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Here's your Balon D'or 2024 winner bro
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thats not my goat rodri though
It would be funny that a nobody like rodri got a ballon dor while Iniesta, Ramos, Xavi and Raul never did
and its the best player in the world whos only lost 1 game this entire season (was drunk)
Because they competed against a potential GOAT in Messi, and Real Madrid's striker and PR baby. It should be Rodri this time though.
It would be funny if messi won it again

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If the English were more realistic about the actual quality of their players and the archaic English game, they might be more appreciative of how their outgoing manager dramatically overachieved for them.
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Clueless post from a man who does not watch football
Or if a certain jewish man on the sidelines put Palmer on the field at kickoff England would be champions.
you'd have an argument if the entire world's media weren't ridiculing both Southgate and England for the woeful football they were serving up.

can't have it both ways. put the English media to one side. why weren't the world's media praising England during the tournament?
The world's media isn't any more savvy about football than England's is. Anoraks and journos exist everywhere. It's the Madrid machine that made Bellingham think he's a Messi / Del Piero splice.

He's the best player in the world and I'm tried of forwards and strikers getting all the attention when he's done more to impact teams in a way that generates success than Harry Kane or Mbappe ever have.
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Making bongoid seethe by asserting legitimate territorial claim
>The players in the team that have won the most didn't have a good season!
Both are overrated mutts.
Recency bias.
hes winning it, ive already seen the script

mongolia just release their olympic uniforms and they are looking very drippy
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what the hell is a geriyiani?
flight attendant drip
I like the yellow jacket, I’d unironically wear it

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Au revoir
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...but you didn't do anything.
Griezmann is 50% portuguese, 50% german, he's basically how french people were made
Is this literally and unironically the last actual frenchman on the team?
The French Royal dynasties are of German descent, most White Europeans have some ancestors from their neighbouring countries.

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Riggi Ghostini

how can this guy be the GOAT?
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He isn't.
Riggi Riggitinni rigged his way to every single trophy at the international level
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When copa america started being palyed by all countrys
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but riggi scored in that rigged arab cup

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Based muller, my favorite German guy since 1945
which player is making those bad passes?
The same guy who made that terrible tackle at the end
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How did they manage to do it?
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You can stop, Twain. Your watch has ended.
we were refballed you retard
They disallowed 3 argentinian goals innit?
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I want to listen to shite while swimming, any recommendations? Headphones I mean.

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This nigger published a public apology in COMIC FUCKING SANS. Top kek
>Listen, spread the word, they play in France, but they are all from Angola, they are going to run well, they like to sleep with trans people, their mum is Nigerian, their dad is Cameroonian

How can anyone apologise for this? If not for globohomo, everyone would accept it as fact.
should have used windings

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They ruined his opportunity to sail off into the sun
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He needs to roid up frfr hes too skinny
this attitude is why we'll continue to fail desu
again this mentality...
manager is just a guy who tells the team what the analysts told him. he is not the guy controlling the players with a fucking xbox controller
an english coach never won the eplel
spanish players are on another level because spanish LaLiga is on another level, its the top of the top of football. Your best players would perform just slightly above average in a spanish team

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>Only 136 days until Der Klassiker
eyes off our league.

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>ey we not racist, the CIA made us say racist things during a live stream or something
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the whitest argie

>the face calling you “gallego”
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Least gay bong
>the face telling his personal assistant to call you “gallego”
He's too important and illiterate to do it himself.

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Who are we betting on?
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Maribor @1.73 - Botev Plovdiv
Napredak - Partizan @1.25
3 russian games Lokomotiv @1.53, Zenit @1.60, Dinamo Moscow @1.53
Crvena Zvezda trashing
Molde @1.49 - KFUM Oslo
Tacuary - Libertad @1.42
Santos Laguna - Tigres @2.10
Monterrey @1.46 - Queretaro
Juarez - Club America @1.72
Young Boys @1.40 - Sion

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From tennis
Norrie v Nadal @1.53 ?
Rublev @1.20 v Tirante
Griekspoor @1.43 v Skatov ?
Kotov @1.60, Borges @1.50?
Ruud @1.16 ?

Rublev is good on clay, looks like a lock. Would be interested to parlay with Nadal if is playing good again
how much have you won yesterday on al ahly, abdelkader? that's right, i've seen your messages in the group chat celebrating the 1-2 goal. is that why you're back at spamming this nonsense here? fcsb has their minds on the tie with maccabi tel aviv, they're not gonna be focused on this one and slobozia is a tough nut to crack. if anything, value's on double chance home or draw. i really hope nobody follows you on this rubbish
We are so back bros
Btw bet on vasco

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Now that Copa America and Euro are over, when is the next big football event?
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Olympic football
I will watch female football now
>Now that Copa America and Euro are over, when is the next big football event?
it's so funny that they have zero glutes despite rooning all day long on roids zero glutes and zero hams, just fat xD

my arse looks better lol
>my arse looks better lol
Well whore post it.

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