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Why does he hate China so much?
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kek are wumaos still trying to push that one?
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talk about being DROPPED, lmao
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>post yfw you realize that you're white and asian women cant get enough of you colonizing genes
huh so tv likes this guy? but yeah his channel is great

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I get the feeling that even the "in universe" map is lying, and while CA and TX are founders of the western forces,
people and forces from other states ditched the loyalists the moment the conflict started or soon after.
I'm working off the assumption of many /k/ wargame shitposts that say:
>the moment the fed gov fires on american citizens, it's over
>many people working in the armed forces would desert the federal army and join their origin state militia
>others would desert the army just to spite/fight the feds out of principle

The movie mentions (far too little imo) that the prez allowed airstrikes on American civilians and that he is on his third term and that his policies have been excessively authoritarian, if you notice the prez also keeps droning on tv and radio about the upcoming victory of the Loyalists.
So we have a trifecta of
>delusional endsieg spiel
>allusions of extreme authoritarianism
>betrayal of trust of Americans

This combo thus leads me to think that the WF does not only have two states' forces, but many more, from a mix of defectors from other states' forces, and people who cared more about killing a tyrant than fighting for a specific flag
A lot of actors think it's more fun playing the bad guy
wow...! i want to give away my guns, live in the pod, eat the bugs and own nothing now.
I'm clamouring for war here so I can kill my enemies and rape women. People are naturally evil.

Exactly. They even have the gaul to have the younger camerawoman to have camera film instead of digital.

We can see with Ukraine that all of the confronting shit circulating on the internet is vision done by drones, gopro cameras or incidental surveillance cameras.

Journalism is finished except as state approved mouthpieces, no matter the side.

> Druggies think taking drugs and watching cinema can lead to a spiritual experience.

No, you lazy degenerate pseuds. Taking LSD and Watching a Lynch flick or an Asisn flick will not give you enlightenment or any deep philosophical insights. Kek.
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>Thats not even what he said faggot
OP is illiterate
Druggies are retarded subhumans. What else is new?
Yeah, that's a retarded idea. It will, however, make the movie really funny.
>oblivious to the point
>doesn't know he's being made fun of
There's that addict brain rot.
ok, WHO in here did this, and was the experience any different from tripping in some empty lot?

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Would it have made more sense if Daenerys had been played by an impressive, feminine woman instead of a chubby hobbit?
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I wish I was under her while she done this
In the books she actually does breastfeeds her dragons. Yes, that happens.
I don't believe you.
That explains the size…

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Do I dare?
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That's gay, I was hoping it would be rage bait that would make me roll my eyes every episode.
>white right-wings characters are portrayed as sympathetic.
Somehow, I doubt that. Usually shit isn't as pozzed as anons pretend but this one specific thing is never the case.
Those are the same era.
Fucking zoomers pretending to have lived through a lot while just having been on the internet for 5 years tops.
What was this even about?

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>From Director Rose Glass comes an electric new love story; reclusive gym manager Lou falls hard for Jackie, an ambitious bodybuilder headed through town to Vegas in pursuit of her dream. But their love ignites violence, pulling them deep into the web of Lou's criminal family.


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If you go on an online dating app you'll see all of them and realize you don't see them because they're living "whore"-esque lives jumping between men because unlike KStew they weren't molested a bunch as a teenager by Josie Foster

Not that there's proof of that
what if a /tv/ poster was a lesbian
That physique is super clean, impressive.
God I wish I was a lesbian woman. life is so unfair.
You technically can be, if you really wanted to.

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Golly I'm starting to think you guys have a point.
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No its just called having undiagnosed ADHD
this. Ino is best girl
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Unironically midwit take, some people just don't have the means or inclination. Some even resent their genius.
I read it more as "he created them" so they're shitty women. Because even he knows that he can't write females.
I like him because he always stood up for Choji and was a good bro to him

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Can a germanbro explain to me why germans hate themselves so much?
hu hast, du hast mich, du hast mich eine gute bratwurst gemakt und I hab bitte mit senf gesagt
the difference between northern germans and bavarians is larger than the diverence between bavarians and austrians.
Ich habe gekekked
You forgot another type.
4.The Eternal Swabian.

Post 'em

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very nice
That new video of theirs for spit out the bone was so gay it made me drop them
All Nightmare Long was their last gasp of quality
post your obscure videofu

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so what do we think about this?

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Does this really happen outside of fiction? How can I make this happen to me?
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Nope it’s real, that’s how I lost my virginity.
Be funny
fucking hell just post it some cunt
take blood pressure medication
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Today I'm going to ask out that cute retail wagie

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Why has it been memory holed? Did it age poorly?
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Funny, it's probably the show I've re-watched the most other than something like South Park or The Simpsons.
yes but everyone had a reason to be there
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>Kate will never rest her head on your shoulder as you watch a Hawaiian sunset together
It already sorta happened during covid, but the ending being bad kinda prevented it from being truly appreciated by zoomers unlike something like Breaking Bad
It was fucking terrible.

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take me back
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the problem is these fit birds would keep wearing unflattering high-waisted pants despite being in shape

once high-waisted pants start dying we'll know society is healing
This was what was so maddening to me about the era of high-waisted pants, which is thankfully coming to an end.

Like, imagine, you're a fit girl with a great body, and *of course* you want people to want you. When you wear baggy clothes or ultra high waisted pants, you look the same as fat girls in the same clothing. You can't signal "hey I'm hot don't you like it? ;P" in that kind of clothing. But you can do something that fatties can NOT pull off: rock tight clothes and low-rise pants (within some common sense, sure) and look great while doing it, while fatties look awful in it so they either won't even try or will fail miserably. So why the fuck would you NOT do that?!
Agreed but also high-waisted pants just make fatties look fatter, average women fat, and fit women average
I would have desensitized my penis and came blood

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You have a bunch of anons locked up in ONE board
All of em get hard...all of get horny
So what are they gon do?? They won't let em have a woman!
I am just going to have sex with the cutest femanon because gay people are gross and you are gay.
Post furry porn everyday
Male on male rape is much worse than male on female. Women LIKE it. They cum more often than they do from regular sex. It's one of their biggest fantasies. Whereas men will fight to the DEATH to avoid it. Yet guess which one gets sympathy and which gets jokes.

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For me it’s Grand Budapest.
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Doctored how?
The one where she does gay shit with mommy Kate
Sounds hot
wish someone could post the webms, fuckin blue board
Oh, she's a degenerate. Nevermind.

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