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Well, Anon?
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Of course we can be buddies, Mr. Pinkie, but you know I don’t wanna fuck some dude, though, right? We’ll still be best friends forever. Now let’s have a party!!!!
Rape party!
He's a little pony.

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There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

Scritches are the key to a healthy relationship.

Old thread: >>41354728

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)

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Or that, yes.
...thank you for reminding me that happened, anon. When was that?
Christ, it's been a while but... over a year at least? Probably a couple. I honestly can't remember exactly. It was more of a spitballed concept that didn't actually turn into a story.
actually wait, I think someone did sort-of-kinda run with it a bit with a mare who had crippling confidence issues getting a little possessed by it and she ended up causing a ruckus on the human side of things by manifesting over there and trying to take him by force. Tied into the MRE (mate retrieval expeditions) idea and there was some kind of men-in-black deal trying to handle it and keep it from getting too out of hand.
ah yeah there it was, "A Wish Enough for Two" up in the OP.
I think I misremembered some parts though since it's been a while from the last time I read it.

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If you could pick one drink to be naturally dispensed by your waifu's body, what would it be?
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chocky onions :)
Probably chocolate milk
Squash soup

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This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne again. We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists, storytellers, and others again; may this general get quicker and continue quickening.

For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread, there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan, the premiere pregnancy imageboard:

That thread is the third in a series, and here are the prior Pregchan threads, which have been archived here:

Because of that drama with Pastebin, here are two archives of our greentexts:

Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads:

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I hope I can get multiple slots. I'd really like to pay for some edits of Bahn's previous commissions too.
Good luck
Board is moving too fast today

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Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link

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For real. Now it's just full on whining and crying, they can't even be witty or creative about it. Straight up boomer brain
any joke you could make about them is unfortunately outdone by reality. All we have left is complaining they're still here and being shoved in places they shouldn't be.
>Brownie Brown
>POCie Pie
Well she has nappy hair and a bombastic personality so obviously she’s black coded.
Thrilled to meet you Mrs. Dash.

Previous Thread: >>41365205
Vinyl actually fucking nuked it addition

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)

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can confirm, the vinyl thread hasn't left my watchlist for a decade now
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You're right. Clearly we need to tie the COW up and force her to produce enough wubmilk!
Unf those fat tits look like they make half and half, any thicker and she’ll be making heavy cream
Love wubcow and her bovine beats

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Hi mares, get ready for the Midweek Gartic Phone stream! The game will begin on Wednesday at 5pm EDT and finish at around 7pm. The video queue will be open so share whatever you want. Come join us for a few rounds, some comfy mare videos and a few movies afterwards. The countdown and the stream links can be found below.

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Sixth Game. Animation.

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This is a thread for all things pony and Jojo-related, but specifically for a green that I had to put on hiatus for about a month, where DIO invades Equestria and it is up to the Mane 6 and heroes summoned from the JJBA universe to stop him. Currently, Jotaro Kujo and Bruno Bucellati are attempting to locate a foal Stand User

Part 1: https://ponepaste.org/10210
Part 2: https://ponepaste.org/10249

>"I think I'm gonna be sick..."
"Come on, it wasn't that bad, right?"
>You are Sweetie Belle, now very well-educated on the workings of fish.

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>"You, however, are different. When this 'Starburst' left you, you did not accept fate's plan. Nor did you release your frustrations on a pointless effort to tie him down with you. Instead, you directed your righteous fury towards the true culprit responsible for your misfortune: fate itself! And in doing so, you actually managed to strike a blow to fate. Or, at least the symbol of fate's hold over you. You destroyed these brands. I have learned much about your land, but I was unaware such a power existed in this place before I learned of you. It must take great strength of will to perform such a feat."
>He's a monster. You know that.
>But... he understands.
>He knows better than anypony what you were trying to accomplish.
>"Although... it was still a useless effort, doomed to fail."
>You slam your hoof on the table without thinking.
"It was working! We were all happy there. None of us greater or lesser than any other. No cutie marks to divide us, to make us different! We were all-"
>"Except you."
>DIO calmly cuts right through your words and straight to your deepest insecurity.
>"You kept your mark. You kept your power. You elevated yourself above the others."
"Because I had to! Without me-"
>"Of course you had to. And I approve. It was the correct decision."
>Once again, your words die away.

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>Your mind races, trying to find inconsistencies in his philosophy... while also admiring its simplicity.
>The strong rule the weak. A statement that seems primitive on the surface, fit only for the ancient tribes or barbaric dragons, but is it really any different from what you've seen in modern-day Equestria?
>What you've seen in your own town?
>He sighs.
>"And thus, you are trapped. You may fight against fate and even achieve small victories, but all your actions are still part of fate's grand design. Even tremendous power has limits. And that, Starlight Glimmer, is precisely why I wish for you to ally with me. My power is also incomplete. But together, I believe we can change the world."
>DIO stands.
>"Rest well, Starlight Glimmer. Reflect on my words. I await our future conversations with great anticipation."
>He locks the door behind him.
>You try to summon the fury you felt when he first foalnapped you.
>Your rational mind understands what is happening, how he is manipulating you, and you swear that you will not surrender to such tricks.
>But there is another part of you, one that you've always pretended doesn't exist, and it forces a shameful image to the forefront of your mind.
>An image of you on Celestia's throne.
>Legions of ponies gazing upon you in awe and jubilation.
>All of them offering you their cutie marks. Their shackles.

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I do like DIO here. He's successfully manipulating Starlight, a skilled manipulator in her own right while she knows exactly what he's doing.

>"In my world, very few humans had the resolve to try and change their fate. In this world, even fewer ponies do. Yours is, in comparison, a docile and complacent society. From the moment a pony is born, he gleefully awaits the day that fate reveals its design for him. The 'cutie mark'. A charmingly innocuous name to disguise a sinister design. A symbol that brands you as a slave to your fate. And from that day forth, this pony will happily pursue the task assigned to him, and only in rare cases will he seek anything greater. Such burdens are laid at the feet, or hooves, of your Princess. Your kind lacks ambition; the drive to improve upon the way things are. They lack even the ability to recognize their own chains for what they are."
Quite funny, considering how prevalent fate is in the JoJo-verse.
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I guess DIO really wants a new Pucci.

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Turning Page is my boyfriend edition
Previous: >>41368669
Drawfag please come back i miss you
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Who will be Overall's killer?

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Due to a boad-dwide nuke, the thread needs to be made again, especially since we got a big story near the end.

OC's. They exist, and some become very popular. They can come in many forms, and the vast majority of them have rumps. That means they can be spanked. After all, why let only canon characters have all the fun?

Featured stories:
Griffon guard duties by Anon: https://ponepaste.org/7043
Thru the Window by DCFTEF: https://ponepaste.org/6458
On Fire 1: On Fire by Nomine: https://ponepaste.org/6531

Stuff from last thread:
Gayness is not an excuse to avoid spankings.
AI art and comment.
>>41139506 , 41142414

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Rainbow and Fluttershy. Rainbow eggs on Fluttershy to misbehave and learns why she's so meek and well-behaved.
I don't know. Fluttershy's parents don't seem like the spanking type.
One of Canterlot Castle's towers got destroyed during the s9 finale, so Cozy gets daily spankings until its fixed. It wasn't an important part of the building so there's no hurry.
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>Fluttershy's parents don't seem like the spanking type.
I've got an EqG Fluttershy story brewing as we speak.
Just need to quit my job so I have more time to write spanko stories.

>Friends can change the woooorld
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>Are you not happy that your quest is complete
>and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?

>That's just it.
>Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends,
>I have to leave them...
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I don't know if I'll watch the 3d pony stuff, it's a new tv show or a movie? I have regular mlp to finish first
Thanks for the bump king
Me too, I learned that sometimes living your friends makes you feel better than loving yourself. And is there any friend closer than your family? Furthermore is there any family closer than your race? Therefore I love my race like a dear but estranged friend. MLP showed me that collectivism isn’t always bad because friendship is a form of collectivism, like ants building a nest and collecting food to share with one another. I call this love, so can love and friendship only with your race truly be bad when it’s based on care for others? MLP would teach that for whites to love their race and put them first is true friendship.

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Real, I must worship this tiny empress.
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Why Fluttershy?

unf, why are they all showing off so much leg? Are they trying to give every male in the school a bump in their pants?
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Experts' opinions are divided on this issue.
A good faith EQG enjoyer has never existed. Mindbroken contrarians.
MLP is interesting because it's the fandom where if you want to bone the humans instead of the horses, then YOU'RE the creep.

Please leave highschoolers alone and jack off to a horse like everyone else.
I think unicorns with magic based cutiemarks can cast temporary futa spells for when they feel like topping.
And I think penetrating with a horn would be more funny lol

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Previous: >>41359884

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB

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What I’d give to get between her legs and pound her pussy all day and night. On top of her listening to her protests turn to moans and filling her womb with cum.
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Oh lawd, she's coming!

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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are welcome here.

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why does she look annoyed?
I assure you I do. ;P
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Horse sweat is a VERY good smell

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