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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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You need to have a reason for people to talk to you or be interested in you. Cosplay is a good way to do that. Or be a photographer as an in to initiate conversation.
I've been considering taking my daughter to her first convention at the end of the month. It'd be less cosplaying on our part and more just letting her look at other people dressed up - she's 2 years old and loves people watching and well behaved in crowds (obviously if I did this I'd stick to wandering the halls with her by me/in my arms at all times, no panels or anything). Is this a bad idea? I'm on the fence about it so it's not a big deal if so.
You must initiate if you have no cosplay.

If you have a cosplay, and if its good, you can walk around saying nothing while people tell you how good you look.
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Something necessary if a bit hypocritical: when you see any of the following posts DO NOT engage or take at face value
>No one makes friends at conventions anymore
>You have no chance of ever getting laid / with anyone who isn't ugly
>People are always so cold / only wanna talk for a minute
>Everyone will avoid you unless you're with a group
All either demoralizing types who never go outside, or more likely, a total skill issue that's being cast as some hard universal truth
Most of these things seem like universal truths in the Canadian cons that I've went to. People are just cold to me. Guess its the autism, noone wants to add a socially retarded male to the group. I do try though

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There hasn't been one, which is good, but I want to ask who is going to the gooner con Waifu/Kimochii con and what thoughts you have on it and the loss of A-kon
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Fort Worth broke them.
I don't know who was out there telling you A-kon was an example of how things should run because it's never been that. A-kon had been a mess for years and years but the difference is thst they actually tried to do something to change. Obviously it wasn't enough.

okashi posted their ticket prices for the tea party. which is a brunch mixer? $75 plus fees and not announcing anything on goodies yet, anyone going??
success and competency are unrelated in the world of anime cons. location and timing is the only thing that matters. that's why socal can have two dozen anime cons a year.
dfw is filled with rednecks that couldn't follow a subtitled anime to save their life. that's the reason anime fails there.
Okashicon needs to just fully die already.

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I've seen Black dude cosplaying varied character but not Black woman, is it due to their lack of representation?.
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Lose weight.
I don't get where you got that from. You are mental.
Well I don't give a shit what fat internet coomers have to say about me so that sounds like a you problem if you do. It's called SELF-esteem stop letting others dictate it for you.
This isn’t a thing, take your meds. You bitches are so catty and hateful toward your fellow bitches that they had to make an anti-vendetta rule here.
MJ famously disliked jewish people, it’s probably a mockery.

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Is Otakuthon going to be as crowed as last year?
Sometimes you could miss getting in a panel/workshop because there were too many people already in line.
I'm not a betting man but yeah, it will be
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Is there a 2hu meetup this year?

I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.

No social media attention whores trying to get clout
Not overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throat

Just nerds nerdin' out
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This reminds me, I miss the old badge holders with paper badges in them. You could stash your room key and some cash or a debit card in them when wearing a cosplay with nowhere else to put anything, or stick some extra "flair items" inside the badge holder for fun. You can't do that with the modern "hard card" badges that just clip directly onto the lanyard.
I also attended a con recently that didn't even have badges at all, just wristbands, custom-made fabric ones but still lame in comparison.
Having some random merch called "yaoi paddles" and having half the panels dedicated to sexuality are very different things. When I say there was less LGBT shit I don't mean a few off items or the presence of actual people in that community, I mean the programming of cons itself.
you're delusional, i went to otakon for the first time in 2006 and it was basically a fucking yaoi-fest. you couldn't turn a corner without seeing Gravitation. i don't think the amount of LGBT shit has changed, i just think the format in which it is presented is different. gay shit had more of a "^_^ teehee" vibe back then
Was a mixed bag, but in retrospect I much prefer earlier cons.
It was a bunch of weird fuckers getting together in a borderline uncontrolled environment to do cringy shit.
While there were far fewer thots back then, it was much more degenerate. Like holy shit levels of degenerate. Especially in the early days of hotelroom parties shit was basically a swinger meetup. I have a bunch of stories that are bordering on unbelievable.

These days, everything is cleaner, neater and better organized. Tell someone in 2003 you have a high quality, accurate sub collection of anime and he'll call you a liar - show him some Jap figurines and he'll shit his pants.
Nowadays, most cons are 60% relatively high quality but generic vendors.

Also cons were much more fucking dangerous. Not just because of the people, but also because of the nonexistant controls. I member a dude brought a crossbow, and dared people to shoot shit from their hands / off their heads. Not even kidding.
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>gay shit had more of a "^_^ teehee" vibe back then
Yes, exactly, and that's how it should be. These events exist as places to have FUN, not get on a soapbox about how great you are for supporting xyz causes
>Gay panel about being gay
Fuck off
>Gay panel (actually) about anime
More power to ya

I don't dare so much as hint at my homo inclinations at conventions cause it's so annoying to deal with. I'd imagine it's somehow more bearable to discuss in a lefty Protestant church

Previous thread: >>10902439
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the skips or you may be thinking of fancy a la mode who collab with the skips for their keychains and other acrylic things
This is probably kind of a wild question, but I found this image of looks to be maybe a casual lolita at a restaurant in my cookbook.
I was curious if anyone could clock the dress out of curiosity.

Looks like it's a Taobao dress, maybe, from the shape and styling. The generic bodice print feels like it, but the shape could be Emily Temple Cute.

It's not that important but it is always fun to see your hobbies show up places.
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Dropped pic.
I bought two pairs of Jane Marple OTKs and one pair of Meta ankle socks. The OTKs were really hard to put on, very tight and couldn't get them past my knee. The ankle socks felt a lot stretchier and more comfortable, though I can't say for sure whether I would be able to wear a pair of OTKs with the same ease. It sucks because I heard JM was fairly tallita-friendly, but I guess not big calf-friendly.
How is Meta (and other brands) usually in terms of socks? Particularly want to know about Emily Temple Cute as well, I love their socks but I'm worried the same thing will happen with them.
Does anyone actually own any of the 3 angelic pretty x GLB wigs

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manifest coolness with the colors of water
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best one in the whole thread
does anyone know why it’s called saxophone blue in the first place? i want a history lesson.

Its a blue dye from the place called Saxony, its not that deep but Japanese often take and then keep using terms we phase out.

I know it's 2 months away, but I don't have anything else to look forward to, anybody else in the same boat? I've got a Marriott Marquis room, a couple of friends, and a few cosplays I haven't worn yet. What can I do to have the most fun there?
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How bad can I expect the Flow line to be if I don't have a VIP pass? Is there a real risk of not getting in at all?
Nah, actually getting in the building once you've already done reg is perfectly fine.
The con that has 3 video rooms and only shows old shit with no debuts that aren't new dub releases cares about anime? Not so sure about that one chief. If you want to go sit in poorly executed panels and get turned around in lines because of panel caps then sure, go to Otakon.
The red shirts poke around in your bag for like 2 seconds with a wooden spoon. If you go in through the Marriott they barely even check had no problems going in and out with a ton of camera gear last year.
I'm glad he's still alive after all these years.

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Asuka Cosplays
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Still here?
Yeah add again
that cute little tooth gap makes me wanna fuck the shit outta her
Thigh gap too

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Long live the King.

Old thread lasted like 8 months. Go team and our complete lack of anything going on of note.

Weathers warming up, hope you’ve been working on stuff over winter for the new season.

Cons listed not endorsed. Just copy pasta from 1st search for UK anime cons.

Manchester Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 6-7, 2024 Sugden Sports Centre
Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 13-14, 2024 Cardiff Students' Union
Portsmouth Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 20-21, 2024 Portsmouth Marriott Hotel
Japan Fest Welcomes Asia 2024 May 4, 2024 Cromford Mills

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how do you know where after-parties are at cons? Do you have to get invited or something
I'm using insta as my main social media to make friends with cosplayers
most trade shows don’t have official ones, so if you don’t know about it, you aren’t invited.

social events just have the parties in their schedule, you know the one you get when you get your badge
>most trade shows don’t have official ones,
As an addendum, if they DO have one, you probably don't wanna go and there's nothing to gain from it
So I've been out of the conscene for a little while but I'm going to Kita next month, so what's the current conspiracy theory about Kita?
They are the deep state and invented Covid to destabilise the west in order to bring in a Totalitarian regime after a great reset when they realised how compliant the general public was after the lockdowns. The committee literally want you to eat the bugs and live in pods. But you’ll get to watch ya boy kongming occasionally and dance to running in the 90s.

Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
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Been a number of reports of people having their reservations at the Kalahari cancelled because of "overbooking". They're offering rooms at another hotel and including water park passes. Anyone that is staying there might want to keep an eye on their emails.
I saw in the official FB group that whoever runs the CCE account (con chair?) posted "we have conveyed to them that they need to do more to help make things right".
That was just absolutely fucking adorable. Oh honey, Kalahari management knows you're a bunch of fucking pushovers, and you'll eat whatever shit they shovel in your mouth. They'll do absolutely nothing, and you'll bend over and take it with a smile.
I think it's pretty much common knowledge that Colossalcon management has basically zero say in anything anymore. I don't know why they're trying to talk big when they know Kalahari management will literally laugh and tell them tough shit.
Where are these reports? I don't see anything on the CCE or Prime FB page, nor is there anything on Twitter. This is an image board, it wouldn't kill you to post screenshots.
NTA, but I just checked the CCE FB group page, and literally the first post in the feed was about this. You aren't looking very hard anon.
I recall seeing people posting about this topic there last week as well. They're using the term "isolated incident" in the email, but it seems to be....not that isolated, considering the number of people that said it happened to them.
Post it then, samefag. Jesus Christ you people are on a fucking image board.
Anon has a point I can't see any kind of problems looking at their facebook page but I also don't have an account

Old >>10874898
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she chopped off her boobs
fucking doctor should be sentenced to death
I wish I knew
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What's the best community? If you could just magically wake up already living in the city with the comm of your choice, where would it be and why?

Are there any comms that you feel are too far gone and better left given up on to dissolve by their own internal squabbling?
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the community has been overtook by fat EATAS and trannies. The golden age of Lolita is gone.
Disgusting. Maybe 2-3 good ones, the others are trash.
in late but I hope this worked out in your favour anon, you have every right to see your friends privately at your house and your idea was cute
what I'm taking from this is that you either have to be fat or have some sort of mental illness like borderline or histrionic in order to be into this style. am I wrong?
This gives me hope. I'm from the valley and want to move home someday, and I was a little bummed to give up my active community.

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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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a few weeks ago me and another cosplayer i was just taking pics with were approached by 4 drunk men who obviously were not even into cosplay or anime. They asked if they could take photos with us and we just sorta agreed but they were really weird.

Apart from that its usually just boomers taking photos without asking and lots of catcalling.
I remember going to a con in the mid 2000's where they had to ban yaoi paddles because too many girls going around smacking male cosplayers asses and trying to force male cosplayers to kiss and hump for their amusement. They also had to make a rule where you had to use the correct restroom regardless of who you were cosplaying as, because too many female cosplayers were dressing as male characters and going into the men's bathrooms to roleplay as men having gay sex.

Yeah, men can be creepers plenty of the time, but in my experience it's usually the women who are the real degenerates.
she literally did porn. everyone fapped to it when this image started appearing. she was a grade a whore and old and ugly now.
They were cosplaying as nip salarymen after a shift.
they were actually football fans but perverted salaryman will be my next cosplan

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How is the Bōsōzoku, tokkō-fuku jacket called?
Im looking for a shorter (not cloak) plain one, without embroidery. Photos for reference.
bump for interest
I believe you're talking about sukajan

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