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>show about nerds and geeks that somehow get the attention of a hot blonde girl
>enter picrel
>ultimate nerd and geek, has a phd and whatnot
>never ever considers philosophy and related subjects as intectually engaging or even worth mentioning at all
>biggest dream is to earn a Nobel prize, which is weird by his standards - he considers himself a superior human being, at least intelectually speaking, and to be awarded a Nobel would mean inferior humans would notice his accomplishments and then grant him the Prize.
How did they get away with this? Is this how society regards intelligent people nowadays? One must be a physicist or other sort of scientist in order to be considered intelligent? What the hell is going on here? How can a person as intelligent as Sheldon worship fictional characters and never mention Plato or Aristotle, the actual fathers of Science?
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I thought it was good. It showed that you need to procreate in your 30s, oreferably in your 20s, or die alone
>never ever considers philosophy and related subjects as intectually engaging or even worth mentioning at all
Because they aren't. And I say this as someone who's read far too many of those books
And what is, in your opinion?
i only really read "The History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell, but youre right. philosophy and philosophers seem like a bunch of wankers
You can only say that if you have fully comprehended the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

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why are we supposed to cheer for the criminal?

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>made it all the way to 2024
>not one good succubus kino.
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Amber Heard needs to be in succubus kino
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Embrace this and you will sleep better.
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>wake up
>lying on back
>feel giant hairy spiderlike legs slowly creeping up the exposed extremities of my body
>creeps slowly up to my neck, can feel its legs finding purchase on my throat and arteries
>feel it sliding something in my ear, with a prick deep inside letting me know something is going into my bloodstream, beneath the skin
>try to fight, try to run, try to at least see what it is
>arms won't move, legs won't kick, eyelids won't open
>the spider creature nonchalantly crawls off
>its business is done
>never releases me until its done
>intense itching inside my ear
>slowly recedes
>I finally regain control maybe 3-4 minutes later

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Posting in a spooky thread

ITT: Films that mog the rest of their franchise
Shit just the Vader scene at the end mogs everything else Star Wars has done in the last 20 years.
Pic unrelated?
Litetal redditors.

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Zorro thread. Talk about and post your favorite zorros.
For me, it's the mask of zorro
Antonio Banderas and Anthony Hopkins were both really good in it

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>oh no we are too powerful and based we must genocide ourselves I wish I was a normal human nigger

What a fucking whiny weak socialist woke faggot
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How? It was almost a horror series before that point. Then it became shounen power level trash#26273839.
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Quality post, made me chuckle
I really, really, really like this post
>it wasn't shounen power level trash when they were training and being ranked on their power levels and the girls were stronger than the main character and could beat him up
>every military boot camp scene ever is actually shounen

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I feel that Superbad gets a lot of credit and love for being a timeless movie and while I really like the movie I have a lot of issues with the movie
I really don’t like how 40 minutes of the movie is dedicated to that party that Michael Cera and Jonah Hill go to
There’s not really any funny jokes in that part of the movie and it really drags
I also think the A and B plots could have been easily connected
Have the characters actually rob a liquor store and get away with it and then have the cops and Mclovin have that in the back of their minds where we still have all the best parts and scenes with the cops
I always thought that one scene where the cops tell them to get on the ground felt incredibly out of place in the movie and that way the 2 plots are connected have the characters get into different situations as well
Superbad is kinda like Pulp Fiction where the beginning has tons of snappy dialogue and funny moments but then the party scene which is The Gold Watch segment which drags the movie but then has a amazing ending with Mclovin winning and the dinner scene
What do you think Anons do you agree with me?
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At a certain point it does drag
As far as early 2000s dude comedy go, nothing tops Hot Rod
My favorite comedy of all time is hundreds of beavers
It was groundbreaking in 2007 if you were in high school. The tone was new. Movies of 1997-2006 didn't feel like that movie, but it was the first to feel that way, even compared to the existent Apatow comedies.
The soundtrack made it feel fresh to younger ears too, plus the cast was geeky enough to relate to
>early 2000s
Can you not count?
It's hard to pass 30 year old Jews off as wholesome everyman teenagers

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reviews are in
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>sell out
Can't emphasize this part enough- yall should poke your heads into your local spirit Halloween and see how much merchandise there is for this shit. Plushies, shirts, life size animatronics- it's crazy how much shit popped up to capitalize on Art as a marketable icon so fucking fast.
We're so back
oh no, someones gonna get dismembered again, how utterly shocking
boo fucking hoo
le scary psycho clown so twisted xD
shart the clown still got nothing on Sid/Spalding

Stinky Sith Pussy.
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>mom has green skin and two big tentacles on her head
>fucks human
>kid just has green hair
Also in the old Canon twi'leeks and humans weren't compatible and couldn't have children so that made them even more wanted as slaves
Boring 3/10 non-character pussy.

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>the name’s Bond, Jane Bond
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Based. All the tranny lovers and mutts replying are seething.
built for BWC
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fake tits...baka desu familia

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Who was in the wrong here?
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jews are too clever to get such tattoos
>what about the Hippocratic Oath? yet you say you'd let me die?
>maybe you should change yours to the hypocritical oath!
>he lets off a wry smile
>heh.. you're not so bad after all...
>I never said that but he did call me a kike I think he's just trying to get me fired
>I never said that
But he did say it. You're talking to people that can't pass the Sally-Anne test.
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Lmao trying to make a point about race but too much of a scared pussy to make an actual hate symbol on his chest. There's a lot to take away from this

>black woman doctor
lol, lmao even. white guy totally operated on him but he just wanted to piss him off. If it was a black woman he'd be dead.

Nazis don't hate black people. That's not their ideaology. That's the KKK. Hitler hates jews, most inferior european races, and the mentally handicapped. Anything of hating blacks, browns, yellows, or reds is a brand new type of racism. Should have been a confederate flag but even that wouldn't be a whole truth since most people who use the dixie flag are just rednecks

>great personal cost
No, she didn't. If anything he's going to be paying bills out the ass and they have the audacity to say it was at THEIR expense. He is the one paying for it. You took an oath to help people. It's literally against everything you're taught to say shit like this. It doesn't matter if it's a pedo, cop killer, KKK, obese leftist, an ugly mutated monster. You fucking do your job.

>Threatening to kill someone when you're a doctor
NOOOOO RACISM IS BAD BUT-...BUT MURDER IS GOOD!!!!!! I can call anyone a name but I wouldn't wish death upon them. He probably had a bad personal experience and it warped him into hateful views. You, by being like this, are leading him down a darker path you fucking cougar-fucking 5/10 generic TV doctor.

>Better place

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Kdrama General - Eugenics Edition

Previous thread >>203654870

Post your favorite kdrama genre
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>most of the rehashed stories and tropes are not done well. Sick of hospital, police, high school, chaebols, serial killas, triangles and quadrangles. Maybe one in 10 now is a good watch
So the exoticism has worn off and you realized that kdrama is like any other form of entertainment, a lot of slop with some perls inbetween
>I do not think that word means what you think it means.
I know you dont know what it means
Go on then explain it to us all and why you think it was used correctly.
>reading the MDL comments

Fat Mistake
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>he needs to taught by others and lacks an inherent desire to seek out knowledge for himself

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What does /tv/ think of this film? Personally I’m a big fan.
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>they don't deserve
They're livestock. That happen to have freaky eyes, human screams, and the occasional preference for upright walking
>in addition to being able to digest most anything
Fuckers were doomed to negative symbolism from the start.
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>Stay away from dark-haired womens with big, brown eyes.
I don’t think that’s even possible.
Dark-haired women with brown eyes are indeed dangerous. Duplicitous and capable of extravagant lies.
Nice, just saw this post. Thanks for the recs anon.
I'm a catholic and I like goats. They're very nice animals. Intelligent but not smart in a "I'M A GENIUS, OH NO" kind of a way.

Calvinists on the other hand? Deftly afraid of goats. Then again Calvinists are the scum of the Earth. Especially the Dutch.

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>Honestly this is disingenuous as fuck
He's playing a character even though he'll deny it
Dude's lived in India for a number of years (it's why he speaks the language) but then he acts like it's his first time in an Indian city
India isn't particularly dangerous. You're not gonna get robbed or murdered by niggers if you walk into the wrong neighborhood. However, as a white man you'll get people constantly pestering you and trying to scam you.
>India isn't particularly dangerous.
as long as you avoid eating or drinking anything there
OK rape you next week

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Lolita is a lovestory about a gullible but caring man that becomes emotionally abused by a young cunning Femme fatale

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