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What's your excuse for not doing it in blender? You gonna call his work shit, too?
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this is not up to industry standards. you can tell from the pixels.
I don't care about 3D , most of the money I make is translations and coding old shit that no one bothers to solve or maintain, 3D is like 5% of my revenue
blender is the new sfm
these renders are the new sfm kitbash posters
and that's a good thing
I am, but i'm struggling just to make a doughnut


it's official...CGI/VFX artists are obsolete, redundant, wasteful even.

i already submitted my resignation letter and you should too.

screencap this thread.

see you, space cowboy..
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Isn't it just being forced to be sold off to American companies to become domestically run doing the same thing it does?
Legislation is legitimized over fear for what the CCP are doing with the aggregated data of a lot of US citizens they have access to, not them brain-rot aspects.
>Isn't it just being forced to be sold off to American companies to become domestically run doing the same thing it does?

no, the option is to either sell it or ban it. They wont sell it. They dont need the money. Its already banned in other countries
No it's not.
see >>978965
skip to 7:13 if you have no dopamine

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Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.
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MLOPS support AI models and all of modern AI breakthroughs are in machine learning.
You are trying to argue semantics because you know you are wrong. I wouldn't have called you retarded if you weren't so confident while having absolutely no clue about anything.
>You are trying to argue semantics because you know you are wrong.

>Can there be AI without ML?
>Historically, AI preceded ML. When researchers first created AI, they didn't even have ML in their minds. An example for the use of AI without ML are rule-based systems like chatbots.
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Who's hyped for Mardini?
Mardini 2024 | Day | Topobuild Node
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How TF do I bring this into maya to render in arnold?

I Suddenly can get autocad working on my machine, I used it mostly for college station stuff and now I was practicing again because is needed a lot in my field. The student version ain't working, neither the pirate installer that I got.
Is fusion360 a good alternative ? At least is close enough to do the same exact stuff? I'm looking it more for 3d modelling like pieces design
It's alright and you can use it for free

It has a lot of frustrating areas where it's clear that Autodesk just clipped of features to push users towards AutoCAD but it's enough to get modelling jobs done.
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I use Inventor, its pretty easy. Not free unfortunately, student license is available though. Not sure the benefits of Fusion over Inventor outside of animation, rendering or concept design.. heard people prefer it but I tried it and seemed amateurish in comparison. If you are wanting to do those types of things go fusion but if its more technical type design with complex assemblies and moving parts then into technical drawings I would go Inventor.

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give me funny ideas and i will try to make them a reality
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Print out your UV map onto paper, color it in with like crayons or cheap markers, then use that as the texture. I'm considering trying this myself for a Sven coop or Gmod playermodel, as an experiment.
I forgot to say to scan it
That sounds fun
a 3d pig painted as ukrainian flag dancing
Vladimir, is that you?

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mother's day jewelry box

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ugh, should I also learn sculpture?
more advices like this, please
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rule number 1: if someone tells you to pirate (steal) and not use free resources, ignore them.
What's the basis for this rule?

Are the paid resources not going to have at least a little more effort put into them?
the youtube video creators are getting paid as well, by Google directly
Honestly, there isn’t much of a need to pay for information on how to do this stuff since there’s so much information out there for free. Enough drawing, art, anatomy, etc. books have been published over the last century to the point where they’ve been pirated enough to practically be public domain, and it also helps that many of these books were written during a time where people actually knew what they were doing and weren’t just trying to grift or scam people. You can also learn how to use your program of choice by reading its official documentation, which is guaranteed to be free, since the developers actually want people to use the program, and it also has the benefit of not containing bad information.

Step-by-step tutorials are fine for beginners or on occasion because they condense a lot of information at a point where you still have everything in the world to learn, but you most certainly don’t need to pay a few hundred dollars for someone to tell you to push a bunch of buttons in a certain order.

To me, the difference between the two is like the difference between the guy who does “game design” and the guy who does programming, art, writing, and sound design, then puts them all together. They are essentially the same thing, but the latter has actually programmed outside of a game engine and actually understands how to work with data, which enables him make games with complex and nuanced mechanics. The first guy releases another platformer about depression every few months.
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also never learn from blender tutorial, watch a tutorial dedocated to a real software, then apply that in blender

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>still cant do shit

i really wanted to make low poly models
but i never like how they turn out
am i just trash at texturing?
i´ve read the main tread and watched loads of tutorials but still feel lost
what am i doing wrong?
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any career advice for newbies? tips to not get filtered and how to network?
You think that you can just jump into modelling while skipping the fundamentals
Learn how to draw. Every good 3d artist knows how to draw
How to learn how to draw? I hate drawing cubes and spheres, this is why I started doing 3d.
not OP
Go on /ic/ and browse through the /beg/, download some books, watch some beginner videos
complete drawabox, then copy bridgeman twice. Every single industry professional has done that.

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Any one able to give me a rundown on what they're like or what your experience was? what programs you used, general usefulness, what to expect, etc.

I'm an employee at the local uni and all classes are 100% free for me. Considering trying some 3d classes, especially for animation because it's easily my weakest point by far. if it's generally a waste of time though I'll just continue with the self taught route. on the other hand, if they aren't a waste I'll definitely consider making 3d my second degree.
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was the impression I got today honestly, all their staff are old as shit too. also they won't let me choose a course despite meeting prereqs, they lock you into a 4 year program with a very inflexible schedule if you want to take anything past introductory courses which is almost impossible if you're working full time already. idk if that's a common thing in this field but that's definitely not how my first degree worked, nor how my current department handles their courses. also they really try to force you into gaming for some reason.

like nigga I just want to get better at rigging and animation. gonna consider sitting in on their intro to animation to see if I can glean anything but yeah I'm just gonna continue down the self taught route I think and just buy a course online or continue subsisting off of youtube videos.
>3d courses at university
'Workflow' is a meme on this board btw

The Waste is your time

>I'm just gonna continue down the self taught route
whatever you do don't restrict yourself to YT. use forums (not this one) and resort to books/courses when needed
>use forums (not this one)
if you're referring to reddit, I'd rather take bad advice here than good advice there.


There's got to be better ways then this, right? I tried checking the 3dmm forums, but the tutorials are as old as the apps they use.

Apparently it's all vertex animations or a sequence of OBJ models, so I'm surprised there's no way to just make those in a modern software and convert them.
The source code is available. If you have the programming chops then you may modify it to your heart's content.
When you want to play musical chairs with different 3d formats sometimes it's a huge pain in the ass. Not until it's the pain in the ass of a genius does an easy solution get made.
Seeing as 3DMM is quite esoteric, it doesn't surprise me that there isn't really a modern and more convenient method for modding it.
You can absolutely make a sequence of OBJ's in vanilla blender.

Or you can grab one of the quake 2/3 model exporters for blender and use that to get vertex animations out that misfit/maverick will open.
>You can absolutely make a sequence of OBJ's in vanilla blender
That's what I'm thinking. From what I read, the format is just a bunch of obj models stringed together, so I'm surprised there's no method to just compile your own.

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>they found out
I was careful. So so careful. I guess it's time to say goodbye to Adobe and learn another software.
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>It is the morally just thing to do not to pay for subscription tactics these companie are using.

perpetual licenses for forever support and updates are unsustainable. F off
>forever support and updates are unsustainable.
So sell versions for a reasonable price and maybe an option for discounted upgrade cost? I can skip paying for all the useless versions between useful versions
>uh chud this is a ILLEGAL PIRATED !!!
Lol,Lmao even, perhaps a LMFAO
>get a proper crack
never had a unlicensed popup ever.
Whyd you let it through the firewall? Thats why. Get the app SimpleWall from Henry++ and thats it.

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>Realize the stuff I been studying for 6 months, would've took me at most a week to learn if I had a mentor.
>Can't have a mentor in art community because people gatekeep their knowledge
>There's a lot of bad artists who try to give people advice, and if you are new, you don't know whether it's good or bad advice.
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Maya Documents also follow the same principles on what you should not do with certain tools. Yes, you can make 0.01cm two sided texture blocks but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be ok.

What you’re saying is something like “it’s ok if art has a knife in my painting because it’s art”. No anon it’s not art, it’s just odd.
you're retarded.
How do I find a mentor? I dont want to copy your homework. I just want somebody to tell me what im fucking up and how I can be better. Prefer to develop my own style than be some copy cat.
You can hire people online

alternatively, you can get groomed on discord and vampirize an older cg artist for free
You can just go to college and actually learn from a professional who helped created many successful characters in our time. My teacher was from Disney who helped animate the characters both in 2D and 3D art. He knows how animation works which is what I learned. There should be someone who knows something you’re doing.

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Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:
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no sorry
quite verbatim what i said is what i meant
if you dont know then dont worry
we will never know

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New year: new progress edition

Previous: >>960932
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She looks like Sailor Moon if she just came out of a car wash.
cris is from colombia, he's usually on >>>/int/lat posting gamedev stuff as well

new thread.
>only Cris threads are hitting bump limit...
Chris chan but for game dev.

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Previous: >>966941
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Something like this? Also, make a new thread. Nobody's going to see these posts if the thread itself is not getting bumped.
A bit too late as I kinda just said fuck it and made it its own object, but yeah that'd do it.

Also, fine...
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A little early to make a new thread, in my estimation. Since it's going to take forever for this one to slide down to page 10. And then forever more to slide from page 10 to deletion.

Anyway, I wanted to post this in the WIP thread, but that one reached the image limit. So I guess this thread is just as well, since it's blender related. I started work on this mega man model as a little low poly UV practice. But now it's moved on to just general practice. Since Mega Man's body is made from a mix of hard and soft surfaces, I can practice hard and organic modelling.
I think I'm going to subdivide the body of the mesh just once. Because it's a little *too* jagged at base to be any good. But I'm trying to keep it simple for now, in order to ensure all the loops are practical. Deleting any unnecessary geometry.

Also, I can practice utilizing anime shaders.
Are any of you familiar with the normal edit modifier? It makes it easy to edit normals. If you set it to "radial", then you can use pretty much any target object you want to edit normals. Since it's only looking at the origin of the object for the center, and then the bounding box surrounding the object for dimension.

So I just placed a few basic round cubes in the face. One for the upper part of the face, one of the bottom part of the face. One for the nose. One for the eyes. One for the bottom lip to get that little shadow. And one for the rounded portion of the helm. Then I made vector groups for them all, so they only affect the areas I want them to affect. Surprisingly, they all gel together really well. The only downside, is I have to make a new modifier for each instance. I can see that getting cluttered. But it's worth it for the effect it creates.
How would you make a stylized skin shader like this?
>A little early to make a new thread, in my estimation.
It's not. It should always be made at the bump limit. The rate of new posts always rises sharply when the thread is getting bumped.

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