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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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Just went back and started rereading my old Destroyers' tournament epilogue. And I am in fact an accidental genius, pic quite related.

It's more than a two-hour flight from New Salda to Beerus' planet then to wherever the tournament will be held. Strategizing will be done then, as Freeza wants to go in with a plan.
They call every genius a madman at some point.
Well I’m certainly a madman, because I dropped a spoiler in that king/queen thread
Also Soon.
Time to begin! >>5964863

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In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least, it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.

Alas, they are certainly welcome to try and struggle to deviate from the laws of causality. Such is the case for a human mortal by the name of Vlad Santana. A young man who would find himself at the crux of a story that would eclipse his mere mortal soul.

Character Profile and abilities:

Previous Thread:

Thread Archives:

Rolls will usually be a best of 3 1d100 DCs are context sensitive but transparent when choosing your options.

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I was here almost from the beginning. I think I joined for the second vote, the one where we chose to do pull-ups.
love this old Schierke

simply wonderful, we might not have got the best victory. But it was inevitable that some losses would happen during the war, so i think this result is still quite nice.

and thank you for making the quest Becchi !!!!

I think we added a bit of our own, through the write ins you allowed. Both for decisions and what Vlad thought, felt or wanted to say. I was here from the start and i made them more than once. Vlad had no fear of saying what was in his mind, and his collisions with Griffith, the Apostles and the God Hand through the quest were very cool. The friendship with Guts was often unstable, but even there he managed to stabilize it (i wouldn't be surprised if Vlad and Guts had the time of their life laughing when at last they exorcised the mutt from the armor).

And personally i think you managed to make it feel like Berserk just from the fresh perspective of Vlad. Characters like Hyde, Gallahad, Jacopo, Michelle, Hedwyn, Merlina and Barnham where a welcome addition for me, and provided much growth for other characters alongside new parts of the story and setting to explore. I still remember the fight against Barnham in the arena of Ilos, and Vlad winning despite how difficult it was for him and Gunpowder. Or how Gallahad managed to become part of the royal knights which was quite rad.

And Vlad, Vlad was really fun to play. And it wasn't easy at all it truly felt like we where fitting against incredible odds and sometimes it felt futile even to attempt to fight, to struggle. But the pegasus prevailed, overthrow the kraken and rise to the heavens.
Thanks for making the quest and for giving it a worthy end. See ya again if you ever return, otherwise good luck with your life Becchi.
So long, Bechii. It's been a blast.
I had just a few questions before we die truly and fully, if you don't mind answering them.

Will there be Apostles of Good in the future, or some other equivalent? If so, how do they differ from regular apostles?
Will we end up assembling five Archangels to oppose the fingers of the god hand someday?
Has the radical restructuring of the astral to extend upward into the new heavens created grounds for new spirits and new branches of magic for the future?
We will miss you Bechii. I hope sometime in the future you have some free time to come back to us.
>Will there be Apostles of Good in the future, or some other equivalent? If so, how do they differ from regular apostles?
Don't think so, at most, we'll get an easier connection with stronger spirits as magic gets more widespread around the world, making it harder for the God Hand to have a one sided control over the world.

>Has the radical restructuring of the astral to extend upward into the new heavens created grounds for new spirits and new branches of magic for the future?
Of course, maybe Vlad and some of his pals will ascend into some sort of equivalent to the four kings of the world.
Thank you and so long!

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If you want to play from here, you can, but be aware it's hard for you to do anything covertly All your moves can be looked up by other players.

We need Iraq State and ISIS still to get going.
>Recruitment Ad
Ready for a wargame with a unique twist? Introducing a "Matrix Game" where your strategic arguments and knowledge of history directly impact the outcome. Think Clancy/Battlefield triller intensity with deeper geopolitical intrigue.

>Key Features:

- Argument is Your Weapon: Persuasive tactics earn you combat modifiers. I'll arbitrate, channeling my history expertise and healthy dose of insanity.
- Volatile Modern World: Choose between Central Asia, the Middle East, or East/Central Africa. Expect volatile factions and superpower powerplays. (Mercenaries 1/2 fans, this will feel familiar)
- Hyper-Realistic Conflict: Amplified economic and technological factors fuel relentless, plausible warfare (The Pentagon/Analysts uses Marix games).
What sets this apart:
- Historical depth: My BoA in history (Magna Cum Lade) informs a setting where your knowledge matters.
- Player Agency: You don't just roll dice. You shape the narrative and propose lore to build the world collaboratively.

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Can I get a look at the updated map after this military movement? Are the Arbil troops now between Mosul and the Turkish border?
(Also sorry, I may have a new IP)
Also, yo, my brothers from another mother, my Sunni Opposition brethren :)
The world likes to paint us as enemies, but in reality, we want the same things here: the Shi'ite dogs in the capital have been holding the country with an iron (and corrupt) grip, ignoring the Sunni population, we both want Iran and foreign influences out of our country, we both want to reclaim Kirkuk
We stand to gain a lot more if we work together, as opposed to if we try to undermine each other, so let's try to present a united front against Baghdad. It's us versus the world, and your help would help both of us, how about you guys try to build up fortifications in the towns we jointly occupy? :) We're at a disadvantage in the action economy, so if we can get more things done together, we might actually be able to change the course of history
NRP cringe
Okay so it's a whole new turn now.
I'm going to post on 4chan that Iran and Sunni are avialable for players, but also you can attack on them with actions.
"Poland — Today at 7:49 PM
I haven't forgotten, I've been busy. Turn incoming in next few days"

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A dumb kid stands in a cell. He doesn't know where he is or anything about his situation in general. Though he probably had a name before he was here, he will be given a new title to mark this new chapter in his life.

What will the name of this stupid child be?

(P.S: My trip might change since I'm trying to guess the old one I used for Desenex Burger)
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Wait, if we they don’t have hands, then their feet must be like hands then! They’re evidently not even human so let’s test our feet by offering up a feetshake to Big T and then Mommy. I don’t care if Mommy happens to be a man, it’s the current year, men can be mommies too if they try hard enough.
I now regret this vote,
Attack it
show the new guest around the many corners of your room
and even the state of the art hole that was recently installed

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>New Game

Please select difficulty:

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It takes but a single moment for you to confirm the deal written out, and you sign without even a second thought. To hell with being an attack dog on a chain!

Your signature- Goro Akechi- pulses, and you feel lighter in your very soul.

Watching the crimson characters burn through the contract, the man(?) in front of you lets out a laugh.

“Enjoy your rest, then, boy. The fetters of that control freak shall be removed, and your freedom to run rampant granted as best I can.” He says with a smile, far more normal looking now. “Be aware, though. You will have to play by my rival’s rules to reach your full potential. Do keep your eye out for others you can cooperate with, aside from myself and the attendant here.”

With a final, maddening laugh, the man claps his hands, and you can feel a dreamless sleep taking you again…


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(3/3, pardon the bad breaking)

How do you spend your day?

>Business first. Clean up the target immediately.
>Spend some time relaxing. There is that lounge in Kichijoji you enjoy visiting… Perhaps darts or billiards would be a nice way to spend a free day.
>Visit the exhibit. A free pass is a free pass, and it doesn’t hurt your image to be seen as sophisticated…
>Write in

>But yes, Akechi Quest time, Chaos Bois
>isit the exhibit. A free pass is a free pass, and it doesn’t hurt your image to be seen as sophisticated…
>Visit the exhibit. A free pass is a free pass, and it doesn’t hurt your image to be seen as sophisticated…
>Business first. Clean up the target immediately.

It was a sunny day in the region of Mount Paozu, one of the few places left untouched by the ravages of time, and the advancement of human technology. You find yourself currently in meditation in a lush, green forest surrounded by countless debris on an open, smooth floor. Your eyes closed, your rhythm in tune with your surroundings, with each deep, relaxed breath you take you feel closer to the intrinsic forces that embody nature. Your body was relaxed yet firm, not showing any sign of weakness or lack of guard despite your relaxed state. Several birds had perched themselves onto your broad shoulders, treating you no different than the venerable trees in this forest meadows.

Naturally, you were undeterred by the birds, already deeply engrossed in your meditation as you took a state of mind found in a fugal. This fugue-like heightened concertation made you aware of the Ryuo or dragon's flow, the natural floodgates of one's energy. As well as the ambient energies that exude around one's surroundings, stemming from the Ryumyaku or Dragon Veins. Essentially, the leylines of the planet and the crystalized network of power, with the earth's core serving as its nexus point. Learning how to be in tune with such ancient paths that flow and crisscross each other has in turn helped you understand your floodgates.

As you are now, you were linked with the world, thus able to see far better than with your eyes. An extrasensory perception akin to clairvoyance as the slightest vibrations, shifts in the air currents, and faintest of sounds were known to you. Although you were as clear as the calming streams found in Mount Paozu, your sense of self was rather foggy. Be it peace of mind or the presence of the mind, you were having trouble achieving the Mizu no Kokoro or Mind and Heart like Water. Sure you were sensing and processing everything around you as if you were right then and there. Unfortunately, this was only scraping the surface.

In truth, you can barely detect a person's thoughts, emotions, and even personality just by picking up the subtle sounds they produce consistently. Or learn how to sense the natural energies of a person, including one's very own life force, and quantify its volume or potency. According to your master, these were just the surface values of the innermost secrets of Senjutsu or Sage Arts. Things like bending the flow of fluids such as vapor, or exerting invisible forces such as shockwaves in Kiais shouldn't be your end goal. Especially since you've yet to fire the true form of the Kamehameha, your master's signature technique.
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Rolled 13, 66, 28, 45 = 152 (4d100)

Rolled 34, 93, 50, 19 = 196 (4d100)

Rolled 85, 63, 78, 39 = 265 (4d100)

Looks like we got our results.
>85/100, 94/100, 78/100, 55/100
Starting strong and petering at the end

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Fifteen years ago, the two columns emerged from the frozen northern wastes and descended into the arctic circle. Now, two great cities slowly emerge, one populated by dwarves, the other by Oceloti. The people of the two realms toil beneath the bleak arctic sun, huddle around the fires as the cold wind whips the hardy plantlife around them and roast fatty bug meat on sticks over the crackling flames. Rangers and soldiers patrol the uninhabited wastes, fighting with overgrown insectoids, masons chisel stone slabs, carpenters carve wooden beams the king and thane chose the fate of their people.
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Hey, just wanted to post to let you all know that I am currently dealing with shit and won't have internet for several (4-5) days. With that and all the other shit I have going on I think I'm going to drop out of the quest.
Sorry for the timing and the inconvenience, wish everyone here the best.

Well, thanks for the heads up.
I honestly don't feel like running a (multiplayer) civilization quest for a single player, so I apologize to Brazenbeard and say that I'm abandoning this quest.
Thanks for participating and sorry for the unsatisfying ending.
Ah well. Thank you for running, Lanu. I think it's a shame that this quest didn't really catch much traction, but thank you for persevering for as long as you did.

Also, as last Civ standing, I'm claiming victory here. Victory by default's still victory, right?
>I think it's a shame that this quest didn't really catch much traction, but thank you for persevering for as long as you did.
Any idea for why? I personally think that the pdf rulebook is what sabotaged it. I might try running it again at some point in the future, however, I'll run a few other things before I give this another shot.
>Also, as last Civ standing, I'm claiming victory here. Victory by default's still victory, right?
Absolutely. A shame you didn't get to proper blows with the claymen, but you'd have come out on top.
That'd seem a logical guess to me, since NRP's and Builders and the like often run here - the PDF rules (and perceptions of complexity because of them?) seem the notable point of difference.

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Part 3 has successfully loaded!
Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Gigas as we took to exploring the bustling city of Threespice. There, they met and eventually recruited Gremory, a Demon turned merchant that seems to have restrained its violent urges in the name of self-preservation. They learned of the merchant king Felippe Silversmith's darkest secret using the Lost Art of Scrying, and revealed as much to the local guards, who they were seemingly able to persuade into working with them rather than against them.

They also touched base with the illegal elements of Threespice by participating in an underground fighting arena, where they adopted the crew name of Trinity to fight against a rival trio called the Black Rose Pirates and met with a well-known pirate known as Lobo Chisaki afterwards. While Lobo was working to assemble a list of capable men for our daring pirates to recruit from, the crew decided to find some of Silversmith's most capable men to shake them down for information, finding three viable candidates in the process: The Countess, Jerome Stillwater, and Nocturne Kamei. Opting to handle Stillwater first, they kidnapped him in the middle of his human trafficking operation and took him back to their ship, where they interrogated him for everything he knew before sending him to meet his fate at the hands of the Guard.

As we pick up our adventure again, Ramza and Gigas have just finished explaining their recruitment of Gremory to Val. Although he was initially reluctant, Val was eventually convinced once he learned that Gremory would be revealing all of the secrets and vulnerabilities of Demons to the crew, an exchange most valuable to the would-be Demon Slayer. For now, though...who will we be playing as this time around?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade. The Captain of your little group, for now.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder. The pilot of the group whenever Ramza is busy, and the mechanic.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer. The Barrelman that keeps constant vigilance over the area to spot hazards, and the rigger to boot.
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OOC question, were you hoping we’d try the honor duel so you could throw an armored Gaoth captain at us and watch us panic?
Contrary to popular theory, no! It would have been a pretty intense fight, but winnable with the right tactics. Potentially in one turn, even, depending on how rolls went down. After all, you have a spell that conveniently doesn't care how armored your opponent is.
Ah note to self if they're heavily armored hit them with mana disruption.
It makes sense, after all. It doesn't deal any damage, which means the Armor's damage negation does nothing, and being hit with it requires you to make a roll to resist the pain. A good ol' save or suck spell.
New thread, character vote time!

You are Cloud Strife, you didn't make SOLDIER and you are tired and jaded because your waifu Aerith got murdered in front of your eyes and a homo with a long sword who is probably compensating for something won't leave you alone. You just want to relax and take it easy.

What do?

>Go somewhere nice and clear mind.
>Talk to second best girl Tifa.
>Talk to best girl Yuffie
>Talk to your best guy friend Barrett.
>Talk to that other homo Vincent Valentine.
>Go to the airship and take a ride with your other best guy friend Cid.
>Pet your pet cats Red XIII and Cait Sith.
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>Inform him that Kefka is a better villain because unlike him Kekfa is intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.

>Double down and say that even within his own game, Rufus Shinra is a far better written and motivated villain.
>Use the Knights of the Roundtable, the strongest summon in the game
>Inform him that Kefka is a better villain because unlike him Kekfa is intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.
Kek this was a funny thread, OP
Finally, a GOOD fantasy quest.

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You are a magic sword.

Long have you slumbered in enchanted sleep within these barrows, until this lesser creature dared to put his hand upon your grip. You sundered his mind and took possession of his frail, knobby body. A kobolin, called 'goblin' in the common tongue. It is much too weak to draw out your powers. It has barely the strength to swing you. But it can walk, can see, can smell and hear. And that will do, for now.

It is time again to renew your eternal quest: to seek your true wielder, the union for which you were forged.

>Chaotic: The blade itself incites to deeds of violence. You increase your powers by slaying creatures of power and authority, and seek the hand which shows no mercy.
>Neutral: The blade is only a means to an end. You increase your powers by amassing wealth and status, and seek the hand which takes and does not open.
>Lawful: The bright blade is not loved for its sharpness, only for that which it defends. You increase your powers by enforcing order and protecting the innocent, and the seek the hand that undoes the wicked.
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>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making

we gotta ditch this body.
>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making
>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making
>Don't go with either of them, find somewhere to hide and then wait.
>>Go with the bigger party, there's safety in numbers, and you trust a goblin about as far as you can throw them.

An reckoning had come upon our Star Empire, An supernova destruction the heart of our Star Empire, wiping out our Heartland and shattering the communications network we had worked so hard to establish, trade, support, and more...now lost. With countless lives lost in the ensuing chaos.

Forced to form their own governments and states during the chaos, your own faction would form as the state of madness and fear died down as brass tack tactics were set into place. No more running, no more weakness, we needed to tand strong together or die alone.

All that remained was to define your remnant state of humanity...

[State of your faction]
>Nomadic Star Fleet: Former from an military and colonial fleet forming an flotilla to survive, you now wander system to system, wreck to derelict to scavenge and survive.

>Local Provisional Government: Beginning as one of the local primary governments to establish a semblance of normalcy and law, you managed to secure local factories, resources, and more to supply local stability.
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>>Warmechs: Replacing some fighter craft, warmechs were equal to roughly five star fighters and thus took up less space but produced more quality and less quantity.
>>Energy Weapons: Reverse engineering a cache of energy Weapons, the fleet could supply you with Beam and Laser Weaponry on ships and personnel.
We are the Light in the Darkness
>Warmechs: Replacing some fighter craft, warmechs were equal to roughly five star fighters and thus took up less space but produced more quality and less quantity.
>Energy Weapons: Reverse engineering a cache of energy Weapons, the fleet could supply you with Beam and Laser Weaponry on ships and personnel.
>Warmechs: Replacing some fighter craft, warmechs were equal to roughly five star fighters and thus took up less space but produced more quality and less quantity.

"It's gotten rather quiet here." The guardsman would say as he looked out into the green section. Mike scoffed in response, leaning against the glass wall of the chamber where their injured friends rested. "Well, that's good news. Means that the fighting hasn't started yet, or has gone elsewhere away from us." Mike would respond calmly, him looking at the injured men. "I do hope everyone is okay up there thought. That rabbit subject is a real psychopath." He'd mumble, the guardsmen sighing and looking at the upper floors. "Well, so far it's going better than the last encounter. You and your friends really are helping us out a ton." The guardsman said quietly, making Mike let out a deep breath. "Yeah..." He wanted to point out the fact that he really wasn't supposed to help out the guardsmen, yet hesitated. After all, he didn't want to create further conflict between the two groups.

Shortly after though, the two would hear gunfire from above, as well as some distant screams. "Shit, that sounded like Elliot." The guardsman said softly, the two stepping away from the glass wall and walking to the edge of the walkway. The two would look upwards, trying to see what was going on. And a minute after, they heard more gunfire and yells. Finally, they would hear a loud bang followed by watching something burning falling from up high and crashing into the flooded floor below. "Was that the rabbit?" The guardsman asked, Mike trying to get a closer look. "I don't know for sure..." Soon after though, Mike got told over comms that he was needed. "Wilco. Update me on your location, okay?" He'd look to the guardsman, before speaking confidently. "Stay here. I'll be back soon enough." And with that, Mike would start headed towards the other combatants to finally put an end to the monstrous rabbit subject.


This quest is mostly story focused, with no really deep mechanics aside from basic dice-rolling. The story is rather freeform in terms of what choices you can make and what direction you want to follow. What your goal is in this place and who you choose to trust is mostly up to you. Do you want to explore the place and figure out its mysteries? Or do you just want to shoot shit and cleanse this place of monster girls? No matter what you opt to do down here, I will always try to give options for what you can do. You can also always send in your own choices and suggestions on what to do. Either way, I hope to provide a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. My writing ain't perfect, so I always do appreciate it when feedback is provided so I can improve further.
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Once again, Anofelis would approach you, gently picking you up with two of her arms. She'd put you on her shoulders around her neck, you having to hold onto her head with dear life. She'd soon grab Anon as well with her two right arms. Shed then pick Arty with both left arms, him speaking up a bit hesitantly as Anofelis approached the hole. "Mik, not gonna lie, I am starting to have second thoughts about this." Anon would also seem a bit worried, speaking up a bit softly. "Yeah, this does not seem all that safe." Anofelis was quick to speak up eagerly though, clearly wanting to help out here. "Don't worry. I'll hold on as tightly as possible!" Though with Ano's strength, she'd squeeze Anon a bit too hard, as he groaned softly. "L-Little bit less, Ano!" Fortunately, she soon found the sweet spot, as her wings started vibrating behind you. You could feel the cold air rushing up your back, as Anofelis soon got off the ground. Artyom and Anon remained eerily quiet, as the four of you soon would hover towards the dark hole.

You told your men to get going and Anofelis to descent slowly, her giving a quick nod as she carefully moved downwards. In the meantime, you saw the others making their way onto the stairs, some soft creaks being audible. Zaria and Lars led the pack, followed by Thaddeus who carefully moved the railgun around given its immense weight. Afterwards came Morgan, Kamara and Oreas followed by Chrys who had opted to fly a bit as well. And lastly were Derek and Lydia who made the drone fly further down. "Alright, it looks to be going quite deep. I'll carefully move the drone ahead. You guys let me know if you see anything of note." Lydia said, as you heard the drone go into the darkness, a red light thankfully coming from it to ensure Anofelis didn't accidentally collide with it. As you descended into the tunnel, Arty and Anon were quick to scan the area, checking for anything of note. And it didn't take long to see something. "Uhhh, Ano, pause your descent for a moment." Anofelis would do as told, as Anon would point to the eastern wall of the elevator shaft. "Right there. Part of the walkway looks to have been intentionally destroyed."

Indeed, a large chunk of the walkway was destroyed by something. It didn't look like an accidental collapse, or something caused by stress. Furthermore, the entire place was maintained enough that rust or fatigue was clearly not a cause. And a short moment later, Lydia would speak up as well. "There's a section of the stairs here which has a bunch of burnt rubble on it. I presume that's the wreckage from what you've spotted." Given the location and what you had found, it seemed to make sense. Immediately, Anon and Arty would watch out for other sections were blown up. Or in Anon's case, he started looking for explosives. After all, it was clearly blown up with intent, meaning there was a chance more explosions were put in place to destroy more sections.
Anon and Arty didn’t seem to find anything else, and Lydia soon would speak up again. “I think I found the hallway leading where we wanna go. This shaft does go further down though, but… not by much. I think I see the bottom, and it looks like quite the mess.” Whilst Lydia investigated the bottom, it left you with a bit of an awkward problem. Your men were going to have to cross the gap in the stairwell somehow, after all.

>What do you do next?

>Have Anofelis put you, Arty and Anon down somewhere and have her fly everyone over. It’d be fast and easy, and maybe Chrys could also carry some people and material over as well.
>Look around for some materials to create a bridge. There were plenty of pipes and metal plates about which could be used to make a bridge, especially with the help of Morgan and Anofelis. Besides, it’d be convenient for when you got back here in the future.
>Get some rope or wire to either make some sorta rope bridge, or to just have it go directly downwards to the stairwell further below. Chrys and Anofelis could help out if anyone struggled going down it.
>Have Lydia move the drone further into the tunnel you wanted to go into. For all you knew, she’d end up fighting a blockage which was impossible to traverse, meaning going further down was futile anyway.
>Something else…

(Final update for this thread. Going to archive this one tomorrow and then start a new with the drawanon's art as the thumbnail. I'll go with the burning rabbit, unless if you guys think any of his other works would suit a thumbnail better.)

(As for critique/suggestions, so far I've noted down:
- More maps during battles to allow for easier planning.

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Btw, I added Morgan to the friendly subject sheet. And I might add a few new updates to the main MG sheet some time tomorrow after getting the new thread out.

Oh, and one final note: >>5986344 suggested that the next side-story should maybe not cover a death-squad eating shit, which I agree with. So, I've planned ahead a bit: The next story will put you in the shoes of a subject. Or rather, the... sandals of that particular subject. I'm sure it'll be fun to be on the other side of the conflict for once.
>Have Lydia move the drone further into the tunnel you wanted to go into. For all you knew, she’d end up fighting a blockage which was impossible to traverse, meaning going further down was futile anyway.
Location is damaged, we should gauge the extent, One destroyed entrance may lead ot multiple.
Scout first and from there
>Get some rope or wire to either make some sorta rope bridge, or to just have it go directly downwards to the stairwell further below. Chrys and Anofelis could help out if anyone struggled going down it.
yes we can have anofelis help us, but it may be good to have something that we can use ourselves if need be, better to set it up while we are at the top then when we are at the bottom.

ngl OP the railgun gave me BLAME! vibes
tho I don't think it goes as powerful as that one does.
Damn I thought she'd carry us one at a time
Keep forgetting how stronk subjects can be

Maybe Oreas can help us out in combat after all. We should ask her capabilities and experience. How'd she do in the combat section? Undefeated champion?

>Get some rope or wire to either make some sorta rope bridge, or to just have it go directly downwards to the stairwell further below. Chrys and Anofelis could help out if anyone struggled going down it.
>Have Lydia move the drone further into the tunnel you wanted to go into. For all you knew, she’d end up fighting a blockage which was impossible to traverse, meaning going further down was futile anyway.
Simultaneous, we can give up on the bridge if it turns out there's blockage later.

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A most knightly and depraved lover of women bows out.
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Yeah, I borrowed the wording from one of Bat Masterson’s writings.
Well, since we reached the end of the thread, I might as well do this again. It’s going to be a some time before I could post the third thread.

>What do you think of the description of places and environments? Too long? Too short? Not descriptive enough?
>On the characters, which of them would you like to see more of? Which one do you currently like the most?
>Were there any part of the writing that was difficult to understand or were unclear?
>What is currently your favorite character in Loveless Gal?

If you’ve got any other questions regarding any matter, or anything you need further elaboration, you can ask it here.
>What do you think of the description of places and environments? Too long? Too short? Not descriptive enough?
I found them evocative, especially of the grease smoke and screwpine-addled alleys.

>On the characters, which of them would you like to see more of? Which one do you currently like the most?
Thon. I'd like to learn more about him, and his dynamic with Gal.

>Were there any part of the writing that was difficult to understand or were unclear?
Not especially, no.

>What is currently your favorite character in Loveless Gal?
Tie between Aeg and Airin, though goblin girls are my weakness.
>What do you think of the description of places and environments? Too long? Too short? Not descriptive enough?
they're good and precise enough

>On the characters, which of them would you like to see more of? Which one do you currently like the most?
the tattoo guy.

>Were there any part of the writing that was difficult to understand or were unclear?
not really

>What is currently your favorite character in Loveless Gal?
tied between Airin and Gal

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Lucian, after being tricked into breaking his oaths and marooned on the island of Albion. At one moment alone, he gathered an ally in the form of the beastial Kroxigor Bok. Together with the Kroxigor, Lucian has slain his first of three Beasts of Albion in the form of the Jabberslythe.

Now Lucian must challenge the ancient evil of Albion and find the ancient City-Temple of the Lizardmen, while the terror of his past lurks upon the island.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

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Come on, one more roll!
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Show me your moves
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After its painful roar the creature launched itself forward upon Lucian. A clear row of teeth that size of Lucian’s arm were were like a dozen razor sharp swords pointed at him. He had to move quickly to the side as the strike came, the jaws coming down on open space as the Knight rolled onto his feet.

As quickly as he moved though Lucian was already moving the other direction, the forelimb of the dragon having come down towards him with speed so that it would crush him into pieces. Lucian was fast though, the magics of a Grail Knight giving him the foot of swiftness to dodge the blow with ease.

Every time he moved his eyes were focused on the wound he gave the Dragon. A massive blow that could lead to a killing blow if Lucian was perhaps skilled enough to land it. But he was soon seeing his chances hardened as the neck of the creature rebounded and massive jaws came infront of him. They unhinged, exposing the torrent of fire that was coming to eat him alive.

Flames of death came upon him, caking him in a death torrent that had the essence of death and damnation within it. Golden light dipped in Amethyst was a damning force that would have brought many low against the creature. For even Daemons were but forced to face the end.

Yet Lucian was something more than a simple Daemon. His scythe blocking, he could feel the fires cake upon him yet the fringes of his flesh did not fully burn. It was hot but the winds of the Lady which surrounded him warded off the greatest amount of pain. The Armor that he was encased by, created by the hands of a Dwarf whose people had always been at war with the Drakes, was made able to withstand and even dampen the blow.

Lastly, it was the immortality that he was given by the Lady of the Lake and Morr which kept his vitality full. The winds of Shysh were but suggestions to one whose flesh was blessed by a Death God, the one who ruled over such winds.

When the flames ended the Knight was moving. He still felt pain from the attack but did not worry himself about it. Even his flesh saw it something to ignore, no longer recoiling at the fact that death was ever closer to the Knight.

And so, in a better position than he was, the Knight made a strike at the neck of the mighty being.
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The scythe did indeed dig into the flesh of the Dragon, but Lucian did not feel the strength of the Smiting Rune imploding upon the foe. He had noted many times that the weapon sometimes failed to fire, such was the chances with magic, but here Lucian was only able to give a deep gash into the neck of the Dragon.

If it was any other creature it might have been a mortal wound. Let it be Giants like Grimidal and Orks, such strikes at the neck were at least able to stop most of the monster’s movement. Yet the Dragon was far more than simple flesh, but a manifestation of the Shysh winds that went through the realm.

In that fact Lucian was lucky, for the creature would have been unscratched from the blow if the winds of magic were allowed to flow freely, but even in a weakened state the Dragon had enough vitality to move and strike.

Flames did not rain down but its limbs were still able enough to swat the Knight away. Lucian felt the impact but such a half hearted blow was not enough to very much injure a Grail Knight. Instead he was thrown back onto the ground like a straw doll tossed by a child.

Scythe still in hand the Knight rose, but he found he did not need to.

As soon as Lucian was sent away from the dragon of nightmares the Sun Dragon was upon him. Jaws just as large as its gabbed the wounded neck towards where the head was, forcing the bloody wound to be exposed to the skies above for the gods to see.

Then, with a powerful pull, the tissue that was holding the head in place were torn apart. A powerful crunch was heard as the bones holding the neck together were shattered under the sheer power of a Dragon’s bite.

With a yank, Mortifax was decapitated.

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Sorry for the quick fight here, but we are on Page 10. Next and likely final thread will start tomorrow.

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Thou seekest a new tale?

++Initiated By: aho9uXckla++
++Progress: 1%++
++Progress: 10%++
The Tree Shall Take Its Due
++Progress: 35%++
++Override Denied++
++Insufficient Permissions++
++Progress: 50%++

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>A composed young man armored in pale blue light, valiantly crossing blades with a fiend
>The bubbling of a sludgy, thick red substance boiling away in a cauldron
>An impromptu screaming match AND battle
>Cheers of a frenzied crowd as a warrior is sent crashing into the stands of a stone coliseum
>A wyvern, screeching as someone takes it apart with scholarly precision and recklessness
>Peaceful humming by a pond, a man restringing several bows
>A composed young man armored in pale blue light, valiantly crossing blades with a fiend
>The bubbling of a sludgy, thick red substance boiling away in a cauldron
>A wyvern, screeching as someone takes it apart with scholarly precision and recklessness

If I'm tallying correctly, these are the winners with 2 each. Writing.
OP ?
Shame it's dead

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