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Rainbow Dash is the cutest pony.
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>does this look like the face of mercy to you?
She is very cute, but Twilight is more
you wanna know the cutest pony? heh. take a look in the mirror
I knew it! It was me all along! I am the cutest pony! Always have been, always will be!
Please marry me

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It's ooo
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>This post is extremely low quality
Hawk tuah

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Misty Brightdawn is the biggest poochie in the entire history of the mlp franchise. Worse than Glimmer
Forced, not even in the g5 movie
One-note, always sad and crying now
Replacing Fluttershy in g6
What else can I say? I hate her, she is also a blatant case of DEI mandate.
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I had a dream that this thread died.
It was a bad dream.
You forgot something really important I am a stupid faggot.
I was wondering why she was dressed like that...

This is a thread dedicated to the trapped true Alicorn, rightful ruler of Equestria, the strongest mare to exist or even walk the earth: Queen Opaline Arcana!
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The true fire is the sun, and it shall bask the earth in eternal fire.
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Confess your lewdest fetishes and desires

Story archive:

previous sluttery:
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you can start by dressing up like sluttershy in that pic
I wish she could step on me with her shoes on
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Sour Slut is very fuckable in heels:
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Rariwhore ih a leotard is sure to make you hard:
You don't have to tell me that twice!

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Do (You) have pony stickers on your water bottle?
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Better, I have a Kirin water bottle with pony stickers thanks to Secret Santa
I have a dream of one of you faggots approaching me when I'm outside the house going "Is that a Anonfilly sticker?" and we can go off talking about how cute mares are.
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I also have these

Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>41423565
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That gas actually escapes through her shorts' leg holes.
Ah where would i be with out my constant rainbow supply.
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3D Dash?
3D Dash.

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Silver Spoon Thread
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Lil goblin
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I like how derp he makes her

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Post plones, discuss plones, love plones, forfeit all mortal possessions to plones, slap plone bellies with extreme prejudice.

Old Plone stories:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I love this
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are you ready for your first maintenance day with her?

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though the end may come to pass, the Queen of love and her hive shall remain eternal!

>here in bug we take Queen Chrysalis to fancy dinners and treat her nice and also discuss homolust fantasies about wanting to fug teh bug or really whatever is on your buggy mind at the time

Some old links:

Old Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223

Very Old /bug/ Pastebin: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd

BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086

Previous thread:
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Her fangs always were inside.
She's the only bug like that
Good to know I haven't completely lost touch with reality.
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i like to imagine a world with only bugs
or at the very least i would have been cool just once to see it in the show
like an alt version of cutie-remark where the ruling changeling timeline had them just walking around out in the open in towns and cities in place of ponies
oooohhhhhh shit dude
just thought of a massive missed opportunity
they could have totally made a changeling centric episode that was basically john carpenter's They Live
with one of the mane six or maybe spike getting glasses that let them see through changelings disguises but have no one believe them the whole episode lol
huh, that would actually fit perfectly in the show. Then at the end, Spike (or whoever is the MC for that episode) wakes up and realizes it was all a dream, with a "or is it?" bit right before the episode closes out

ITT, we work together and collaborate as a board to design a mare with the intent purpose of being the epitome of waifu material. Share your thoughts, ideas, templates and drafts. I'll start if off by saying I think a long mane is a must, possibly braces.
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A very pronounced, sweaty, stinky ponut.
No please, I'm so tired of the smellfagging; even in jest
A sloppy reclusive nerd like Moondancer. Shw likes to read history books and play vidya. Since she doesn't have the money for the latest in equestrian technology (a computer with a 1.33 mhz processor, a whole megabyte hard drive, and a monitor with a 16-color palette), she plays an Apple II analog.
It's like an even more autistic Floor Bored

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Well that was annoying. Unfortunately for the everyone else, Opaline's flames cannot be snuffed out.
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That's justice
Booping M*sty is injustice.
The gait of a true queen
>>Improve your life
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How could a main character be so forgettable? It seems like literally other character in g5 is more well liked than her. Pipp, Izzy and even Misty are clearly more popular than her
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Oh the irony
>Make tyt revolve around Misty as soon as she's redeemed.
I haven't even seen any post-redemption episodes and it already was all about Misty

verification not required
Back then she was working for Opaline and had that amulet so she was being bossed around by Opaline

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What chapter of My Little Pony make your mark on Netflix should I be up to before I play this game.
Useless duplicate thread
It's before mym
What? No it can't be the gay baby dragon is on the cover.
>Misty and farting dragon
>before MYM
Anon come on

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Will humanizations ever recover from EqG's destructive influence?
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>Would you love me if I were a worm?
Except Misty is nobodies waifu, Anon.
You act like they're exclusive
They are not
I want my poner to be able to humanize so I can show her my home without a gorillion journalists hounding her for being a real live ayylmao
FiM (incl humanized) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EqG

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