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What are the happiest, most idealic rpgs?
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did you mean idealistic or idyllic?
rocket slime, Mario+ Luigi RPG, popolocrois, Lunar
Rance is sorta depressing when you know how stuff works. The world is pretty shit.
The managed to ruin Lunar by injecting a bunch of cuckoldry and level scaling in the PS1 remake. Honestly I don’t know which is worse.

I played the PS2 version of FFX2 a while ago but now I want to play the international version to play Shinra's monster arena thing. I saw somewhere that some monsters are missable or something and you need to do NG+ if that happens? How does it even work, like what am I in for?
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sex with Paine
I don't think the monster stuff is translated.
You can always play the HD version since its based off that one, the graphics wasn't as bad as how they made FFX so its still passable. Monsters were fucking broken btw but fun as hell to use. Its like when they removed the catnip exploit they replaced it an even more broken system and that was the monster creator capture system. Monsters could do all kinds of crazy shit even though you couldn't fully control them, they make the game a breeze.

Some monsters couldn't be gotten until a 2nd playthrough if I remember right so I don't think there was anything truly missable. The game was pretty much designed for multiple playthoughs anyway.
Just gonna necro this cos I have a question about the remaster that I can't get a straight answer on
How does the FFX/X-2 Remaster run on Switch? Are there any performance issues? Some people have said none, others have refuted it and said about washy textures and some lag issues.
Don't own a Switch but if the fucking Vita could run the game just fine then I don't see why the Switch can't but then again, this is Nintendo.

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-75% on Steam
What im in for? Big Fallout1 and Fallout2 fan here
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In Wasteland 3:
Should I make custom characters or chose one of the premade?
Picking custom character might mean I miss dialogue and stuff for the premade characters, unless ther eare none.
Bump and answers
I don't think there are any dialogues for the premades. It's like Fallout, those are just there to get a quicker start.
Ah, I guess it's better to go custom characters then.
Play a custom character. The premade ones don't have backstories or unique dialogue like D:OS2.

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This game's plot makes absolutely no fucking sense.

Crono, Lucca, and Marle are teenagers in the year 1000. Lavos comes in 1999. So why the fuck should they care about Lavos?

Let's say they live to be 120 years old. That's in the 1100s. Lavos is almost 900 years away. If they have children in the 1010s and their kids also reached 120, Lavos would be around 870 years away.

They won't ever have to deal with Lavos. Their kids won't deal with him. Their grandkids won't deal with him. The great-grandkids will be born 900 years before Lavos. Add twenty greats and he's still a couple centuries away.

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Because they went to the future and directly saw what happens if Day of Lavos is allowed to happen?

Anon, this is a game written for middle schoolers to understand.
the protagonists will be dead by the time day of lavos comes theres no reason for them to care at all
No reason to care about mountains either but mountain climbing is fun.
This thread is still up? Fucking hell
the protagonists are the only ones that can deal with Lavos. additionally, about a quarter to 35% of the way in, the game establishes that most of the bad shit is indirectly due to Lavos's influence. basically it's a classic adventure game with young heroes who understand they're the only ones that can do anything about it. there's also some post game endings that deal with them just screwing off I think.

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Hey, /vrpg/, Henry has come to see us!
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Decorated german
This might be the breakout hit of the year. If they dumb it down in the right places, and optimize combat this game could easily be very big. I expect the problem with KC2 to be that it's probably going to be $70 full price. This game was always meant to be for a certain audience and then put on sale for the normies who want a medieval simulator.
I beat the game today and, golly, it was surprising to learn that Sir Radzig is Hentry's father! I didn't see that coming and I'm surprised that Henry takes it so well without expressing any sort of betrayal or indignance. As the player, I understand the information being withheld because Radzig wanted Henry to be humble and, given the circumstances of the game, to earn his status. Otherwise he could've quickly become entitled and ill-disciplined as Hans Capon.
In that scene he's watching his parents getting butchered
Based and Galahadpilled

Dying series that refuses to die
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can you tell that to the guy who keeps making Fallout and Morrowind threads please?
so basically this whole board then, okay
Wow that one asshole in the comments bitching about them not updating the graphics. As if translating the whole game wasn't enough Jesus some people are so entitled
Combat is okay besides bosses but the whole game just doesn't feel like a tales game at all and you can tell it didn't start out as one initially
Honestly I'm kind of pissed they're considering doing anything like that at all. A fan translation should be separate from any other changes.

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Some VAMPIRE RPG ludo-kino just dropped boys
>No depressive nu-vampire shit, actual kick-ass vampire with a big ass sword
>Comfy european fantasy setting
>Fun Turn-BASED combat with spells and cool abilities
>Cute chinks you can interact with
>No grinding aka no filler
>90s/pc-98 retro anime portraits and graphics
>Beautiful naturalistic painted backgrounds
>Unique characters and witty dialog instead of cardboard slop
>Mysterious plot about uncovering and slaying demons
SOVLFUL gothickino made by a solo dev, and the best of all is that it's fucking free: https://lilianduleroux.itch.io/the-voyage-sinister
And it has a trailer too: https://youtu.be/98jRzjMFtWY
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You post this in every rpg maker game thread, kill yourself already.
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I have literally never posted in an RPG maker thread before and am only doing so due to the obscene spam of them lately. RPG maker means bad game and the amount of community spill over into these threads is extremely concerning.
Chinese games look so bad.
>I have literally never posted in an RPG maker thread before
Sure buddy
I'd also fetch your posts seething in the old Enchant Farm thread, but I'm feeling lazy.
>If someone actually cared about making a decent game they wouldn't use this engine.
Actually the opposite. People who care about making games use RPGM because it lets you make and complete one. While people who only boast about making a game are always speaking of using more complex engines or making their own. The result is they end up abandoning their projects or having them in always early access unplayable state. Not to mention the games made with it have SOVL.

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Name a better RPG pre-made party member than Kim Kitsuragi.

>Kim at the disco.mkv
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Im trans btw
We know
Game doesn't shit on her for this, she is overall portrayed as a kind and inteligent. That's hardly a characterisation you'd expect from the "chudslayer 3000: the video game", wouldn't you?
Ah so, you were köping
that's why I love them. Young women are so vile in comparison but old women I always give a hand

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What is most dark and depressing RPG game out there? I liked that quest in Fallout Nevada about pedo kidnapper that holds children in his basement and that you can make a deal with him (best trader in the game). That gave me some True Detective vibes
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Not Fallout, that's for damn sure. Fallout is a happy bright ray of sunshine compared to Arx Fatalis.
Half of them aren't even dark or depressing, they're just angst-core for teenagers.
It makes me think if someone on the FromSoft team had some miscarriage while in the brainstorm
The tree spirit keeps them safe and they end up in an orphanage in Novigrad...

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>import my BG1 character to BG2 by copypasting my save folder
>my Lv8 Thief is now a Lv21 Thief with a bag of holding filled with +4 weapons
>check a lets play to see if this is normal, they are starting in a prison while I'm starting in a blue cavern with giant skull rocks
What's happening???
You imported into ToB, the expansion to BG2, not BG2. Usually, when you launch the game with both installed, you'll get a prompt which game you want to go into.
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>cat faggot has no brain
Like clockwork.
Enjoy the cookies, anon.

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Imagine having the creative freedom to make over a dozen full-fledged RPGs with continuous plot and lore, and wasting it on 90% slice of life soap opera in the most generic fantasy setting possible.
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Here are the essential mods for Trails in the Sky, voice acting and instant text speed
I don't get the hype for the VA. The NPCs sound phone-in as hell.
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what did xhe mean by this?
Kiseki is the Greatest game series of all time desu.

Let's talk about tactical RPG games.
What are your favorites? What have you played? What's on your backlog?
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If you mean exploration with one perspective and then the battle system is tactical I'd actually refer to a few MMOs. Wakfu, Dofus and Atlantica Online, there might be more. Otherwise, if you consider games where you stay in tactical mode the entire time, Disgaea has the item-world and similar systems where you explore floors of a dungeon but you're always in combat. Honestly, the closest thing you're describing is just the roguelike genre.
There's a very basic fft clone. They release like every year one. It's atrociously unfun.
I like them in concept, but I'm just not good at them at all. I've picked up several over the years and, aside from FFTA and FE:A, just never gotten far in most. It's not long before I feel like I'm barely scraping by.
The best advice I can give is to wait for the enemy to approach you. Depending on the game, moving usually reduces the offensive actions you can take, so if you let the enemy waste their turn moving to you, you can respond with full force and usually wipe them out, forcing their next unit to walk in, etc. This applies to 90% of SRPGs I've played, it's especially important for bosses who often can one-shot your units.
Solasta, if you consider that a tactical rpg. Which I do.

It has hundreds of user campaigns. A mod to add lots of new capabilities.

Lol. Lmao even.
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Is there a Fallout 4 mod that gives the game a completely different story? I like the gameplay of Fallout 4, but its story is fucking terrible.
America Rising 2
Completely new main quest focused on Enclave
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At this point i think ive watched more Fallout 4 critique videos (Mr. Caption 3+h and creetosis 12+h) than i have Fallout 4 playtime
>ive watched more Fallout 4 critique videos (Mr. Caption 3+h and creetosis 12+h)
No surprise, /vrpg/ posters just repeat what they hear on youtube
which youtuber did you get that thought from, /vrpg/ poster?

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Post games where the choices aren't obvious pick good choice for good thing and bad choice for bad thing.
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>aight cool talk
Who fucking speaks like that lmao, im from white part of europe
Neolibtard trotskyites are not right-wing
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i think it was a shitpost- i dont think anybody cares what part of Europe youre from Esteban, you can pretend to be Chinese for the meme you gwai lo
>so white he wont even say words from outside his village
>everyone is shit and your the sole beacon of morality/common sense
>"safe town"
>mayors corrupt and has dictatorial powers
>guards/police are useless against rabid dogs or common thieves
I rather help my friend be a better and more well mannered thief honestly.
>fuck this place in particular not being railroaded into being a paladin

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What are some of the worst rpgs ever made?
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That would require RPG developers (particularly RPG Maker developers) to magically become competent writers, which we both know isn't happening.
Dragon Age 2.
i would describe ruina's writing as sufficient more than excellent
the real hurdle is tuning all of the systems which most rpgm devs don't bother to try
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you're not being funny or witty with a response like this.

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