis's spell. This is our best chance."
>And only chance.
>A part of you was hoping that Rarity would join you without further questions, but of course, there is one very obvious fact you've avoided mentioning.
>"Twilight, I'm flattered that you would think of me, but... wouldn't Starlight be far more suited for something like this?"
>You have to be completely firm on this subject.
"I can't count on Starlight to have my back while I'm in there. I can't go into too much detail as to why, but she is not somepony that can be trusted for something this important. I need you, Rarity. Any other capable pony that I trust is too far away."
>This isn't good, she's shaking her head and looks to be quaking in fear.
>"Don't ask me to do this, Twilight, please. I'm not as good with magic as you. Gems and dresses are one thing, but this is..."
"I've put my life in your hooves before. I know you won't let me down. Your part is very simple and I'll go over every step with you."
>"Please, I can't. I'm not a wizard, I'm not a doctor, I can't do this. I hear them whispering to me."
>"They're always saying the most horrible things. You'll be asleep, and Fluttershy too, and then they'll come for me. They'll call me those names again. They'll get in my head and I won't be able to think straight."
"Rarity, just be quiet for a min-"
>"I've already had to send Sweetie off to our parents. I can't have that responsibility, Twilight. I know I'll ruin it. They'll make sure I ruin it."
"Rarity, shut up. Just shut up and do what I tell you. Shut your stupid, worthless mouth. I am helping you. I am finally able to help all of you, and all I ask in return is for your cooperation. So shut up and follow me."
>She seems too wounded to speak.
>You open the door, ready to lead your friend to Fluttershy's cottage. Ready to drag her if you have to.

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I am reading allat
maybe it would have been a better idea to let the guy who was writing the green make the new thread.
Is it not him? Damn. If someone did that for one of my greens, I’d be shitting bricks.

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>twilight presents her ass to your face
>refuse to look at it
What was her problem? Was she gay or something?
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My apologies.
Did you know that mares are homophobic? Also, did you know it isn't gay if it's in a mare-mare-stallion threeway?
Any sexual arrangement involving a stallion is automatically gay.
it was covered in days old encrusted shit. Fluttershy has better tastes than the Twizigger.
Anon YOU are the stallion in this arrangement. A human stallion.
Does not compute.

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Story of the Seasons is out. Anyone else give it a read? It's pretty fun but there's a LOT of headcanon for griffons.

TTRPG General, I guess. Talk about your TTRPG adventures/post art, chars, whatever. Regale us with tales of shenanigans!
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He has improved a fair amount.
She she
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>Despite the crumbling nature of their home, griffon's still carry themselves with pride.
Griffons > ponies

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Rarity is the worst horse by a mile and Sassy Saddles was actually a great business worker and savvy owner. Rarity cried and moaned because she had to work a job. I HATE RARITY SO MUCH!

>"I can't believe I have to make multiples of the same dress! This is the worst thing ever!1 Woe is me!"


>"Erm, you may work hard and our boutique is extremely profitable and successful but um... erm... we closing because I hate working"
>"Wait, now it is successful in the way that I want it to be... I am leaving and you are now the only worker. Ta ta!"

Rarity's Skull + A shapely stone = A good start.
What diet pills do to a mf
Man, if only this insult to my eyes took those diet pills instead.
Rarity sucks but she gets the best side characters

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grilled cheese sexo
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an AI making an AI?
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Dangerously sexy mare.
god I wish cheese mare would just fucking shoot me in the head already
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mare sexSEX
The thought of weird al getting on here to post this is giving me a giggle.
Probably has better things to do, though.

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I love Surprise!
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Posting the real one. I genuinely can't stand that Pinkie recolor every time I see it.
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Most of the people that say they love surprise, have probably never seen a single g1 episode.

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Post yours and discuss them. Post their bio if they have one too!
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Thank you very much! When designing her home, I was going for maximum comfy design. It's still being worked on actually as I type this. Her cutiemark is a little pink potion bottle. She also enjoys gardening for her potion ingredients. I couldn't resist giving her the witch hat, it's peak cute, and does wonders for hiding her messy mane
Lurk more before posting, kid. This place isn't really as hugboxy as the rest of the fandom
I think the one thing that's holding this OC back is what >>41052571 mentioned about the cutiemark. 2 things mainly. First is that there are way too many pony OCs with video game related cutiemarks that it's kind of a meme. The second is that it's much too detailed. If you do decide to stick with the cutiemark, I'd say to go more for a stylized outline (think discord logo). Other than that, I think she looks great! The bell collar and pigtails are top cute.
LEAVE you fucking TOURIST, you're not welcome

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