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>"This is some Bomb-ass tea, Anon."
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so fucking kino
Thanks, I pissed it myself.
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Stop using teeth.

rary is perfect
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rary will always be underrated no matter how much we love her. her perfection is beyond mortal comprehension. my bratty, vain, whiney, badass, generous, lovely, caring, considerate, passionate, true to herself, emotionally unstable but very much couth gf <3
also visionary, talented, smart, witty, adorable, elegant, and of course fabulous. there's just so much about her who wouldn't simp?
>same low res overcompressed jpeg
Sad, but thanks!
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If she is so perfect, why isn't she in the new cartoon?

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Final week of loop 2!
This week we will be watching: "The Best Gift Ever" (Written by Michael Vogel), "Sparkle's Seven" (Written by Josh Haber & Nicole Dubuc), "The Point of No Return" (Written by Gillian M. Berrow), "Frenemies" (Written by Michael Vogel), "Between Dark and Dawn" (Written by Gail Simone), "Rainbow Roadtrip" (Written by Kim Beyer-Johnson), "The Summer Sun Setback" (Written by Michael Vogel), "She Talks to Angel" (Written by Nick Confalone) and "The Big Mac Question" (Written by Josh Haber & Michael Vogel). I can also add/change episodes if there's a unanimous call for it. Find the stream here:
Countdown here:
Please post ITT any fan videos that were released during Season 9 or just after that you think are worth watching.
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A lot of not-so-great videos in the YT section, but there are quite a few nice ones, too! Next week I'll start putting comic dubs and sparta remixes in their own category.

/CREATE/ and /PPP/:

[RVC] Saffron sings - Sandaru Sathsara "Levitating"
[RVC] Saffron sings - David Hasselhoff "True Survivor" (Very poorly in parts)


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Oh fuck it's gonna be over.

Can I suggest doing a pure new content stream the first week we're back. It'll be like two or three weeks of catch-up. Also I'm curious if you plan on changing the structure or doing the same as earlier this loop.
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The final season was really fun and a great send off to the best show ever. I love pony so much it's unreal, It's a shame we're not rewatching the entire show. Maybe next time!
I’m open to suggestions, I don’t want the next loop to be exactly the same but it’s hard to change it up too much, I think I’ll mostly play the same videos as before but probably keep the new content segment going even in the earlier seasons (except for finales and stuff where there’s enough fan videos to take up an entire long stream)
posting this for new content on behalf of a friend:

Do you think that in the future, once Anons start retiring and having more time available, that there will be a resurgence in content creation?
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Belly rubs
Haha, good one OP!
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Working to earn money and skills to do things for her later. I hope I'll find the creative drive when the time is right. Keep the ride going, anons.
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Pregnant isn't overweight.

Sunset Shimmer:
>friendless, socially awkward nerd
>becomes corrupted in pursuit of power
>almost Twilight's equal in unicorn magic
>defeated by the power of friendship
>discovers the magic of friendship herself as she is redeemed
>becomes part of the main cast

Starlight Glimmer:
>friendless, socially awkward nerd
>becomes corrupted in pursuit of power
>almost Twilight's equal in unicorn magic
>defeated by the power of friendship
>discovers the magic of friendship herself as she is redeemed
>becomes part of the main cast

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Will her spirit rise from the grave, anon? Will Hasbro see that she was right?
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yes mein furher
Uncle Adolf himself will return and become director for G6 before that feminist cunt produces a good show ever again.
How rich did she become off FIM?
A million? Many millions?
Sex with Lauren Faust.
I hope and pray she will return to save this horrible, EVIL, formerly perfect franchise.

>Been dreamin’, I’ve been waitin’
>To have sex with those ponies
>The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks
>Fucking cunts and sucking dicks
>My bodycount, ten million
>They’ll shower me with semen!
>The Wonderbolts will fuck me right here at the Gala!
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I hatewatch this episode regularly (I'm a cuck)
Few posts make me genuinely kek out loud like this just did. Good one, OP.
Fucking kek. And this was identical to like 50 other episodes in the Haberverse
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>Been dreamin’, I’ve been waitin’
This reminded me in particular of Algo's remix of the song. I really like how her part starts there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaLjGj7RIyY
Best Night Ever will always occupy a place in my black, little heart.

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Turning Page is my boyfriend edition
Previous: >>41368669
Drawfag please come back i miss you
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Who is the juice box mare anyway?
Probably Trixie.
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Why is she crying?

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>Oh hello darling. My its been some time.
>Me oh I'm quite alright, simply divine as they say.
>Hmm? Did you just call me "Rarihag?"
>Oh Anonymous you and that wit.
>But surely my age hasn't dimmed that old, passionate fire you used to feel towards me.
>R-remember when we first met and I called you an uncouth ruffian?
>Remember all the fun times?
>Anonymous?! Wait don't leave!
>My ovaries aren't dried and shrivel! I still have eggs left.
>Test it out, ravish me and seeeeeeee!
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supreme opera green
This is horrible yet somehow very believable
Here you guys go. https://derpibooru.org/images/2876677?q=best+gift+ever%2C+rarity
Because you are a MILF enjoyer. Simple as.
Do not deny your exceptional taste, anon.
she was so generous she let all of equestria run a train on her

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"Wake up anon! You bopped your head and were mumbling something about the elements of harmony."
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What the fuck are they doing just standing there and why aren't they pissing on my face.
I think you'll have to buy them some drinks first.
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Ah, better
The hour hand for me is at 5 so I guess I get Apple Bloom.. (I was so close)

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What does Celestia think about worshipping her and starting a religion and treating her like a god? Is she just an immortal super strong pony? Would she insist worship is prohibited and say she's just a pony but people would start cult shit anyway?
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need her to sit on me
Worship me or no, I will always love you as one of my little ponies.
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>Would she insist worship is prohibited and say she's just a pony but people would start cult shit anyway?
Yeah, sort of.
>Ai jeet

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ITT characters you cannot discuss due to all the endlessly inorganic, forced, unfunny memes and stigmas surrounding them
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thanks vylet
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>there's no way harmony would ever allow for that to happen to the ponies under it
Ummmm why? Not promoting trannyshit or anything but there are characters in the show that canonically have disabilities. Why would gender dysphoria not exist?
I just miss when people were funny.
>EqG out of NOWHERE
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Scootaloo never had a chance.

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I want to FUCK this grey mare.
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She's as thicc as FiM Derpy
>She deserves to cum
Who doesn’t, might I ask?
Me. I'm a bad person.
Do you feel shame or regret every time you cum, then?
Imagine getting kicked in the balls by that.

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>17 days until the anniversary
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I believe this year, the posts in the thread will show up in the cytube chat
fair. and yeah I do go outside, but mostly to my job and volunteer thing, and those people are usually nice. sometimes trying and giving people the benefit of the doubt does a body good.
migrate: >>41436951

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This is your new Discord, say something nice about him.
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he's big
Anything is better than the real Discord
unfathomably based
... named Toby.

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