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>we don't care about race or something
>they're all african!

Why are they so hypocritical?
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(((Amerimutt))) company
What does me not having another nationality have to do with them?
>excuse me mr.mbappe but you're not actually French you're a cameroon algerian hybrid :)
>aren't we tollerant and progressive :))
Actual africans have thicker skin than American or Euro niggers, since they're not offended by the word nigger.
That's a lot of jeets per minute

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Caitlin Clark of the Indiana Fever
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Guess that thing is hairy after all.
Thanks mang
for a guy

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The goal mouth should be much larger and there should be two goalies. This would encourage more goals and also cooperation between the goalies
I expected an American flag when I clicked on this thread, but thr tranime image should have reminded that Americans don't have a monopoly on missing an opportunity to keept their mouth shut and instead saying the dumbest shit imaginable
Kill yourself

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>TFW no Caitlin Clark game today
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Her smile could fuel a thousand jumbotrons.
I was promised an Aces blowout :(
Kelsey decided to help her black sister and have a bad game
Would tbqh desu mangs.
literally built for miscegenation.

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I understand that black players are good at basketball, boxing, football, track and field and even soccer, but how did two black guys end up being at the top at golf and racing? those are two sports that doesn't require athleticism
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Sports is 80% mental, 40% physical
Tiger Woods is half asian and black.
0 white wtf are you on about?
Tiger is Thai half nigger.
>that's why they call him Tiger
From what I understand racing is much more physical than people think it is

when black fathers stick around, they go all in on sports training to a psychopthic level, like Tiger’s dad and Hamilton’s dad

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Just found my Olympicfu
Hina is CUTE, I hope she can do it!
Also hope Miu justifies her singles spot.
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Is she a champion?

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Who are you supporting in Finalissima 2025?
argentina because they're based
>Listen, spread the word, they play in France, but they are all from Angola, they are going to run well, they like to sleep with trans people, their mum is Nigerian, their dad is Cameroonian

They're becoming dangerously based.

Chelsea FC just published the following statement regarding Enzo
didn't read, Chelsea is just a joke since that american took over
If it's not in comic sans, I'm not reading it.
Anyone remembers the time where people were proud of what they've done or achieved, and not of what they are or consider themselves to be?
How could you be proud in Boehly's Chelsea?

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As Erling Haaland eloquently put it once
did modric seriously play in this cup? jfc retire already you ped fraud
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I thought this guy was a nobody but apperantly he’s the best sprinter in the world right now? And he gave americans an L like that?
hes already got one of the best 200m sprints of all time
His father was homosexual.
Hi isn't anymore?
Yeah, but he reproduced so what does that say about you?

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this webm just made me more racist.
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Good, maybe now we can stay on-topic and post about sports again
go back
nnnnnnno :^)
Whys it racist to hate niggers there are so many reasons to hate them not just for their skin colour?

Bengals' franchise-tagged WR Tee Higgins won't have extension by deadline
Adam Thielen wanted to join Chiefs in free agency: 'They didn't want me'
Former Texans, Ravens wide receiver, Super Bowl standout Jacoby Jones has died
Cam Heyward rips Hard Knocks choosing Steelers: ‘I hated it’
Aaron Rodgers: Achilles 'feels good' ahead of training camp
Jamal Adams out to prove he's 'still that guy'
Saints' J.T. Gray on new kickoff format: 'I feel like that's going to be a great thing'
Jerry Rice loses his cool with reporters at golf tournament
Baker Mayfield: Football is more fun when you aren't being shipped around like 'piece of dirty laundry'
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why are the chiefs players staying in shitty dorms and bringing their own stuff
Cheap owner.
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>lose almost their entire receiving and running core

Anyone notice this Portugal flag is going to every post/reply to defend the racist guys? Whats his end game
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>still believing "racism" is bad in 2024
That's the dude who says "kill every /pol/cel on sight"
I say that too and I'm Canadian
So a flithy pajeet or hrt zombie
You are all black and your cousins from Africa (their descendants still live there) sold you to the white man to be slaves. So the real reason you are in America is because people from the same race as you sold you for a few coins.

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How would you spend the rest of your life after you retired from Football?
Would you take your millions, chill on your farm and enjoy the simple things in life like Edinson Cavani?
Or would you live a lavish lifestyle like most Footballers?
I actually feel sorry for guys like Messi and Ronaldo because they could never have any normality in their lives ever. They will be approuched by hundreds of people wherever they go. Must suck not being able to do normal things.

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The last Euro has shown that Bundes players are underrated
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Humiliation ritual league
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>Humiliation ritual league
That's literally the premier league
>one of the top 3 bundes players of the season doesn't even get into the spanish team ahead of some premier league benchwarming bum
the whole bundesliga lost 3-0 to atalanta

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