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The rich are finally going to have to pay their fair share. Huge W for the people. Fat cats absolutely seething.
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that was in addition to other taxes, and you got nothing from the church. At least your lord, supposedly, was protecting you.
>buy thing
>"that thing has now gone up in value, you owe us money"
This is the best way to disincentivise those who actually stimulate economic growth and allow us to live in the society we do. If it's so fucking easy to make money, why don't these lefties who love high taxes go and become billionaires themselves they they can give all their own money away.
Don't worry, the goyim will not understand
Everyone here hating on this just shows how easy it is to brainwash peasants into loving their chains. All taxes on rich people do hurt them and transfer money from the rich to the poorer classes, as seen in the smaller wealth inequality in european countries. Absolutely deranged how brainwashed people in this thread are.

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$14.88 Stablecoin
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That's what you get for holding that shit relentlessly
all of bz fucking told you to not buy more and just hold that and focus on other shit but nooo muh $13 cheapie will hit 15 soon uwu
get real bruh
I can hear this image honestly
>they've both had 100x's, they are the same!
Brainlet post of the year: 2024
just like those jehovav witnesses
you start being somewhat unique, then you turn just like the rest of them. Fucking sadge honestly
Is it better to 100x on ETH than LINK?

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>gf says "our Bitcoin"
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Bitcoin is such a broad. Owned by everyone and traded around. Whore!
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>are you winning son?
He's trying too hard to fit in. That's why it feels corny.

No feedback btw.
a real shame no one in my """family""" is chill like this and living overseas. being born in a trashy family truly is the biggest fuck you god could ever provide.
poorfags always give the %, never the $.

Chainlink's looking to solve the BTC scalability problem. Uh oh.
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bitcoin will die the day they do that. Highly unlikely they would say yes to a proposal like that
well transaction fees alone won't sustain the mining network so they gotta do something
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At some assuming there's global nation state adoption, various countries would likely set up their own mining operations which would obviously be funded from tax payers, so it would probably just be tax payer subsidized mining to keep the network secure, even if it means mining at a loss. Hell if Bitcoin becomes the official currency, there could even be official (bitcoin miner taxes) and what not that people that use bitcoin would be obligated to pay the state to cover such tings, aka taxes to pay bitcoin miners, not taxes on bitcoin miners.
At some point*
Verification still needed

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Does anyone else have financial OCD? I feel like everytime I spend anything I feel bad about it even the tiniest amount like a cup of coffee (to the point that my family and friends have pointed me out about my frugality). Also the thought of people giving me a treat (i.e. buying me stuff) really puts me off because in my mind i feel like im oweing them and that i should repay them one way or another. I recently got a huge paying job and due to expenses and debts i've used 2/3rd of it and that just gives me nightmare, that i'm gonna spend all of it without saving any.

How to get rid of that feeling?
get rich (no need to wagecuck)
how rich are we talking that i don't have to worry about anything anymore? hookers and blow everyday?
i dont know, 10 million?
I would be chilling with 2, 1 million house, 1 million invested on SP500 or something, and withdraw 3% every year.
yes. The more capital I get the more I try to reduce running costs. Which has become pretty much impossible without giving up on basic necessities like shelter or food
I'm seriously considering stealing food, because the probability of getting caught are rather low and can be lowered, and the saved costs should outweigh the costs of getting caught eventually

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iExec has already been chosen by Vitalik, EEA, NVIDIA, and Intel.

Why are you going all-in on unknown AI projects? The answer has always been right in front of you. Come home, Oiler.
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>F R E N C H



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Good buy?
Ocean is based. As for what's coming up, I've got my eye on Peaq and Supra.
NAI was just launched about a week ago; still a low cap but with very huge potentials. Dyor
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I smell a curry boy

So at what point does the fed step in and start cutting rates? Are they going to wait until GDP is negative and we're in a full blown recession?
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The US thought holding the financial levers was enough to control the world, and exported its industrial base to a hungrier, more motivated country.
It has realised far too late that the financial levers aren't as powerful as it thought. Freezing Russia's FX reserves showed the world how actively it would try to manufacture outcomes with its apparently neutral tools.
The harder the US squeezes the more the world will just move outside its system.
The bureaucracy that has come to control the US has no capacity to save itself. You need strong, red blooded men building factories and weapons but you've spent the last 30 years telling those men to sit down and shut up.
It's literally over.
The Fed doesn’t care about GDP. They look at Core CPI and unemployment
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Dullard. The Fed's job is to force nominal growth at almost any cost as nominal growth allows risk free capital return, this is the mechanism behind oligarchical parasitism. Earnings ratios have ballooned over the decades from monetary expansion, not declining rates, declining rates were merely the vehicle for monetary expansion. Real rates are always negative to zero under debt based fiat, 2022 was the bottom, all the money printed during the scamdemic is still here, earning 5% interest (printed into existence through deficit spending), waiting to flow back larger than ever
>Graph note: The Fed stopped reporting Institutional Money Market Funds as a separate series in 2020, hence ((Total MMF/1000)-Retail MMF's) as Total MMF's is given in millions of millions instead of thousands of billions and Retail is already included in m2
They will never say we are in a recession again, no matter what the numbers say.
Faggot, the Fed’s dual mandate is stable prices and maximum employment.

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Day 1007 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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Come on show me 55k so I can get some more at a low price.
wow i don't get kawaii fanfic about our relationship - i've been with you longer than mumenanon. my watch ends here
There's not a whole lot to build on from the word cute alone. Tell me what you dream of for yourself, for us. Let's do some worldbuilding together.
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how are NIO bagholders coping?

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>blackrock and hbar link up
>edf and hbar link up
>hbar chads stay winning
crypto incels seethe
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no fud ser
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>500b aum mEaNs NoThInG
Kys incel. BR linked up with hbar and your dogshit token will fade to obscurity
fuck off, hbar retards. we're not falling for ur fake news.
Fake, Hebrew Hashbag scammed you.

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when will the fucking market capitulate so we can move on from this crab market
I hate to tell you this but typically post halving it's like 6-12 months of crabbing and then a quick rise over a few months. Crab mode is not going anywhere.
market will crash if recessino
Recession has been talked about for what 3 years now?
yeah but what if it crashes with rates going low as it did 100% of times since 2000

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Who else is just holding? I haven't touched any of my wallets since 2021. They're all off exchanges, so all funds are safu.
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when btc gets to 100k, dont care if it gets to 200k, I'm tapping out at 100k
Future you is gonna rope
justa fed free man
If the stack is big enough, then there's a plausible price at which one will "make it."
So the first strategy is to wait for that price, sell everything, and be done.
However, some folks prefer to keep some exposure, either because they believe the long term trend is up and they want exposure to it, or because they see crypto as a hedge against various SHTF scenarios.
Those folks will wait until selling half their stash triggers their "make it" requirement, sell that, and keep the other half.
That's what I did a few years back.
One interesting possibility there is that I can plan to do it again. I can pick another target price (let's say $400K) and wait to see if it hits, at which point I'd sell half of my half again. And then pick the next target price.
Another way to think about this is that I'm more or less rebalancing my crypto/fiat ratio every few years.
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nice shill jeet, no one realized you are getting paid to talk about your shitcoin bullshit. Instead of buying that crap everyone should wait for $LRDS.

God told me he will not allow me to make it because I would go mad with power.
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Dont let kratos hear you.
Well... it actually makes sense.
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who would win in a fight
fortnite kratos or nordic kratos
im notjoking literally 92.5% of everyone in this thread is a crintgeredditor
PLEASE go back sweeties!

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I'm brand new to crypto - just started about a week ago. Yesterday I saw pic related in "top movers" on Coinbase at like -40%. It was a brand new token, less than a day old. I bought $100 while it was down. It kept dumping and my 100 went down to 80 or less. Today it's pumping and I'm actually making money. I haven't seen anything about it here in the limited time I've been lurking. Is anyone else investing in this token or have thoughts about it?

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>the post halving golden bull run has just begun and /biz/ is still the slowest board on 4chan
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Watch your back before you get rugged, Anon. There are still some solid projects out there, like WECO, QAN, and CTI, with some serious potential compared to these memes.
As we mark the post-halving era, it's evident that crypto is here to stay. Instead of gambling on random shitcoins, I prefer to wait for Brillionfi to go live.
we became /bizant/ine generals and moved to /bant/
bumble stove knight robot stuff disco hubris bicep novel piano basket light
They're also gonna keep earning passively from MapMetrics, which recently ditched Solana to jump onto another L1-specific focused blockchain.

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get to it, fuck!!!!
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why the fuck why are you guys are screaming this is supposed to be a serious thrad about busisenenenneneENBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJHEJHE
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BIZ seriously can fucking amaze me sometimes.
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Truflation is inaccurate due to using faulty oracles (Chainlink)

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It's dumping again...
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Anon you mean buy QAN
This. A fool cries during a dump, a wise man buys.
I'm flipping SOL for METIS and QAN.
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Buy the dip anon. If you're not holding any one of RWA tokens you're completely lost like chelsea
I'd rather buy tokens based on machine RWA narratives. The bulk of RWAs will be dominated by machines, devices, and robots.

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central banks are tightening the money supply and you still think the normies are coming?
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Last one was some seriously strong copium. Thanks.
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kill yourself my man
>AI drug discovery

Awww now I need to install that shit

OG max payne is the best max payne

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So was this a meme coin all threads about XRP vanished was it all Indians spammers?

Any idea what happened was it all a scam?
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their baggie cult moved to /bant/ along with several others
I never saw these so called "Indian scam coins" everyone keeps talking about. Technically all these obamadogesonic420 shitcoins are going to zero eventually and the same coins that were talked about before email verification are talked about now.
>Maybe the real scamcoins were the /biz/natches we met along the way...
yes a coin that's been in the top 7 for over 12 years is a scam token
I'm a cripple holder but even I find it hilarious that the general straight up died


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How do you guys sleep easy with the market crabbing, work more than 6 hours and even have a life? the halving didn't do much and at this point I just fear for my retardio
I can no longer sleep for more than 4 hours, has using sleeping pills helped anyone?
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i sleep aight
since i dont put all my life saving on this shit
but i also spend using my head, i know whats work it and whats not at the moment
for now ill keep waiting and learning more AI stuff and await more news coming from TAU and other services
one day faggot
one day ill reign supreme
mark my words
way ahead of you, i already invested and traded with agrs
come back when you have 20k at hand
get out of crypto you dumb pussy , it doesnt work out for scared overleveraged faggots. just go wage at mcdonalds and invest in the s+p 500
During last bullrun I held a coin that did multiple(!) 50+% retracements from local top during its run, the steepest being close to 90% bleeding for months after which it did a 30x. So this shit doesnt phase me anymore. Of course i was a dumbass so hardened by this that I didn't sell when we went into the bear but that's how it goes
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i usually can't sleep properly mostly because i've always been kind of a night owl (which is a cute term to say i have severe insomnia) but nowadays i sleep "well" knowing the halve's pump aaalways takes at least a few months to kick in. of course it did nothing, it's been less than a few weeks lol you are being impatient. netted my btc and some alts - truf, ondo, bnb, link (staking) and all i gotta do now is sit back and relax.

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