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So which Serie A team is going to sign him?
Not Lazio
*Saudi Pro League

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If you watch the game, you don't see Luai. If you watch Luai, you see the whole game.

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>Ueghmmm IT’S COMING MADRID cry now haha *laughing crying emoji* mwaeghahaha Yamal win at 17 Kane nothing at 31, ooooohhhya Yamal best footballer in the world unliek any england player ueheehhheghhhhhuuuuuuuuhhffhhththhtghghhhhhhhbhhgggh
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One can only imagine the permanent effect on one's mental health of watching your nation get humiliated in two consecutive finals.
I’ll see you at the world cup
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He's probably Scottish so it's understandable he has brain damage or something
repeat it without crying plis

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What's the second most entertaining sport, after football?
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anyone can play all of these other sports they just won't be good enough to be pro
but in the case of football a lot harder since the pool of talents is much larger a not a fucking niche sport like hockey

Is this supposed to be physically impressive or something? Sorry but I cant help to see this is just a jump and slap the ball just a basic thing I mean I have to clap for this?


this is exactly what I think of when the Brazilian says anything positive about soccer as a sport.
stupid femnoid. learn to fucking jump higher than a toddler
handball is just football without the semen slurping

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Tour de France (2.UWT)
Stage 17
Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux - Superdévoluy
177.8 km


GC after stage 16:

Live stats:

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seems like he really is a sl*venian
urska confirmed
I like laces and find them better than boas
>Kwabje van Aert
he is croatian
same shit really

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The only kino sports are soccer and baseball. They're the only ones worth watching. If you don't watch at least one of these you should just go ahead and transition.
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What's even the point of a bullseye when some other non-center part of the board is worth more
Soccer is a terrible sport but I still like watching it because people get so passionate. I mostly like national team competitions.
I feel the same way about the NFL by the way, shit sport but good spectacle.
baseball is just a good, solid sport, my personal favorite.
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watching sports is for homos. start a fucking business and take care of your wife and kids faggot manchild
WBC was actually kino. Honestly, MLB should be pushing it far more to showcase baseball globally. More people watched WBC KOs than any MLB game ever.

He seemed to perform pretty well in the euros but I literally can't imagine him doing anything noteworthy ever. He absolutely choked that header towards the end of the final too.
Is he the ultimate NPC player? He even looks completely forgettable
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It's just the usual, clubs oozing with foreign talent making English players look a lot better than they are. I've never knocked Rice as he puts in a hell of a graft if he had talent around him to play off of maybe things would be different. Pfodz is a much bigger disappointment as he's clearly a fish out of water when he isn't in a city shirt.
Side pass, side pass, side pass.
At least with Arsenal he goes forward, he is not as confident with his teammates for the national team. Maybe he knows Kane and Foden are fucking ass
the truth is, he is too beta to be a great player, especially a great defensive midfielder
just look up his piggy gf
Other way around, retard. The Irish FA did its usual tactic of hunting down every English footballer with an Irish grandparent and getting them to play for Ireland.
Sometimes you get great players who look like they do nothing but really they hold the team together and make everyone else play well. Didier Deschamps was a great example of that. Rice is just mediocre.

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Here's your Balon D'or 2024 winner bro
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thats not my goat rodri though
It would be funny that a nobody like rodri got a ballon dor while Iniesta, Ramos, Xavi and Raul never did
and its the best player in the world whos only lost 1 game this entire season (was drunk)
Because they competed against a potential GOAT in Messi, and Real Madrid's striker and PR baby. It should be Rodri this time though.
It would be funny if messi won it again

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If the English were more realistic about the actual quality of their players and the archaic English game, they might be more appreciative of how their outgoing manager dramatically overachieved for them.
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Clueless post from a man who does not watch football
Or if a certain jewish man on the sidelines put Palmer on the field at kickoff England would be champions.
you'd have an argument if the entire world's media weren't ridiculing both Southgate and England for the woeful football they were serving up.

can't have it both ways. put the English media to one side. why weren't the world's media praising England during the tournament?
The world's media isn't any more savvy about football than England's is. Anoraks and journos exist everywhere. It's the Madrid machine that made Bellingham think he's a Messi / Del Piero splice.

He's the best player in the world and I'm tried of forwards and strikers getting all the attention when he's done more to impact teams in a way that generates success than Harry Kane or Mbappe ever have.
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Making bongoid seethe by asserting legitimate territorial claim
>The players in the team that have won the most didn't have a good season!
Both are overrated mutts.
Recency bias.
hes winning it, ive already seen the script

mongolia just release their olympic uniforms and they are looking very drippy
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what the hell is a geriyiani?
flight attendant drip
I like the yellow jacket, I’d unironically wear it

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Au revoir
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...but you didn't do anything.
Griezmann is 50% portuguese, 50% german, he's basically how french people were made
Is this literally and unironically the last actual frenchman on the team?
The French Royal dynasties are of German descent, most White Europeans have some ancestors from their neighbouring countries.

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Riggi Ghostini

how can this guy be the GOAT?
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He isn't.
Riggi Riggitinni rigged his way to every single trophy at the international level
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When copa america started being palyed by all countrys
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but riggi scored in that rigged arab cup

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Based muller, my favorite German guy since 1945
which player is making those bad passes?
The same guy who made that terrible tackle at the end
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How did they manage to do it?
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You can stop, Twain. Your watch has ended.
we were refballed you retard
They disallowed 3 argentinian goals innit?
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