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Am I the only one that doesn't think she's overrated?

I think shes talented
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no hips
lmao you're gay
mass replying semen brained animal-man
ughh uhhhhhh my balls are so fuckin heavy and swollen theyre gonna burst
i can feel it tonight's the night, my cock is gonna explode while im sleeping and theres nothing I can do to stop it
Zoomer Dolly Parton.

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What!? He's like the gay friend I never had! How can anyone hate the guy?
a lot of his roles are similar now, hes not at that tier yet but he is rapidly approaching the rock or kevin hart levels of sameness in his movies.
Yeah but they are still making action schlock in their 50s, 60s, 70s.
Voices & Buried were good. He's this way cos no1 saw those movies.

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I'd rather fight through Vietnam then this shit
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>Inaritu pussied out of the real life scene where he lays on a rotting log to have maggots clean his wounds and indians coming across him and going "how the fuck are you still alive" before nursing him back to health to track down the men who left him for dead only to find they'd joined the military and moved on with their lives forcing him to reckon with forgiveness
>instead turns the story into an ugly grunting weeping white guilt film with french antagonists (literally the least bad faction to ever interact with the natives)
>only to find they'd joined the military and moved on with their lives forcing him to reckon with forgiveness
I've read The Count of Monte Cristo when I was about 12, and I'm still mad at that shit. I blame it for my 15 years of teenage angst and edgy anime.
start doing this
Is it fair to say that his Oscar for this was nothing more than a pity award akin to a "lifetime achievement" award? It's good acting but, ehhhh.

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When the Matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted; to remake the Matrix as he saw fit.
Anyone with a 120 IQ and a healthy body is pretty much a Neo. The world is very malleable, up to a degree. All you need is conviction and a dream or a vision. And ambition to realize that vision. Tenacity. Not be lazy. Also, it helps if you're white and are over 2m and have all your hair. Being young doesn't hurt either. White teeth, gotta have those.

Other than that, yes, we are all Neo's. That is the lesson of this movie.
Based and Christ Consciousness pilled
his name? zer0 k00l

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>Black baby.

I guess the world was truly lost then.
what face would you make if you saw a black baby

What happened to Natalie HOLY SEXO Dormer?
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>directed by her husband
is this true?
it was fiance
ty based anon, sad (not surprising) tho that its still some beta bf cuck blacking his gf out for money and the fact she allowed it.

these losers are less than niggers
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>your wife will never cuck you on the big screen
It's not fair.
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>imagine spending the time to perfect the ai prompt and clip to this
ur a nigger jew bot paid to do this and nothing will tell me otherwise

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Phoebe thread
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>blonde hair
>tanned skin
>pink clothes
OP combo
These are the teenagers I was telling you about.
what part of the phrase high school reunion don't you understand?

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What goes on up here?
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STAR WARS is now *older* than The Wizard of Oz, the film that gave some inspiration to it and was mentioned by Mark Hamill in 1977 during an interview explaining how magical SW was.
Was. The classic 1939 The Wizard of Oz was just 38 years old at that time, and now STAR WARS is 47 years old just counting the film itself, but is 48 in the commercial copyright sense with the novel that came out in December of 1976. Time is weird and makes me feel bad sometimes.
Yeah Oz is older, duh, but just meant to say that when Mark was speaking to it, Oz was younger than STAR WARS is now, and that's wild to me.
The Little Mermaid VHS box art factory.

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Filming Edition
Previous >>203623995
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What I don't get is why they didn't marry more Lysene and Volantene nobles, far closer to Valyria than anyone save for, maybe, the Dayne and the Hightower.
But once the Targs lost their dragons, it was a matter of time before everything blew up on their faces. I'm surprised it took that long
We are told that they frequently married Lyseni, but then they just don't actually ever do that in recorded marriages
With how much of a whore Saera was there should be an extensive branch of Targ dragonseeds in Volantis to choose from.
That's a thing in the CK2 mod kek
>daenerys is le 2% targ
Where is this meme coming from? Because it's not true lol. Someone must've failed at math

>I'd like to welcome all you ignorant ass bitches, critics, complainers, disgruntled reactors and racists especially to 4chan's film and television board
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Shitposter, word, I hit the post button long
Grit my teeth, spam till every newfag's gone
Got my board sewn, armored spam bots
Last thing I sweat's a sucka punk mod
I read on kotaku it's better than civ 5 with the brave new world expansion pack

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>Go to https://hailuoai.com/video
>Enter your prompt
>Click on the green button
>Convert the video to webm and post it
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Did you just get here last week or something
There were constant threads when Dalle 3 dropped, then people lost interest after a couple months when the censorship got just unbearable
Everybody will lose interest in Hailuo once it becomes too much of hassle, and then a new service will show up and the threads will start again
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>You will get nothing but Randy Marsh episodes and weed jokes, and you'll be happy
I stopped watching after the episode where Randy bought a Blockbuster, figuring that it was the last truly funny episode, and I was right from what I hear.
I feel like you're being way too generous on that episode. That was the episode when I though, "Yep, South Park is now bland as The Simpsons"
Not bad place to stop. I like the next season as well and that's where I consider the show having ended.
>Those elephant thighs
They dont identify as the kids anymore, they all turned into randy, you will too

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What was the substance that Bruce Willis sprayed on his door handle in 'The Jackal'? some ppl say sarin but idk
It's a can of McGuffin manufactured by P. Lot Devices, LLC.
That gay guy's cum

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>a fantastical epic about mythology and folklore
>the Norse mythology
READ ANOTHER BOOK. Fucking hell, the horse is a rotten pulp at this point
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Has any animated netflix production not looked like shit? I'm still mad that they ruined Ajin and Blame! with their horrible 3d animations
anime if ugly
I liked how Castlevania looked. What they did to Blame! is an affront to God.
how many blacks are in there?
>The movie hasn't been released yet
>Already plagiarized

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This should have been how the series ended. Absolutely perfect finale. Season 4 and onward were an absolute abortion.
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He was too based for the show and made the predditors self insert Jim look even more queer.
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>and Kelly Kapoor
I remember watching The office for the first time and thinking how jim is a huge prick but the show frames him as the good average joe.

He terrorizes his obviously autistic redneck coworker,he spent most of his time flirting with the engaged secretary,he treats every other woman in his life like garbage(Remember Amy Addams character?).

He is a huge prick but the show expects you to not notice that.
Yeah the UK version was definitely more sympathetic since beside bullying Gareth who was an brown nosing asshole who started treating people like shit even though Tim got him that role(which he didn’t have to do, Tim was a loser who got bullied and constantly fucked up instead of the office Chad bullying a autistic person

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