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Its fucking absurd how woke Fallout 1 and 2 are, and yet nobody calls them out for it.
"Oh yeah the brown farmgirl becomes a super nice president for 50 years, now go kill the evil white president of the united states."
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Meant to reply to this
I registered tandi as being white girl with a tan as a kid. Her dad a cartoon character. See nobody gave this much fuck to race in the past. Jews really did a number on late millinials and zoomer autist brains with the obsession with it.\

Yes black people were in original fallout 1 2 also nobody chimped out it zwoke omg! by rather just flavor to the north american setting the game takes place in.
Well, you're dumb as the woke Califags who made Fallout. How does Aradesh have an 'Indian accent', by Tony Shaloub, when he's from a Vault that would've bred into each other long ago and speak English exclusively? I know you were a kid in the 90s, but believe it or not, race and "representation" has been a point of division for quite a while. Your narrative is simply from ignorance, none of this shit is new, it's just spread.
>How does Aradesh have an 'Indian accent', by Tony Shaloub, when he's from a Vault that would've bred into each other long ago and speak English exclusively?
Are you arguing that he does not, or are you arguing that he should not?
Second gens and beyond normally speak perfect American English. Fallout devs wanted to emphasize how extremely multicultural Vault 15 was that Aradesh's accent was just how a group of those people still spoke English (but Tandi did not).

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Do RPGs without numbers exist? does an RPG need numbers to be an RPG?
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A character which is part of a world, a degree of immersion is therefore required
Nice. Imagine if all the time and resources spent on numbers and balancing them would instead go to designing multifaceted quests and the world, where you can't overcome impactful choices and consequences by grinding numbers up.
the real definition of video game rpg is a game that satisfies both of the following
>an overt focus on numbered statistics
>a story
that's it. if it has those qualities it's either an rpg or a hybrid genre like action rpg. no one can refute this.
Yeah, it'd be simple in concept: Imagine a huge array of nodes, each node is a choice, each choice has an event, or consequence. As the character/party navigates the array, the array changes the party and the party changes the array. It'd work like a 'Choose your own adventure'/'Solo RPG'(think Tunnels & Trolls.)

Now, both of those ideas were on paper, immutable. Digitally, they can be morphed by the player's choices.

Combat would be a little trickier - but it could work in a similar manner. Each fight could be a mini-web of tactical choices. Navigate the fight with correct choices, win the fight.

I'm gonna have to prototype some of this Saturday.
Awesome. I hope it goes well and maybe opens up even more ideas

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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>over idealized features and plastic skin
may as well fuck a barbie doll, loser
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Are there any mods that gives Serana (and her kinfolk) a last name? I always found it odd how her royal aristocracy doesn't even come with a House Name attached. Ideally the mod would just let me select their name in the MCM so the player can decide what is most appropriate surname to best suit each indiviual player's ideal meta takes, for example for maximum Lore milage I'd select the name Horse-Raper here I guess..

>King Harkon Horse-Raper
>Queen Valercia Horse-Raper
>Princess Serana Horse-Raper

Pretty damn fitting headcanon here seeing as how you just know it just works! Very Nordic yet equally wholesome
Get some help
>Are there any mods that gives Serana (and her kinfolk) a last name?
Her last name is Volkihar.
Lydia, staring at the nightstand in my bedroom for 24 hours a day

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So there are infinite Aeriths and Sephiroths and Zachs now?

What the fuck are they doing?
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In what stage is The Simpsons at?
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They are doing literally nothing. Remember 7 seconds from part one? Yeah, it was mentioned again in Rebirth. And that's it. Remember that Roche guy with zero backstory? Still has zero backstory.

They are using your imagination to make you believe there is something behind all that (and buy all parts, then you can fuck off), but there is nothing. The emperor is naked.
Because Square-Enix was financially struggling (probably after shitting out too many crappy and overproduced trash games) so now they're banking on FF7 big time, and they did it to appeal to both fans and newbies with flashy cinematics and le quirky "please clip this and spread it" streamerbait cutscenes, and bullshit red herring fuel for theorycrafters.
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>Infinite Aeriths
Japanese Flower Girl waifus for all of us, Anon!!!
>with flashy cinematics and le quirky "please clip this and spread it" streamerbait cutscenes, and bullshit red herring fuel for theorycrafters.
This actually makes a lot of sense. The many romantic little scenes you can have in this game with every female character are, especially fitting for clips and romance addicts comemobto current RPG scene (just look at most BG3 fans obsessive desire to fuck the frog waifu). Yuffie quirky tiktoker behavior too
It doesnt seem to be working, do we have sales figures for ff7 rebirth?
Hopefully this dishonest trilogy fails and Square is forced to repostion itself and start making better games.

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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The story is a bit meh, but the combat is fun mechanically. It's also got about a dozen classes, countless abilities and spells, and multi-classing if you're into that. It would be a much fun game if it were just a straight dungeon crawler.
I don't think anyone sees sawyer as a key asset
Would that be true how do you explain him only being involved in aWoWed in a consulting position?
It's more of a
>thank you very much for the ip, we'll take from here
I would say yes, but I'm never playing the second one again because the ending made the entire playthrough feel like a waste of time.
How so? I think you are seeing what you want to see, that just sounded like
>what i could do better as a game director on a large level
>its everyone's else fault
What's your point, literally every one involved in making rpgs has said the same thing
>the point of Stick Of Truth was its in-depth story, hardcore gameplay, and strategic high IQ combat
I hope you all eat a bowl of chili while wondering where your parents went

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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No. His last two games have been structurally identical. If you play them both you will see
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It plays like any other 1 hour jam game.

If anything, I'd say it lacks the mindfuckery and general horror of his previous titles.

On the subject of censorship and gatekeeping, he is preaching to the choir. Right? We all roll our eyes at the caring Karens and negative Nancys. But what if their hyperbole was a legitimate concern? What if some perceptual fields are taboo for a reason and we should be weary of giving people a taste of something that's too sacred, too addicting, too transformative.
Some audiences shouldn't be appealed to, or encouraged.

I feel I've brought this up before in context to some RM horror game.
But that's essentially the plot of Salvador Sanz's "Legion". In which an artist becomes a global sensation after inventing a new color called "Ultrabad". A color that isn't meant to be seen. Simultaneously, a musician plays a melody that shouldn't be heard. A sculptor creates a form that shouldn't be shaped.
Their craft summons hell on earth. Like flowers attracting bees; these shapes, colors, and sounds attract demons that want "moar" and they know how to "inspire" and cultivate the dreaded experiences necessary to propagate it.
>Torrent where?
Hmmm... maybe I could put it up on a torrent website. To help promote the game...
Any suggestions on where? It's not something I'm familiar with.

>he made game, have to respect that
Thank you. T_T

>I hope you got your cyanide pill ready.
I'm Muslim, suicide is never an option.

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Why are the proportions waaaay off?
Seethe and cope, loser. Try making a game sometime

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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>fly, you fools
>Dragon's Dogma II is currently the most demanding game ever released.
>Its not even in the top 10 best looking
RE engine was a fucking mistake.
add in some more vibrant colors and its easily the best looking rpg to date on a technical level

Capcom should work on a good denoiser for the path tracing already present (but hidden away)
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Feels like graphics are evolving backwards.

I've been playing through this game and I've begun to realize, after hearing so much about it for years, it is only "hated" by Final Fantasy fans because it is simply too much of an RPG. Too many secrets, too many dungeons, too many gameplay options, too many ways to build characters, etc. It's just too much for your average mush-brained Final Fantasy player, and I think that is hilarious.
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>clearly just faux blogposting so he can eventually just devolve into shilling his favorite slop
this board is dead
No, they went too far the other way, and we got deeply empty and boring characters with zero personality. A character being 'realistic' doesn't make them interesting or deep - I love my mum anon but I wouldn't want her in my party in a fucking fantasy game because it would be boring as hell. Most people are boring. Besides I'm playing a FANTASY game, why do I want "deeply human realistic" characters?
On top of all that, you know what real people have that FF12 characters didn't? They have PERSONALITIES. I can only assume people who like the characters in FF12 have severe autism and literally can't tell the difference between people and robots, which is what the cast might as well be.
Actually comparing them to robots is quite apt, as gambits mean you literally program them to fight for you using a basic algorithm.
>I love my mum anon but I wouldn't want her in my party in a fucking fantasy game
Anon... This sounds like kino of the highest order, what are you saying?!
I just dont know what the fuck they were thinking with the cast
>han solo the nobleman genius son of tony stark and ex-darth vader, but he's not the main character
>knight of a fallen kingdom, tough strong fighter guy james hetfield lookalike, sworn to protect the kingdom and the princess, but he's not the main character
>sexy chewbacca
>stronk female princess who dont need no man (actually needs 3, and misses the 4th)
>sweet but tough blonde street urchin orphan girl; gets along with everybody
>blonde twink airhead street urchin orphan thief; now HERES our main character!
>quick! shoehorn him into the story! our japanese audience needs a young european-looking twink to identify with!
>like 12 other races they could have used; nope, 5 humans and a playboy bunny
>oh wait! there are guests who sometimes join the party for a while!
>they're all human too

I mean really, there should have at least been a banga.

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I've recently played through this and I'm wondering if I should get Joyful and play it as well
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Jerking off to cross dresser porn
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I ship it
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How the fuck did implementing Disco Elysium tier inner monologues make Joyful so much better?

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U N C O N T E S T E D !
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>you NEED the fanfiction mod
You can use all the QoL improvements with Et Tu without any extra story content if you're smart enough to edit a text document that clearly describes all the options.
This happened to me too. Stupid. I opened up the save editor and just gave myself the points in big guns that I wasted on small and carried on.
This mod is dogshit desu. I'm not sure why it's shilled so hard. Also, the encounter rate is fucking AIDS. I'll move a fucking millimeter and I'm already in another encounter. It almost feels bugged.

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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That's certainly and interesting way to think about it. Haven't looked at it that way before and it would explain a lot.

The PSX version (Llyllgamyn saga) is superb. Minimal changes, option for better graphics that still fit aesthetically and feel good, all 3 games with export/import party features on one disc.

>There's nothing wrong with wanting to have pure versions of either, with the magical/fantasy settings having completely different laws governing reality.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. I wouldn't bash a fantasy setting for not having sci-fi elements and vice versa. I just think pure fantasy (as envisioned by the west, aping vaguely medieval Europe) is way too oversaturated at the moment. I know it's debatable but imo Wiz 6/7 would be worse off as pure fantasy. As far as dungeon crawlers go the setting was very unique compared to its competitors.

Grimoire is probably the best spiritual successor to Wiz 6/7 that we're ever going to see. The market is way too niche for anyone barring serious autists to invest that much time and effort into making a similar game that even comes close.

anon get yer eye's checked out RIGHT NOW m8 their sprites aged great!
That's not how these games look like on crts and the shaders available on the net don't make it look right either
>I just think pure fantasy (as envisioned by the west, aping vaguely medieval Europe) is way too oversaturated at the moment.
True. I have a hunch that it mostly stems from the people making them today not caring in the least for as long as they get their paycheck. In the bygone times it was nerds who also wanted to make a living from their passion.
Did Might & Magic ever make it to nipland? How was the reception?

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What was his fucking problem?
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The problem is he never had a father growing up. Nazeem's dad was constantly incarcerated for smoking skooma and thievery etc, as a consequence Nazeem has a subpar understanding of manners and ettiquette
Its because if they let the Alikir in, they'll be actively encouraging the Elvish Gestapo to come in and fuck their shit up moreso than they already have

Noones racist to Redguards because Nords and Redguards have historically been allies against Reachmen and Orcs, and because theres bigger fish to fry in terms of people to hate (Imperials and Elves)
True at least Redguards don't tend to automatically worship the Daedra by default, unlike Orcs and Reachman
More money, more problems, right Nazeem?
>didn't watch the video

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
How's Coromon? I want something to play on my android handheld.
Replaying monster rancher 2-4 to get ideas for my mon raising game.

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A lot of old games were very good at making a little go a long way. They get the points and key emotions across without beating you over the head with how to think so subtler elements stand out more with your brain filling the gaps. So many modern games have the problem with thinking giving every character a novel of dialogue and exposition is the same as making them developed.
>The remake has such pretty, colourful characters and environments.
The character models were good, but the environments could be pretty fucking ugly sometimes.
He has an astigmatism
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Same anon, SD3's world and characters are my favorite in the series and I just want MORE of it, I'd kill for some kind of sequel. And yes shamelessly want Duran and Angela to fuck too and solve the crisis between their kingdoms, and for Angela's parents to reunite as well.
That being said, VoM is looking fucking amazing so far so I can't complain and I don't want it to connect to ToM in any way outside of very small references.
>Action combat system
They botched this part and it's 90% of the game. Can't make up for that.

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Damn, this is the best combat I have ever seen in a JRPG.
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My god. Hard to believe I'm about to say this, but English VA is actually better with that line delivery.
protip: lenneth can also equip a bow. just saying.
too bad its translation and dub are 4kids tier garbage
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>blocks you're path
None of that really makes a difference

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