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enzo was retarded for doing what he did
you dont film a private moment of the team for internet validation,thats woman behavior
singing a song about france when you just beat colombia in a copa america is brainrot attitude,people are right we are the most sore winners ever,even having to insult others to feel better about ourself in this hellhole
i hate chelsea makes a example out him,i hope hes publicly humilliated
zoomers literally don’t understand that it’s a bad idea to film and upload everything you do. it’s as natural as breathing to them.
my problem isnt that he filmed himself doing stupid shit
he could have gotten others fired as well.

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Dinho, Zidane, and Nazario are all literally better than Penaldo and Riggi. did millenials ruin the spectacle of football?
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It's just Ronaldo. Nobody has ever referred to Ronaldo as 'Nazario' you yank fuck
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>It's just Ronaldo. Nobody has ever referred to Ronaldo as 'Nazario' you yank fuck
>introduce laws essentially outlawing tackling to make the game more attacking
>the game gets more defensive and boring
how did this happen?
Americans talking about football is the most reddit thing imaginable
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english losing the euros is even more reddit

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we're the good guys now
Was gonna ask if you were ever the bad guys when I saw your flag, then I saw the team you support.
The second invasion can't come soon enough.

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CSKA Moscow
>fraudulent argentinian
Atletico de Madrid is the perfect place for him
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nobody's gonna pay 100 millions for this retard and chelshit won't sell for less. in one week leftoids will find another scapegoat and enzo will be forgotten.

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TMD edition


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:
or if you don't want to do that there are easily accessible Abema streams daily on yewtube

Current leaders at 3-0

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>Gonoyama vs Teru tomorrow

I'm hype.
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Kotoz won!
easy teru W these sanyakus are so fucking shit
Teru vs zak playoff rematch

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news: Bo/Khamzat booked for UFC Noche brought to you by Saudi Arabia
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Gurutrannies will try to spin this but how soon they forget that he picked gane
>gay dude is a catty bitch to women

Should've got blue eyes there, semen extraction would be straightforward then
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>Jones was cooperative at first but eventually became verbally combative after he struggled to provide a urine sample
trouble performing when a woman is there eh portajon? if he hates women so much that he turned gay why didn't he simply ask her to hold the cup and piss on her hand?
Like clockwork they're already at it
Gurucels will sweep this under his tits

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>Countdown to Hung Aryan GP:

>Previous thread:


>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

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brutal mogging
>BMW Sauber
>[british sportscar manufacturer] Williams
problem solved
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Adrian Nuui
Honda RB
Aston Martin RBR

So, what they do now too?

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>Costs the team 2 goals due shit work ethic, defending and positioning
>Blunders the team's last chance slapping the rival in the most retarded way possible
Why is he getting 0 hate in English media? Here all journos are shitting on him
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Shit bait aside, who would you rank as the top 5 best and worst england players this tournament? For me its
1. Guehi
2. Palmer (only above saka because achieved similar in less minutes)
3. Saka
4. Mainoo
5. Pickford
1. Walker
2. Trippier
3. Foden
4. Kane
5. Rice
realistically if he were as good as the english press claim he is he wouldn't be playing for arsenal. think top clubs can see he has one trick which is unreliable and when he can't beat his man he flops and goes for fouls. didn't see the final but wouldn't be surprised if he was marked out of the game.
>can't criticize players if they're black
There go your chances of ever winning anything.
Pickford not being n1 is criminal.
Pickford conceded 6 goals from 5.4 xG

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How are the englanders dealing with this loss?
Are they happy with it?
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>wtf english board so it's ok to spam
I'm right you're a retard
There's always a brighter day when you live in England
We still believe...
We still believe...

just moan and complain like the other days of the year
Wait did anyone think the Gibraltar chants were offensive? Why would we give a fuck?
It's literally British clay, you monkeys saying it's yours in a gay football chant just looks like argie-tier seethe

need it?
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They are not regarding
Why are Spanish men like this?
people age (mentally) a lot slower nowadays. i agree that fucking nigger acts like a kid but unfortunately "most" early 20 year olds are like that. its surreal what difference 10 years does to a generation. universities are like high schools nowadays.
I don't get why segregation was implemented when they do it of their own

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Who's gonna retire first?
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wont watch a single world cup game if the traffic cone on the left will play as a starter
Messi. He blew it coming to My Little Sawker so early.

Easy league + fat paycheck is great for a final stop before retirement. CRonaldo still has that option open to him once he can't cut it in the Saudi League.
Dos Santos Aveiro hopefully soon.
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Pls Mr Ronaldo im begging you, i dont want to TSUUU anymore, i just want my national team to be good team again.

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I hope we somehow do it but I think Portugal will eventually do it.
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Zirkzee m8
>But if I said "yeah, man lots of Americans hate burgers and beer and Ford trucks and don't even care who wins the super bowl" wouldn't that sound like bullshit to you?
Not really. I know more Americans that don't fit the stereotype than ones that do. Similarly for Brazilians, I've met way more Brazilians that literally do not give a fuck about football at all than ones that do. The few Dominicans I know were crazy about football and didn't give a shit about baseball. It's anecdotal and there's selection bias, etc. etc. sure but I just find it weird that you think people wouldn't believe stereotypes don't always apply.
>both left and right make changing Brazil a part of their motto
Must be a miserable place if everyone wants to turn it into something else.
might b going to machu pichu at the end of the year (october - november) what other places should i see while there?

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Previous >>142757865

>July 20th ESPN+ USA
Junto Nakatani vs. Vincent Astrolabio
Kosei Tanaka vs. Jonathan Rodriguez
Riku Kano vs. Anthony Olascuaga

>July 20th DAZN PPV
Ashton Sylve vs. Lucas Bahdi

>July 27th TNT Sports UK ESPN+ USA
Joe Joyce vs. Derek Chisora

>August 3rd DAZN PPV
Israil Madrimov vs. Terence Crawford

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AJ obliterates Dubois with the same pull-counter he demolished Pulev and Wallin with. AJ beats every heavyweight who doesn't have fast hands and/or legs. End of
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God Bless The Gypsy King Oleksandr Usyk.
yeah I think AJ will wreck Dubois too
people praise Dubois' victory over Hrgovic, but the truth is he got hit a ton in that fight. if Hrgo weren't a badly conditioned punchlet, he wouldn't have even lasted 3 rounds
if Hrgo could land so much, then so can AJ. and if Usyk could knock him down, AJ definitely will
Easy AJ victory. Proud of dubios for fighting the top guys. Imagine exposing le boogyman
yeah he's way too open, AJ is also pretty good and landing great shots on Usyk as well not to mention folding the mandingo that queen couldn't even hurt with an elbow

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This board is boring now bye.
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Bye. Post this if you want to get banned.
fake doxx. Everyone knows it's actually Forsen's vtuber avatar.
jannies are deadbeats not chumcucks
she's cute (the human)

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I am an American and this is my uneducated opinion.
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Teams would just drill cbs to take pens even more and you'd see the quality of footy drop across the board.
it removes the western duel kinography
yeah those were kino
penalties should only be kicked by the goalkeeper
>allows the goalie to get a goal from time to time
>ensures the goalie is playing FOOT ball
Based af

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