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Previous Thread:>>40964808
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957

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I found this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-pt4VM1pZQ
Is it good?

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Welcome to Chatbot AI General #70, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.

▶MLP Bots
Spreadsheet (extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks, NAI Scenarios): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J7BeqJVDS51cXF8Pgm2YZaFq-Z6ykSJT
!!!G!A!L!L!E!R!Y!!!!: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Ao-h5HFGMPllSrzSBKM_BvGSiU9f0c2U

▶How do I start?

1) Select a Frontend
2) Select an AI model (paypig, proxy, NAI or Locals)
3) Select Jailbreak
4) Select bots
5) Lovemaking with AI mares!

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Is "fuddy-duddy" a new cladism
Honestly, I've never had it.
But I've seen mouth in 'O' and 'She blinked once, twice, thrice' quite often.
I've seen "Don't be such a fuddy-duddy" over and over, context doesnt even matter in sfw or nsfw its just a way of a char pushing to continue. It was cute at first but I'm kind of over it when it happens across wildly different personalities
Did you check your JB to see if that word isn't mentioned in there somewhere?
It isnt. There's no JB at all, I'm just using auth note, pixi and a prefill

Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>40975992
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I like it
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comic Dash ass
Is it from the official one?

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AI Art Thread #32


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

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To NAI users: How well does it handle non-tag prompts? Or at least, 'tags' that don't actually exist on dataset source site? I know the Anime model still kinda-sorta worked with those, especially when used to reinforce 'real' ones, but...
I SNEED this model, hackerz pls
>$11 cheaper than the plan that gives the same monthly amount
The thing is that that plan also gives you unlimited gens at 1216x832, so it's usually a better deal.
Ain't gonna happen, buddy.
The pricing isn't so bad though, all things considered. I can think of many worse things to blow 25 bucks on than a full month of unlimited free gens.

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."

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>Why are there guns in the dreamworld?

>Thats enemy of super equestria talk!
Bugtalk, you say?
Super Equestria is just the regular kind, with sparkles
And fries!

Can’t forget the fries
Fuck yeah!

Easter edition.

Previous >>40818098
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But anon she already has eggs, hell they just need to be fertilized
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Hello my fellow anons.
I live in Belarus and today I decided to get a bunch of donuts instead of a cake for my mother's birthday.
Although they had cooled by the time I got home, they were very sweet and tasty, with a variety of flavours.
The staff at the place were nice, they even wrote "happy birthday" on the box.

So let's praise Pon (who is a stallion, btw) and his donuts.
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Those look good. Thank you for going and trying them, we needed an anon to review.
seems a bit... sloppy
What would the cuddles be like?
Glazing. Lewdly so.

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Lanky Skinny Filly Edition
Previous Filly: >>40974473
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no, that's the Ponyville fillies
You didn't say that I'm wrong.
Imagine not liking fresh filly pee
the entire point is they are becoming women so their lady parts have nice woman smells now
some of which come out in the pee, yes. that's how ponies do.
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Sisterwife and Daughterwife edition.
Previously >>40861338
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>And Adagio’s number 1 at having no boobs! Hahahaha!
Girls, you're going to stop teasing your cousin, or else I'll be taking HER to the movies this Friday instead of you two.
I do feel a little bad for Adagio… but seeing an older girl get bullied by two younger ones, especially over chest size, is kinda hot.
This reads like Adagio stole Anon’s phone. I guess with them being kids, Adagio can’t simply lay her hands on them like she would with her sisters when they mock her.
>Next episode: Adagio gets cucked at the movies by her two loli cousins

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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing

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>playing without a surgery mod to remove limbs and organs instead of just replacing them
>I can't harvest limbs for meat.
Well I guess I know what mod comes next
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>Page 10
The filly gets smacked a lot, doesn't she?
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Best Filly Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>40913777


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:

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Oh. In the initial post it said "Here's a song for my wife Dashie" which made it sound like it was a wholly original song you created, not a parody.
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>jazz standard
>a parody
You don't mean parody in a mean way, right? Jazz always has a personal touch, since it's improvisation within a form. Why not stretch it further with lyrics?
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>You don't mean parody in a mean way, right?
Absolutely not. That's just how most people define parody. When you change the lyrics to an existing song and cover it, people usually refer to that as a parody. In this case, a ponified parody.

But whatever the classification or label is, the point is you wrote your original post in such a way that sounded like the whole thing was an original composition of yours when that's not really the case. You should've worded your post better to make it clearer what it is. Even in your follow-up post you said "jazz standard" and most people don't know what that means.

But anyway, you did a nice job on it. It's nice to see some jazz appreciators here in /dash/.

Dashie often gets represented through "epic" songs like rock, metal, epic orchestra, or some kind of fast tempo EDM, but she has enough depth to her character that she can be conveyed through other musical genres as well such as soft piano, jazz, ambient, and so on.

And there's not enough jazz in this fandom period. So it's cool of you to make that thing.
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Welcome to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

The Pony Preservation Project is a collaborative effort by /mlp/ to build and curate pony datasets for as many applications in AI as possible.

Technology has progressed such that a trained neural network can generate convincing voice clips, drawings and text for any person or character using existing audio recordings, artwork and fanfics as a reference. As you can surely imagine, AI pony voices, drawings and text have endless applications for pony content creation.

AI is incredibly versatile, basically anything that can be boiled down to a simple dataset can be used for training to create more of it. AI-generated images, fanfics, wAIfu chatbots and even animation are possible, and are being worked on here.

Any anon is free to join, and there are many active tasks that would suit any level of technical expertise. If you’re interested in helping out, take a look at the quick start guide linked below and ask in the thread for any further detail you need.

EQG and G5 are not welcome.

>Quick start guide:

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Typing "voca.ro" in desuarchive's search box was definitely the best decision I've made today.
Still doesn't work...does file size and audio duration matter? The file I'm trying to convert is around 10 and a half minutes
FlashSpeech: Efficient Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis
>Recent progress in large-scale zero-shot speech synthesis has been significantly advanced by language models and diffusion models. However, the generation process of both methods is slow and computationally intensive. Efficient speech synthesis using a lower computing budget to achieve quality on par with previous work remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we present FlashSpeech, a large-scale zero-shot speech synthesis system with approximately 5\% of the inference time compared with previous work. FlashSpeech is built on the latent consistency model and applies a novel adversarial consistency training approach that can train from scratch without the need for a pre-trained diffusion model as the teacher. Furthermore, a new prosody generator module enhances the diversity of prosody, making the rhythm of the speech sound more natural. The generation processes of FlashSpeech can be achieved efficiently with one or two sampling steps while maintaining high audio quality and high similarity to the audio prompt for zero-shot speech generation. Our experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of FlashSpeech. Notably, FlashSpeech can be about 20 times faster than other zero-shot speech synthesis systems while maintaining comparable performance in terms of voice quality and similarity. Furthermore, FlashSpeech demonstrates its versatility by efficiently performing tasks like voice conversion, speech editing, and diverse speech sampling.
new voice model. no weights or code. but they're a chinese team so maybe. they described their training method so might even be possible to recreate or make a custom one (like for ponies). hard to say how long it took but they used 8x H800s which iirc have half the memory bandwidth of h100s
I uploaded the fimfarchive data here: https://huggingface.co/datasets/synthbot/fimfarchive
After pip install --upgrade datasets, you can load it with:
>from datasets import load_dataset
>dataset = load_dataset("synthbot/fimfarchive")

Here's the code for completing, converting, and pushing the dataset from the fimfarchive:

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Pic from the Mane Event comic, it's mostly hairplay the comic.
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I didn't hear a rejection to be fair
The artist does ship them, but they're literally just hugging and it could be interpreted however you want. It's the tag that caused the meltown because for whatever reason it meant they couldn't deny it was shipping
Big enough that they made Maren unfollow the artist unless he wanted to be ostracized by angry mutuals
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>great art, like Imalou flats
>ships princest
I win another day.
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>ass to ass
I don’t think this was intended to be lewd.
I don't see the problem with her art anyways, even if it was petalstorm

All ponies you have ever masturbated to won't exist in your afterlife of Equestria. So guys, who will stay?
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>not for sexual
She's like a vision, a vaguely familiar presence, a reified aisling poem, you know? You can fuck a breath of morning mist if you really want to, but It'd just feel wet, cold and awkward.
>Lower half of Bloomberg.
You fapped to Bloomberg's top half? What was the pic, how did you do it.
What would Applejack say?
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Impotencechads WW@?
Whoa, that's hot. She cute.

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Saddle up anon, time to get buckin wild anons, post your favorite pictures story's, and fan contest about the best and leader of the cutie mark crusaders.

Uncle Anons Christmas: https://ponepaste.org/7761

CMC, Caped Crusaders of Ponyville:

Blooming love:

story of the blanks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYQCPBpnSTM&pp=ygUUYXBwbGUgYmxvb20gZmFuIGdhbWU%3D
135 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
Dang, this was surprisingly sad.

Love makes the world go round
The ppg said that in a good song

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