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You let your eyes linger over Caesar's defiant expression while you run what you know through your head.

Two assailants, college aged, college athletes potentially, vehicle description, and general build and descriptions. Gotham U is a big university but if they're on any sports team it would make finding them much easier. Next you take in Caesar's injuries, he's moving and speaking fine so it's unlikely he broke anything unless he's tough as nails and just isn't letting on. You remain silent thinking about what he said and in the end you have to agree with him. Visiting anything in the city would be a risk that's too big to take.

"Maybe we can't take you to a hospital in the city, but I can still take you to an out of city one."


"Get your stuff, I'll take you myself, it's my day off anyways."

"DL, I don't think that's really needed man. I'm fine."

"Those rings of light you see are called 'Halos' and it could mean you have some sort of injury in your head. It needs to get checked out and I'm not gonna take no for an answer."

Caesar stares at you for a few moments, his face a mix of emotion.

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>If he's got the same tumor, then...I don't know. But he should get scanned one way or another, even if he has to do it on the down low.
Why? If he dies it's not a really bad thing.
Could help us with our own, you never know. As with any rare disease, the more people they have to study, the better for treatment.
Adding to >>5987211, if he does get checked out, we could check with all the doctors in Gotham about any recent arrivals asking about a tumor in their head and narrow down the suspects.
>"Even if nothing changes, at the end of the month I think I should go in for the testing anyways."
>"I'm prepared to get to Banks ceremony before we get any later. I should get changed."
>Let Hawthorne now it's okay if he mentions it to others.
>"Tell me how your showdown went in the car so I can be in a better mood at the ceremony, alright?"
>"Even if nothing changes, at the end of the month I think I should go in for the testing anyways."
>"I'm prepared to get to Banks ceremony before we get any later. I should get changed."
>Let Hawthorne now it's okay if he mentions it to others.
>"Tell me how your showdown went in the car so I can be in a better mood at the ceremony, alright?"
Agreed. A second opinion wouldn't hurt at all.
I also agree that we should tell SIM. Not for his benefit mind you, but for the knowledge of whether or not this brain tumor is actually related to our Shivers.

Under the relentless midday sun, Clay and Aiyana watched as their horse, an unwavering companion across the barren stretches of High Noon, collapse in a cloud of dust. Its sides heaved in a few short, shallow breaths before stillness took it, leaving them with heavy hearts and the silence of the endless desert. They'd pushed too hard, and now, stranded on the outskirts of Eldritch Hollow, they felt the weight of their choices. With their last coins, they purchased tickets for the only train out, a promise of escape from the looping despair of the hollow.

Eldritch Hollow was an unsettling quiet, buildings standing like tombstones marking the death of a once vibrant town. Time here was a twisted loop, with moments repeating and stretching, defying any sense of natural order. The train station, barely more than a shack with a flickering lantern, was their beacon of hope. The clerk, his face a map of unspoken stories, handed them their passage out without a glance, trapped in his own unending cycle.

Once aboard the creaking train, they settled into their seats, the worn fabric telling tales of countless others seeking escape. As the train prepared to depart, the eerie stillness of the town seemed to press against the windows, a final reminder of the loops they were leaving behind.

1. As the train starts, scout the carriage for any useful items or allies.
2. Start a conversation with another passenger, seeking stories or warnings of what lies ahead.
3. Look out the window, keeping an eye on Eldritch Hollow as it fades into the distance, for any signs of the unnatural.
4. Prepare their gear and weapons, expecting trouble on the journey ahead.
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3. Acumen
Nice thread. Glad it picked back up instead of dying halfway through.
I don't understand
Support means he supports that anons vote, so two for acume.
I'll pick Crafting since it has zero
New thread: >>5985838

You can continue the story there. Until this thread falls off, feel free to use what's left of it as meta discussion, explaining why you made the votes you did, how it could be handled better later, things you liked about it this time and want to see more of, and so on.

The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

Affixing your weapons to your person, you leave the Hall of the Elders behind, ready for your journey to the Silverwood. There, you intend on informing the Eilistraeans of your most recent triumph and, gods willing, the eventual council vote that will allow them entry into Everlund. That you have gone to such great lengths on the behalf of your people truly astounds you. It is abnormal, or mayhaps even unnatural, for Ilythiiri to help one another for the sake of it.

Does this make you a deviant?

Burying these intrusive thoughts, you commence your journey. A round trip from Everlund to the Silverwood would take a tenday or less, provided you travel at a constant pace. Just as you face the road which leads to the city's southern gate, you recognize that the hexagonal All-Faiths Hall is but a minute away from your current location. True, you've no immediate business with the surfacer gods or their followers, although this does not preclude you from entering regardless.

What will you do?
>The sooner I commence my journey, the better.
>A detour to visit the All-Faiths Hall could not hurt.
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>I will enter the Silverwood from the east. It is the quickest way.
>>I am more familiar with the western route, and would go that way instead.
>I will enter the Silverwood from the east. It is the quickest way.
>I will enter the Silverwood from the east. It is the quickest way.
Vote closed.

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Alright, You know how this is gonna work
Pick a spot, then a color, and if you feel fancy a race and history.
Updates will be atleast twice per day

also remind me of things, I forget often.
and if you make a long post, throw in a tldr for me so i can update the map correctly
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> Necromancers rise from the ranks of the undead to defend their people.

Ghoul raids, and the horrifying offspring they produce, cast a dire shadow over the fledgling republic, but aid comes from an unexpected place. A handful of the ghoul-butterfly hybrids retain their awareness, and their allegiance. Their dark powers are mistrusted, but useful for managing the more feral undead.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Oh right, dice.
Builder going up for those who carve for some extra structure.
Or a game that's actually going anywhere at any pace
Rolled 16 (1d20)

I'll take the westmost part of Zhilju (basically the part in picrel, with most of the population living near the sea)
>Color: Light Red (think a pokeball top)
>Race: Human-like, but own diverse domesticated feral creatures
>History: A civilization of monster tamers that believes it is their divine role to rule over and domesticate wild creatures. They often travel to go discover and subjugate new species, they aren't very technologically advanced though, think early middle ages, so they've never been far into the desert and few have been on the island, and they're unaware of the existence of continents other than Zhilju. They mostly seek to improve technologically.
>Name: Celestia (Habitants are Celestials)

First action is doing a research roll

(tripfagging because i may phonepost which will change my id)
wait a bloody minute, i know that legend.
i was the one who added "wasteland" to the original.
wait another bloody minute. thats markdown formatting. i use markdown formatting.

who are you fren?

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Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Halo:%20Wolfpack

Your prize hangs in the void.

A massive, three kilometer long vessel. It’s bulbous, manta-ray like hull sitting silent and practically inert. Its weapons batteries are silent and its engines sit idle. If it wasn’t, then it would have been contemptuously easy for the vessel to turn your ship into a burning hulk in only a few minutes. And on your own, there wouldn't have been much you could have done to fight back. It’s massive, alien form a harbinger of doom, a fact reinforced by a rap sheet of burned worlds.

It is a covenant CCS class battlecruiser.

A part of you feels privileged already. Very few humans come this close to one of the covenant’s mainline warships, and live to tell the tale. Of course, a lot of that is simply down to the fact that the ship’s own computers had been turned against the crew. The first they’d known of that fact, had been when the air itself had been rendered poisonous, killing anyone that wasn’t wearing a personal air system. Which coincidentally meant that the command cadre had been wiped out, while only the lowest ranking members of the crew had been left alive.

The remaining members of the crew would need to be wiped out. Every room, on every deck, of every section of the 3 kilometer long ship. And already, the various other commanders and marine officers were debating the topic. How many men would be needed? How would they be deployed? And how would you command the ship once it’d been cleared? Those questions and more were being bounced around between various groups in your flotilla. But for now, you are content with simply admiring your recent handy work.

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Well, the Syfon would be easier to find than the Kerel so I'm just tryin' to be more realistic about it. As you said yourself, we don't have the largest marine contingent as of right now.

The syfon just looks cool as well. I have a personal preference for the city-like surface on top of it.
We are a wolfpack we dont have a giant army with us to deploy. This cruiser is already a great opportunity and an incredible victory. The UNSC has no time for be picky, grabbing anything it can is for the best.

If we have the time for it.
This capture is outright above our original mission, and needs to be brought home. We will be also occupied looting the destroyed Covenant Cruiser and whats left in the fallen Mako. And we are in 4 ships. These operations will take at least some days to accomplish
We already have a pretty good haul. SoIdon't want to rock the metaphorical boat by saying we could fight an assault carrier and win.

As the anon above me said, we should think moresoabout what we have in front of us.

Also, based. Syfon's white is just better than Kerel's metallic color.
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Why did it delete the spaces in pasting the text. fucking hell.
>so I'm just tryin' to be more realistic about it.
There's nothing realistic about capturing an Assault carrier of any sort. Even just this battlecruiser is pushing the envelope.
>Syfon's white is just better than Kerel's metallic color.
Counter point, the Esgem is purple and black.
We will be also occupied looting the destroyed Covenant Cruiser and whats left in the fallen Mako.
We already looted the Mako, that's how our Marines got hellbringer gear. And there's not much point looting the destroyed battlecruiser when we're on the verge of capturing a fully intact one. Loitering is a dumb idea and only put our current haul in massive jeopardy.

You found yourself in a desolate environment after death. There didn't seem to be much novelty, contrary to what you had expected prior to your demise, save for a few flying creatures that appeared reptilian and a distant view of a strange grey structure. You decided to journey to the faraway greyness. It disappointed you that you still suffered from exhaustion after running. Fortunately, it seemed thirst and hunger are not present in this world.
You reached the mountainous structure after a long time. Along your journey you met other individuals who must have died recently as well, but their voices were inaudible to you just as they couldn't hear you. This oddity kept interactions minimal. Many of them were old and lagging behind, while your smaller group of seventeen energetic and short lived individuals had already started looking for an entrance. Then, in a surreal manner the sky wobbled violently, and there appeared among the clouds a serpentine terror.
A man near you immediately began running to the other side of the structure, instinctively followed by the rest. There was no hope for the old. The monster descended rapidly with a darkening of sky spreading out from it. As its smaller tentacles slapped the ground and bounced up, you witnessed a second sort of death. Crushed bloody bodies stuck to it like mosquitoes. Then its pores widened, and sucked everything inside.
Your group finally found an entrance. Pushing open its glasslike doors, you rushed inside. A person fell to the floor and began praying, now fully audible to you. The creature's arrival somehow made speech possible again, allowing you to finally plan as a group and cooperate.
>Stay with the group
>Explore the structure alone, possibly find things of value to gain authority over others and prioritize your survival
>Believing the monster to be God's punishment for your sins on Earth, go back outside. Tell everyone that by hiding here they are refusing to admit their sins, and harsher punishments will come
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>Explore the structure alone, possibly find things of value to gain authority over others and prioritize your survival
>Stay with the group
Seems like the most sensible option.
>>Explore the structure alone, possibly find things of value to gain authority over others and prioritize your survival
>Stay with the group
>Believing the monster to be God's punishment for your sins on Earth, go back outside. Tell everyone that by hiding here they are refusing to admit their sins, and harsher punishments will come

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It is the year 404 AC and Westeros lies a broken land, ravaged by war, sickness and ambition for the
vacant Iron throne, from the ancient Wall in the north to the evergreen Rhoynar of Dorne, all lay claim to the Iron throne or those older kingships of the age of Kings. It is a time of chaos as the continent faces an
uncertain future as the only authority recognised by all is the sword, in such times a man can be anything he wishes, lowborn or high, rich and poor, he is only limited by the ebb and flow of fate and the reach and grasp of his ambitions.

But he makes what he does of it and only the gods know where he ends....
Twitter:TBA When I get to it
Our Hero deeds & companions: https://pastebin.com/DxjYPx9X
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Westeros:Interregnum
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>>Three riders near abreast, a giant savage easily two heads taller than you, a thin awkward boy? and some fool with an easy grin, they wore no heraldry but they bore arms and armor, you could have easily mistaken them for bandits but you doubted dragonstone even had the capacity for banditry. [Cynic]
>>Three riders near abreast, a giant savage easily two heads taller than you, a thin awkward boy? and some fool with an easy grin, they wore no heraldry but they bore arms and armor, you could have easily mistaken them for bandits but you doubted dragonstone even had the capacity for banditry. [Cynic]
>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]
>>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]
>>A dozen men riding hard and fast, it was hard to tell if they were making for the beach or the hovel at their gallop but the sigil on their tabards was unmistakably that of house Celtigar. [Haughty]

Life is the accumulation of memories, stacked together haphazardly in the mind. Memories shuffled around and stuck together and altered and replaced, all moving in a chaotic whirlwind of patterns which are impossible for the person responsible to understand. And in the back, unused but not necessarily unneeded, are those memories which are scarcely ever recalled, kept only because of a bad case of hoarding. Just in case. 19 years ago, when you hid away your All-Campus Joint Struggle Committee hat and focused on studying, the aches in your body forcing you to remember the beating by the riot police that had made you finally give up. 14 years ago, when you silently sorted documents by yourself for weeks, going through your entire office's archive. 8 years ago, when you walked out of your last marriage meeting grinning as a plate flew past your head and smashed against the wall. And 5 years ago, on a cold winter night, when you were eating at an oden stall...

You were already eating when she came by. A young woman in black. The two of you sat next to each other for at least an hour drinking in near complete silence, occasionally asking the owner of the stall for more alcohol but never doing so much as acknowledging the other's presence. Despite that, you appreciated having someone else there - it made the dead of night a bit less lonely. She left before you did and you threw only a glance at her disappearing figure before you turned towards the stall's owner and asked for another cup of hot sake.

Just before you left, you threw a glance at the empty seat next to you for no particular reason. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a large wallet made of black leather lying on the ground, somewhere between a normal wallet and a purse. After some hesitation you picked it up. You should return it, you thought. It's only the proper thing to do.

Just like that memory, the wallet ended up being buried in the back of a closet for five years, bereft of any identifiers that would show an owner. It contents were only 850 yen in assorted coins; a coupon for a restaurant you later learned had gone out of business several months before; a black ring on a chain which, while beautiful, was lacking completely in identifying information; and two Polaroids of an unfamiliar seaside.
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>You'll back off a bit. Your sketch isn't going to work, and it's not like you can just touch it up and make it 'work'... so you'll let them do it. They've passed the teaching test - now they just need to show you their stuff by drawing their version of the woman you were trying to draw.
>>You'll back off a bit. You have a basic sketch so maybe you could just outsource some of the extra work to Nagai and his friends. They've passed the teaching test - NOW they can show off their abilities. Perhaps with a few sketches of a very specific outfit you saw this morning...
In hindsight I don't have enough spare time to run a quest at all right now, my schedule is too fucked to regularly cut out an hour and a half a night for an update on top of other stuff. Completely my fault. Thankfully there aren't too many people following this, I'll mercy-kill this while it's still at a very early stage instead of dragging it out in hopes that stuff clears up. Sorry.
Thanks for the heads-up QM. Shame to see it die, though. Was really fun so far.
Well it was fun and charming while it lasted. Thank you for the quest, WalletQM.

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The year is uncertain, perhaps the 24th century, but the future seems bright. A dozen spacefaring nations, seemingly hitting their technological stride at the same time, have walked forth into the dark cosmos and found it filled with other sentient life forms, strange new materials, and perhaps even a few ancient mysteries. Within a mere five cycles nations have become galactic empires, spread across as many as five stars. Machine life probes the nature of souls, ancient enemies are pursued, horrifying fuzzy enemies are plotted against. Unlikely alliances are struck as dark machines scream into the void. Only time can tell if which of these fledgling empires rise to greater might and which will crumble only to rusting ruins.


This is a Science Fiction themed Nation Roleplay where players take on the role of a fledgling spacefaring nation exploring the cosmos. We’re currently full on players! Turns are once a week with updates usually arriving on Sundays. The next update is expected to be March 31. Please try to get your turn in a couple days early so I have time to write. Each turn has two actions. Some actions take multiple turns to complete, typically research or cultural. You can check up on these things, along with your resources in:

THE SHEET: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pga7xuLjf7-hUDuQH73ie0MZndbkjoLnQsbJM4-Czmk/edit?usp=sharing
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1. With the strange incursion of the floating cubes into Drya space it is clear that the Drya needs a proper fleet for self defense. Space Warbreeds are grown with the yellow rock gigantism and the purple oil psionics introduced into some breeds to aid in their capabilities.
2. A problem left to lie will eventually grow out of proportion. On the, now partially flattened, moon above the elephant's world breeds of non-intelligent psudo-drya are raised with high efficiency energy gathering leaves and energy storing sap to produce more biofuel. The new biofule plant, grown on the moon, should reduce the energy lost by a planet's atmosphere.
>1 Find an atmosphere’d, unoccupied, habitable planet to post the aeronautical lab. It should be floating in orbit above the planet, not to mention massive. This location will give our researchers room to work with utmost efficiency. Equipped inside this aeronautical lab will be a wind tunnel, aircraft carrier, maintenance deck, design labs, residency, inbound and outbound space ships, and a mail room/storage/small office room.
If the nearest atmosphere'd, unoccupied world is in VERY STRICT conflict with sharkfolk territory, it should be avoided. Otherwise, it’s all fair game. (Ooc: To that end, could you tell me its coordinates and name?) If there are no habitable worlds in our sectors, an expansion effort should be made to find one where we may reside and be most comfortable.
The lab will need to be constructed in orbit, made from a very large, FTL-transported asteroid of utmost appropriate size. We’ll need to drill through it and build on it, which shouldn’t be anything we’re not already used to doing.

>2 Makeshift UAVs
Little space rocks with Ultra-deadly, AI-based, target-tracking lasers built on them. They have a small nuclear engine and corresponding thruster array. Security guards are posted and paid to watch the cams and pick suspected targets that the guns suggest for them. The UAVs use a separate computer and gyroscopes along with an AI rpogram to control its evasive and invasive flight path.
This post is badly made and for the scrap collective of Procyon.

The raccoons.
(The world I'm colonising should be named B2)

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After the conclusion of The battle for Yu Dao in 101 AG, Aang and Zuko instated a coalition government, where the colonies would be governed by both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom citizens. The system first came into place in Yu Dao and the rest of the colonies adopted this soon after. People from all over the world flock to this place in hopes of setting up a brighter future for themselves, and to have a say in this era. The Year is 105 and you are being brought up in the newly formed coalition government.

You are Okoron Lee Embers , you’ve previously met and gotten antiquated with the water tribe students, sat through a lecture, and faced your first earth bender in combat on your first day at the academy. While it was a close match, you unfortunately lost and are now being taken to the nurse.

Previous Thread: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5908809/

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Dk3Cp8aX
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>Look into possible banishment rituals
Locked In, Lets see if I can get in an extra update today
Apologies for the lack of updates, life came first. However I will have an extra big update this Saturday.
After struggling to write for hours and work pilling up I will have to cancel the quest. Thank you voters and lurkers for sticking through this with me, but its become another chore isn't of something to do for fun. I'm sure that is apparent in some of my rushed writing. You may see me try again with my own original setting but this the end for this thread.
Darn. Well I hope you the best QM.
Also thank you for telling us instead of flaking.

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Welcome, folks to the 2nd thread of Bretwalda Quest. We follow the journey of the young warrior Elfstan, who, having slain a wolf and been proclaimed a man, sets out on a journey to swear himself to the King of East Anglia. However, his path is met with unexpected obstacles in the form of deadly warriors.

Prevailing in his first bout of combat, but not without the loss of one of his party members, Elfstan journeys to a nearby Abbey seeking answers. There, he finds himself embroiled in a power struggle between the great men of East Anglia and must escort the niece of the Abbess (a secret princess) to the capital, Dunwic.

Having experienced a small crisis of self-reflection, a heartfelt talk with his father leaves Elfstan tired and in need of rest. This is where we pick up the story

Character Sheet/Rules

Previous Thread

Man getting this thread up has been a task. It would have been posted much earlier my internet is wacky and 4chan would not let me post. To those returning thanks for coming back, to those new, thanks for stopping by.
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Rolled 7 (1d8)

Rolled 5 (1d8)


I feel your pain, QM - but don’t fret, it was well done
Rolled 4 (1d8)

Glad to read it, looking forward to what this Qst has in store.
One boneless update please.

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Genre(s): Mystery/Supernatural
FCC Rating: [TV-MA(LV)]

Reina Tamura, a troubled Japanese college dropout living at a Shinto shrine run by her grandmother, once considered herself an empty person. Now she finds her mind swimming with impulses calling themselves “Kami.” Alongside aspiring detective Mayumi Ishbel, Reina begins a path of study and solution of the surreal and mystical. But is she truly strong enough to withstand the forces manifesting within Tokyo, or herself…?

Episode #01 - “Reina Tamura and The Blade of Izanagi”
Episode Description: Following a strange dream, Reina Tamura begins to hear her thoughts speak as if separate from her, as she is called upon to perform a cleansing rite for an apartment that has recently suffered a suicide…
61 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
>>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
So we do have SOME honor for our bloodline, if not complete pride.
Sorry for the lack of updates last night. Something came up. All good now though.
I still hold out hope. Was liking this so far!

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Welcome into the stone-ice age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :
The fire-mastering Blanks of GrassGreen
The Assassin-tamers of Holey Moley Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch blanks of Jupiter
The Merchants of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker and History-recorders of Cerulean

The fourth matriarch have reach the end of their life expectancy.
For those of you which held a tribe's fate in your claw...
>How should your tribe develop? (don't forget to claim a name and a trip)

Interrested in joining? No spots yet for tribe. But you can still claim a name including "Lurker" and a trip if you want to interract with the game as events.

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I guess 75 was too low.
>Lightning rock experimentation.
try and discover the secrets of the rocks. is it a warp phenomenon or natural? what makes the rock attract the lightning? can you make another rock that acts the same or could more be found under the surface?
It wasn't. I'm a faggot. You'll get your Ice tunnel in next update.
Develop counting using symbols developed from our guide marks using snowrock tablets for better recording and effective storage of food & other goods

> The Psykers of the GrassGreen tribe experiment with the Frost Flower as a drug, finding the seeds a powerful stimulant. Even the blanks of the tribe enjoy the extra kick of a drink made from the seeds.

... somewhere along the way this turned into a frosted coffee joke.
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools
>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Shaman, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Stone Weapon, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo)

>>No Development Turn : Ambushes, whats left of the even more dead, desperate and pessimistic GhostClaw tribe begins to frequently ambush anything that passes through their territory at night. They hunt/kill for food, for steal eggs, gain new members and so on. The matriach is particulary furious of the remaining 3 members that in their fear, they proclaimed taboo the Great Night Mother. She will make them fully pay for cowardice and disloyalty.....

I recon that i cannot do something like stealing another development and combine it with ambush. Or do a development that includes ambush. So I will just do ambush in which I have a +15 and either return to health or die. A small stop but frankly any failure is.

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Gensokyo, an isolated land of Fairy Tales. It is a place where faith is still very widespread in contrast to the Outside World, creating a shelter for many beings lost or forgotten. Sealed away by the vast Hakurei Barrier, many of its Human, Yokai, Spirit, Fairy, Divine, and others are in possession of a wide array of abilities derived from concept.

In spite of the many, many chaotic events that occur within its land, an overall peaceful place. This is thanks to the Spell Card Rules that allow the many turmoils, named "Incidents", to be resolved nonlethally by its inhabitants.

In this world, you are...

>The One that will Cause the Next Incident
>The One that will Solve the Next Incident
>One trying to Prepare for the Next Incident
>One trying to Flee the Next Incident
>One trying to Prevent Your Stuff from Being Damaged during the Next Incident
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Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

>53 + 69 + 97 = 219/3 = 73
Not bad.
Update will come out tomorrow. Ended up being pretty busy the past couple days.

Select a role: Place Role and Name in 'Name' slot alongside Level (Choose a number in the 'Base Lvl' range).

Elven Mage/or Wizard (Man) (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-50) (No base faction affiliation)

Elven Soldier (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-25) (Faction affiliation: Great Elven Military)

Goblin Soldier [Corrupted elf] (Infinite Slots) (Faction Affiliation: The Dark Lord's Military) (Base Lvl: 6-25)

Goblin Rogue (Infinite Slots) (No base faction affiliation) (Base Lvl: 10-15)

Demigod/Deity 1 {Name: Ithyg} (1 Slot) (Giant: Height: 6 meters) (Gender: Male/Androgynous) (Base Lvl: 600)

{ Level simply reveals the general power. Health and Magicka is determined but not measured by Level. Numbers and extreme statistical linearity are not prioritized in this quest, creativity and fun is. Level progression is determined and expressed by QM.

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>You find the missing lady tied up next to a few dead bodies and under some sort of paralysis poison.

What will you do?

>Untie her, tie her to your horse and ride to headquarters with your platoon.

>Kill her and then yourself.

>Carefully steal her mysterious shiny necklace, then ride out to headquarters (+5 Thievery) .

>Get your platoon buddies to do the work for you.
>>Untie her, tie her to your horse and ride to headquarters with your platoon.
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Please select a skill/trait to increase:

• Magicka + Mage Abilities

• Health + Healing magick abilities (A healing spell that heals you by 15+ every second)

• Stealth +Archery Abilities (+10 to archery and stealth skills)

•Your own input [Not guaranteed to be accepted]

[Display your Name as Cloris Strifis, Elven Soldier: Level 23]
[Story Progression Is currently halted. More will come later.]
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Goblin Soldier
Level last number on my post plus 10

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