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A proud Ninja stands alone, locked in a small room. He needs to find a way out.

>What do you do?
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>Demand to be let out of this cell
Ask what the hell all of this is about.
Stare/observe at the shorter individual and the just as they are about to speak say "Hi, how's it going?" in the most cheerful voice you can.
Hey sorry for the lack of updates. I think I bit off more than I can chew. I was busy with school work and other projects. I think I’ll post a few more updates and then I’m going to be taking a hiatus to learn new software. I will be posting this on a website when I’m posting updates for now.
No prblem, have a good one.

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Your name is Fido Ballthrow, and you're sixteen years old. A long, exciting, awesome summer has begun! You're quite sure it's going to be filled with lots of fun, parties, and flirtatious high jinks with attractive girls! Yeah, no. Things like that don't happen to you, and the world is going to end in a few years anyway.
You've been out all night. Or at least long enough for the sun to rise and the water to start glimmering. A normal teenager would be worried about their mother yelling at them when they get home, but your mom would probably yell at you either way. Hell, she'd probably yell at you for coming home too early. You could have had a night of new experiences by taking shrooms, but because you didn't wanna make your friend (and crush) Felino uncomfortable you decided you wouldn't do them. Your "friend" Little Pat is pretty pissed at you for this, but your other friend Eric was pretty chill with it considering he was the one who actually brought them. Now you stand by the lake, your "friend" Pat standing on top of a rock he could easily fall off of like an idiot. This is nothing new.
Previous threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=downerquest
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You tell Alice about Lily's interest in horror movies and music and mention to Lily that Alice used to be into the Civil War...
Alice is slightly surprised by this. "You actually remembered that?" she seems almost touched for a moment, but soon her expression becomes serious and displeased once more, "Whatever.."
Lily looks towards Alice.
"Civil War, huh? I liked that one movie... what was it? The Undea-"
"The Undead Rebels?"
"That movie was very historically inaccurate."
"Well, no shit, it was about zombies. I mean... crap... crud... whatever."
You suddenly stand up, exclaim that you'll go make breakfast, and leave the room. You enter the kitchen and pour a couple of bowls of cereal. Thank God you were able to find a reason to get out of that room... and you don't thank that guy very often.
Okay, okay, you finally have some time to think. Jesus, this is gonna be a long day. You're sort of happy she showed up because now you get to see her before the world ends... but you're also unhappy... because now you have to see her WHEN the world ends. You have to watch her die after everything you've done... or, well, not done. And after everything that's happened... Is it even possible to make up for something like that in a few days? Is there even any point in trying? Plus now you have to see Felino and Jon and that's sure to open up some old wounds... even though you are kind of excited. Okay, what now?
>Call Felino

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>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room

It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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You better be resting and taking measures to get well
Will be here in about 10-11 hours, give or take, barring emergencies.
Give me about an hour.
I got called in.
We'll try again on Tuesday.
The thread will probably expire by then. I'll archive over the weekend, and you can make a new one.

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Do you ever want to just . . . start a riot?
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. . . Sometimes, lies accrue in threads too.

You don't have until next week.


But, at least, and this is no lie, we will be taking things very nice and veeeeerrrryyyy slooooooowwwwww.
Fuck off with that emotional manipulation bullshit.
I do not care about you, or your life, or your ordeals.
They are not my business.
My business is me, my life, and my ordeals.
And I do not expect you or want you to care about any of that.

We come here on relatively even ground. You cannot run your game without players, and we cannot play a game without a GM.
Just as you expect some basic decorum from your players we expect fairness and consistency. Not to have you project the bitterness of your dissatisfaction onto us, not to serve as punchingbags for whatever RL bullshit you are working through, NOT to have the metaphorical sandcastles we've been spending weeks working towards and planning spitefully kicked into our faces for... whatever spurious reason you might concoct for yourself.

If this is going to be the standard of conduct you hold yourself to then consider me ejected from this game because I am not putting up with it.
Thanks for playing!
You should join the new map.
Join the dicksword too.
Miscommunications happen. You’d be welcome !

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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: Ben brought his newly evolved plant friend Donny to the Sanctum Sanctorum for a check-up with Doctor Strange, but was instead welcomed by an enthusiastic Rintrah and an agitated Wong. There, Rintrah put Donny through a series of tests, and, with some convincing from Ben, got him to agree to keep coming back for additional tests going forward.

Once he and Ben returned to Central Park, he and Abe built a basketball court and invited the Heroes for Hire out to play a few games with the Morlocks, and anyone else who was interested. And thanks to Ben's exhilarating mirror match with his own clone, and the presence of several local legends like Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and--for some reason, Screwball---more and more people began pouring into the park to spectate and take part in the day's activities.

But the one thing he hadn't been expecting was the arrival of the Avenger---"Mantis"! The strange green woman kindly greeted the Spider-People, gave out some truly ominous advice in the form of fortune telling, and received some free tortas for her troubles. Afterwards, Joy dragged her off to show her around the park, and the Parker boys set off to deliver some food to Cindy, Pei and Nature Girl.

Except, when they arrived on the scene, it became painfully obvious that Cindy's training session hadn't been going well.

Will Rintrah uncover anything troubling about Donny's new condition? Will the dark future that Mantis foretold come to pass? How does The Slayer's future affect his own? And will Luke Cage ever be able to show his face in public after getting outplayed by a girl half his size?

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>"Well they said 'You can't catch me cause I'm the gingerbread man' and I took that personally."
>”You’re calling backup? Good. This whole smash-and-grab seemed undercooked, so we’re sniffing around to find the main meal the robbers cooked up so we can make their cookies crumble.”
Best I can do for you, >>6107152.

If that throws him for a loop, we can do >>6107181 while muttering how no one respects the art of quipping anymore.
Whoops, missed this. I’ll also support this one if the Carlos-level gag doesn’t land.
>”You’re calling backup? Good. Because we might’ve just found a lead on the people responsible for this little incident.”
>"Well they said 'You can't catch me cause I'm the gingerbread man' and I took that personally."
>"Your job. We’ll be with you in a second if we find anything, so shhh!"

Nice write-ins guys! I'll be taking these, and I'll push out an update by tomorrow afternoon.

>This whole smash-and-grab seemed undercooked, so we’re sniffing around to find the main meal the robbers cooked up so we can make their cookies crumble.”

This is going into the quip bank! I'll use it in the upcoming encounter.

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

The Stonemasons had finally all arrived at their new home. A large tent city had formed next to Dawnholme, row upon row of all sorts of tents housing families and friends. Over three thousand and three hundred souls were now living in Dawnholme, making it the largest town in all of Hillsbrad. And soon Dawnholme will be the greatest town in all of Híllsbrad as the Stonemasons are working on building new infrastructure and housing for everyone.

For you the end of the spring was a busy time as well. All the summer preparations were finished, the meeting was had and decisions regarding the future were made. You would join the Durnholde campaign against the gnolls, you have to join it not just as a good neighbour, but to prevent the plans Lord Colonel Garithos of Regional Defenders has. For he wants to replace Lord Blackmoore and take Durnholde Keep for himself.

Though not everything was bad news. Malevus had found her courage, giving her permission for you to court her and words cannot describe how happy that made you.

Oh you also fought a laughing orc and took him as your prisoner.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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Leaning on the crenellation, you stared into the distance and took deep breaths. The sun was high above you and you could feel its warmth seeping through your clothes. The brown leather jacket was a bit too much in this weather as it had continued to be warm and mostly dry.

Taking your glasses off for a moment, you wiped your eyes and grimaced. The unwell had slightly passed away, but not fully.

"Prince Alric." Sir Foecourt said to you as he joined you at the battlement. "Not feeling that well?"

"No… I drank with Lord Blackmoore last night." You said and looked at him for a couple seconds before remembering to put on your darkened glasses. "Sorry, people get jumpy when they see my eyes."

"No, no need to apologise. Our sympathies should be on your side, no one should face the hardships you have faced." Foecourt replied and smiled. "And we heard, supposedly he passed out."

"That he did." Was your answer.

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>What about Lord Garithos?
>Ask for his support, you are going to claim the command of the campaign.
>Has anything noticeable happened in Durnholde recently?
>Ask him to be truthful, what he thinks about you and all the rumours around you.
He knows Garithos plans to try and get Blackmoores spot doesn't he.

That peculiar accent, perhaps from another time and place. The drawl of the court of Alterac, or just from being in the presence of others with it.

Somehow connected to the Syndicate. I'll take a leap and say he's the cleanup assassin.

Might be fun to look into that though dangerous. Would he keep the gear hidden in his things, the alteraci noble ring. Though if he is a secret alteraci it might be nice to gain his loyalty.

Could be an accent from somewhere else and thus some other kingdoms sometimes spy/informant.
Really I want to hear all the options but if the break being short is real I suppose this would do.

>Ask for his support, you are going to claim the command of the campaign.
>Tell him about Garithos' plans you have learned about
>Ask him to be truthful, what he thinks about you and all the rumours around you

>Other, write in
Everyone was dressed in armor and armed. Perhaps it's just the martial air, or there's a tension in the air at Durnholde. Stemming from Garithos and his unspoken intentions. It would be unpleasant if he were to invite himself in where he wasn't welcome. I think you agree.

Were you ever married Sir Foecourt, spend time in courts abroad? I notice a faint accent.

Captcha - YSTOP
Why indeed captcha
Disappointment yet pride that no one is leaning into Alric stereotype:
>What does he think about Annabel, Blackmoore's new mistress.

Seriously though:
Support, and also
>What about Lord Garithos?
>What are the siege ballistae for?

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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Immortality? Cosmetic changes? Recreating weapons from long ago? The ability to read minds? Who knows?
>as much as the OG dragon team
They don't abuse them as much as Bulma, that's for sure.
Wishing for ever growing power, to further consolidate rule. Ensuring the Cold Clan's reign never ends, or so they hope.
He should wish for a fucking girlfriend. He's our homie, but I've noticed a distinct lack of him interacting with damn near anybody else casually ever since he started crashing on New Salda.
This is all a part of my plan to give Frieza something tangible to fight for, as opposed to more abstract concepts like pride or control.
No, nothing like that. Although...
While we're on the topic of Frieza and socializing, we're good friends and all, but there's more ways to bond with your fellow man than training with him. Like getting shitfaced or fighting an entire bar of surly aliens.
Honestly, we should get some disguises together and hit up the capital city with him one of these days.
It is time! >>6082595

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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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-$2,500 for bribes, Wanted Level 3>5, Heat 5>0
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 6/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $204,783
Heat: 0

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Revving up his bike twice, Doctor Ben turns it around and speeds after Ace's van. He wants to make sure Blackjack is alright.

Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 10/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Block), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit, [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Money: $1,294,765
Heat: 16| Wanted: 3
Swag: designer shades, fresh kicks, top shelf liquor, cell phone, movie collection
Assets: Bungalow(+workshop), Stylish Suit, Bulletproof Suit (+1 Def, +1 Edge)

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Epilogue 3

Noon the next day.

At the same time, all across the city, television screens flicker and change. Every channel tunes to the emergency broadcast station.

The mayor of Heat City, John Harland, stands in front of a podium draped in the American flag. Behind him are the towering skyscrapers of central downtown. The man stands with a commanding presence, his impressive physique detailed by his tailored suit. His jaw is set, and his eyes burn with intensity.

"My fellow citizens of this great city. For too long, we have cowered in fear under the shadow of crime. For too long, we have allowed ourselves to be held hostage by thugs, by scum, by low-life villains who make a mockery of justice. These criminals believe they own Heat City. They believe they can take what they want with impunity, ruling with fear and violence, terrorizing the people into submission. You, the people, whose hard work and dedication has built this fair city, only to have it burn down around you."

Footage taken from news helicopter cameras plays, multiple angles of all too familiar scenes. The bank robbery. The safehouse defense. And now, the Sakura Garden.

"These gangs have reduced our city to a state of chaos. Our homes and neighborhoods have become war zones. Our brave men and women of the HCPD, undermined by politicians and paper pushers, no longer have the power to stand between us and this senseless violence. Look at these scenes of carnage from recent events. Will we stand by and watch this happen, sending our brave police into the line of fire, only to be cut down by superior firepower?"

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The camera slowly zooms in as the mayor continues. His voice is resolute, filled with fiery determination.

"This special state of emergency act grants me all the powers and responsibilities necessary to return safety and justice to our streets. To the good and honest citizens of our city watching this right now, I hear you. I see your fear. And I promise you this: starting tonight, these streets will be ours again! And anyone -- ANYONE -- who stands in the way of law and order will be crushed like the vermin they are!"

"Citizens of Heat City, you know me. I expect the best, and I pay for the best. And today is no exception. To do a dirty job, you need professionals, and I've brought in the best in the business. They don't play by the rules for soft men, rules made by chicken-shit bureaucrats and limp-dick lawyers. These are warriors. They will restore the peace our city deserves. They will hunt down every last criminal, every last dirtbag, every last coward hiding in the shadows. And they will show no mercy."

Footage plays of private mercenary groups arriving at Heat City. Black Talon. Iron Shield. Vanguard.

"And to those criminals who are watching this right now. You think you can run wild in my city? Think again." The view returns to Harland, who points directly at the camera. "Heat City does not kneel to thugs and killers. We are the city of freedom, a city that stands proud, strong, and united. And we will take it back from you, by any means necessary."

A grim smile spreads across the mayor's face.

"So listen up, scum. You can run, or hide, or fight back. You can try anything you want, but it won't matter. Because you can't do shit! Our warriors of the law will find you. They will root you out of your rat holes. And they will bring you to justice.

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… as often is the case.
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zam, you're good with writting smut. smol woman femdom, my beloved, also nice switch with gal caressing her with the oil.
>Talk with the slaughterer, Nuan.
>Look through the Twin Hearts temple’s collection.
no rush
Atta boy.

>>6105813 +1
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Stomach ache. Update might be delayed.

you can probably guess who would be dressed in a late 18th century clothing while everyone else is stuck in the early 17th c
Feel better soon, QM!

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Pick race and location
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Try to get the elf pregnant
I suppose, the story was too good for this board
shrek too op
It's the only rational shreksplanation
>gay vampire pirate gnomes
>volcanic isles

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It is AGE 780.
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The shading and colour grading is realky what spoils it for me.
Toriyama only ever drew slim characters in the years leading up to his passing, which is kinda weird to me. Maybe he didn't want to get pigeonholed, hence why his preferences kept changing.
Either way, I think Super's worst visual sin is the fact that Yamamuro was still directing animation at the time.
He drew slimmer characters in the late DB/early Z era, too.
I just wanna see Perfect Cell Max vs Jiren
Those types of character designs certainly existed at that time, yes, but I still maintain that Toriyama's later designs for existing characters were skinnier and lankier than their past counterparts. They also generally lacked a lot of the muscular definition you'd see in his illustrations in the mid-90's to early 2000's as well.

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You are Gil Wallace. You are a normal guy made out of beetles and also the shapeshifting substance goo. You are currently aiding and abetting your boss/friend Lottie's scheme to blow up Headspace, a shitty company that makes shitty loci. Or you think you're aiding and abetting? Lottie has gone missing (again), and she's left you no instructions. Thank god you're being haunted by your distant cousin Teddy: without his cool-guy presence, you'd be in a real panic.

Right now, you are face to face with the diving-suited Anthea Aves, a woman you've only encountered before in passing. She claims that Headspace is going to explode. It is, but you have no idea how she knows that.

At least you're beetles, right? Anthea's one eye is looking straight at you— not that there's anything wrong with having only one eye— unless she does have two, and one's obscured by the smoke? You can't tell. You're getting distracted. You were saying: she's looking straight at you, and she can't even tell you're ogling her messed-up face. She can't tell anything. She's talking to a faceless black-eyed wall.

Bonus: when you don't respond right away, it seems ominous, not like you're scrambling desperately for a response. Of course you know Headspace is going to explode: you're going to be doing the exploding. Or Lottie is. Probably Lottie. You'd wonder how this lady knew, except Lottie's also been blithering out the details to everybody she talks to, pretty much. Tell the plan to the bitch who shot you in the head? Sure, fine, whatever. None of your business. Until she sends a diving suit out to flamethrower you to death.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

You were joking, Teddy. Okay, half-joking. You know nothing about this Aves lady, except you think she was one of those bleeding-heart spelunkers. Doesn't bode well, in your opinion. Your expert opinion. You with your risk-assessment certificate up on the wall. You can't say you're good at nothing, because you're good at this: sitting and assessing and spinning in circles. You don't seem ominous, do you? You're goddamn beetles. You seem brainless— empty. Look, half of Anthea's face is frowning. "Gil? I'm sorry, I know it's— maybe I should've disclosed it more tactfully. I'm sorry if I scared you. As long as you leave now, I don't think you'll be in danger, so there's really no reason to worry—"

No reason to worry. Ha-ha. If you don't say anything, maybe she'll think you died. You wish you didn't need more information. "Um, thanks. Good to know."

"Of course! I'm just glad I recognized you! I thought... is Charlotte here?"

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This time it comes fast, cold, sharp— no idle drifting here. If it's a tide it's a riptide, and you are staggered and caught and taken out to sea. If you thought you were wet before, that was nothing. There's water all through you, washing out the gutters, the pipes, the drains; waking you with a thousand buckets to the head. You are tumbled and battered. You are bright and vital. You live.

Have you forgotten? No, the opposite: your muddy insights have gained a mirror-gleam and portability. You couldn't stand; now you can walk with them in your pockets, jingling. Odds are they still won't last. They will age and scratch and weather. If you cared, though, if you had the will and courage, you could keep them polished. It wouldn't be entirely unsustainable, if you tried, if you knew you could try, if you knew you wanted to.

If, if, if— that's all you were! You're trying something new now, and this time you're not fucking it up. The riptide has carried you out further than you've ever gone, to a place with dim and wobbly light, and there's no stopping it now: you press against a gelatinous barrier and break through.


No water anymore, but your beetles are dripping on the linoleum. You are straight in front of Casey Fucking Kemper, who looks pissed, and Kurz, who looks bored, or maybe slightly concerned. Also your own body, blank-faced, right in between. You are directly behind the body of a stretched-out scale-peppered woman, her eye and life shot out by a crossbow bolt.

It occurs to you that your positioning's suboptimal, but no fear follows. You break it down. First, CFK and Kurz are looking at the body, not you. Second, your body is standing right there. Third, CFK's mouth is moving, but nothing's coming out. Fourth, Teddy's standing against the wall, and he's looking at you.

"Nice catch," he says.

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On either side are people you're less glad to see. You appreciate that both Kurz and Casey Fucking Kemper have their places in the world, but it doesn't mean you love them. Or like them. You happen to think that their places in the world are both net-negative, actually, but you have no time or leeway for petty revenge. Priority one is escape. Priority two is Lottie. Priority three is blowing Headspace to flinders, something you're sure at least some of the gods would've smiled upon.

You think carefully about how best to accomplish these priorities. Then, with no hesitation, you slam into your chest, open your eyes wide, breathe deep, and sock Casey Fucking Kemper direct in his fucking jaw. With your other hand, you reach down to his belt and grab his walkie-talkie. Then you shove Kurz out of the way, sprint out the door— remember— fall— and fly as fast as you can, down a corridor, out of sight.

Virginia O7
And that's a wrap! Finally! Don't look at how long that last update was in its entirety just kidding it's only 3.3k it could be much worse. Thank you all for your good will and patience: I know both this and 40 had extremely shonky pacing. I do not expect to be working full-time or traveling next thread, and school shouldn't be getting bad yet, so we should be back to normal for real... I hope!

We are archived here (upvote, you know you want to): https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=drowned%20quest%20redux
My Twitter is here, check for new thread info:

The next thread should be posted around Saturday, 9/21, give or take a couple days. It will be posted on the 24th at the latest. I recognize that this is a slightly longer break than normal, but I will have somebody visiting the weekend of the 21st, and I don't want to be in the middle of the thread if/when I have to take a few days off. I really am committed to getting us back on track, and with the way things ended here I'm fairly optimistic we can do it. Then again, that's also what I thought when I started this thread...

Feel free to direct your questions or commentary here until the thread dies: I'm always lurking.
Happy 5th anniversary once again, and I hope you all have a great two weeks. Cheers!
>Then, with no hesitation, you slam into your chest, open your eyes wide, breathe deep, and sock Casey Fucking Kemper direct in his fucking jaw
holy BASED

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<-------- not an image a PDF summarising relevant info from Thread #1

Thread 1 Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6029286/

You accept your fate and prepare for what is coming. Then a knock at the door. A young looking nun is being accompanied, but a giant man wearing a metal mask. They introduce themselves as Inquisitor Archil and Sister Tamar.

Your parent's expression becomes horrified when they learn of the pact you sighned and that the pact must have barred you from speaking. Your body is looked over for injuries, your mana vessel for a deadman's switch for the pact being broken. Relief passes over both. Children forced into pacts by fey are usually in much worse shape, the pacts usually contain some cruel trick switching it in the favour of the fey.

You are given a few more days with your family as the Church delegation investigates everything. The alchemists worshop, the merchant company, the local church and everyone in the village. You are instructed to act as if nothing happened, Meva runs away crying when you two play scared of the observers. Eventually you are loaded onto a carriage and taken away.

You explain everything you learned, and ask for protection for your family. The request goes into consideration but is accepted. Pixies could try an underhanded attack on your family afterall.

You travel for over a month staying at inns and churches, crossing borders of nations. Eventually you arrive at a large temple in the Divine Capital. Coming in deeper it's more like a hospital. Some children seem to constantly drown throwing up water. Other's constantly set on fire. You are to stay here for now, your job is simply to continue the obligations of your pact best you can (carve a stone statue of decent quality once every 2 weeks) until your contractor can be hunted down.

What do you do in this new place? Pick 2 - first to get 4 votes then we continue

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Sadly some shit came up irl and I'll have to cut the quest short here. I'm very sorry about that
Hope it turns out good my man
Thanks for running, I enjoyed it while it lasted.
is there any possibility you can continue it some day?
As usual I blame the fey, regardless was fun half participating half lurking throughout the quest hope things go well for ya QM

Also I hope this quest is a lesson to everyone to NEVER TRUST THE F#$%ING FEY

The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

"You can use a sword," you remark, nodding toward the weapon at her hip. It is a short blade of surfacer origin, with a shape suggesting that it is designed for slashing. The half-breed seems caught off-guard by your question, her eyes widening slightly. "That's right. Though to be honest, my marksmanship is much better than my sword skill," she replies sheepishly. Drawing the weapon that has been by your side since the moment you emerged from the Underdark into the surface world, you incline it toward her and grin. "Show me how you use it. I want to see."

Reluctantly, she answers your challenge, bringing her blade to bear. "It has been so long since I have sparred," she admits readily. "I couldn't possibly be a suitable opponent for the warrior who defeated Malar's champion." You shrug nonchalantly, playfully twirling your weapon. "Not a problem. Just attack me," you state calmly, leaving her visibly unsettled. Electing to defer to your experience, she finds her resolve and tightens her grip on her weapon. "All right, then. I won't hold back."

Using your sword, you beckon for her to approach, inviting her to strike first. Lowering her profile, she breaks into a sprint and attempts to circle around you to strike at you from the side, hoping to leverage the natural agility of her lineage's good half to blindside you. Without a doubt, she is attempting to make use of the Bautha Z'hin style, which emphasizes evasion and maneuverability, as well as being one of the martial arts that you have a particularly strong affinity for.
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If she can't head a great house in her homeland, she can own a great house here in Everlund!
Damn, missed a pretty cool vote. INVESTMENTS. This is like the actually cool version of buying potions before the final boss fight in a video game, I think we are going to surprise our sisters with some of this new equipment, should be good.

>Mansion stuff
Gotta put all those dresses somewhere? I think it's also classic PC behavior, in all the campaigns I've dm'd the players have never refused a chance to get their hands on another house, given the opportunity
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Another busy week ahead. Though I will at least post this so anons can familiarize themselves with the recent changes.

Meanwhile I’ll just be sitting here on the edge of my seat waiting for the vote results after I missed my chance to vote for big fat drow baps.
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Shocking no one in particular, you are Nicole Smith, a woman with anomalous abilities (with deer antlers and other bizarre mutations as a quirk of said abilities)

You're a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your Handler a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

All of this is because in the City, the massive megacomplex spanning across hundreds of thousands of square miles, that's the only job you're able to hold down. Or maybe you're just lying to yourself. Maybe the constant chaos and excitement of exploring the City's many districts is the only thing keeping you from necking yourself.

You previously investigated a series of mysterious tunnels over at J-Corp and figured out that it was actually an old P-Corp facility trying to unseal itself after decades underground. You crawled your way through it, slaughtering mysterious Silver Agents who have been hunting you down and Anomalies alike.

You partially resealed it to stop the excess energy produced there from obliterating the section of J-Corp's district. The excess energy that still leaked out has likely altered a lot of people but perhaps that's a good thing. Perhaps some people need a change in their mindset.

After that, you joined your Handler on a mission to hunt down a briefcase filled with very valuable corporate secrets about U-Corp's technology. You have just found out that an old lover of his, Katherine Beatrix, is the one in possession of it. With her insane connections with U-Corp and its employees, you imagine she'll try to launder the corporate documents before running like a bat out of hell for her own selfish gain.

You're now outside of a high class steak house that you know she'll be arriving at soon. You're ready to show the Handler what a big shot you are. All you have to do is to get this briefcase back and return it to its rightful owner.

Your allies are ready to help you every step of the way. Even if one is a chef who's trying to resist the urge to transform into a robotic anomaly while another is a hot blooded 18 year old kid with way too many guns to his name.

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Regular and not Admiral's, right?
And we just hit 4 thanks to the talk earlier on the stairs. Amazing timing
>acknowledging the possibility of pain and seizure
Still waiting for Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4... Still waiting...
I am very curious what those 4 could make with these. I'm also curious how godlike the WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH could become
>a friend of mine
If we ever do then that might be the perfect time to DISSOCIATION and summon Admiral out as Cap

Not good, but he's better in than out

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There's always old money connoisseurs out there
>almost friendly smile
>giggle a bit
Alexis isn't the only one melting
>Nothing that makes me go 'WOAH I'M CUMMING SO HARD
Lex is right here you know
>Ms. Handlebars
Nicole needs to get back at Wendy if/when Wendy also grows horns or similar

>your favorite bugman

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Pure stasis is about what I expected from their Singularity
>create clothing and food
C-Corp keeps being more interesting the more we get hinted on it. Interesting how they're France
>light has the voice of a false angel
How long has Carmen been doing this? I didn't expect it to be that far back in time. Darkness over islands reminds me a lot of the Land of Shadow from the Cu Chulainn myths
>Chinese Bastards
So Yue are chinks as well as S-Corp? Hmmm
>'human subconsciousness'
About that PARADIGM REFRACTION thing U-Corp are bent on pursuing
>one final song
M-Corp really want to pull Instrumentality over the City? I doubt any of the other companies would ever let them do that, not to mention the Head


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>some contact
Who would be wanting to contact two H-Corp Cleansers out here in the russian wasteland, in a town that was reportedly silent for a full week until now?
>swarm of outsiders. Fifteen
That's way too much manpower to be glowniggers here. It wasn't LOVE TOWN people and I doubt they'd lie to us about WHITEROCK. It wasn't automatons from ANTLIA. It wasn't Graverobbers.
>hunting them down
The villagers were hiding underground for a full week? What could have triggered that? The same force behind these random goons showing up? Then who is this mystery dead contact that chose this place for a meeting? So many questions

>Some mysteries are not meant to be known.
Yet another echo but of the bank bloodshed mystery...
>complete bafflement
The Cityslicker when faced with the true spirit of humanity

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And with that I'm fucking done with my autism reaction/analysis posts not a single anon will ever bother to read both in here and in the archives. I was delayed because of irl injury.

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