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Better or worse than Taxi Driver?
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Unironically kill yourself
I made the thread though… don’t tell me you got filtered?
worse than Taxi Driver
better than GoodFellas
i wouldnt say overrated, its still a good movie, it just gained a certain cult status that sometimes is misinterpreted by recent audiences
no cape fear, thats bs

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I don't get it. Why did her head split open and became all demonic for no reason.
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You didn't save her.
Vax status?
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the skeleton is the actual devil overseeing his and or her minions
Director didn't have it in him to finish the film he started making/one of the dozen or so production companies that funded the movie demanded a more flashy ending to a film that was mostly people talking.
It's probably waiting for the next Grove sacrifice.

Never forget, never forgive
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the movie was actually really fucking good
and i hate john mulaney
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Now post the ones with Dale.
This is incorrect. She was obviously angling to have a polygamous harem relationship with both Chip and Dale given the affections she supplied on both of them, knowing their attraction to her.

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It was pure kino and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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mundane realism because virtual people entered the real world but they still wear their futuristic glowing outfits
Why are the characters low-framerate but everything else is high in frames?
The girl I had a crush on in high school looked just like her, but 30D, no joke. She literally once texted me "Do you wanna have sex sometime?", and would send me nudes to "rate", but I had way too much 'tism to do anything about it. She would like sit up on my lap or let me touch her butt during an assembly, but then when I asked her to my Jr Prom, said she was only allowed to go with a Senior (can't believe I fell for that), or said we'd go out once Senior year started and then went back on that too so I spent all summer working a shitton of hours to take her out and she went back on it (can't believe I fell for that either). But now she's gotten fat and shaved her eyebrows and is unemployed, so I probably dodged a bullet.
Either a mix of the two cause we’re in the callback era or 2010’s fake 80’s graphics
>Dude, just retread an already existing style or mix two of them together
Creatively bankrupt

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Does this really happen outside of fiction? How can I make this happen to me?
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Judy Greer is such a cutie. I don't get why she wasn't more popular through the years.
Also, that webm hits too close to home. Being a loner and getting your hopes up on any small interaction with anyone else just to sperg out and and fuck it up is suffering.
I wouldn't survive a day in America I'm too tismed out
Where do you live anon? I assure you if you're not a subhuman you'd be surprised about rural southern people. Most of us don't give a single fuck if you're half retarded or socially awkward or whatever. Just don't be a faggot about it.
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>Nowadays if you do that you'll probably get something by the 5th one

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Did you not watch the show? He was dumb and made all the wrong choices despite the meme chess scene.
>White female character sheepishly admits she has not taken a stranger's cock in almost *whispers ashamedly* .... almost 3 weeks

>Disgusting slothlike negro lesbo BFF asks "What were Tyronne and D'seanquan sneaking out of your apartment at 5AM two days ago for then?"

>Whyte wimman main replies "Oh that doesn't count I had met them the week prior at the brain surgeon conference... man that conference was exhausting!"

>*laugh track + audience makes "ooooooohhhh" noise*

>*Jewish Producer creams pants at thought of influencing 1,000s of real life retard wimmen*
M comment was directed at the poindexter nigga and the kingpins like bell and the other guy who played jimi hendrix

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ITT: Actors who were popular and then disappeared
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she was married to that jew btw
watching porn gives you brain damage
she looks weird
She was my go-to. I may rub one to her for old time's sake.

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>If you had to replace the Dallas in your name for another city, which would you pick?
There are some good ones. My niece is named Aspen, which is good. I grew up in Connecticut where there’s a place called Mystic, so Mystic Connecticut could be fun. Or Bryce Hollywood Howard!

>What was it like making Argylle with such a stellar cast? Do you ever get starstruck?
It’s a completely bananas movie, and that’s what the experience was like making it with this dazzling cast, Versace gowns and doing the whirlybird with Sam Rockwell, Sam [Samuel L] Jackson and Dua Lipa. I get starstruck extremely easily and it’s embarrassing. I blush, I stutter, I say weird things. I get like too excited. I act like a fangirl and it takes a while for me to settle down. I can’t be trusted around famous people is the takeaway.

>Are high heels really the best shoes to wear when running away from a T rex [in Jurassic World]?
Actually, I had the choice to take off my shoes. In the scene, I push up my sleeves and there was going to potentially be a bit where I threw off my high heels, but just being out there in the jungle terrain, I thought: “I’ll do better in heels.”
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Where do you get that she can’t act?
That von trier movie where she gets naked
20 years ago?
how thicc the booty phatt doe?
she sounds like a total bimbo which is fine with me
pretty much the perfect wife

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How do we push back against the uglification of Television & Film? Can the mud flood be averted or is it too late?
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have more respect for yourself
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I will never watch a movie starring Zendaya.
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>projecting projection
This. Based Anthony Hopkins admitting that all actors including him are retards.

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Now that the dust has settled, what does /tv/ think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?
It's a big scene
Serious answer? It’s a very cool scene. It’s memorable and creative. Also, it’s really funny and doesn’t make that much sense.
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In comparison to you
Only good scene in the whole thing. He actually managed to make an opening that rivals the TDK bank robbery.
Shame the rest of the movie sucked
TDK bank robbery is actually connected to the main plot in a major way, though; it shows hows Joker is gaining leverage and control over the rest of Gotham's organized crime.
Whereas the plane scene is just... um... they had to find out what Dr. Pavel told the CIA (turns out he told them nothing) and then fake Dr. Pavel's death. It has almost nothing to do with the rest of the movie and you could remove it without affecting anything

>Jungle 2 Jungle
>Cradle 2 the Grave
there was a first jungle 2 jungle idiot.
2001: A Space Odyssey
If Tim Allen is gonna grunt, it should be in this movie. 'Cause now he's an ooga booga jungle man. Ughhharrgh.

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Kino as fuck
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hope not
i hope he's not really an alien
Oh nooooooooo he broke muh moobie rules!!!!!!
This is why I stopped watching
that part where he straight up tells Davey's boy that he seriously cant make him leave and he just sees it in sugar's face. that part when you see him slip into chaos as he unleashes onto Stalling's guy and almost kills him.... fucking K I N O.
I cant wait for next episode.

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My people, they got some business with you. And if you want your kid back, then you gotta cooperate, right?
Uh, yeah, okay I guess.
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Here, have some beers in Val Verde, Matrix. It'll give everyone a little more time with your daughter.

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Highlander the TV series.
Highlander 2
Highlander the anime was surprisingly ok

a better True Detective than season 4

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