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A thread for posting about and sharing obscure RPG's you've played and want to discuss or mention on the off chance someone here has played it too, or goes and tries it out. Can be anything from licensed and published games, to fan-made modules for other games, to shareware, to full on indie titles.

Post'em if you got'em.
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Eschalon games are too well-known.
DL link?
Rage of Mages?

I was never able to play it lol. I saw it once in a thread like this, tried to download it, but it kept crashing.
forgot pic

I heard a schizo theory a very long time ago that every Final Fantasy is actually meant to be satirical, and since then it's stuck with me so much that I can't help but feel like there's some truth to it. Please tell me I'm not alone here.
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1 and 4? Run it down for me.
The dev lore I’ve heard is that sakaguchi intended for final fantasy to be his last game before retiring but it was so successful that the execs ordered a sequel. He was checked out so he phoned in FFII not intending for it to be successful, but it ended up being another hit. Each time a sequel was ordered the team (under sakaguchi’s guidance) would make it more absurd than the previous installment. This culminated with FFIV in which the party travels to the moon on a flying whale. If it’s is true then I’d guess they probably realized they had something special and decided for take it seriously around FFVI or VII.
1 as a satirical take on Ultima

4 is a satirical take on the previous 3 entries

That's the Qest RD I can give you.
ITT: people who don't know what satire is
Satire is when I say I want to fuck your mom, but the audience knows I'm lying because she's a hambeast

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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Saying this to Janice is very justified. She has a thong up her ass at all times and probably gets very sweaty from her fights. She's gonna get drippy dirty ass juice all over that chair.

Anon stop youre making me wish I was her seat
And i dont say shit like that lightly or often
>Replaying Lavie's route for fun
>Get curious about Love Grand Magic, if it even exists
>Turns out it makes you invincible
I wonder if there's anyone who beat the final boss of her route by using it instead of the intended way.
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it's an absolute lifesaver if you are replaying her route multiple times for reasons like playtesting
takes a little bit of finagling on when to pop it and to not get interrupted by thunder balls fucking up the gauge but boy is it better than doing it normally
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If I'm going that route with the fight I just go for wind instead. The Love gem's only level 5 in her route and doesn't reach level 6 until after that fight in the hidden route, so you only get to flex it there on a replay after full clearing the game.
You should try Despair Great Magic too while you're at it.

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The series exploded even in normie sphere and there's a lot of expectations on the franchise.
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That was one of the least retarded things he did. Maximus almost feels like he was written to be an idiot:
>Fucks up his power armor
>Fucks it up again by destroying the radio even when it fails to achieve anything
>Instantly goes to crush his squire even though he just was buddy-buddy with him and he didn't say that he was against him, only that the BoS wouldn't like his explanation
>Almost kills an entire community by stealing the power core
>Beats up and possibly kills an innocent guard because he is too rash and can't listen
>Instantly breaks under peer pressure and rats out Lucy to the BoS
>Fails to learn from previous rash fuck-ups and frees the big bad, almost gets skull crushed in return
I'm not even a chud (I didn't mind black elves in LotR), but this guy is a fucking moron.
>can some enlightened soul please explain it to me in layman terms?
Sequel bait.
I don't get why that's bad. Why must everyone black character on tv be white on the inside. Why can't you just have a dumb black military guy. I actually like his character for being that. Just a selfish retard who can't think 2 moves ahead. That's an accurate representation of a good part of the population.
you make a good point, most people probably exaggerate how smart or successful they would be under pressure, like they would never make a mistake, and it's easy for us in hindsight to say "what a retard" when he does something stupid, which he does A LOT in this show, like his entire character is fucking up and it's weird... but still, it's like he lacks even the basics of being "normal", like he's borderline retarded/autistic. our society is cursed.
It's Fallout. He's clearly a Low INT/CHA, high END/LUC

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A thread to discuss our investments, political decisions and suffering of human children.
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>Missed the easily missable party member
>Lost the tank lady, thought it was scripted
I am really thinking about doing it all over again but I'm really far in. Second visit to the hobbit kingdom to be exact
If it makes you feel any better, neither are are all that good in battle (though the Elf does help in a bunch of wars and some quests).
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Genuinely one of my favorite games, not because it's the best game ever made, but because I think it's the closest game to the ideal dream game people always warn you not to make when you first open rpg maker.

Balia best girl btw.
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>Robin in the bottom tier
>Altina isn't
Robin is kind of an annoying asshole that doesn't have any interesting dynamics with the rest of the cast and is just there to keep Riala's seat warm as the mage of the operation.
Also she is way too overtuned in combat and is legit the strongest party member to the point she makes a lot of the combat kinda boring, specially thanks to her absolutely disgusting synergy skill with Qum.

Altina is an underdog that's only there to make Robin look better, so I want to root for her out of pure contrarianism.

Any game genre or series infographics?
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grandia 2 sucks ass
in 2001-2004 was a good game.
cool one, I never seen this one.
this is out of date now
The verbiage for 1 would slightly change, as would the platforms 1/2/3 are available on. Incredibly minor.

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Fear and Hunger, Morrowind, Planscape Torment, Baldurs Gate.. any other RPGs with cool pantheons of deities?
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The only issue with Elden Ring as a pantheon is that all the other gods outside the Greater Will are so untouched in the story that you can't really talk about them as a pantheon.

But it's basically Greek Mythos in terms of the exploits of the demigods and Zeus/Radagon cheating on/divorcing Hera/Rennala with mortals/Extremely Complex Masturbation.
Why are you saying they’re gross and horrible like that’s a bad thing?
i dont get it neither, thats the cool part. like Demiurge world
The fact that they aren’t talked about is the cool part
Yeah but that just means there's not much to say about them either.
The mystery of them is cool, but we've got nothing but the mystery.

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What are the earliest permanent party member deaths in RPGs, J or W? I was just playing Phantasy Star II and I figure there has to be some in games from before March 1989.
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I don't know what a W RPG is. LIke, Witcher 3 and Skyrim and Mass Effect? Barely RPGs?
Shit thread, OP. Learn to ask a question that seeks a definite object.
You don't know what a C RPG is either because it only means "computer RPG", as opposed to "tabletop".
Sorry anon :(
All I want are named pre-defined party members dying in RPGs
No, as opposed to console games with RPG elements, action RPGs, SRPGs, jRPGs, and other hybrids. I'm hoping to slowly educate you kids about clarity in posting though.

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>NCR's capital nuke 4 years before New Vegas
>NCR remnants destroyed in last episode (based, fuck taxes)
>The Blassed (Based + Blessed) Enclave still alive
>according to Todd 'Kino-Troll' Howard all this is canon
New Vegas officially decanonised, can't wait for its remaster plus

>trash everywhere, even in the inhabited places
>ruin houses, even the ones with alive people in
>skeletons everywhere, even in places with alive people
Total Bethesda Win.

How this make you feel, Falloutbros?
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There are a lot of people who need the things they want to be relatable. They need it to show things from their own lives.
WIth Fallout 3 you at least still had the West Coast as proven by New Vegas, but now they've just given the Force Awakens treatment to the whole setting
have you considered that for most people, using grammatical features of the english language isn't some herculian feat and is in fact done subconciously?
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Todd's time in the chess club really paid off. He managed to frame all criticism of the show's asspulls as coming from canon worshipping grognards simply by dangling the carrot of the NCR as a polity still existing off screen. What's more he managed to recycle the plot "find daddy" plot of fallout 3 while depicting all male characters as buck broken and pussy whipped fools, a clear "fuck you" to the main viewing demographic. We didn't know how good we had it before hand. This is Todd's ultimate revenge for all the criticism lobbed at him.
That'd explain why you started your sentence with a lower case letter.

Daggerchuds Rise Up!

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Into the trash it goes
Morrowind is the best game in the series. Daggerfall is dogshit.
Customized spells and verticality count for a lot imo. I wouldn't be swinging fron their nuts like zooms but they are features that always puzzled me that they didn't expand upon properly. Practicing jump skill goes a long way and this type of verticality vacated the fps environmet until you cp2077 put it back slightly. Vertical design is just harder but i think worthwhile in the feel of the scope. Still almost rather play a df vampire than any others with rooftop jumping and custom fireballs etc.
Agree about verticality. That is a large part of why DN3D was my favorite FPS at the time. That and I bought a couple .wad CDs for it providing hundreds of custom made levels back when dial-up was awful and dling took forever.
The one custom map of someone's apartment complex and the music was a MIDI of Robert Miles' "Children" and it was just called piano.mid

No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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She just wants pumpkin (runner)
I wanted to give this game a try because of cool looking setting, but the sluggish combat really was drying my interest. I stopped shortly after reaching the third sphere. Maybe I should give it another go?
install the skip time mod
Women aren't believable heroes, simple as. FemShep, female Courier, female Revan etc - all just men with tits.

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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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Get lucky with Weak Stab lol. Try to focus on her since the adds are not as dangerous.
In Dungeon Travelers, I am curious how Ruri's natural skill Follow-Up Kick interacts with Fighter's Double Attack and Samurai's Triple Attack. Is it even worth putting any points into Double/Triple attack?
in the PC/vita release of DT1 that passive also works with single hit moves like freeze slash, Ruri will get the best results with dark lord as a consequence. The double/triple passive skills aren't that superb, but Luco in 2-2 can get a respectable power boost from them because of her shadow.
I had a feeling that Ruri would probably do better as a Dark Lord. Thank you for the info
Barrage of course is still good on Kunoichi since normal attacks are better than scrolls for most of the game in terms of damage. And don't underestimate Kunoichi normal attacks since her AGI is so high that she can outdamage even Samurai and Dark Lord at various stages of the game.

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Post your favorite/hated chink rpg, I am really liking "a hero road to passion"
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Fine. I like A hero adventure, and I like the fact that it has a suprisng ammount of roleplaying options, and different paths to choose, but something (especially to what is basically Disgaea open world). But I don't like is how fucking obtuse things can be, and it can be even more confusing to navigate large cities, due to things kinda blending. Also, pretty weird that there isn't a character maker
I just don't know about this game. I've played it for 20 hours on hard and it's kind of fun but really tedious most of the time. The translation being worse than the average weg doesn't help.
I'm pretty fond of Wander Hero. The production values are low and the translation is terrible (and the writing probably sucked to begin with,) but it has fun combat mechanics. I also generally just like games where the player is given an overarching objective to achieve and is largely left to their own devices regarding how to pursue it.
>roguelike deckbuilder

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>write an aboslute killer post
>our system things this post is spam, try again later

uh, okay, well uh, here's a better post for you, uh, hey guys how come uh, how come the witcher 1 is so underrated? it's 80 hours of content and only like 5% of it is filler
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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
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Only region outside of Japan that got the International re-release version were the EU since they waited to get the game, which also uses PAL standards(50-Hz). Its been over 20 years now so there's probably a fan translation of the Japanese version.
Thank you both. I'll probably end up playing the ntsc-j version then if there are english subs. I can handle a little japanese, so I think I'll be able to answer the questions asked in the beginning
>play games until the sequel is released
Literally nobody ever. Why are zoomers so fucking retarded? Most good games last 30-100 hours.
>release date 2001
Wtf anon?
literal retard. Why are you on an rpg forum when you don't like rpgs? FFX is THE rpg. There is no criticism to give other than nitpicking

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