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what went so wrong?
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No one cares about your feelings.
>Uematsu is the most overrated square composer
Nah Uematsu is great and FF9 is easily one of the top Final Fantasy sountracks.
4 party members, too much for the PSX so battles were sluggish all the time.

Fairy tale asthetics and characters that did not resonate with people who loved 7 or 8.

No one is really memorable except Vivi.

Games always forces party members on you, like its scared to give you some actual freedom.
>characters that did not resonate with people who loved 7 or 8.
Fwiw, FF9's characters are different from most of the series up to that point. The only one that even comes close is FF6 and that's just because the cast was so huge. Imagine FF6 except with only Relm, Gau, Umaro, Shadow, and Cyan but instead of Cyan's silly distrust of machines being a little comic relief in a scene here or there it's a source of major interpersonal conflict over and over and over again. (All of Cyan's good traits went to Freya).
The moral of the thread is this, the Final Fantasy games are relatively "okay" at conveying their message - while it is FFIX that is total, and extreme in it's message. Zidane's words have stuck with me throughout my life, and have impart a truely good moral upon the youth who played it. You don't need a reason to help people.

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What the fuck, why didn't anyone tell me these were RPG's and not adventure games? Avoided them for years since I looked at screenshots and it looked like Point and Click garbage, and then I recently had a friend recommend it to me and realized I was wrong.
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get aids and die
It's a PnC adventure game with RPG elements, a hybrid if you will. Point and Clicks are fun anyway, Space Quest is an awesome series.
They're not. Simply very rare hybrids where both parts play equal roles.
2, 3, and 4 are kino but also try Quest for Glory 4 1/2

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those were the days

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How does BG2's "continue playing as your BG1 MC" thing work? Is it worth installing BG1 and grabbing all the BiS equipment for my character?

Enhanced Edition btw, Beamdog did such a great job with this remake. :)
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I watched a glitchless speedrun of BG1 and he beat Sarevok in 43 mins. Now I just feel stupid of spending so much time doing quests and leveling up my character.
>Now I just feel stupid of spending so much time doing quests and leveling up my character.
Did you have fun playing the game?
Do you think that you would have had more fun if you had not played the game and then just "ticked it off on your list" in under an hour?
I have this problem of trying to min/max the game where I can't have fun.
>I have this problem of trying to min/max the game where I can't have fun.
I sympathize to a degree. Do you find ruthless min/maxing fun? Or do you want to play normally but you feel compelled to min/maxing. The whole idea is to play in the way that you find the most enjoyable.
For a middle ground, I would suggest trying to impose roleplaying constraints on yourself, and then trying to optimize within those constraints, but keeping roleplaying first and munchkin cheese second, at least for easy games like BG. There's other games where the point is build autism and min/maxing.
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>cucks you 3 times

No wonder you like her.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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It plays like any other 1 hour jam game.

If anything, I'd say it lacks the mindfuckery and general horror of his previous titles.

On the subject of censorship and gatekeeping, he is preaching to the choir. Right? We all roll our eyes at the caring Karens and negative Nancys. But what if their hyperbole was a legitimate concern? What if some perceptual fields are taboo for a reason and we should be weary of giving people a taste of something that's too sacred, too addicting, too transformative.
Some audiences shouldn't be appealed to, or encouraged.

I feel I've brought this up before in context to some RM horror game.
But that's essentially the plot of Salvador Sanz's "Legion". In which an artist becomes a global sensation after inventing a new color called "Ultrabad". A color that isn't meant to be seen. Simultaneously, a musician plays a melody that shouldn't be heard. A sculptor creates a form that shouldn't be shaped.
Their craft summons hell on earth. Like flowers attracting bees; these shapes, colors, and sounds attract demons that want "moar" and they know how to "inspire" and cultivate the dreaded experiences necessary to propagate it.
>Torrent where?
Hmmm... maybe I could put it up on a torrent website. To help promote the game...
Any suggestions on where? It's not something I'm familiar with.

>he made game, have to respect that
Thank you. T_T

>I hope you got your cyanide pill ready.
I'm Muslim, suicide is never an option.

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Why are the proportions waaaay off?
Seethe and cope, loser. Try making a game sometime
That's not really a problem.

If anything, this game is notably different because you're playing as someone other than Salik.

There are a few things that bug me. The CEO antagonizing Salik is something we've seen before. I'd say he's character is at risk of flanderization. Except that only applies to complex characters.
Using Alisa as a point-of-view character was a missed opportunity to develop his character without him devolving into cartoon villain mania.

Same thing with Sigma. He's becoming a one-trick pony. Speaking in rhetorical questions and proverbs that don't go anywhere.
I like how Alisa is like "Get to the point" and he summarizes "....it's a place to devalues someone's right opinion".
But this line of reasoning doesn't go anywhere.

Alisa should have grabbed him by the collar like "Who are you talking about? What do you know?" Drag him into a closet to interrogate him "WHERE IS SALIK?"
And how Sigma reacts to this is important characterization.

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You did play last month's sovlfvl Eastern European turn-based RPG, right anon?
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>no tabletop game with Józef minigame
what the fuck happened with this thread, 100 replies of schizoposting
First a game dev had a meltdown over the success of RPG Maker games because hir own game failed, then Black Souls was insulted and cultists had another meltdown.
feldikek game dev tried to shill his game instead of buying an ad, to the disappointment of many anons

realizing his ruse was up, he false flagged schizo posting in this thread to try to make his position look more reasonable
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This is by far the sanest thread on /vrpg/.

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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
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I accept your consession.
>Nigger devs add retard mechanics like addiction, reduced effects unless meeting conditions, scaling to current status, scaling to current stats, inversed scaling for healing item, potions of health harm bad people
>Why haven't you touched your cursed potion of health anon?
Sounds kino. Consequences add fun to decision making.
>player will simply refuse to use consumeables no matter what.
That's me. Consumables are money makers to buy items that make my character better without consumables.
Damn, the respawning shit sounds harsh. I guess that's where the game gets its reputation jxyd

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You didn't beat the game if you cucked out to the Supreme Court.
You didn't beat the game if you weren't bros with Petr or Serge.
You didn't beat the game if you paid Rumburg reparations.

Genocide all Bluds. Women's Rights "Movement" should be back to the kitchen. Throw Arcasian and United Contana traitors into Antel Rock. That is all.
>Dogs of the AMS
>Time they made a move

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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>Dragon's Dogma II is currently the most demanding game ever released.
>Its not even in the top 10 best looking
RE engine was a fucking mistake.
add in some more vibrant colors and its easily the best looking rpg to date on a technical level

Capcom should work on a good denoiser for the path tracing already present (but hidden away)
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Feels like graphics are evolving backwards.
The npcs of the those games are nothing alike
Also W3 doesnt have RT
The performance issues have nothing to do with the graphics and this is well established at this point. I get a stable 30fps at 1080p with a 1070, and almost 60 outside of cities. It’s the stupid shit they did with NPCs that probably sounded cool while they were developing the game, but clearly didn’t impact gameplay or the player’s experience very much because no one even noticed what it’s doing.

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After over 20+ years, how is Morrowind still so fucking good? Even though it's obviously inferior to modern day TES games I still feel like it's refreshing to going back to a DnD dice rolling tier combat system. You don't have to worry about actual combat you just swing your weapon at your enemy like a retard, and I love it.
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I played this as a kid, and in the past 13 years I've beaten it multiple times with different builds without any mods even. This game aged, but its systems are timeless and fun.
In comparison, I played Skyrim for a lot of time, and then never picked it up again. I wanted to make a video about these two and can't get myself to play Skyrim again. I started a second Morrowind playthrough for the video before even getting to Skyrim.
Morrowind's early game is offputting sometimes even as someone who loves the game. It doesn't hit its stride until level 5 or 6 when you've got some decent equipment and a few good spells so random bandits don't shank you in 2 hits.
20? Dude in 200 years they will still be remarking on morrowind and its greatness.
Also in 200 years they'll be wondering why all thier attacks miss.
Maybe they will remake it but its gonna be casual garbage.
In 200 years we'll get to enjoy the full release of TR

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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Replaying monster rancher 2-4 to get ideas for my mon raising game.
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I pretty much stopped caring about Pokemon after gen 8, but still decided to check out Pokerogue after seeing it on Youtube.
And holy fuck is it addicting. Team building and the sense of progression are great.
It's a shame that I don't think this is possible with anything else. This game basically is able to have 1000+ monsters and a very flexible combat system for basically free, without all the hassle of making new designs or mechanics for something original. I don't even think any other pre-existing mon franchise would fit into this format, even if I wish they could.
I got Nexomon Extinction a while ago and I hate it.
>I don't even think any other pre-existing mon franchise would fit into this format, even if I wish they could.
What about siralim?
I was mainly thinking about non-indie games when saying that. Stuff like Digimon, Yo-Kai Watch, SMT, etc.
Siralim already has randomized elements, from dungeon layout to letting wild stuff be randomized after a certain point. Siralim probably could work, but I also think it has a lot of mechanical bloat and I just wouldn't find randomizing that even further to be unappealing, personally.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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for archiveofourown
so the idea here would be for the "MainScene" node to always be instanced? if you want to load a new area or something similar you have to swap the "GameWorld" scene with another right?
the way I personally do it, I just have the scene as a child of the main node (with the main node having the main logic and camera/ui)
so when changing rooms, just delete that node and instantiate the other one without needing to swap the entire scene
That's how I would go about it, yeah. If you were to take the same approach as >>3470283, the camera and UI should probably be in the GameWorld scene, or at least siblings of it.
I might fiddle around with that sometime.
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Anon that first asked about the borders here, I have been messing with this anon's project >>3470113
This worked much better than I expected, making the Scene Manager use the "GameWorld" scene instead of the "current_scene" didnt cause any real problems, the scenes with UI elements and 3D elements didnt break either
btw I just now realized that anon updated the project with an scene manager
anyways thanks to all the anons that helped with the borders project

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Kusokino is back on the menu boys
Yo this looks like hot garbage
Oh it says bonDs. I thought it read something else from the thumbnail. What a retarded logo.
But its from wholesome 100 japan though!!!!
That means its good!
a thread on GayFags about this game says it's one of the worst ARPG's ever made

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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Man this is seriously addictive. The combat feels great and I love running around exploring at sanic speed mowing everything down. The characters even yell at you if you stand still too long.
Yeah Ys is like distilled fun. The games are better played after you played other bigger names in the action/rpg genre because that's when you appreciate what they are trying to do and your expectations are more realistic. That's just my opinion.
Great game yeah
>The games are better played after you played other bigger names in the action/rpg genre
There aren't any other good ones so I wouldn't. Like I love Ys, but I'd rather eat an entire 5 gallon bucket of broken glass than play kingdom hearts or TWEWY for even 5 minutes.
As an update, I'm like 10 hours into this so far and still enjoying the game. Its like the perfect ARPG, the exploration is very well designed, the combat is great, and the story is like a combination of Lost and Jurassic Park.

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these guys are a threat to democracy
This is the only jrpg that I like
Did you know wakka is only 23 yrs old in ffx? Auron is also only 30.
I think the big titty goth chick was like 20
Auron is 35

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Is it possible to combine the immersive first person world of TES with the turnbased combat of Baldur's Gate 3? Is such a thing even possible?...yes it is.
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uhh... thats the point
And the point of first person in this game, according to you, was immersion which immediately goes out the window due to that.
It would've been better to just stick to one. M&M did it better and its games are decades old.
the point is first person immersion for exploration and traditional isometric crpg combat.
You are just being needlessly contrarian now.
Looks pretty good and like something my potato laptop could run.
I'm interested.
Has anyone tried the early access tho?
Should have just copied dungeon crawler combat like grimrock or EO

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