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Mumus are trying to trick my out of my position
Nobody gives a fuck about ur tarded positions, you can thank yourself for your retardation.
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>my position
proves nothing

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I feel like this is just gonna make the legit crypto market look bad
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the sad thing is, i doubt trump meant it as a scam
but you know the people who bought in minutes after it was released are going to dump hard for the next 4 years.
its going to be the new XRP
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> no hands posted in the memecoin launch announcement
> scam until proven otherwise

and like that
I am rich again
That's where I just found out about this, have never dealed with Solana before, can I show up with $50?

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the news? trump's inauguration was announced 3 months ago. it isn't news
Isn't that the exact thing you would want for a sell the news event? You're supposed to sell high and buy low.
20k? 16k? 8k? 4k? 3k?
I guess we'll find out soon
Give it no less than 24 hours
there's no fucking news, you dumb faglord
we won the US presidency
our inside guy is literally a bitcoin NFT spammer and the richest guy in the world who holds BTC on his biggest company and is the biggest DOGEcoin whale ever
we're not just gonna kill fiat, we're going to torture you fiatcels to death

there is no cycle anymore, your shitcoins (fiat) will just die
welcome to hell nigger

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Aaaaaand... we're back!
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0.420 USD/DOGE
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why make up gay infighting during times of growth? stop being niggers, make a dtf with doge/pepe/shib/whatever else and diversify together they are all pumping big time anyways.
>b-b-but doge better b-because my dad figure melon says its name every few months! i use reddit and check /r/doge on a daily basis!
>b-b-b-but pepe is the 4chan mascot and an idol! i prioritize retarded bullshit over tangible profits because i'm a sub room temperature IQ mouth breather!!!
be friends we are in this together like it or not
meh, it's over. see you at the next local rally
One of his rockets rained debris over the Caribbean and forced dozens of aircraft to perform evasive maneuvers. There's no way the FAA won't capitalize on this to undermine the new administration.

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The public keys of each and every one of the earliest mined bitcoins are viewable publicly on the blockchain. These keys were created using ECDSA encryption. ECDSA is perfectly fine and pretty much unbreakable with even supercomputers, but it can be cracked with a quantum computer using Shor's algorithm.

Now, almost every wallet is safe from this sort of attack. Only very, very early wallets have this vulnerability. Wallets like Satoshi's wallet, with 1.1 million BTC currently valued at ~$113,853,410,000. Of course this would be easily preventable if Satoshi were still around. Governments, banks, and other institutions will be transitioning to quantum-resistant cryptographic methods over the coming years (they already are). But Satoshi, and many others, can't do that. Those keys are lost and gone, those wallets are set in stone.

In order to compromise those wallets, you'd need a quantum computer far exceeding what we have today. But part of that is the high inaccuracy of quantum computing which necessitates many physical qubits per logical qubit. This is a problem that's already being worked on (big news just 2 days ago), and larger quantum computers are already being developed.
IBM is already planning on creating a 1386 qubit system this year. It's only a matter of time before quantum computers reach that magic number and those wallets are breached. Yes, the scientists working on quantum computers already know all of this.

You will have no warning, the first sign will be those coins moving.
The best you can hope for is Bitcoin forking to a new, quantum resistant variant before this happens. Hope that doesn't crash the price lol.
so...long IBM?
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Stopped reading there. No such thing. Fantasy-quackery masquerading as science. And there are no quantum computers and never will be (anything currently claimed to be a quantum computer is a lie).
Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't real. The clock on your computer is most likely synced to an atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado.

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The dump is gonna be glorious
ok sure
kek give up faggot they're just not selling it. I wanted a better price too but whatever
It'll be a fucking bloodbath once fear kicks in.
Bull better pray that a new ATH is reached in 36 hours.
>wants to catch the knife
you don't have anything to sell bro

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This is the biggest top signal I've ever seen
fiatcels are dying
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I've held off on being a Bobo because Ethereum hasn't reached a new ATH yet. But god damn, this Trump coin thing is the toppiest top signal.

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10k BTC is programmed, isn't it
You're priced out
Newfag detected. Too new to recognize the programmed meme-pasta.

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i only want new, and “official” coins already on cmc or cg. Preferably made in 2025 as those pump the most
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This one gonna go fucking parabolic
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volume's increasing and its been going sideways for a while now
if you cant see whats about to happen you're getting filtered
have you heard of US money supply?

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its over
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trumped moved peeps onto SOL chain
my coin was about to break out and this asshole ruined it
I was wondering why I was up so much today

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Have you guys heard of companies that exist to sue people for vague patents? Patent Trolls, like uniloc, sue small companies and tie them up in court until they go bankrupt. I found out the bitcoin mining company marathon was a patent troll company while doing research.
These companies basically kill innovation to make lawyers rich on fees and companies on settlements.
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Actual patent attorney here. Every plaintiff is a "patent troll" according to assholes who infringe other people's patents.

I've dealt with one legitimate "patent troll", a Chinese idiot who tried to claim he had invented the technology that a whole bunch of legitimate manufacturers had developed years ago. I completely destroyed his patent through filing for reexamination and showing that Microsoft had the tech nearly a decade before the Chinese guy filed his patent applications.

And I guess there was also Craig Wright, who is now on the run from the Bongistani government over his various perjuries.

Meanwhile, Apple is being forced to stop selling some of its watches because of infringement on blood oxygen level sensor tech that was patented by another company, which Apple tried to ignore and stonewall and refuse to pay royalties to.

Overall, the system works just fine.
She really is adorable. 10/10 would waifu.
You’re a parasite and the world would be better off without you
You siphon value from the innovative
they act like patent laws increase productivity but they’re used to keep people poor
Whoever has the best lawyers wins

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>an ad hominem is all you ever reply with
they're not sending their best, ladies and gentlemen
the substance has been debunked a million times already in the past
Wrong, ChatGPT would have referenced it if so. Next attempt
my hero
if that was the case you could easily do that now, but you can't
AI absolutely eviscerated this whole thread

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Which airline offers the best credit card?
the one for the airline you actually fly on. but the jews have set it up so only certain airlines fly certain routes. so unless you only fly routes your airline flies, you're out of luck. and getting status through the card alone is not happening unless you're putting like 100k+ yearly on the card

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Why didn't you buy DOGE, /biz/?
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would it really be that bad if you got a view of a chicks ass while she blows you
I acoomulated a big bag of DOGE below 10 cents and even posted about it here but the newfags on this board told me I was retarded. Thankfully I don't give a shit what r*ddit refugees think, and there were also a couple other based chads acoomulating the king of memes with me. Cheers to you, chads.
Have you virgins never been in a 69 before???
I don't hold Doge personally, but a few points I disagree with:
> You are correct that it's inflationary, but you should compare price vs market cap chart and zoom out to all time. Comparing the total supply to the inflation rate, it hardly does squat to the price. tldr; the inflation rate is so low it doesn't matter
> Yes, the price is heavily contingent on Elon and what he says/does, but also Doge is the ultimate normie coin. That pretty much means it'll AT LEAST 2x from here on the condition that the bullrun continues at least through May.
> To top it off, the price action will ultimately be dictated by what btc does, same goes for all other alts. Just how the game is played.
Why the humilliation ritual when some X-rays can do the job in like a second?

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Silver Wizard Edition

>Why Gold & Silver?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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Buying silver now at $30 is like buying bitcoin at $5,000,000. I appreciate the reminders that silver is very overvalued compared to bitcoin and crypto since those assets have done so poorly recently. With how expensive commodities are in comparison to stocks, real estate and crypto this is just the common sense of buying assets that are ignored and performing terribly compared to others. Those are the ones I buy and wait since the deals are super dooooper compared to the other assets. Also the best thing about silver is it melts into a pile into the trash, while crypto wallets and pass phrases live forever. Got some grams of palladium and some silver today terrible investment. Tiny little bars they are. Also my ethereum is doing fantastic. :D Time for my Floki to pump as well! Happy Friday everyone!

It's amazing how much silver all those new SMR Microreactors Poland is building generates Maybe that's why they are the 2nd largest silver producer behind china
60 billion ounces of supply sitting in warehouses....silver is worthless
What was the final mintage count?
Still wrong.
Pushing Bitcoin + Ethereum While telling not to buy silver. With all these clues it could only be a few options 1. CCP / WEF/ CIA/ Banker shill Since ETH and BTC are both Black Rock backed projects. ETHW - Eth proof-of-work is the same thing but still does mining so why do regular eth?

China doesn't want you to buy silver so they are buying raw ore to sneak around the market and not pump the numbers. If you are saying buying gold and silver is a bad idea then you are calling the CCP stupid and Xi Jinping a bad person...

Also Looks like only COMEX only has 73 million oz of silver that is deliverable. Production is 1bn oz and demand is 1.3bn oz so ~30% deficit... supply is running out. So it would make sense that a foreign government would try to get people to buy digital money and not physical wealth and assets.

The same people who said not to buy Bitcoin at $10, $100 and $27,000 are the same people saying to not buy silver at $30. They have no vison and cant see the future, time to position yourself for the commodity wave and the tariff wars. Have fun paying super taxes on imports and not having silver to build crappy electronics in China. Have fun trying to build nuclear reactors for your data centers without the silver to build them "alternatives" lol cheap imitation.

Also, Palladium/Platinum are critical for the hydrogen powered future. Gotta catch em all - shiny rocks and precious metals. even brass, lead, aluminum, bismuth and zinc are fun to stack since heavy things good and cripples foreign manufacturing.
Be Patriotic, deprive the CCP from silver.

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Trump's pump and dump is causing Bitcoin to crash
Kek, no refunds.
He's going to launch a new coin every month during his term. BTC is dead.
yu call 104k to 103k crash stupid benchod bastard mother fucker? sister bitch dont post again threead
>104k already destroyed and 103k barely holding
yeah it's over this time. kek at retards who fell for this inauguration scamwick

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder
[Kek Melvies]bzilp4

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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Nice to see real threads up for once.
sold at $30. will buy back at $20
What are the best blue chips to reinvest in after moass?
ps: under no circumstance do a bang bang wagluigi cause that is just very bad and not good at all.

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>Finance Expert Says Those Predicting XRP Will Hit $100 Have Undiagnosed Mental Disabilities

>Rajat Soni
Real valuation is somewhere 10c.
so I got scammed when I bought for 20c?
guess I'll just hold to zero so nobody knows how retarded I am

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This is my 3rd bullrun. I'm getting too old for this shit. Can't move like I used to. I've bought and sold more coins than I can remember. I've ridden the highest highs and the lowest lows. Not sure if I can make it through to the end of this one, lads. Knees weak, arms are heavy. Vomit on my sweater already. Go on without me, this time...
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How tf is ink chain saving your portfolio? The top coins are like 2M mc. Don’t get me wrong, I sent a few k to ink chain too cause being early is how you win… but so far it hasn’t done anything to save a portfolio worth bragging about
So glad I DCA and HODL, timing markets sounds mentally exhausting
>third bullrun
>shills shitcoins
I don't buy it
i got in 2 weeks ago and scooped up some fat stacks early
cool now tell me your story so i don't buy it
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Don't give up grandpa!
We need your wisdom!

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