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Warhammer 40K Quest where you play as the "The Greatest Swordsman of All Time"! Except you're not. You're a weeb and not much of a swordsman - you're cheating with your psyker powers to pull off anime bullshit sword moves you've learnt off Imperial propaganda. Unique Combat Mechanics. Claw your way up from the bottom for power, riches and fat titty bitches.

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Derp, for some reason, I understood that he wanted to know what we were doing before the fight.
Well, you get the idea.
You know, it would probably suck grox-dick to actually fuck a null. Like to the level of "You can't pay me to do it.". The constant soul-battering agony of it is an instant mood-killer. Unless they were an extremely low level kind.
Hey now, some people are into soul-battering agony! In any case, I'd bet if you did it enough it'd stop hurting. As much.
I don't think I can continue this right now, sorry
We'll be waiting for you, OP.

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Previous Thread:
Recap: You finally arrived at Paracelsus' family, after dealing with an assassin, and it turns out Paracelsus' daddy issues mixed with dragon issues is causing her to have a bit of a breakdown. You're trying to help her through it.

“Paracelsus… We can’t just leave. Your father’s a brash man, clearly quite pig-headed, but he’s still your father, and you’re still his daughter. I know you didn’t see it, but seeing you like this affected him. More than even he expected, if I had to guess.”
Paracelsus hisses in response, her fingers digging into your flesh as she does so.
“Like I should care! It’s been YEARS, and all he wants to know is how I might "help the family"!? AGAIN!? Have you SEEN this thrice-damned country!? Rosaria may be owned by a megalomaniac, but this place is worse in every single way! Oileana is a cesspit and people like my father are the reason for it! This backwards MUD PIT can burn for all I care! At this point!? I’d HAPPILY be the match!”

Adding deed to word, she shoots flames out of her nose, growling as she does it. You hug her tighter.
“You don’t mean that. I know you, Sa- Paracelsus. You didn’t become a doctor on a whim.”
She remains silent… and pushes you away, out of the hug. She’s still crying, though she looks angry, first and foremost.
“And what’s your point!? That because I'm a doctor, I should give him another chance? How does that even make sense!?”
"Not him, but the country. Giving your father another chance is just for your benefit. Look at yourself... This is clearly eating at you, and I suspect it's been eating at you for a while."

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>"In truth I had come to find Sarah, but I am happy to meet you as well, and I will say this I won't claim to know you, but Sarah thinks highly of you and that is enough for me, along with your words leads me to believe that you are a good man, and in this land I have found very few that I could or would say that about. And in these times one good man can make all the difference. If you should ever decide you wish it, our group isn't shy about taking on new members."
Good idea, should offer him an in to our little Klan.
"In truth I had come to find Sarah, but I am happy to meet you as well, and I will say this I won't claim to know you, but Sarah thinks highly of you and that is enough for me, along with your words leads me to believe that you are a good man, and in this land I have found very few that I could or would say that about. And in these times, one good man can make all the difference. If you should ever decide you wish it, our group isn't shy about taking on new members."
The man stares at you, confused.
"What words did you hear? I said I wouldn't slaughter my kin to be a baron. That's so... What world are you from that this is something to be admired? It's a baseline, I'd hope."
"Paracelsus clearly thinks much of you. That helps a lot." You say, smiling.

The man stares a bit longer... and shakes his head.
"You're insane. You take on any stragglers, and you think a man like me is to be trusted. I kill people for honor and glory, Reynauld. I even enjoy the fight, but that doesn't mean I'm not a soldier. I'm a tool, built to kill, just like everything else in these noble houses!"
He stops himself... and clenches his fists.
"I'm a coward, as well. Because I'm doing it with a damned smile, and my greatest wish is that I got to be part of that system for free, and..."

He stops.
Then he closes his eyes.
"I think it's best if you leave. As soon as possible. It seems you're making me act the fool. Some people need a status quo, I suppose, I apologize."
He begins to walk past you, but Paracelsus stops him, placing a clawed hand on his shoulder.
"You've dragged yourself up from the muck. You can see what this world is like. Thaddeus... Surely you understand why I didn't want this?"

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>Your mother seems... important.

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Welcome anons, one and all, to the long-overdue /qst/ waifu and husbando tournament(s)... or, as I'm going to call them, The KING & QUEEN OF /QST/! In this and upcoming threads, we're going to decide which character is the best boy and greatest girl in all of our weird little art commune.

>Who died and put you in charge?
Hey, someone's gotta' do it.

>What are the rules?
This is going to be run it as a round robin. It would be 2.5 months at one match-up per thread per day (though I'd probably take a day off now and then), if I run the King and Queen tourneys concurrently in two separate threads.

It will largely be a popularity contest, but each match-up will also have an 'event', and the character who can most persuasively be argued to be advantaged in that event will receive a 1d6-vote bonus, which I'll roll when I tally the votes This will add that vital spice of randomness, excitement, and interactive storytelling that makes these threads actually allowed on the board.

I'm going to take a month or so for a preliminary 'qualification and submission' thread to see which characters participate, and then to commission the initial art. My eligibility criteria would be that a character:

>1. cannot have been a contender in the previous tourneys (though the quest CAN have been; just not that specific character); these can be seen at https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4999756/ and https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5090023/
>2. must be from a quest which has either wrapped up OR has at least 3 threads and hasn't been flaked on (yet, kek)
>3. must be an original character, not from an existing multimedia property; Karn is allowed, Son Goku is not

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>>Ruby, AKA Lucy (Ruby Quest)
Arty isn't a bad choice, but I have to respect the OG.
>Artemis "Arty" Pertinger (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ruby, AKA Lucy (Ruby Quest)
>Artemis "Arty" Pertinger (Disappearing Hogwarts)
>Ruby, AKA Lucy (Ruby Quest)

As the war rages on, the 14e Escadre Mixte "Liberté" in it's fight against the Prußenmark has suffered a harsh loss due to the new Koerkamp D.IV “Havik”. Not due to the numbers of pilots lost but rather due to the quality of one who was killed in action. Despite having fought since the very beginning, or perhaps because of it, their time had run out. This would be bad enough if it wasn't for their connection with another, very important ace. Lieutenant-colonel Helene Valmont has decided to visit Escadron Vert personally with a plan to visit Violet after, and so far has found the worries of one pilot in the Escadron have at least some merit.


This is a continuation of the last Air Wing Commander Quest Thread. I plan on continuing this until real life kills me literally or metaphorically, you get yourself killed, or the war ends.

Past Threads

Doc with squadrons, pilots, information and the like.

Pastebin with rules.
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"And Cipanto?" You naturally ask to remind her, given the pause.

"Of course. They are in some ways very different from the Abmerykans. Mainly in the form of discipline. Even the most staunch Prußenmark loyalist drilled to the extreme would struggle to match them. If the Prußenmark's army has a will of iron, the Cipanto's have a will of high quality steel. They follow every order unquestioningly and are more than willing to do whatever it takes. In some ways they are, unfortunately, a bit like the Pretans, but those similarities are minor and do little to detract from their focus or ability to serve. Much like our own pilots, they seem to grasp the inner workings of the engine and the rest of their aircraft with ease and have no trouble keeping them flying through repairs or just ensuring they don't push anything to the breaking point. On that note, they seem to have an uncanny ability to know how best to utilize their aircraft. I have seen some maneuvers I've not believed were possible and which don't even have names utilized by them to get on the enemies tail or completely throw the enemy out of position and ruin their attack run. I believe they are natural aces in the making. And of the two we have, one already has achieved that status and the other is not far behind." She seemed quite pleased with herself, as if everything she was telling you somehow was her own accomplishment.

Given what she mentioned earlier, it was probably best to ask about the pilot she brought up. So, you ask "You mentioned there was a wounded pilot who you consider one of the better ones. Who is it?"

"Oh, that would be Miss Koguchi. She's two victories away from becoming an ace, and is quite resourceful. She is disciplined and completely stoic in her duty. This, along with her being quite the capable flyer makes her an exemplary Cipanto pilot and a gold standard. She and Mori are the only Cipanto pilots I have to go off of but both have shown that there is a reason that small island nation managed to win a war against the Varuskie's. Especially when you consider that these are their docile women. It makes me wonder just how strong, brave, and unshakable their men are." She seems to pause a bit, somewhat to your concern before she continues "I have another reason to believe she is one of the better pilots in this escadron. She even managed to save one of our other pilots from behind enemy lines a while ago and helped them evade capture and make it back to our side of the lines alive and in good shape. If that isn't enough to impress I don't know what is."

With all of this said, you have only two more questions in mind, and given her not so hidden biases, you move to ask the more important of the two questions you had. "What's wrong with the Pretan and Vesperian Volunteers? Especially the latter. They seem to underperform despite their high ratings in my files."
With a bit of a dismissive look, Pernet is quick to say "Because they are indolent, self aggrandizing cowards who don't know how to follow orders and constantly try to undermine this very institution at every turn. The Pretan pilots are completely incompetent and never should have taken flight. In fact I'm sure with how incapable they are if we had them as mechanics they would still find a way to kill themselves and destroy an expensive piece of army equipment they could never afford to fix. As for the Vesperians, it's because of much the same. Along with the simple fact they clearly are lying about their capabilities to make themselves seem better. It is clear you should presume they are only slightly better than the Pretans when it comes to the art of flying." You get the feeling that Pernet was maybe not the best person to ask about this as any pretense of them giving the Pretans and Vesperians a fair, unbiased view was completely thrown out the window.

With a slight pause on your part, you simply say "Right...And what of the other nationalities?"

This actually gets her to think for a bit, though after a bit she states "Those Varuskie volunteers from Reemi are about as capable as our own pilots, though they seem to be quite nationalistic. And I don't mean they support the Tzar. It is perhaps something to be concerned about, but most of them have died already so it can be put on the side. I don't think I've been around them, or rather their only survivor I've met, long enough to have much of a say regarding them. The same goes for the Vitulians and Illyrpsja however the Dacinians from what limited experience I've had with them are quite resilient and brush off wounds that should normally be of some concern. Of course, most of them are fighting less so for us and more so their own country. Though at this point I would not be surprised if most new volunteers are in it for revenge given their country's capitulation." It wasn't the answer you hoped for but it was at least you got some information out of it.

>Ask her about her clear bias against the Pretans.
>Ask where Elizabeth Green is.
>Ask where another pilot is. (Write in)
>Ask something else (Write in)

(If you have any write in's, feel free. Otherwise, sorry for being slow going still.)
>Ask her about her clear bias against the Pretans.
>Ask something else (Write in)
Ask if she thinks the squadron is up for something like the balloon busting missions, but more dangerous.
>Ask her about her clear bias against the Pretans.
>Ask something else (Write in)
Anything we can do to increase cohesion?

You're in a dungeon.
>Who are you?
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chain jared to the wall
Eat Jared
Take the guise of an injured adventurur to lure Jared. Radvsx
Adapt or die? Fine let's adapt cannabilisim and eat the competition
Adapt or die? Fine, let's adapt and morph into an endless food, money and magic factory and live happily ever after while being feed, rich and having magical items at our disposal.



A relative you've never met left you a creepy mansion in eastern europe.

Do you visit your new property?

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It’s just a bait quest, anon, don’t get too worked up
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I guess so... I hide looong running quests, bad quests, bait quests, quests related to dragon ball or ASOIAF or anything that says "civ" or 40k or... well I guess those fit in the bad quest category... quests that seem promising but have 100ish replies in two weeks...

This seems incredibly inefficient.

It'd be a lot easier to pin quests you like instead.
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I do it as well!
I hide quests I am not interested in so it's easier to see new fresh quests. You never know when there is a good one being posted and with your screen cluttered... hard to find
You can pin quests here? This is some ancient lore to newfags.

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Previous thread

[Trait: The faithful]
[There will be special dialogue available when regarding the Cult Imperialis. Your interaction with the members of the Ecclesiarchy is more favorable.]

You are Basillica “Vasily” Hagia, the lieutenant of the Baneblade squad and a proud Vostroyan Firstborn of the 625th Armored Division, 74th Company, Squad 20, squad call sign “Flowing Don.” You and your crew arrived at Terrasque, a hive thought to be taken over by heretics and traitors of the Imperium. What you found instead were gene stealers. During the fierce battle the Order of The Argent Shroud reinforced then pushed out the ambush.

In the rubbles of the hive, you ordered your cousin-comrades to get some more supplies, be it lasgun packs, water or food. There was another issue, Flowing Don only had a dozen shells left. Seven regular shells, two smoke shells, and three custer shells. Other guardsmen began to recover any bodies or weapons, you were sitting on the rubbles inside the cathedral.


Rivale Prokofiev was the youngest member of your crew,he still had his blue eyesand with messier hair. Rivale carefully stepped over the rubbles and xenos corpses.

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>Continue moving forward as one

The sisters and your baneblade continued to advance. In the midst of the abandoned buildings and street, you saw nothing of notice. Corpses there, wreckages here, the street was quiet. Flowing Don whirled quietly, her blessed machine moved steadily. You arrive at a shopping square.

“I don’t like this place…” Rivale said.

You saw a web of bridges and roads above, and the shops were conjoined into one iron wall with plenty of windows, a perfect place for defending or an ambush. Being in the open was never a good idea. What was more worrying was the lack of enemy encounters, just where were they or how far were they entrenched? You pull your binoculars down and watch for any threats.

“It’s quiet, I hate when it’s quiet. Do you see anything?” Your sergeant said.

“Negative.” You said. “I don’t know what kind of vile strategy they’re pulling but we won’t fall for it. We’ve gone far enough. Fornal, patch the sisters that we’re going.”

“On it.”

You see the sisters pause then look back and nod. The return trip was quiet with no pauses. Back at the courtyard, the guardsmen already fortified this location. You park Flowing Don nearby Battering Ram and Vostroya’s Saber then open the hatch.

“Hagia, how did it look?” Sofia said.

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>We can split the forces for alternative routes, what little we have left that is, and we need to wait longer too

The vile Xenos doubtlessly have plans for if we go with options 1 & 2, I say we take 'em by surprise.
On the other hand, I don't really like the idea of splitting up, but I suppose it's better that placidly sitting still waiting for an attack or blindly charging into an ambush.
>We can split the forces for alternative routes, what little we have left that is, and we need to wait longer too

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

The Army of Alterac had marched into Strahnbrad Hills and claimed what is rightfully yours, the land and the oil hidden deep underneath the surface. They hadn’t faced any serious opposition, just a scattered band of bandits and brigands. Now would the work start as soon as the goblins gather themselves and the Dark Irons, deep from Blackrock Depths, would arrive with their machines and technology beyond your reach.

But not everything would be just about the oil, for you spent considerable time with your lover Jandice Barov as you were recovering from the Incident. Her three words of “I love you” echoed in your mind, for it was love you couldn’t answer to.

Yet your time in Tarren Mill would cut short. Jandice would leave and you would have to return back to Dawnholme as finally after months of waiting the Stonemason’s of Stormwind have arrived. Hundreds of them, with them mercenaries, a warlock in disguise, children and women. You would have your hands full with everything related to them.

You had hoped that you wouldn’t be swamped with work, especially with Taretha increasingly pregnant. A lot of paperwork would fall into your hands amongst other duties. But you had decided to put the work away, you wouldn’t repeat the previous mistakes and work yourself nearly to death.

You would enjoy your life, take whatever chances you have to relax and spend time with your friends. Maybe for once your life could be steady and without worries?

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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It was all strange being here with Thrall. While it felt strange to work alongside an orc knowing the history and your family connection, yet it was different. All of the seven orcs could rip your arms off and flagellate you with them, yet their size or strength didn’t scare you at all. Even Malevus seemed calm and she had her own reasons to be against orcs, after all they had burned part of the forest that made her homeland down.

You exchanged small talk with Thrall as the evening turned into a night before throwing off your jacket and trousers and burying yourself within the bedroll. The campfire lit the trees around you and threw shadows beyond. After the long day you felt tired, your legs were still stiff and having used all of your mana had taken a toll on you. Yet it wasn’t the worst feeling, after all you had accomplished a lot in a short time.

Now just to catch some sleep before tomorrow arrives.


You opened your eyes and found yourself watching a view that you haven’t seen in a long time.

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>Decline, but invite her for a talk.
Quit the games, what do you want?
>>Join her and dance with the Malevus Thing.
Dance time.
>Join her and dance with the Malevus Thing.
>This is a balcony? Dive over the railing and see what happens.

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I twisted the knob of the vintage style radio receiver, scanning for channels playing anything but static. No luck. It started a few miles up the road, but now every last station was replaced with the garbled death rattle of civilization. I flicked it off and immediately regretted it. The noise let me tune out my thoughts, and now I was alone with my nerves. As I continued onward in my rental sedan, I spotted the checkpoint emerge in the distance. Several armed men dressed in tan camo stood by a hummer on the right side of the road. One of them broke from the pack and flagged me down, prompting me to bring the car to a stop in front of the motorized barrier. He walked up to the driver side and tapped on the glass. I rolled down the window and he leaned in to speak.

"Turn around and head back," he recited lazily, "All roads have been closed off. Only authorized personnel are allowed access into the New Orleans Exclusion Zone."

I tried to recall the code my contact, a reedy Haitian guy named Toussaint, gave me. After two weeks of chatting over the deep web, we finally connected at a dingy dive bar in a town just outside Baton Rouge. He informed me of every step and precaution I would have to take to get in, painting a grim picture and filling in the margins with outlandish anecdotes. When I asked how I'd get out once I got in, he simply shrugged. "Beats the fuck out of me, baz." We split ways not long after.

"No, no–wait. I'm expected," I blurted out, "I–uh, I've got a hot date with Major Houlihan."

My heart dropped to my stomach. Time seemed to stop as I swallowed down hard, but I sensed a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. They lit up, and he cracked a slight smirk.

"Uh huh," he responded, amused, "Can I see some ID first?"

I retrieved it from the glove box, my wrist brushing against the cold steel of the loaded Beretta handgun clear as day in the soldier's view. He ignored it, instead greedily snatching up the passport. Cracking it open, he whistled as he drew a stack of crisp dollar bills totaling a thousand and five hundred, making extra sure to count them twice.

"Alright, you're free to go," he said, flipping back to the front and adding playfully, "Have a nice trip..."

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>Yes. (Don't hand over anything, just mention the Quebec Driver's License)

>Hunt Nutria
>Sleep by the Campfire afterwards & mingle
Okay, I've rewritten this a lot since this is pretty embarrassing, but I know it's the right choice. I didn't want to flake without at least saying something. I've been basically forcing myself to write every post and I've come to the realization that I didn't fully comprehend the scope of the quest before going into it. Fuck, I don't know. I didn't even make it the week this time, but you know surprisingly that's not even my record.

I think at some point I'd be interested in rebooting or continuing this quest at a later date, but for now consider it abandoned.

Sorry for flaking. Again.
S'fine. QM's come and they go. Much better you actually prep for something you'll see to the end rather than abandoning it midway through. One thing that I've always found useful is planning, planning, planning. If you know both how the quest is going to end, and also how the current set of decisions will end, then things become a lot easier. Write with a strong direction and goal in mind, don't wing it.
I do plan, obsessively sometimes. Thing is I tend to fixate on just one aspect or plan too far ahead and have trouble bridging the gap. Maybe you can relate, maybe you can't. Eh I'll stop bitching.
Try outling, maybe making a CYOA style tree of choices

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You let your eyes linger over Caesar's defiant expression while you run what you know through your head.

Two assailants, college aged, college athletes potentially, vehicle description, and general build and descriptions. Gotham U is a big university but if they're on any sports team it would make finding them much easier. Next you take in Caesar's injuries, he's moving and speaking fine so it's unlikely he broke anything unless he's tough as nails and just isn't letting on. You remain silent thinking about what he said and in the end you have to agree with him. Visiting anything in the city would be a risk that's too big to take.

"Maybe we can't take you to a hospital in the city, but I can still take you to an out of city one."


"Get your stuff, I'll take you myself, it's my day off anyways."

"DL, I don't think that's really needed man. I'm fine."

"Those rings of light you see are called 'Halos' and it could mean you have some sort of injury in your head. It needs to get checked out and I'm not gonna take no for an answer."

Caesar stares at you for a few moments, his face a mix of emotion.

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He pauses and looks over the crowd, nodding gently as he does so. You swallow and swipe at your forehead, pulling away a slick smear of sweat with it. You look up and your eyes probe the rolling grey clouds, only scattered sunlight managing to push through. You sigh and wriggle in your seat.

"That being noted. I say this not as your mayor, or a lawyer, but as a citizen of Gotham." He pauses for dramatic effect and looks into a nearby camera. "It. is. working." He accentuates each word with a slap on the podium and gives a wide politician's grin.

"Recently you've seen in the news that the GCPD had one of it's largest stings in history. Salvatore Maroni, Carmine Falcone, Oswald Cobblepot, and that's not even half of it. The men and women involved in that operation deserve more than medals and ribbons and tinker tape parades, but in the interest of keeping the identity of the Officers involved secret I can only offer them this: From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of Gotham, Thank you."

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause and Dent closes his eyes, soaking it in, you feel your face go warm. Are you blushing? You touch a hand to your cheek and feel the opposite, cool like marble, but a familiar sensation builds in your gut as you turn your eyes back to the stage. The same feeling you get when you first spoke to SIM, first saw him kill, saw him raise a blade against that child, you feel hatred.

"But today, we're here to celebrate and honor someone very special. Officers of the GCPD who I have a close personal relationship with, on account of the fact, that when the Wayne Museum of Meta-History was attacked and my life was threatened these officers put themselves between me and a would-be assassin, a deranged man wielding a flamethrower, showing no fear and one Officer even sustaining grevious wounds to protect me. Some people may say they were simply doing their jobs, but the job was far from simple and they honored their Oath in what seemed to be the bitter end and I'll be damned if I don't honor them in equal regard. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Officers Anthony Banks and Luke Kimble!"

Thanks again for the patience everyone, see you sunday!
Damned politicians.
>Are you blushing? You touch a hand to your cheek and feel the opposite, cool like marble, but a familiar sensation builds in your gut as you turn your eyes back to the stage. The same feeling you get when you first spoke to SIM, first saw him kill, saw him raise a blade against that child.
>You feel hatred.
Mark SEETHING at Dent right now holy shit
Or maybe he's picking up a Shiver? Is Dent suppressing an episode? Maybe something triggered him...
Does Dent actually HATE that the cops succeeded? That Mark and the GCPD are doing their fucking job?
>in the interest of keeping the identity of the Officers involved secret I can only offer them this: From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of Gotham, Thank you.
This combined with the reaction Mark had makes me think Dent is saying "fuck you" to him or meaning the opposite of his words

The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

Affixing your weapons to your person, you leave the Hall of the Elders behind, ready for your journey to the Silverwood. There, you intend on informing the Eilistraeans of your most recent triumph and, gods willing, the eventual council vote that will allow them entry into Everlund. That you have gone to such great lengths on the behalf of your people truly astounds you. It is abnormal, or mayhaps even unnatural, for Ilythiiri to help one another for the sake of it.

Does this make you a deviant?

Burying these intrusive thoughts, you commence your journey. A round trip from Everlund to the Silverwood would take a tenday or less, provided you travel at a constant pace. Just as you face the road which leads to the city's southern gate, you recognize that the hexagonal All-Faiths Hall is but a minute away from your current location. True, you've no immediate business with the surfacer gods or their followers, although this does not preclude you from entering regardless.

What will you do?
>The sooner I commence my journey, the better.
>A detour to visit the All-Faiths Hall could not hurt.
72 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
>[Drink Potion of Pass Without Trace] It was judicious of me to purchase this beforehand. I should be able to drink this and slip away, if I am quiet.
>>[Drink Potion of Pass Without Trace] It was judicious of me to purchase this beforehand. I should be able to drink this and slip away, if I am quiet.
Yeah no we shouldn't be fighting this
>[Drink Potion of Pass Without Trace] It was judicious of me to purchase this beforehand. I should be able to drink this and slip away, if I am quiet.
>>[Drink Potion of Pass Without Trace] It was judicious of me to purchase this beforehand. I should be able to drink this and slip away, if I am quiet.
There seems to be a clear consensus here. Vote closed.

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Alright, You know how this is gonna work
Pick a spot, then a color, and if you feel fancy a race and history.
Updates will be atleast twice per day

also remind me of things, I forget often.
and if you make a long post, throw in a tldr for me so i can update the map correctly
42 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Oh right, dice.
Builder going up for those who carve for some extra structure.
Or a game that's actually going anywhere at any pace
Rolled 16 (1d20)

I'll take the westmost part of Zhilju (basically the part in picrel, with most of the population living near the sea)
>Color: Light Red (think a pokeball top)
>Race: Human-like, but own diverse domesticated feral creatures
>History: A civilization of monster tamers that believes it is their divine role to rule over and domesticate wild creatures. They often travel to go discover and subjugate new species, they aren't very technologically advanced though, think early middle ages, so they've never been far into the desert and few have been on the island, and they're unaware of the existence of continents other than Zhilju. They mostly seek to improve technologically.
>Name: Celestia (Habitants are Celestials)

First action is doing a research roll

(tripfagging because i may phonepost which will change my id)
wait a bloody minute, i know that legend.
i was the one who added "wasteland" to the original.
wait another bloody minute. thats markdown formatting. i use markdown formatting.

who are you fren?
You scared him off

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Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Halo:%20Wolfpack

Your prize hangs in the void.

A massive, three kilometer long vessel. It’s bulbous, manta-ray like hull sitting silent and practically inert. Its weapons batteries are silent and its engines sit idle. If it wasn’t, then it would have been contemptuously easy for the vessel to turn your ship into a burning hulk in only a few minutes. And on your own, there wouldn't have been much you could have done to fight back. It’s massive, alien form a harbinger of doom, a fact reinforced by a rap sheet of burned worlds.

It is a covenant CCS class battlecruiser.

A part of you feels privileged already. Very few humans come this close to one of the covenant’s mainline warships, and live to tell the tale. Of course, a lot of that is simply down to the fact that the ship’s own computers had been turned against the crew. The first they’d known of that fact, had been when the air itself had been rendered poisonous, killing anyone that wasn’t wearing a personal air system. Which coincidentally meant that the command cadre had been wiped out, while only the lowest ranking members of the crew had been left alive.

The remaining members of the crew would need to be wiped out. Every room, on every deck, of every section of the 3 kilometer long ship. And already, the various other commanders and marine officers were debating the topic. How many men would be needed? How would they be deployed? And how would you command the ship once it’d been cleared? Those questions and more were being bounced around between various groups in your flotilla. But for now, you are content with simply admiring your recent handy work.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Leave ‘em here. Even if you’re unhappy about them now, you still have the other armory to deal with before you make a decision.

You want guards on the bombs 24/7 like 4 to 6.
>>Leave ‘em here. Even if you’re unhappy about them now, you still have the other armory to deal with before you make a decision.

Do this and this, close that door again for start and put something in front of it. Simple and easy.

Now if we can patch up the wounded marines that would be great then the medics can do their job. In the hangar we could set up an infirmary, unless we want to send the men back to our ships.
That out of the way, we just need to assault the last armory, this time with more reinforcements.

We could try other tactics like the ones proposed before : insulting/provoking their faith or see about demoralizing them with a surrender and hearing the sounds of the escaping covenant. Or we go for something similar like we did here in this armory. I would prefer to not detonate again other munitions mostly for the ship sake, we outnumber by a lot the covenant troops and crews left even if other marines die in a explosion or combat. So using other tactics, why not. Though by looking at this armory...... Diana and us could make a vague idea about the optimal disposition/placement of covenant equipment, weapons, munitions and explosives in the other armory. Still it would be a vague idea, they might have arranged things in another way and kaboom again.
Supporting for the guard post and faraday cage
“Diana, can we lock down the area? Stop anything sending a signal to those bombs?” You asked, looking back at the ship-killing bombs through the marine’s helmet cameras. From what Diana had said, it sounded like they were meant to be portable bombs, but given the sheer size of them, you struggled to figure out how any single person could haul them.

Thankfully, Diana was already one step ahead of you. “Piece of cake. The armory already runs off a separate computer network to the rest of the ship, and I have control of both. That would only leave wireless, and we can block those by sealing the door.”

“Marines, back it up and clear the room. Squad one, you’re staying behind to guard the armory.” Lieutenant Norden ordered the marines in the room, before addressing you and Diana. “I still think that leaving those worms inside the bomb’s casing isn’t a good idea. If they suspect that something’s up, they could blow the ship.”

“I can generate some periodic status reports to try and keep them out of the loop, but I don’t see a reason to remove them. I don’t think that any of us want to leave an antimatter bomb without proper maintenance.” Diana replied, and you couldn’t help but agree. Everything to do with antimatter required very expensive and very maintenance heavy equipment, though it depended on if the weapons generated their own antimatter, or if they came preloaded with the stuff. If it was the former, and you didn’t want them reactivated, you could probably get away with poisoning the worms. If it was the latter though, then you’d have to keep them permanently.

“Diana, are those the only devices aboard the ship?” You asked the million dollar question. There were two main armories on the ship, and you’d found antimatter bombs in one of them. What’s to say that there wasn’t an identical room in the other armory, with an identical number of bombs?

“Unknown. But all things considered, do we really want to take a bet on the other armory being clear?” Diana replied. She must have been thinking the exact same thing.

“No. I don’t think we do.” You shook your head, running through what you knew about the last armory in your head. From what you knew before the occupants disconnected from the ship’s network, the armory staff was entirely made up of grunts. And while there was a good chance that they wouldn’t have the clearance to access the antimatter bomb storage area, you didn’t feel comfortable with leaving it up to chance. “LT, how much longer until the reinforcements get there?”


“They’re almost there, plus some medics to handle the badly wounded.” Norden replied, and sure enough, only a minute or so later the marines from the hangar finally reached the armory. Two fresh squads, and a third squad-size unit made up of medics and helpers to move the wounded. The medics got to work, quickly stabilizing the critically wounded, and directing their helpers to get the rest onto stretchers to carry them back to the hangar for MEDEVAC to a waiting destroyer. You’d still be down to three squads for the assault -one squad would have to stay at the armory to keep it secure- but that would be more than enough if you played your cards right.

With the arrival of the reinforcements, and the wounded safely making their way back to the hangar for evac, the marines could finally make their way to the last holdout on the ship. The unsecured armory. As the marines made their way through the ship, you and Norden put together a plan for the assault.

Note, roll 1d100 regardless of your choice.
>Do everything by the book! Flash grenades through the armory doors, push in while the enemy are stunned.
>Flank the room! Blowing a new way in will let you avoid much of the defenses, though you’ll have the troops stand further back from the breaching point.
>Bring up the hellbringers! Their flamethrowers will let you sweep the defenses clear, even if they have to be very careful to avoid causing secondary explosions.
>Other (write in)

You found yourself in a desolate environment after death. There didn't seem to be much novelty, contrary to what you had expected prior to your demise, save for a few flying creatures that appeared reptilian and a distant view of a strange grey structure. You decided to journey to the faraway greyness. It disappointed you that you still suffered from exhaustion after running. Fortunately, it seemed thirst and hunger are not present in this world.
You reached the mountainous structure after a long time. Along your journey you met other individuals who must have died recently as well, but their voices were inaudible to you just as they couldn't hear you. This oddity kept interactions minimal. Many of them were old and lagging behind, while your smaller group of seventeen energetic and short lived individuals had already started looking for an entrance. Then, in a surreal manner the sky wobbled violently, and there appeared among the clouds a serpentine terror.
A man near you immediately began running to the other side of the structure, instinctively followed by the rest. There was no hope for the old. The monster descended rapidly with a darkening of sky spreading out from it. As its smaller tentacles slapped the ground and bounced up, you witnessed a second sort of death. Crushed bloody bodies stuck to it like mosquitoes. Then its pores widened, and sucked everything inside.
Your group finally found an entrance. Pushing open its glasslike doors, you rushed inside. A person fell to the floor and began praying, now fully audible to you. The creature's arrival somehow made speech possible again, allowing you to finally plan as a group and cooperate.
>Stay with the group
>Explore the structure alone, possibly find things of value to gain authority over others and prioritize your survival
>Believing the monster to be God's punishment for your sins on Earth, go back outside. Tell everyone that by hiding here they are refusing to admit their sins, and harsher punishments will come
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>Explore the structure alone, possibly find things of value to gain authority over others and prioritize your survival
>Stay with the group
Seems like the most sensible option.
>>Explore the structure alone, possibly find things of value to gain authority over others and prioritize your survival
>Stay with the group
>Believing the monster to be God's punishment for your sins on Earth, go back outside. Tell everyone that by hiding here they are refusing to admit their sins, and harsher punishments will come

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It is the year 404 AC and Westeros lies a broken land, ravaged by war, sickness and ambition for the
vacant Iron throne, from the ancient Wall in the north to the evergreen Rhoynar of Dorne, all lay claim to the Iron throne or those older kingships of the age of Kings. It is a time of chaos as the continent faces an
uncertain future as the only authority recognised by all is the sword, in such times a man can be anything he wishes, lowborn or high, rich and poor, he is only limited by the ebb and flow of fate and the reach and grasp of his ambitions.

But he makes what he does of it and only the gods know where he ends....
Twitter:TBA When I get to it
Our Hero deeds & companions: https://pastebin.com/DxjYPx9X
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Westeros:Interregnum
101 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view.
>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]
>>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]
>>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]
>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]
>>A single rider riding at casual trot, chainmail and boiled leather casually and *poorly* concealed, one hand tapped the pommel of the bastard sword at the rider's belt that gave the stranger a familiar air of menace you did not like in the least. [Taciturn]

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