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Do you prefer gameplay-focused or story-focused JRPGs, /vrpg/?
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>Automata is 100% ludokino
lol, lmao even
Remake's animations weird me out.
It tries going for these outrageous or theatrical scenes and no one fucking emotes.
When the gameplay is repetitive and the stories are forgettable, how can I choose?
And is there a point playing this genre at all if the game doesn't do both to its utmost level of mediocrity? Their real strengths are the artwork and music.
i'm glad that paper jam is finally getting the recognition it deserves!
no it isn't

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When did you grow out of jrpgs?
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The creation of this meme is far worse than any JRPG I've ever played. Absolutely no class or wit. Saged, and I hope you're entire blood line suffers.
I appreciate that, and I'm sure you're right. Now I'd just like to play something similar to ffx, with all those traits (jrpg, 3d, AAA), but made in the last 10 years. 5 years for bonus points. As far as I know, the only game like that is a chinese gacha cell phone game...
Yukiko is better than Chie
Can't believe it's not up there yet.
Download the trial from DLsite then patch it (use DeltaPatcher if need be) to full v1.3.0 with

So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
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As were Shepard, Joker and Garrus. until the goddamn Indoctrination fucking started to occur
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why is it so hard for people to understand the entire ME trilogy became, due to EA bullshit causing a constant cascade of firings and hirings, an unintentional Exquisite Corpse written by hundreds of people who didn't talk to each other and/or actively hated each other and attempted to change fundamental plotlines others previously started? "Credits" means "Who gets the money" (carrie fisher didn't get any writing money for Star Wars even though she rewrote half the dialogue of the first movie.)

I knew gamers were dumb as shit with zero sense of how mega corps actually function, but goddam we've had 2 or 3 of these threads every day for 10 years, haven't you gotten it by now?

I'm surprised literally anything makes any sense by the third game at all.
>btw the catalyst is the kid in the grey sweater, who was never real.
>aka Satan tempts Jesus at the Garden
Satan tempted Christ in the desert actually.
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>and ME3 happened right when EA bought out Bioware
That is completely wrong.
EA bought Bioware on October 11, 2007. (or rather Bioware's owners VG Holding Corp.)
That is before even ME 1 was released (Nov 20, 2007)
ME2 began development with EA owning Bioware.
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No, what bullshit version of the Bible have you been reading these retcons from? Satan actually tempted Jesus Christ inside the Citadel, whilst it was parked about 120,000 miles above what is now modern day London. Then the Citadel exploded into 6 bajjion tiny pieces iirc, right? All according to God's plan probably, nobody said anything about a desert

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a picture that speaks volumes
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someone should edit the super mutant and enclave trooper into the first/second panel and have it match the style of the other characters, it looks like a sloppy edit with them just floating behind the hills. also the enclave trooper is layered over the thumbs up.
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a picture that speaks volumes
source for the last panel? I'm interested in that sweet trench coat model
Fallout 4 is a fun game, although now that I've played it heavily modded I don't think I can go back. But the story sucks so much ass. Your choices are essentially 3 different flavours of opinions on Sythns-except throughout the game you're heavily encouraged to at worst take a "they're weird, and the institute are bad, but they don't deserve to be liquified" stance. The fate of the Commonwealth feels completely unaffected; you'd think the Minutemen want to build an NCR-esque nation with the Commonwealth Provisional Government taking off, maybe even with it being influenced by which secondary faction you side with, but no.

In New Vegas, you feel like you are in an actual "post-post apocalypse" world, even if it is littered with typical "the bombs fell last week" shantyshit. The factions are extremely fleshed out and interesting, they make sense within the world, and through quests you feel their influence on the world grow, shrink, or change. In Fallout 4 every single faction has either just shown up recently or is notably foreign to the area, so it just feels hollow.

Like I said, I found fallout 4 fun but I just wish it had a more satisfying ending.
Lmao good one

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Just here being a franchise that will never be good again, don't mind me.
Also fuck SFC forums.
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The MC is actually kinda mediocre until late game when he gets some absurdly strong swords.
Meanwhile during the early game he suffers from the lack of equipment. He starts with a middle sword and doesn't get to upgrade it until chapter 4, almost halfway through the game.
Like another anon said, level 15+ before promoting a character.
Maybe look up the unrecruited characters if you're worried about missing them. Otherwise it's pretty easy to go into blind.
I see, I'm Dr. Casey if you remember me. 20 years ago I'd have been a dumb 16 year old. But yeah, SFC was pretty ugly in the mid to late 2000s. The place is more mellow now.
promote when you start finding equipment for promoted characters
don't listen to any guides, they're written by retards that retreat from battles to grind. meaning they play the game wrong. you're not supposed to grind in a fucking srpg
Different poster. I was never a big poster or anything, but I remember you.

Am I supposed to jump through each character's story as I meet them, or is it better that I finish them one by one? Right now I'm just kinda wandering aimlessly through the map.
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you do catch up very quickly though. the xp rewards curve really hard.
What about the JP?
They were thinking
>Filthy white piggu will see this in a trailer think its cute and buy our game.
>By the time white piggu figure out how bad it is we will make big profit
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Thanks guys. I've picked Agnea and I'm traveling to the east picking up whoever I find, so far I've picked up Partitio and Hikari. Both of their stories feature their best friend being a traitor... surely this isn't a pattern?
It could be better, but I don't dislike how it looks.

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I always go with Imperial, they seem more reasonable
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Ahhhh so youre a Christian, makes sense.
i go w neither.
i mod the game so i can just run around open world with shouts & kill hordes of zombies.
bethesda would do themselves a service if they just quit making main quests and build elaborate faction quests instead. never understood the appeal of playing through someone else's story.
I go with Stormcloaks for two reasons

1. I think that the Empire is finished, trying to hold it together when it's pretty much a lackey of the Elves now is just pointless. It's a sinking ship, so keeping Skyrim in is like trying to keep the Titanic afloat by filling up bottles of water and throwing it overboard
2. As a citizen of a small country which was colonised by a superpower, I can't justify compelling an unwilling nation into being part of an Empire its people don't want to be a part of
Skyrim, the only game brave enough to have a conversation about the struggle between Rome-lovin' civilizational chuds and Vargtard chud savages that simp for vikangz.
Depends on the character, there's room for roleplaying on both sides, and it can depend on simply what your character is and what they happen to encounter. A dunmer mage meeting Winterhold's jarl may be swayed against stormcloaks, and so on. This part of Skyrim is underappreciated IMO

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The remake of this guy just game out, so we're having a DRPG thread.
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How's the translation? I'll pick it up if it's not too fruity.
The first star can't be for fully revealing tiles, I have it for maps where I still haven't explored lots of tiles. Maybe it's for when you've picked up all the chests? I also have a star for the "Forest's Treasure" map in Witch's Forest even though I've never visited it yet.
yeah but there's an English option in the menus that translations stuff (outside of names)
On the PC version, ss there an in-game option to switch text language, or do you need to do it through Steam?
i don't see any language option on main menu, probably need to set it up on steam

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Are there certain in-game organizations or structures that you find very cozy? I really like the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout games, and it gives me the same feeling as the Jedi Temple in Knights of the Old Republic games. I also like the Heroes Guild in Fable. What similar thing do you like in other games?
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Unironically, Balamb Garden
I don't know who at Bethesda is responsible for the creating their worlds, interiors, exteriors, assets and their designs, item placement, but they do an amazing job. Skyrim might be their masterpiece.

Few games have me stopping to really take in the surroundings so often. Exploring ruins with a torch in hand, the aurora borealis and floating torchbugs when traveling the roads at night, or listening to a song about Alduin's defeat at a tavern by the fire. I can't believe they made a huge world feel so hand-crafted, like every location was specifically created to be a promotional picture lol.

Hard to name a game that's more pleasing to eyes and ears than Skyrim, really.
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>Crosbell. Home.
Fake state for faggots with no culture who think they deserve the luxurious benefits of fence sitting between two superpowers but aren't willing to pay their taxes for that right. Escalated a cold war because of their hubris. Had to be annexed so the imperials could purge the corruption. Fuck em
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I really think you should kill yourself.
>Learning skills that will carry you through life as a merc
>The prize winning hot dogs at lunch time
>Learning to drive
>Playing chicken with that fucking giant chicken lizard in the training ground
>Finding love at the Garden Festival
>Starting a student petition to retract the Random rule from your region

Man those were the days

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Who's hyped for another playthrough?
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>install "next-gen" update
>start new game
>crash to desktop while running to vault with wife and baby

YEP, they still didn't fix weapon debris crash bug with NVIDIA cards just as I expected. Back to "last-gen" game with mods that fixes all the problems that this update does not. This is a low effort attempt to get some creation store bux from people that recently tuned into Fallout because of the TV series. I guess the NPCs will slurp this shit up and consume. Maybe some will learn to not trust these companies and never spend a cent on this shit in the future.
next-gen didn't phase me.
then again, i don't play w f4se or anything like that.
kind of sad that they screwed over fallout: london, though.
todd being todd, lol.
Damn it I was hoping I would get more Enclave to kill. I was really really enjoying it and they scaled to my level so I almost had to try to kill them. I dont even get random attacks by them on my settlments because that kight actually test shit ive been building for all these years
does anyone actually care?

Also how many times does Bethesda want to reboot the series?
3 was a soft reboot of 1
4 was a soft reboot of 1

4 could even be salvaged if you removed everything regarding the Synths and the Institute.

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>Adolf Hitler canonically was a Persona-user according to P2

What would his Persona have been? Also, what other historical figures do you think would have had Persona powers?
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I don't think so, he specifically refers to THAT Hitler. The implication being he's referring to the one running around now. The wording is weird and calls attention to it, as if there's an anomaly but one that he's not about to reveal to you under his master's orders.
>now you remember meme about Mussolini getting spooked by Hitler rambling
>National socialism was about the jews
Go back to middle school
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Talk to the shadow.
>What would his Persona have been?
Fairy of course

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>RPG rewards you for clearing it the wrong way
What are more games for this feel?
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I mean its pretty generic but I am not sure if its quite as obnoxious as Nu Fire Emblem is, though that could just be a matter of aesthetics/presentation. Originally I thought it was cool/refreshing that Alain was actually just a human(in comparison to Nu Fire Emblem protags all being dragons and shit like that) but after beating the game that might not entirely be the case I guess as this anon points out >>3468380
Exactly. Which means this game is NTR. But their fans are in denial.
netori is fine, actually.
i dont really know shit about this game but i've seen ntr called on less
that said seems like this one is a bit of a reach
>Go to marshes
>Recruit best green magic user
>Do not use her against the Hydra so it dies and does not give birth
>Get her sister killed while fighting the dwarves
>Basically make her miserable and the whole questline a failure
>Get her level 7 tech and a great weapon for her
Razzly had a hard life... if you wanted her to.

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I don't use this board at all I just want to remind everyone that Cloud Strife was never meant to be some faggot queer pretty boy, he was initially marketed as a sincere badass and ONLY THEN years later did Square decide to double down on making him into a prissy sissy homo.
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Did you know in Japanese clouds name is “Kuraudo” and Barrett’s name is “Bullet” ?
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I like him better this way.
>I don't use this board at all
><generic AAA game thread>
Please return to not using this board. We have enough like you.
By the looks of it Aerith does too.
>I suck dicks only one hour of the whole day!

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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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So how many of you guys brought the Gravelyn bank pet? I'm tempted but 2k ac is still 2k ac, that's a lot.
Does it do anything aside from being a bank? I'll probably use the AC I have on Legion Revenant.
You can't buy Legion Revenant silly
Don't you need AC to unlock the quest for it?
You need to be part of the legion if that's what you mean

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I played a woman who fucked everyone that moved. I fucked Big Nose Jenny. I fluffed at New Reno. I Became a Porn Star. I even fucked Metzger to save 500 caps before I killed him.
I think, ironically, the only person I didn't have sex with in Fallout 2 was Myron, because it wasn't listed as a dialogue option.
What /d/ fetish do you think Myron has? My bet is timestop.
You'd think so, but.. naaah.
its almost certainly Futa.

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