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Tries too hard, like PoE's. Winds up feeling like a generic mess.
Overly colourful and too much like WoW.
>non-combat gameplay
Single-player MMO.
Actually not bad.
Pretty fun power fantasy.
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I remember one thing from that game. Well, two.
Nah, it still has more soul than any of the Bathesda slop. That isn't much, but it sure is more than fucking FO4
Having more "soul" than Fallout 4 doesn't put you above mid.
What's so soulful about it?

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>4 threads on this board shilling Morrowind
>has been like this since the board came to be
>try it
>gameplay is lietrally just pressing one button over and over again

Is this game made for actual retards? Is that why 4chan loves it so much?
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Wow, a compass built in to the HUD? How casual.
i wouldnt fucking doubt that. Arena is basically congealed shit. but an interesting curiosity.
Another shit thread on /vrpg/. Imagine that.
its pretty popular with esl slavs like russians that shit up the board
id say its Pajeets spamming free ads (see Bg3 spam)

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what RPG has the most build variety ever?
number of classes =/= build variety
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i play all kinds of rpgs. i don't really have favorites. wizardry 7 is probably what i imprinted on most strongly. it's less about the games and more about the discussion around games. i just don't value "build variety" or build wankery.
>Wizardry 7
>not build wankery
>it's creating a character, not solving a fairly easy mathematical problem
sims and saints row best rpgs ever
I've had my eye on this for a while, how far off is it from a "finished" state? I generally avoid early access periods because I like my first playthrough of a game to be a relatively finalized version.

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How come STR doesn't reduce the action point cost of heavy melee weapons?

How come INT is so bad of a stat to dump? It doesn't even have an 8 INT feat, let alone one that requires 10.

How come CON maxing still doesn't have its unique fun aspect?

For being main stats, they are sorely contentless
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Definitely the swords
Cause after you throw a spear, that's all you do
Its worth on its own though, but sneaky ninja slicing and stealthing is a fun combo
Like a much more aggresive knife build
rip thread, thanks for getting me into this amazing game
you can do both, btw
having a javelin in your other slot, and 3 spec points into spear throw AP is a good choice
What builds did you guys beat the compound with?
If you can get through expedition, a ninja setup with stealth/throwing/melee that focuses on crits with the red dragon is genuinely fucking hilarious. I don't know if it holds water in Dominating, but on Hard it was able to clean up almost anything.
Biggest weakness is bots, as with any melee build, but you can use poison daggers and EMP grenades.

What high fantasy RPGs give the most mystical feeling?
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yeah, gonna go with Morrowind, especially once this song kicks in:
I do think the remake looks pretty nice as well though
Not gonna lie, this has been my ringtone for twenty years now. First as a beep-beep MIDI tone and nowadays as an MP3. I just love Caprice.
I am now in a Dunmer tomb, shuffling items in my inventory.
Out of all that I have played, probably Summoner. There are several other games that are very close, Arx definitely deserves a mention.
Also Drakan and Severance fit the bill despite not being RPGs.

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For those of you who backed it or somehow pirated it, what do you think? I'm about to do the Mine Dungeon from the Beta.
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>unique animations (severely lacking in this game)
>actually get to see the slaughter happen
>can't return to the town like nothing happened
>king's assassination is shown to you
They're still all really boring
well. They don't outright say it but they definitely allude to the rape thing more than I remembered.
I thought this was a joke until I met literal voring penis plants what the fuck
>You're too late to save Toto
>You try to get help, only to be forced to watch this massacre happening in front of you
>You almost fucking die at Viktor's fort
Luca Blight was a real menace and the game made sure you never forgot it.

Does Romancing Saga 1 ever stop being boring?
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Just be pirate. It never stops not being fun.
Is that jotaro on the far right hand side?
There's no reason to play RS1 beyond nut-hugging points. Minstrel song is a straight and significant upgrade.

Also, obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFOw90kjf1E
Actually that is Kamille from Zeta Gundam.

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Looking for RPG recommendations that feature the following
>No level scaling
>Rewarding exploration
>Actual requirement to make a coherant build
>Build diversity

That's it, it can be any sub genre like CRPG, ARPG, Souslike or anything else. Just recently finish Cybercunt 2077 and whilst I enjoyed the story the main quests felt very rushed and the level scaling was noticeable and left a sour taste in my mouth. I know it's not rly an RPG but now I'm in the mood for real one.
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Hanako is Yorinobu's sister. Her bodyguard is Oda, someone you eventually talk to and deal with during Takemura's quest line. Takemura desires to contact Hanako to tell her about her brothers betrayal of his father Saburo (the old guy he chokes to death at the end of the "tutorial"), and he suggests trying to contact Oda to set up the meeting, his "friend" and her bodyguard. You meet, doesn't really pan out, and that's when you decide to set up the plan to get on her float during the parade and ambush her with the info. This leads to a meeting where you get ambushed and Takemura maybe gets killed if you don't save him, and Hanako eventually speaks to you through a doll later in another meeting, which sets up the Arasaka ending where you meet with the Arasaka board members and decide Yorinobu's fate.
Hanako is a pretty hard woman and you don't see her outside of this quest line. The homeless guy stalking the Arasaka house in North Oaks. of which there are only 3 houses there, Kerry's house, the other chick in the band that I forget the name of, and then the Arasaka estate that pretty much can only be Yorinobu's home, which I guess Hanako uses from time to time because she's the only person you see in the game with any clout that also has a bodyguard constantly following her around, which has to be Oda.
An unexpectedly thoughtful and informative post on /vrpg/. Thank you, anon.
Most people probably dont give a shit enough about the game to bother talking about it, but I liked it and I thought it was an interesting piece of relatively hidden information. Hanako comes off as ruthless and almost robotic in her support of the business and her work, so it's just interesting to see a more human side of her where she isn't being a boss bitch and always professional. I think its also implied that Oda has feelings for her, but he's just a tool and Hanako probably only treats him as such.

>better voice acting
>improved soundtrack
>better graphics
>quality of life improvements
>can actually control your party
>all the girls look more attractive

If you disagree you're just being a typical 4chan contrarian.

Reload is the definitive way to play Persona 3.
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>none of those things are worth 70 usd
>a great game isnt worth 70 usd
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>improved soundtrack
Zoom zoom, back to Twitter and never return
>better voice acting
the jp dub is unchanged which should be what youre using unless you are literally illiterate

>improved soundtrack
I disagree only the new songs are good most of the redone osts sound uncanny and a bit soulless to me

>better graphics
true 90% of the time but missing the anime cutscenes really really makes it hard to agree

>quality of life improvements
>can actually control your party
I agree

>all the girls look more attractive

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What great game? We're talking about Persona 3.

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Why is that people will give 10/10 to bottom-2 games but 8/10 to top-2 and a shit load of reasons why they are not perfect, when they are clearly superior games in every way.
When judging something you do it by comparing it to many things, INCLUDING games and graphics of its era, not ONLY that, imagine if Zelda totk and bg3 were released at the same time as the other 2, OR the other 2 were released today and you had to compare them back in the day and also compare then nowadays in a vacuum, isolated from time period and other games from the same timeline and graphics. The score for the games would be obviously completely different.
Bottom-2 games would never get better scores if they were released today and top-2 would never get worse scores if they were released back then, which means any top-x games list anywhere online and any top-x favorite games from anyone here are hot garbage, because people DONT JUDGE THEM OBJECTIVELY, instead weighting in them on a bunch of crap criteria in their heads, be it nostalgia or how much fun they have playing it, thus using the old "two measurements, two sentences".

t. annoyed from just having wasted my time on the shilled best game ever LOL Chrono Trigger
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and I played chrono trigger in the 90s. It was shit
Sure you did
Remember the nineties we mmmmmm we mmmmmm used to mmmmmm not have mmmmmm cellphones:))
zoom zoom
zooma looma booom! Back then these games had to last, there were no torrents, no streaming, no youtube, we are at the mercy of network television.

Anyone hating on rpgs, is a adhd sugar filled shit.
I enjoy playing OoT more than totk

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Seeing that after the TV show, people only play the worst Fallout games, these dumbed down casual garbages with less and less RPG elements, less and less complexity and depth, this really makes me bad and mad. I can't stop being angry at it, help.
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In the colloquial and informal sense of "a lot, a good deal, a major portion of" not "literally 50.0%"
>I am sooo smart for playing old games all these new games are for dumb people thats why i cant finish them because they are too easy!!!
Just admit Fallout 4 filtered you and move on no need to eternally seethe about it.
How can you be filtered by a game catering to the lowest common denominator?
Wrong industry, anon.
>Normalfags who like normalfag shit buy normalfag shit
Water is wet
Fire is hot
Shit stinks
News at 11!

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Fear and Hungover have one of best designed enemies, trully little piecea of art
Got any other suggestions for original enemies?
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I still need to get the S endings in the first game, I might do it some time soon. I was thinking what would be the strategy to beat them, I already know what I have to do for each of them so that's not an issue. I was thinking for the merc and the knight I would just replay the start over and over until I get an empty scroll in order to get a white angel soul, I should be able to avoid all non-essential fights with it so that should make the whole thing fairly easy, but the priest and the outlander are gonna be tough to beat, I was thinking about doing the same but trying to get 2 empty scrolls, one for the white angel soul and to get necromancy, that should make all the boss fights doable, with some luck of course.
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S for D'Arce and Cahara are relatively easy even without white angel soul, or any other special gear setup.
Anyone has that rule 63 art of O'saa?
Marina was forced into trannydom by her mengele tier parents.

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Post your work/progress on your soon-to-be RPG masterpiece!
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need a new thread, we reached limit here
I'm being daft and didn't noticed the bump limit.
do not make a new thread until this one dies. and also, don't link back to this thread in the new one's op. that's why the one that was made earlier got deleted.
I've been making the sack (the compendium for those who have played some Persona).
You buy monsters from a giant cunt in exchange for pubic hair.
I think it's the last menu I still had to make.

With sound: https://webmshare.com/play/7aO65
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/9h5c1b.webm

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When will CRPG's improve their art? Its always the ugliest shit. BG1 and BG2's portrait are literally just photoshopped versions of real people.
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>CRPG's art degrades to tranime dogslop shit-pile
>gameplay is reduced to puppy-mill-tier inbred repetitiveness
>Equates art direction with people who defined a genre
30 IQ post
We'll likely all die from WW3 before CRPG's change. Our culture is severely fucked by woke nonsense, and it will take a miracle to pull out of this nose dive.
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Be that miracle, anon.
Please 3 retards that can only do ONE thing is not complex at all
>monkey sees build online monkey copies build online then mashes buttons
Wow so complex, none of this come close to the complexity of Pokémon battles
Bethesda are the exception to the rule, probably the only good wrpgs

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