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Mbappe is objectively a tranny fucker, and the french national team is objectively composed of mainly africans. The argentines were simply observing these facts, and stating them with a neutral tone.
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You can be a puto, anon
But don't be a trolo, man
mbappe was pretty chad to openly date a tranny being a world famous athlete
Enzo apologised/cucked. He should have told everyone to go fuck themselves then moved to Saudi league like a boss.
Yeah mbappe is like the only player that is not a complete npc. Also when Maradona died he had a photo of him as a profile pic like for a year. I like him, I don't liked that we insulted him.

> stand with los argentinos


>>https://youtu.be/AKJc6WC-Lmk [Embed] [Embed]
>>https://youtu.be/vwCKFqLEOSc [Embed]

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Why did he apologize?
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He pinned the apology on his Twitter account. Meanwhile you got Garnacho posting that he’s on vacation and other teammates still posting about their Copa victory lol. They’re all hiding behind Enzo and letting him bear the blame all alone
why should he apologize for being right
He's the retard that was streaming the celebration and started singing the chant before ending the stream kek
>France is infested with blacks
>its racist and offensive to notice this
What are we supposed to do, live without sensory input?
And now he will find out why apologising like a cuck is retarded

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Who gave more results for their respective team in the Euro Finale?:

Nacho, who played 4 minutes
Harry, who played 66 minutes
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>a brown man
>violently assaulting a black man with a white face on
This is every argument between sudacas on this board
wait until you see how many times he posted the shitty dead brazilian goku edit
yea it's probably the same unfunny schizo
oh shit

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>leaves as manager so England win the World Cup
The smartest man that has ever lived. Southgate 5D chess strikes again.
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"deserve" is a meaningless word. Just empty retroactive handwringing.
England was arguably the most talented squad at the euros.

Sadly, Southgate managed to limp them through on PKs, a few invidual acts of brilliance, and the easiest path through knockouts.

This means you'll unfortunately be stuck with him in the WC. Some likable lads on the squad. Hopefully, WC is bad enough, and you can rid yourself of him and win in 2028.

Or pray for some scandal so you can win the WC
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>he doesn't know
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>I get knocked out on the group stage of copa América
>Neighbor gets knocked out on the group stage of copa América
>I overrate my players
>Neighbor overrate his players
>I fire my coach
>Neighbor fires coach

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Shooter is a character you hate as a kid, but identify with as an adult.
definitely would be annoyed by some dude who can barely golf swooping in but i probably wouldn't be such a prick about it
He had HA on one cheek, and sure enough PPY on the other

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My goat Messi is innocent https://x.com/totalbarca/status/1813395665810042978?s=46
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>when a buck forgets his place
That was in the middle of a match. He also punched some random basque but no one is going to call him a basquephobe because of that.
pissi manletini
niggas got so much free time they contemplate what ifs just to get mad and argue with people on twatter.
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arguing about made up scenarios that only exist in people's heads is a huge part of social media and has been for man years

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As Argentina's captain, why did he allow his teammates to sing such a racist chant?
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cute selfie frog
Because he himself is a toxic pos
Argentina just got shit on.
Messi wasn't on the bus, retard. He had to attend a kkk meeting.

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haaland bros??
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when does Norway start playing good so he can entertain us with international footy
If he played for ingerland maybe they would've won
Why would England need him, they already have Kane to fill the team fraud who doesn't score roll
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Lalas did nothing wrong
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When did Trump become the normie-approved pick lol? Every dumbfuck on social media and those no-life protesting clowns are always melting down over anyone who shows so much as agreement with him.
he always has been. people seething on the internet doesn't change that.
Basado I guess rapinoe will be seething hard
>white guy
>at trump rally
I'm not even saying this in a faggy libcuck way but isn't that demographic like >60% for Big Don? Like statistically that's a likely place for him to be, no?
He's also a soccer guy
Like the least likely place for him to be

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*makes THEM seethe*
yes i'm thinking based

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If FIFA has any decency they'll punish Enzo exemplary
If Chelsea has any decency they'll sell star flop Enzo to the first bidder
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proudly african
>you have shit all over your left hand fingers and under the nails
Yeah it's not like we don't wash our hands with soap after that OH WAIT

In any case most modern Indian toilets have a bidet/jet spray so hands aren't even involved
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I thought you guys used bidets?
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shut the fuck up

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Riggi Riggitoni rollerino
Such a simple image can make this entire board chimp out
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Why do you post photos of Tinelli?

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The melanin enriched players would probably rape her after losing 1-0 to kosovo
Would be epic. Please make it happen, england.
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Saka wouldnt, he's a good christian boy

Ah yes, feels good to be a member of /elite/
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>colombia above england
>uruguay above netherlands
somehow I don't believe this

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