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*be better than Zidane on your path*
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poor dude got so mentally broken that he became a buddhist
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>Baggio was better than any Spanish player in history
Based and truthpilled. Iniesta is the only one come close but still nowhere near Baggio
Iniesta literally moggs Baggio in every way, you have to realize that Baggio did those things against literal human cones while Iniesta was playing in a more professional era.
Iniesta has one of the most impressive resumes of all time while Baggio would be on the same level as Magico Gonzalez if he was born in a shithole central american country
Iniesta played in the monopoly club era, you can't compare it with 90s football. Even Zidane and Ronaldo have poor resumes compared to modern top club players.
>Iniesta played in the monopoly club era
Barça before he was an starter ended 3rd in the league behind Villarreal.

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good job
how will the flight go with you sat between guro and Engen?
>how will the flight go with you sat between guro and Engen?
it's a well known secret in Norway that Engen and Guro have a tendency to bully shy boys
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USWNT just arrived in Paris

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Bergmann Edition

11 days to Olympiad
Pools for Women's Indoor Olympic Tournament:
>A: France, United States, China, Serbia
>B: Brazil, Poland, Japan, Kenya
>C: Italy, Türkiye, Netherlands, Dominican Republic
Pools for Men's Indoor Olympic Tournament:
>A: France, Slovenia, Canada, Serbia
>B: Poland, Italy, Brazil, Egypt
>C: Japan, United States, Argentina, Germany
Olympic arenas (indoor and beach) being set for Olympiad
Some national teams doing friendly matches

>Players' data base

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Plan B for Bella if Plan A (going to Olympiad by volleyball) to fail
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literally built for racemixing

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>Took steroids as a teenage to make him taller
>Conveniently performs better than other teenagers his age as a result for his early career before becoming a serial bottler later on because the steroids wore off
Pissi Riggitini Cheatini Fraudtini
The man who rigged the world - The Pissi Riggitini story: a scripted reality mockumentary. Starring Pissi Cuckittini as a roided dwarf. Financed by the government of Qatar. Written and produced by the government of Qatar and Sheik Mohammed bin Hamad. Executive producer Gianni Infantino. Camera by VAR. Sponsored by the Coca Cola Company, PizzaHut and HGH. No midgets were harmed during the making of this movie. All events and penalties depicted in this movie are fictional. 2022 FIFA all rights reserved.
A shame that the last 5 years ruined the whole CR7 vs Missy debate.
Better go to whatever is the new argentina star vs Vinicius vs Spainard ngubu

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>close St Georges' Park
>sack all youth coaches
>hand out free tennis balls to all kids
>hand out free CDs of music that encourages Joga Bonito (Mas Que Nada/Elvis v JXL Little Less Conversation etc)
>spend money saved on closing all that other shit cleaning beaches

in 10 years, we're World Cup winners.

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No hype whatsoever. WTF.
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She's old now anyway. There are newer and fresher volleyball girls.
They are not wrong.
Anyone who fights with agents isn't really the person you want in that position.
Doesn't matter if you were right or not.
What is really scary is they have a file on you if they claim you haven't.
Fuck you and your cunt sister you shit blood
Nobody asked, cuntoid
And it was gay and cringe then too muttoid

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today (16/07)

NOW! Huachipato x Racing de Montevideo
21:30 Rosario Central x Internacional

NOW! Juventude x Atlético Mineiro
21:00 Corinthians x Criciúma

NOW! Rionegro Águilas Doradas x América de Cali
22:20 Deportivo Cali x Deportivo Pereira

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CNN Español) – En el multitudinario recibimiento de la selección alemana en Berlín se pudo ver una imagen curiosa y para algunos poco respuetuosa. Al parecer, los alemanes tienen su propio modo de preguntarles a los argentinos “¿Qué se siente?”.

En medio de la alegría del público y de la efusividad de los futbolistas, cinco jugadores realizaron un polémico cántico que fue calificado por la prensa argentina como una burla controversial.
Encabezados por Mario Götze —autor del gol de la victoria alemana en la final contra el equipo suramericano— Miroslav Klose y Toni Kroos, los deportistas teutones cantaron con voz melancólica “Así caminan los gauchos, los gauchos caminan así”, mientras caminaban agachados sobre la plataforma de celebración. Luego, gritaron con alegría “Y así caminan los alemanes”, completamente erguidos y levantando los brazos.
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thinking about this

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With Olympics being just 9 days away, let's get the hype going with webms from previous games.
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It's a meme discipline introduced by the host country to farm medals
China did the same with wushu
Anyone got e webm of the french climber's bicep snapping?
kawaii sugoi desu
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but they refused pétanque for paris 2024

>Caitlin Clark sets WNBA turnover record with 159 in a season with 15 games left
>Angel Reece double double streak stopped at 15
>Cameron Brink is still out
>Bridget Carleton is playing for Team Canada at the Olympics
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That pdf does not show vote totals. Seen it already earlier today too. Is that any other pdf link on that page I have missed?
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Bronny vs CClark or AReese
Who are you betting on?
No idea who he is. He good? I saw ionescu did well against Curry in that 3 point contest.
Don't post any males in a WNBA thread. Bad enough that some WNBA players are questionable looking.
he's arguably not even G League material and a nepobaby

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>She was his first
>But he wasn't hers....

This is Argentina's football heritage
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He fucked the todler Yamal
Literally the story of me and my ex onitis
>including a 14yo at 18
>Hindu fag calling me cuck for shitting on idol Pessi
You fags already have like 5 billions or something, is Pessi the god of cuck there?

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Now that tourist season is over, back to the real news
>Nick Saban was denied access to SEC Media Days this morning because he didn’t have his credentials
>Mountain West interest in long-term relationship with Oregon State, Washington State may be waning according to Dodd and CBS Sports
>ACC schools like FSU and Clempus still reeing to get into the SEC but will KWAB when they can only get into the Big 12, who has talked with them
>EA Sports College Football 25 launches July 19th
>Week 0 begins August 24th
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root for sac state
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>Luke Shaw
>78 kg stocky lad
>28 yrs

Lamine Yamal
>66 kg teenager
>17 yrs

Why didn’t Shaw put in some hard brexit tackles against Yamal? If I was Shaw, I would’ve traded a few fouls and a yellow with flooring Yamal constantly, hindering his ability, and slowing Spain’s play to set pieces. At least you could excuse yourself by saying you are used to larger players. Instead he tried to outmanoeuvre Yamal…
because he’s fat, slow, injured and shit.
Shaw had Yamal contained pretty well in the 1st half.
By the 2nd half Shaw's lack of match fitness became apparent though.
shaw looks a lot shorter and heavier than that. absolutely no shot those numbers are factual

t. autistic fitizen who has lifted and looked at mens naked bodies for 12 years
He clattered Yamal on the edge of the box one time. Tbh Yamal didn't do much that game anyway. Williams was the the main threat.
He's not as slow as you think. He's United's fourth quickest player.
>Luke Shaw

Yeah, right. And Grizzly Adams had a beard.

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2026... home
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The demoralisation acts will continue until moral improves
Nothing and as a spainard I want the coach that reach 2 times the WC final to lose the second time against US as the 2026 english coach
Unironically, I think she's a very manager. Both tactically and in terms of building a team. I'd loved to see her manage my local Eredivisieteam after she won the women's EC in 2017 or reaching the final of the WC in 2019.
No team had the guts to hire her. Would have been great if only for the publicity.
Now knowing the English FA and it's tendency to be woke they're going to sign her on without experience, and she'll fail like any England manager before her. Some decent Championship team should pick her up.
Wiegman is a far better manager than half the EPL shitters.
Shalom my new best friend. I agree completely.

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enzo was retarded for doing what he did
you dont film a private moment of the team for internet validation,thats woman behavior
singing a song about france when you just beat colombia in a copa america is brainrot attitude,people are right we are the most sore winners ever,even having to insult others to feel better about ourself in this hellhole
i hate chelsea makes a example out him,i hope hes publicly humilliated
zoomers literally don’t understand that it’s a bad idea to film and upload everything you do. it’s as natural as breathing to them.
my problem isnt that he filmed himself doing stupid shit
he could have gotten others fired as well.

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Dinho, Zidane, and Nazario are all literally better than Penaldo and Riggi. did millenials ruin the spectacle of football?
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It's just Ronaldo. Nobody has ever referred to Ronaldo as 'Nazario' you yank fuck
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>It's just Ronaldo. Nobody has ever referred to Ronaldo as 'Nazario' you yank fuck
>introduce laws essentially outlawing tackling to make the game more attacking
>the game gets more defensive and boring
how did this happen?
Americans talking about football is the most reddit thing imaginable
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english losing the euros is even more reddit

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