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A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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>not using the captain stripes is really your own fault
I figured it would make ship battles a bit more interesting. It did. I also tried doing some of the end-game bounties with a party of three, which was interesting as well.
Hydra and Zelos can also be silenced, which kinda makes things easier.
Hydra only get one scripted heal, and Zelos waste turns trying to use magic.
thinking back on this, I came with a theory that Valuans were the purple civilization that moved to Yellow after the anciant yellow were annihilated.
Part of it is after noticing a lack of anciant ruins of the yellow civilization.
What version of this game should I legally purchase?
>Hydra and Zelos can also be silenced, which kinda makes things easier.
Only first phase Zelos can be silenced, which is necessary because he'll debuff the fuck out of you. Second phase Zelos does two super attacks a turn.
Gamecube is the definitive version. Both versions of this game are EXTREMELY expensive, I'd just emulate it honestly.

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The perfect videogame.
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Nah, just time consuming. It's a dumb challenge for players that have already done everything else.
>Micro Missile Limitbreak would be ideal, as it's a gravity based percentage attack that hits all targets.

My mistake. It's a Single Target attack. For some reason I thought it was equivalent to the gravija spell that we never get.
A guide said Micro Missile does 50% at crisis level 1, and up to 90% damage at crisis level 4.
I went to confirm that today but realized the 9999 damage cap Makes that kind of irrelevant in the late game.
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for me to poop on!
II isn’t actually that bad. It’s fun to play if you don’t abuse the mechanics. VII’s mechanics literally undermine the act of playing the game. Why should I bother with random encounters when I don’t get gil and xp doesn’t matter because of level scaling? Not to mention the junction system incentivized hoarding spells instead of actually using magic.
*meant to say VIII, not VII

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Fear and Hunger, Morrowind, Planscape Torment, Baldurs Gate.. any other RPGs with cool pantheons of deities?
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The only issue with Elden Ring as a pantheon is that all the other gods outside the Greater Will are so untouched in the story that you can't really talk about them as a pantheon.

But it's basically Greek Mythos in terms of the exploits of the demigods and Zeus/Radagon cheating on/divorcing Hera/Rennala with mortals/Extremely Complex Masturbation.
Why are you saying they’re gross and horrible like that’s a bad thing?
i dont get it neither, thats the cool part. like Demiurge world
The fact that they aren’t talked about is the cool part
Yeah but that just means there's not much to say about them either.
The mystery of them is cool, but we've got nothing but the mystery.

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What are the earliest permanent party member deaths in RPGs, J or W? I was just playing Phantasy Star II and I figure there has to be some in games from before March 1989.
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I don't know what a W RPG is. LIke, Witcher 3 and Skyrim and Mass Effect? Barely RPGs?
Shit thread, OP. Learn to ask a question that seeks a definite object.
You don't know what a C RPG is either because it only means "computer RPG", as opposed to "tabletop".
Sorry anon :(
All I want are named pre-defined party members dying in RPGs
No, as opposed to console games with RPG elements, action RPGs, SRPGs, jRPGs, and other hybrids. I'm hoping to slowly educate you kids about clarity in posting though.

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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
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YOLO runs exist, where people purposefully do not reload and live with the consequences.
I accept your consession.
>Nigger devs add retard mechanics like addiction, reduced effects unless meeting conditions, scaling to current status, scaling to current stats, inversed scaling for healing item, potions of health harm bad people
>Why haven't you touched your cursed potion of health anon?
Sounds kino. Consequences add fun to decision making.
>player will simply refuse to use consumeables no matter what.
That's me. Consumables are money makers to buy items that make my character better without consumables.

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>NCR's capital nuke 4 years before New Vegas
>NCR remnants destroyed in last episode (based, fuck taxes)
>The Blassed (Based + Blessed) Enclave still alive
>according to Todd 'Kino-Troll' Howard all this is canon
New Vegas officially decanonised, can't wait for its remaster plus

>trash everywhere, even in the inhabited places
>ruin houses, even the ones with alive people in
>skeletons everywhere, even in places with alive people
Total Bethesda Win.

How this make you feel, Falloutbros?
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There are a lot of people who need the things they want to be relatable. They need it to show things from their own lives.
WIth Fallout 3 you at least still had the West Coast as proven by New Vegas, but now they've just given the Force Awakens treatment to the whole setting
have you considered that for most people, using grammatical features of the english language isn't some herculian feat and is in fact done subconciously?
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Todd's time in the chess club really paid off. He managed to frame all criticism of the show's asspulls as coming from canon worshipping grognards simply by dangling the carrot of the NCR as a polity still existing off screen. What's more he managed to recycle the plot "find daddy" plot of fallout 3 while depicting all male characters as buck broken and pussy whipped fools, a clear "fuck you" to the main viewing demographic. We didn't know how good we had it before hand. This is Todd's ultimate revenge for all the criticism lobbed at him.
That'd explain why you started your sentence with a lower case letter.

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I think thats one and only one RPG that gonna be a legendary because karma bite their ass
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>Be communists from a nation that suffered for nearly a century under communism
>You get your company subverted so now you can be destitute just like the creator of your dogshit ideology
Kek writer of the book is in mental hospital because of drinking
The sad truth is if we were born as zoomers we would also love disco elysium.
Marx's uncle was philips, ever heard of the philips company? Destitute meme is made up
Makes sense, communists are mutants

Daggerchuds Rise Up!

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Into the trash it goes
Morrowind is the best game in the series. Daggerfall is dogshit.
Customized spells and verticality count for a lot imo. I wouldn't be swinging fron their nuts like zooms but they are features that always puzzled me that they didn't expand upon properly. Practicing jump skill goes a long way and this type of verticality vacated the fps environmet until you cp2077 put it back slightly. Vertical design is just harder but i think worthwhile in the feel of the scope. Still almost rather play a df vampire than any others with rooftop jumping and custom fireballs etc.
Agree about verticality. That is a large part of why DN3D was my favorite FPS at the time. That and I bought a couple .wad CDs for it providing hundreds of custom made levels back when dial-up was awful and dling took forever.
The one custom map of someone's apartment complex and the music was a MIDI of Robert Miles' "Children" and it was just called piano.mid

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How does BG2's "continue playing as your BG1 MC" thing work? Is it worth installing BG1 and grabbing all the BiS equipment for my character?

Enhanced Edition btw, Beamdog did such a great job with this remake. :)
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Unless you want to see the story, or know the past histories between characters, some of which are forced on you despite maybe having a different party. The only other reason to play BG1 maybe is to gather the tomes that increase your stats, or another certain item that will carry over for a lengthy quest in 2... but you can cheat those items in if you just play BG2. You get +1 to every stat (+3 to wisdom instead), which is nothing to scoff at for certain builds.
I watched a glitchless speedrun of BG1 and he beat Sarevok in 43 mins. Now I just feel stupid of spending so much time doing quests and leveling up my character.
>Now I just feel stupid of spending so much time doing quests and leveling up my character.
Did you have fun playing the game?
Do you think that you would have had more fun if you had not played the game and then just "ticked it off on your list" in under an hour?
I have this problem of trying to min/max the game where I can't have fun.
>I have this problem of trying to min/max the game where I can't have fun.
I sympathize to a degree. Do you find ruthless min/maxing fun? Or do you want to play normally but you feel compelled to min/maxing. The whole idea is to play in the way that you find the most enjoyable.
For a middle ground, I would suggest trying to impose roleplaying constraints on yourself, and then trying to optimize within those constraints, but keeping roleplaying first and munchkin cheese second, at least for easy games like BG. There's other games where the point is build autism and min/maxing.

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So there are infinite Aeriths and Sephiroths and Zachs now?

What the fuck are they doing?
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The corporate franchise death cycle:

First phase: creation. Original book/comic/movie/game/whatever is created and is an unexpected hit, usually has a fairly low budget.
Second phase: explosion of popularity. The corporation begins to heavily invest in sequels.
Third phase: milking. Content is continuing to be made, but the corporation wants to increase profits by lowering costs, so the new stuff is lower budget. A lot of the original creators and writers have disappeared, usually because they've been making the same thing over and over for years and want to move on, or are being stifled by the suits behind the scenes. Writers and producers leaving is the first sign of the end. Visible people like actors leaving the show usually comes deep into the decline.
Fourth phase: death. Audience interest has disappeared.
Fifth phase: reboot. Time has past and now it's time to cash in on nostalgia/brand name recognition.

You are in late stage 3.
>There is only 1997's "Final Fantasy VII" and nothing else. Problem solved.
This is actually in phase 5 of that goofy cycle.
No, Cloud had more emotional scenes with Tifa.
Multiverse shit.
Really, why couldnt they have simply remade ff7, no padding, with better graphics and action combat for the more wife audience.
This shit literally didnt need three games, didnt need this multiverse bullshit, It Just needed to be a competent upgrade to a beloved game.
>why couldnt they have simply remade [beloved classic game], no padding, with better graphics and action combat for the more wife audience.
>This shit literally didnt need [the stupid shit they did instead], It Just needed to be a competent upgrade to a beloved game.
I am struggling to think of a counter example of this not happening.
there always were.
Did you think the people in your game were the same as the ones in my game? Of course not - that'd be ridiculous.

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Its been 20 years and these animations still cant be topped. What makes Fallout series so unique (original fallout, so 1 and 2)? Is it too much hassle to make animation like this in todays goy slop RPG products?
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Iguana bits
texmex mutie food
vaxx status?
mustard gas

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Its fucking absurd how woke Fallout 1 and 2 are, and yet nobody calls them out for it.
"Oh yeah the brown farmgirl becomes a super nice president for 50 years, now go kill the evil white president of the united states."
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After having two male messiahs save her, destroy her main geopolitical threats and getting handed tech from vault city et al. Even then what she ended up with is a banana republic bereft of its rulling dynasty when she up and died.
Meant to reply to this
I registered tandi as being white girl with a tan as a kid. Her dad a cartoon character. See nobody gave this much fuck to race in the past. Jews really did a number on late millinials and zoomer autist brains with the obsession with it.\

Yes black people were in original fallout 1 2 also nobody chimped out it zwoke omg! by rather just flavor to the north american setting the game takes place in.
Well, you're dumb as the woke Califags who made Fallout. How does Aradesh have an 'Indian accent', by Tony Shaloub, when he's from a Vault that would've bred into each other long ago and speak English exclusively? I know you were a kid in the 90s, but believe it or not, race and "representation" has been a point of division for quite a while. Your narrative is simply from ignorance, none of this shit is new, it's just spread.
>How does Aradesh have an 'Indian accent', by Tony Shaloub, when he's from a Vault that would've bred into each other long ago and speak English exclusively?
Are you arguing that he does not, or are you arguing that he should not?

No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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She just wants pumpkin (runner)
I wanted to give this game a try because of cool looking setting, but the sluggish combat really was drying my interest. I stopped shortly after reaching the third sphere. Maybe I should give it another go?
install the skip time mod
Women aren't believable heroes, simple as. FemShep, female Courier, female Revan etc - all just men with tits.

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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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Get lucky with Weak Stab lol. Try to focus on her since the adds are not as dangerous.
In Dungeon Travelers, I am curious how Ruri's natural skill Follow-Up Kick interacts with Fighter's Double Attack and Samurai's Triple Attack. Is it even worth putting any points into Double/Triple attack?
in the PC/vita release of DT1 that passive also works with single hit moves like freeze slash, Ruri will get the best results with dark lord as a consequence. The double/triple passive skills aren't that superb, but Luco in 2-2 can get a respectable power boost from them because of her shadow.
I had a feeling that Ruri would probably do better as a Dark Lord. Thank you for the info
Barrage of course is still good on Kunoichi since normal attacks are better than scrolls for most of the game in terms of damage. And don't underestimate Kunoichi normal attacks since her AGI is so high that she can outdamage even Samurai and Dark Lord at various stages of the game.

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Post your favorite/hated chink rpg, I am really liking "a hero road to passion"
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Fine. I like A hero adventure, and I like the fact that it has a suprisng ammount of roleplaying options, and different paths to choose, but something (especially to what is basically Disgaea open world). But I don't like is how fucking obtuse things can be, and it can be even more confusing to navigate large cities, due to things kinda blending. Also, pretty weird that there isn't a character maker
I just don't know about this game. I've played it for 20 hours on hard and it's kind of fun but really tedious most of the time. The translation being worse than the average weg doesn't help.
I'm pretty fond of Wander Hero. The production values are low and the translation is terrible (and the writing probably sucked to begin with,) but it has fun combat mechanics. I also generally just like games where the player is given an overarching objective to achieve and is largely left to their own devices regarding how to pursue it.
>roguelike deckbuilder

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