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Tasty 'za
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>tfw too much 'za
>tasty 'za
>tasty ’za
Can (You) spot the difference in the two above lines?
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>Got some 'za for you Anon!
I love 'za
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muffin za

What are some fun facts and trivia about Hippogriffs?
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Pretty good pussy
I bet the farts are scrumptious coming out of it.
they are probably one of the weakest creatures
>less magical than ponies or bugs
>weaker than griphons, probably less violent
>slower than pegasus and griphons
>only interesting talent is turning into fishes, bugs can already transform into many different aquatic beasts
I want to make them squawk.

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I want to FUCK this grey mare.
Dude witerawwy what the freak is wrong with you?

Reminder that if you support this ending, you are EVIL.
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i say this because i'm horny for chrysalis
Twilight too, she's a psychopathic pedophile.
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This is the true ending, anyone who doesn't support this is EVIL.
Put Discord there and I might even agree.
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Alright, where's your handler?

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Is that a figurine and where can I buy it? If it's a pic can I have sauce?
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why are they on top of the table like that? get them some chairs. they're princesses, you filthy animal
Is Luna autistic?
>just drops it on the floor
What a bitch. Total pig. Who does that?

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How many licks does it take to get to the center of a mare?
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Let's find out

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“stomping mare”

god I wish concentration camps were real

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>17 days until the anniversary
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>16 days until the anniversary
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>witness my favorite character for 14 years get her name dragged through the dirt by trannies that need to ruin and take everything for themselves
>watch my favorite show gradually become shittier and destroy the characters i loved from season 1/2
>feel nothing while watching the last problem
>still can't bring myself to get off the ride
I'm here for ponies and fagets like you. This place is my home and I don't think I'll ever leave.
you get what you deserve
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It's all so tiresome.
Combine all that with a moderation team that doesn't give a single fuck, it'll just continue to get worse day by day.
It feels like the only "fun" pony related thing these days is Marefair, and that's out of the question for me.

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It's been too long. Post and appreciate shypie.
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this pic is cute. she has a cute smile.
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good thread
The best pone deserves the best thread
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Precious hors
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>so i raped a dragon
>And he gave me hiv
>And im like
>"How tf a 10yr old got hiv?"
>My lil bro hanging with the wrong crowd fr
edgy jokes stopped being funny years before the show started.
Edgy jokes are still funny. This one just wasn't.

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pinkie's belly is very round here
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YOUR little pony?
UNF Glim burrito
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>It's over, Rape Man! Your spree of crime ends here!
>Now come quietly, there's no need to escalate things furtner...
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Cheerilee would know something about that, she's friends with another known hero after all.
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I don't rape, I get raped. And by that I mean I'm in a frisky mood.
>walks through force field without raping
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>Mare do Well flinches and gasps as you walk through her barrier, arms outstretched
Steal her mask, make her suck you off to get it back, and film it for blackmail.

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Would ponies wear animal mascot costumes?
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>featureless enjoyer
It's Fluttershy's fetish.
that's hot OP
The sweat is the hottest part.
You can't keep getting away with this.

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Previous Thread: >>41404667

We’d like to highlight another department for Mare Fair that is in crucial need of some more volunteers. Our Info Desk needs (You) to come on out and lend a helping hand. Currently, they are looking for two more volunteers. The requirements they’ve set are as follows: be willing to study and know the map layout of the convention, keep track of panel/event times, and be willing to communicate with attendees and staff in a professional but friendly manner.

Additionally, our attendee relations lead is willing to provide free lodging in his room for the two volunteers accepted. So, if you want to help out the convention, and save a bit of cash with your room, please send in an application!

As stated in our previous thread, our website has gotten a large update, and with that means lots of news to share!

First off, musicians! We have a large lineup of musicians for this year’s Mare Fair, and we’re excited to share them with you. You can check the performers and their times inside the “Musicians” section on our site.

Secondly, vendors! We’re happy to announce that many vendors, returning and new, will be selling their goods at this year’s Mare Fair. Not only that, but we’ve also added in a little something for those after dark fans…

You can check out the vendors, and their wares, in the “Vendors” section of our website! You can access AD vendor details in the “Clopper’s Cave” option within the vendor page!

Finally, you can now view the panel and event schedule for the convention within the “Schedule” section. Make sure you plan out what panels and the like you’d like to attend, and be sure to have as much fun with them as you can!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I thought about how to get some grocery runs into the Cope Van Schedule.
During the afternoon runs I could drop you off at the nearby Walmart Supercenter before I drive to the airport, and you get like 45-60min to shop until I do another run to pick up the next group at the airport, (and leave off a new group going from the hotel to Walmart), doing a route somewhat akin to pic related.
Will probably also do a later run leaving at like 8-9 pm for some dinner at WaWa/Moon Man McDonalds, and that can be combined with a grocery run as well.
You won't be the only one not wearing a suit. I'm definitely not, maybe polo and khakis if I have room to pack them but I'm not buying a goddamn suit.
I'd be fine with getting an Uber one way as well, or even if you are going to just be too busy in general. If that's the case no matter which way it works out, I'll make a post in the thread if anybody else wants to go on a supply run with me.
damn anon, im jelly af. I would've gotten a custom onenmade if I knew in time.
it's already to late for that if you're coming to the con anon, may as well get married too!
Focus your anger on the disloyal foid instead of the pure mare art, anon. Women will jump from dick to dick but mares are forever.

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