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>15th July 2024
16:30 Italy 2 - 1 Norway
>18th July 2024
20:00 Northern Ireland - Italy
>21st July 2024
20:00 Ukraine - Italy

>17th July 2024
18:30 Inter - Lugano
>20th July 2024
17:30 Milan - Rapid Vienna
>22nd July 2024
19:30 FC Kosice - Roma

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Nuuuuuuuuuuu degrees are useless, I would know because I work at the ILVA di taranto and all my extremely rich colleagues at the Reparto Imballaggi also agree
This but unironically
Degrees are a poorfags humiliation ritual
Nepotism is where it's at
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levels to this
so basically it's the premier league's fault?

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Is literally us vs the world
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why is every single twitter football account ran by pajeets and africans?
>Africa is so irrelevant the entire continent is just depicted in the same way single European or South American countries are
Very racist and problematic image.
You shot yourself in the foot and you point fingers at the ones looking at you with disbelief.
Based Argentina
>somehow Mexico made the list

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>Sunday, July 14
since 10:30 AM: WEC, Rd 5/8, '6 Hours of São Paulo', Autódromo José Carlos Pace (Interlagos)
since 2:30 PM: NASCAR Cup, Rd 21/36, 'The Great American Getaway 400', Pocono Raceway

>Thursday, July 18 (all times ET)
WRC, Rd 8/13, 'Rally Latvia', Liepāja, Latvia

>Friday, July 19
5:30 PM: ARCA, Rd 10/20, 'Circle City 200', Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park
8:30 PM: NASCAR Trucks, Rd 15/23, 'TSport 200', Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park

>Saturday, July 20
5:35 AM: Supercars, Rd 7/12, 'Sydney SuperNight', Sydney Motorsport Park
8:15 AM: GTWC Europe, Rd 5-1/10, 'Hockenheim #1'
12:00 PM: Formula E, Rd 15/16, 'London E-Prix #1'

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They tried that a decade ago.
mite b cool just in time to try out the new 'option' tyre. nascar teams would need time to adapt to the new rules maybe prepping for a showdown.
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>The Caddy is the coolest Hypercar because it can actually be competitive and it sounds awesome. Specially IRL.
Yeah, the Cadillacs have always sounded amazing. I got to see the DPi in 2022 and the GTP in 2023, but I wish I got to hear them side by side. Just as a comparison. Sadly, they have a lot of germlins and the way they qualify well and fall off in the race makes me think they have some kind of issues running too close to full power during the entire race. My guess is heat in the drive train. Then there are the fires it's happened, like, what, three or four times now? I hope whoever they go to next year can help fix these issues.
>What is even the end game of this particular psychotic nonsense
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Isotta bros, one day we will qualify ahead of another car, I can feel it

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Were we fooled? Was it just stadpadding?
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Yeah those two results are legitimately impressive.
>1996 – vs. Spain, 0-0 (p.s.)
That matched was refballed by the way
No its just this tweet came out in the middle of euros and doesnt include the later games
England will regret this. History will justify Soufgateball.

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You can’t make this shit up XD the literal coach for France literally said what they’re grilling Enzo for
French people... Being hypocrites?? I just can't believe this
It has always been the case that the French team has always had players from Africa and from other countries and territories, and not just in football but in other sports," Deschamps told journalists at Saturday's pre-match press conference in Moscow.

"They are all French and they are all proud to be French," he added, "but through their origins, through their childhood, they have friends, they have families in these countries so they have a certain attachment to these countries and a certain pride that these people will see them play in a World Cup Final."
This just means their court case has Jo ground to stand on.
Any competent lawyer will just use this.
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it's coming home -ACK! edition
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id be in the top 7% of earners in your country and i'm not even 30 years old lad
lads, we're meeting saturday night in bangkok
sukhumvit soi 11
any tips on how to stop drinking
Stop buying it
will try this
let you know if it works

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Finally it's bundes time again soon and stupid international football is over. Old thread fell off.
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>no one wants de bank
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I want him to stay :)
he might outlive kompany and get a revival under Terzic desu
lmao, that man will never get a pro-footy coaching job again

name 3 other managers that would lead last years Cuckmund to the CL final

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What a mega fucking retard. Holy fucking shit, how low IQ do you have to be to record yourself and your teammates singing a racist chant? How does this immense retarded crayon-eating imbecile not understand the sanctity of the racist bro code? You and the bros are in the room, saying the most vile racist shit without any worry from societal (jewish) consequences and the only thing you have to do is not sell them out or accidentally record anything? We've all done it. We've all had these convos with friends about smelly blacks/indians and chinky/asians and the world doesnt hear about it, but this one lobotomized millionaire can't think about how he's screwing over his fellow players, putting their careers at risk?

He doesn't even have plausible deniability since the lyrics are loud and clear in the background. What a fucking shitshow.
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Ive been browsing this website you didnt have hair on the balls.
It looks like the imported players are angry that it was mentioned that they're imported (even though they all have african citizenships and flags in their bios) and the tranny fucker is angry that it was mentioned (even though it's 2024 and they're allowed to get their cocks out in public legally now)
calling a nog a nog is pretty racist bro
mboope doesn't give a shit
Like clockwork the dumb ameriapes post the exact same shit that's been posted a billion times before

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>tfw no nazi lazio waifu
why even live
neah he sang at the end
it was obvious
its shitty that everyone was singing and he somehow got the bullet
song isnt even racist its just facts
Secondly, France.
>We are literally the least racist country on earth
>topic of discussion is literally the athletic representation of "the least racist country on earth" being racist
Perhaps the least aware country on earth.
>Be safe if you ever visit France
Yes, it is a dangerous place now that it is full of niggers.

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Reminder that Pelee force Brazil to not appear in copa America because the rivals Kick him a lot
Reminder that Pelee and the Brazil NT force a referee to leave a match because they show him a red card
Reminder that unlike Ronaldinho, Rivaldo and others Legends he was so scare go go to Europe that he went to MLS
top kek
The first line should be about rigging the World Cup. That's when that retard's obsession really went into overdrive.
90% of "chikaner" posts are my (/int/hans) posts

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Jordan we have literal permacrocks and ol' man jorgi. Mystery Winger doesn't even exist!

In what way is that only SLIGHTLY worse than people who are scoring in Euro and Copa finals and defending like prime Maldini???

C'mon Jordan.
>West Ham in for Reiss Nelson
God please
>ESR, Reiss, Lokonga, Tavares all out for about 60ish million
Fingers crossed man. If Eddie leaves too then that's an early Christmas. That would mean 3 fewer home grown players on the squad though.
Seems like we also might actually get 30 mill for nkettiah
We might be eating very good this window

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They will either get some literallywho insider politician as manager or Wiegman because le feminism. They won’t pick Howe or Tuchel or even Potter, they will blow our minds away with just how hopeless and stale these bureaucrats can be. Get ready for 10 years of social media posts and virtue signalling and half-assed football.
of all of those the only one who's a decent manager is tuchel. what is it with the english and this potter obsession? he's shite, same with howe. you're going to regret hounding out southgate.

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Pavelski Edition
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>going to the gym after midnight
And some women kwab
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Weegs is gonna win the cup for us in Calgary
he doesn't believe in hoob he knows it's over
oh shit good eye...
its over

What happened to them?
Why did they stop being based?
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Infrastructure beats talent in the long run
So much this
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No Neymar, no fun. It turned out he was the goat after all.
If you walked in the Brazil’s team locker room in 2002, you’d see them playing “pagode” (music genre once popular among favelados), joking and bantering without giving a fuck.
If you walk in their locket room today, you’d see them combing their hair, doing their eyebrows and admiring themselves in the mirror. Complete faggotry, and it’s ludicrous because they are ugly motherfuckers no matter how much they try to improve their appearance. When on the pitch, notice that they are constantly looking at the camera, to make sure they’re being seen and looking good. The game is a lesser concern.

sydney swans edition
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Are there any good resources to learn the tactics/strategy of the game, like formations and all that? Trying to train my eye
there aren't any tactics, strategies or formations sorry mate
they were so cheesy prior to the 90s

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