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seethe kikenigger
>I love interracial slop, but don't you dare criticize capitalism!
The absolute state
>the reply of a defeated nigger with shit parents who never taught him how to present as white
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>twitter screneshot
>the libeertarian trap
It's hillarious to think that an Amazon show mind broke so many anons.

Retarded thread.

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>On Ohio we ruled with baby gronk rizz and grimace shake rizz. On Gyattis, we need to cultivate skibidi rizz
Shut the fuck up
Speak to my boy like that again and we’re gonna have a problem
I’m not the one you want to fuck with brother

women can't be fu-
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Everyone always says my wife looks exactly like her. Not sure if that's good or bad.
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i saw this woman in real life, from maybe 1.5m after and she looked bizarre. i had never seen a bogged person irl. had a good look at her as we there for a short while
She's on literally every panel show that exists, Nigel
Which means what?

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What movies/TV shows best encapsulate the spirit of the 90s?
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There were zoomers alive in the 90’s you know. We weren’t old enough to remember it, but we were alive.
This is true.
Why do you have to think about stuff like that at all?
The early seasons of The Simpsons captured the atmosphere of the early 90s really well.
what are you gay? of course that's the first thing i think of
Slop photo

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>Keeps getting told that him and his family would be dead if he didn't do x, y, or z constantly throughout the show
I don't know how he managed to live without killing himself out of sheer anxiety
>I don't know how he managed to live without killing himself out of sheer anxiety
Basically, the writers decided that Marty wasn’t going to do that. Does that make sense? So like basicallay if the writers wrote a scene where Marty kills himself, he would’ve killed himself.

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1.Fuck you
2.1980s version was better
3.It starred Toshiro Mifune
4.Disney is fucking cancer and satanic
5.Fuck you

worst issue: Joaquin Phoenix's laugh is so fucking grating, holy shit. You hear it like 50 times throughout the movie and each time it's fucking fingernails on a chalkboard. Anyways the final like 45 minutes of this movie is fucking kino, but the rest is just mopey shit with Joaquin Phoenix acting retarded, doing his stupid fucking laugh and occasionally killing people. But those last 45 minutes are absolutely incredible. From him killing Randall, to fully embracing the Joker persona, to killing Murray, to Bruce's parents dying, to the ending, is just absolutely fucking kino all the way through.

Anyways yeah 7/10 movie just because most of it is Joaquin Phoenix acting retarded, if we're going based on the final 45 minutes, 9/10.
Garbage movie throughout, you have shit taste
did you even see the last 45 minutes
I wish I hadn't

you reckon they should add trigger warnings to X-Files?
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Krycek shows up on season 2 after skelly gets abducted by the japanese military aliens
Nta but the larva/whatever of the flukeman grows into the liver once he’s bitten someone. Now apologize to that anon.
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>Scully what if i told you that the modern term "semen demon" has its root in a creature supposed to have existed in 18th century Massachusetts? Well it did exist and probably still does, because ten people have recently been found dead with raging boners completely drained of their ejaculate. Their cause of death is unknown, as if this "semen demon" sucked the literal life out of them. What's interesting is that these victims were found exactly as the victims of 1785 were, even down to the tiniest detail! I know this since a Doctor Coomer out of Boston described it as such in his 1784/85 journal, even complete with illustrations similar to the photos that were taken of the crime scene!
Why the fuck did the revival have to be so fucking dogshit. What a wasted opportunity. CC shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near it

I think Day of the Dead (2008) is a decent zombie flick. What do you think of it?
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Warm Bodies (2013) is the best zombie movie and the best Romeo and Juliet movie ever made.
I'll check it out
I think George R Romero SUCKS
I didn't hate it. Probably would have been better if it was it's own movie and didn't pretend to be a remake.

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My man, you are literally ME.

I never got into Falout, because I fucking HATE Retrofuturism.

The old outdated shitty graphics and styles of the 60s blended with archaic looking futuristic technology and landscapes looks ugly and drab.

I much prefer cyberpunk if something is going to be futuristic.

I fucking hate Fallout.
because its shit

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what the FUCK was his problem?
he put the pussy on a pedestal.

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>oh my God! Father MacGuire!
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>eh two pints; two pints of milk

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Now you belong to heaven. And the stars spell out your name. And it seems to me you lived your life. Like a midge in the wind
FOUR R2D2s!?
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Never knowing whose ankles to cling to
When the rain set in
How cruel that they would bring 2 more dwarfs into the world. Couldn’t they fucking adopt or something selfish cunts

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>has better CGI than most movies
The fuck happened here? The swamp monster is a highlight
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Fuck this shill
that scene with him flying like hes ironman is so disillusioning. also weird how the ghoul doesnt kill him instantly despite easily killing 3 of them in the last episode due to a flaw in their armor that he already knew about.
it triggered ya, didn't it, shweaty?
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Better CGI than most movies.. Young agent cooper disagrees.
It was notably better than most MCU films with higher budgets. Not perfect but better. Probably gave them enough time and money.

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Why were kids sitcoms so horny? Like seriously this was considered "kids friendly" back then.
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Go away.
that is kid friendly though - a kid sees this and thinks "nice"
>this is not sexual because muh reasons
>t. anons who have not seen this episode or the dance sequence
Because this show was designed for teenage boys.
Reminder that Jade married the producer she met on that show

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